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8th April 2013, 01:28 PM
With the jewsmedia beating the war drums one can only think trouble is coming....
However the slant eyed little fvk wont even go the bathroom without Chinas approval. So we know whos' pulling the strings-China. Now, WHY? what do they hope to gain or what are they diverting our attention from? Any input?

8th April 2013, 01:45 PM
"Why you bweakin' m'bawws Hans? I got no weapons'a'mass d'struction Hans!"

An inflamed North Korea helps the dollar and the United States above all others. This is loser for the Chinese who are positioning themselves to be the next superpower. They don't want North Korea pissing on their grand pans by starting a war and giving the United States de facto legitimacy to throw it's weight around along the Pacific rim. We have had one crisis after another: Greece, Cyprus, Korea. The biggest beneficiary has been the US dollar, the last refuge for a troubled unstable world. And gold.....what's that?

8th April 2013, 01:48 PM
There's an angle. I am of the opinion that there needs to be a distraction to prevent sheeple from looking at the economy. They need a new scary bad guy.

A couple of articles I read recently on N.K. All from the same site with some selected quotes.

Behind the North Korean Crisis (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34531.htm)

DB: I do get the feeling that the U.S. foreign policy is at least in part predicated on keeping a divide between the North and the South.

CH: Let’s go back to history. You nailed it. Since the inception of something called North Korea and South Korea, the U.S. has been instrumental throughout. If you go back to 1945, you see that scarcely three days after the bombing of Nagasaki, two junior U.S. army officers, Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel retired to a small room armed with nothing more than a National Geographic map of the Korean peninsula, through which, in a 30-minute session, with absolutely no consultation of any Korean, divided the Korean peninsula. This division of the Korean peninsula at the 38th parallel into north and south, and the creation of a southern government, had no popular legitimacy.

North Korea had a very long anti-colonial history relative to the Japanese. What was created is a divided system in which one in three Korean families at that time were separated. So a kind of state is visited on the Koreans who were colonized by the Japanese and were not a war aggressor during WW II. What this eventually assured is that there would be a civil war of national unification that would be fought by both sides, the North and South.

That tension has hurt U.S. purposes. The U.S. claims that it is doing all these very provocation actions, the stealth bombers, etc, because it needs to give a show of support to its South Korean ally. But of course, this fundamentally misunderstands history and the fact that the U.S., from the beginning, has exploited the division for its own geopolitical advantage.

DB: What do we know about what is happening in the South? Is there a grassroots movement that includes unity and shows concern for this kind of U.S. hegemony in the region?

CH: Absolutely. The specter of a nuclear war and a U.S. nuclear strike against North Korea would not just impact those people who live above the 38th parallel. It would inevitably impact the rest of the peninsula, environmentally, and in every way. These are two countries that are very much tied through families, communities, etc. This is an unimaginable outcome.

When the South Korean people have been polled as to which country they think is the greater threat, the United States or North Korea, they point to the United States. In the South, as well as in the North, 60 years represents a full lifetime. …

South Korean progressive activists have said “We had 60 years of a war system.” 2013 will be the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Korean War armistice that brought the Korean War to a temporary halt, but did not end the Korean War. After six decades of a war system, they have said 2013 is the first year of Korean peace. We’ve had 60 years of war, and we are inaugurating a new era of peace.

Heaven forbid the U.S. continues its strategy for de-nuclearizing North Korea. North Korea believes that nuclear power is the basis of its sovereignty. Heaven forbid that the U.S., rather than finding a way of co-existing with North Korea, actually deploys nuclear power to stop nuclearization. That would be the greatest irony of all.

Putting the Squeeze on North Korea (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34514.htm?utm_source=ICH%3A++Washington%27s +Plan+to+Provoke+North+Korea&utm_campaign=FIRST&utm_medium=email)

Interestingly enough, India and Pakistan tested nuclear weapon-capable ballistic missiles at around the time of North Korea’s failed satellite launch on April 12, 2012. [6] The Indian and Pakistani missiles did not carry satellites; these were purely military tests, a fact which did not perturb the Obama Administration. Criticism was reserved for North Korea alone, while in regard to India’s test, U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner merely noted that the U.S. has a “very strong strategic and security partnership with India.” [7] Following Pakistan’s launch, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland’s only comment was, “What’s most important is that they do seem to have taken steps to inform the Indians.” [8] These mild remarks contrasted with the vociferous abuse poured upon North Korea for its non-nuclear capable missiles carrying satellites.

