View Full Version : It's anti-American and paranoid to think the govt may oppress you

midnight rambler
8th April 2013, 07:33 AM
Yeah Joe, it will never happen here, we're better than that -


midnight rambler
8th April 2013, 07:35 AM
Big surprise, Joe is a member of Z tribe.

I'm tellin' ya - the collectivist rats are on a roll.

Twisted Titan
8th April 2013, 08:25 AM
TIME Magazine's Joe Klein appeared on Chris Matthews' weekend show Sunday, where he asserted that it is "crap" and "anti-American" to think the government might become oppressive.

"...What do they need all those bullets for? I guess they just don't feel very strong," he began, laughing as he argued that we have become a "lot more wimpy" as a country because "these gun advocates at the NRA want these semi-automatic weapons

What does Isreal need all those nukes for?

No other nation in the ME even has one much less over 300 plus at last whispered count.

Unless Isreal is a whimpy country that is

midnight rambler
8th April 2013, 08:50 AM
"...What do they need all those bullets for?"

For a brief moment (only a flash really) I thought he was referring to DHS.

8th April 2013, 08:53 AM
he asserted that it is "crap" and "anti-American" to think the government might become oppressive

What do you mean, "might"? Ask any one of the number of folks rotting in a jail cell for ingesting a plant if their government is oppressive.

Twisted Titan
8th April 2013, 09:39 AM
"...What do they need all those bullets for?"

In a twist of the old maxim: if you done nothing wrong, you dont have anything to hide.

If you dont plan on doing anything wrong to me, The amount of bullets i have dont matter.

Celtic Rogue
8th April 2013, 10:42 AM
I expect that patriotism will be called a mental illness and of course all firearms will be taken away a a safety to the children and the community! /sarc just in case someone couldnt see the sarcasm!

8th April 2013, 10:46 AM
He must not be from round these parts and familiar with that whole July 4th thingy.

8th April 2013, 11:31 AM
Anyone who believes their government might oppress them is subject to government oppression.

Hatha Sunahara
8th April 2013, 01:48 PM
Anyone who believes their government might oppress them is subject to government oppression.

That is soooo Orwellian.


General of Darkness
8th April 2013, 01:52 PM
They should tell that too the people of St. Louis the Army experimented on without their knowledge and the guys on the USS Liberty and could go on and on and on.