Since the April ballistic missile launches, India and Pakistan have continued their tests, including India’s test of a nuclear-capable ballistic missile fired from underwater, part of its program to develop submarine-based nuclear missiles. [9] India conducted its underwater ballistic missile test on January 27, only a few days after the UN Security Council imposed sanctions on North Korea for putting a satellite into orbit.

When North Korea launched its satellite, India condemned the launch as “unwarranted,” and termed it an action adversely impacting peace and stability. [10] That same day, India test fired its nuclear-capable Agni-I ballistic missile, again without complaint by the U.S. [11] And just days after passage of the UN Security Council resolution against the DPRK, Japan put two spy satellites into space, both aimed at North Korea. [12] Not surprisingly, these missile launches evoked no complaint from U.S. officials.
Washington’s “Playbook” on Provoking North Korea (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34523.htm?utm_source=ICH%3A++Washington%27s +Plan+to+Provoke+North+Korea&utm_campaign=FIRST&utm_medium=email)

A few days ago, the Pentagon deployed two advanced F-22 warplanes to South Korea, also part of the ‘play-book’ plan to intimidate Pyongyang.

According to Entous and Barnes, the White House knew that the North Koreans would react by threatening to retaliate against the United States and South Korea.

8th April 2013, 01:51 PM
the kenyan announces the budget and his new taxing schemes on wednesday.

the korean is saying wednesday is the big day for diplomats to not be safe anymore and something might happen.


8th April 2013, 02:01 PM
Helps keep Japan's woes off of the headlines too.

8th April 2013, 02:38 PM
Hmmm...the only thing im am CERTAIN of is, if something does happen- emf/nuke scenario the only thing we can rule out 100% will be the official story. Interesting scenario being played out here, nero is out golfing, nukes are poised to srtike and all out troops are busy "looking for bin laden" in the middle east! What a fvf fest!!

8th April 2013, 03:08 PM
The only thing I'm brain storming over is that damn treasure! NK, the US and the whole lot of those scum can kiss my happy ass, it ain't like we have a choice in what they may or may not do and if they decide to bring it, so be it.

8th April 2013, 06:06 PM


Laugh track

Series creators Larry Gelbart (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Gelbart) and Gene Reynolds (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Reynolds) wanted M*A*S*H broadcast without a laugh track (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laugh_track) ("Just like the actual Korean War (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korean_War)", Gelbart remarked dryly), but CBS (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CBS) rejected the idea. By season two, a compromise had been reached, whereby the producers were allowed to omit the laugh track during operating room scenes if they wished. As a result, few scenes in the operating room contain laughter.

Korean War made a lot of money for the jews running American teevee. They probably already have a new teevee series and movie half-made for this next Korean War.


9th April 2013, 10:06 AM
Well it's the 10th in Korea.

Norks are supposed to test ballistic missiles. They are going to shoot them over Japan. Japan set up some patriot missile batteries around Tokyo.



9th April 2013, 11:18 AM

9th April 2013, 11:48 AM
Exclusive: U.S. and North Korea held secret meeting in March (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/04/09/exclusive_us_and_north_korea_held_secret_meeting_i n_march)

Posted By Josh Rogin (http://www.foreignpolicy.com/author/Josh%20Rogin) http://www.foreignpolicy.com/images/091022_meta_block.gif Tuesday, April 9, 2013 - 2:08 PM http://www.foreignpolicy.com/images/091022_meta_block.gif http://www.foreignpolicy.com/images/091022_more_icon.gif Share (http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20)

A top State Department official met with a top representative of the North Korean government in New York in March, The Cable has learned.

Clifford Hart, the State Department's special envoy to the now-defunct six-party talks, met North Korea's deputy ambassador to the United Nations Han Song-ryol in mid-March, just before North Korea began its latest string of provocative statements and actions, diplomatic sources said. The meeting was done through what's known in diplomatic circles as the "New York channel," the most common method of direct communication between Washington and Pyongyang.

No real progress was made during the meeting and no new offers were made by the U.S. officials present, the sources said. The U.S. side simply reiterated the administration's call for North Korea to avoid provocative actions as well as its offer for a return to diplomacy if North Korea recommitted to fulfilling its international obligations and pursuing a path of denuclearization. The North Korean side simply agreed to communicate that information back to Pyongyang.

For outside experts critical of the Obama administration's current approach to North Korea, which is based on the principle of "strategic patience," or waiting for Pyongyang to change its calculus and rejoin multilateral talks, the meeting is only the latest indication that the administration's policy is stagnant.

"Unfortunately, the New York channel, which in the past was an important communications link between Pyongyang and Washington, appears to have become a place where boilerplate talking points are exchanged," former nuclear negotiator Joel Wit told The Cable. "It's especially disappointing given the ongoing crisis which puts a premium on candid communication to avoid misunderstanding and to find a diplomatic off-ramp from the current tense situation."

Most recently, the New York channel was used to warn the State Department (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2013/02/12/state_department_north_korea_warned_us_about_nuke_ test) just before North Korea tested a nuclear bomb for the third time in February. North Korea is expected to test a medium-range ballistic missile as early as Wednesday and another warning could come to the Obama administration via North Korea's representative office at the U.N.

A former U.S. official who worked on North Korea in past administrations described how the New York channel works in an interview with The Cable just after the last nuclear test.

"It's been the main channel of communication between the North Korean government and the U.S. government. We don't have any other channels we use," the official said.

Han, the main official who runs the New York channel, also represented North Korea at two unofficial meetings with U.S. interlocutors in 2012 that were reported by The Cable, one in Singapore (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/16/north_korea_threatens_to_reconsider_2005_agreement _with_us) and one in Dalian, China (http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/10/15/north_korea_rebuffs_us_at_secret_meeting_in_china) . Hart attended both of those meetings.

The State Department declined to comment on the March New York meeting, in keeping with its past reticence to discuss the New York channel.
"They're afraid of their shadows," the former official said. "It's like ‘No one can know we are actually communicating with these people because they are bad.'"

Secretary of State John Kerry will visit China, South Korea, and Japan later this week. A senior administration told (http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/04/07/kerry-to-seek-diplomatic-off-ramp-for-north-korea/) CNN that Kerry will try to present a diplomatic path out of the crisis during his trip.

At Tuesday's State Department briefing, Spokesperson Patrick Ventrell declined to say whether there have been any communications with Pyongyang through the New York channel since March.

"Well, you know we have a channel of communications. I don't have anything specifically to read out about that. But the channel remains open as necessary," he said.

9th April 2013, 12:07 PM
Alex Jones just posted an interview with a Dr. Peiczork (?spelling - wierd Polish name) that sounded very authoritative. Basically, this is all kabuki theatre being engineered by China and the USA for reasons unclear. Bt according to this doctor, North Korea is not a threat and the entire country subsists on food aid from the USA and orders from Beijing. Kim Un is purportedly the classic figurehead and clueless to boot. I'll try to find the link.

9th April 2013, 12:28 PM
Alex Jones just posted an interview with a Dr. Peiczork

Is that Dr. Steve Pieczenik?


I give him as much credit for real information as I do STRATFOR. That amount would be diddlysquat.

9th April 2013, 01:17 PM
Is that Dr. Steve Pieczenik?


I give him as much credit for real information as I do STRATFOR. That amount would be diddlysquat.

Yeah, that's the guy. I must say I was suspicious that he might be FOS because he repeatedly claimed to have singlehandedly administered and created modern day South Korea and other regimes. You know for a fact he's FOS?

9th April 2013, 02:07 PM
Yeah, that's the guy. I must say I was suspicious that he might be FOS because he repeatedly claimed to have singlehandedly administered and created modern day South Korea and other regimes. You know for a fact he's FOS?

It had more to do with him being on AJ to begin with and that he worked with Tom Clancy on his novels.

If you are helping dole out shit (novels), why would I expect his "truth" to be free of shit.

I never followed up some of his claims when he first started appearing on AJ's show. I don't even recall some of his claims. It was but a few months later after his first interview that I quit listening to the fat bastard in Austin.

I had never heard him claim to have singlehandedly created some of our modern slave states. That's a bold claim. Seems in tune with AJ's bravado.

9th April 2013, 02:40 PM
If you go back to 1945, you see that scarcely three days after the bombing of Nagasaki, two junior U.S. army officers, Dean Rusk and Charles Bonesteel retired to a small room armed with nothing more than a National Geographic map of the Korean peninsula, through which, in a 30-minute session, with absolutely no consultation of any Korean, divided the Korean peninsula. This division of the Korean peninsula at the 38th parallel into north and south, and the creation of a southern government, had no popular legitimacy.

North Korea had a very long anti-colonial history relative to the Japanese. What was created is a divided system in which one in three Korean families at that time were separated. So a kind of state is visited on the Koreans who were colonized by the Japanese and were not a war aggressor during WW II. What this eventually assured is that there would be a civil war of national unification that would be fought by both sides, the North and South.

that is very similar to what the Colonial powers (England & US) did in the Mid-East.

the Kurds were a nation unto themselves. spread over Iraq, Turkey, and Iran.

ever since TPTB laid down the lines creating Iraq, Turkey, and Iran, the Kurds have been extremely useful as a de-stabilizing force for each of those countries.

it's a way to keep the Muslims at each other's throats. it's a way to keep any one Muslim country from getting too powerful.

i think similar thinking was at play with Korea.

of course, with Korea, there were no Zionists & no oil.

one of the things the US did get out of it was a huge base in Korea. probably more than one. to go with the US military bases in Japan & the Philippines, Guam, etc.

it's easy to see the "Cui Bono" with the division of the Kurds.

with the division of Korea, i don't see anybody really benefiting except the US, which has used the artificial conflict to justify a military base in South Korea - or to ram it down their throats.

also, at this point, if Korea does start launching nukes, that can be used to explain radiation that would otherwise be from Fukushima.

9th April 2013, 03:19 PM
Alex Jones just posted an interview with a Dr. Peiczork (?spelling - wierd Polish name) that sounded very authoritative. Basically, this is all kabuki theatre being engineered by China and the USA for reasons unclear. Bt according to this doctor, North Korea is not a threat and the entire country subsists on food aid from the USA and orders from Beijing. Kim Un is purportedly the classic figurehead and clueless to boot. I'll try to find the link.

Found it:


9th April 2013, 03:31 PM
There's an angle. I am of the opinion that there needs to be a distraction to prevent sheeple from looking at the economy. They need a new scary bad guy.

A couple of articles I read recently on N.K. All from the same site with some selected quotes.

Behind the North Korean Crisis (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34531.htm)

How can the entire world go along with starving and destroying a nation because they launch a satellite? Why is it accepted that every nation must bow to the US and IMF or be destroyed?

Washington’s “Playbook” on Provoking North Korea (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article34523.htm?utm_source=ICH%3A++Washington%27s +Plan+to+Provoke+North+Korea&utm_campaign=FIRST&utm_medium=email)
In a March 29 article, Barnes wrote that “Defense officials acknowledged that North Korean military officers are particularly agitated by bomber flights because of memories of the destruction wrought from the air during the Korean War.” [3] During the war, the United States Air Force demolished every target over one story. It also dropped more napalm than it did later in Vietnam. [4]

That's disgusting.

9th April 2013, 03:51 PM
Found it:


You got a rough time when Dr. Steve is on Doc?


Scratch that . About 38:00 in. Starts out that he is at the DMZ in SK. AJ found a photo of the guy who supposedly doesn't have any public photos of himself. AJ also brings up that Dr. Steve is a member of the CFR as a "mole". Yeah right.

9th April 2013, 06:35 PM

Around 1:48:00 AJ says he went to church with Dave Mustane this past weekend.

9th April 2013, 06:48 PM
The Emotard...

From Lame Cherry:

Examine what is leading the west in Obama, the fag basketball and golf shot queer. America has no manly heroes who hunt, fish, trap, explore like Teddy Roosevelt. When one steps up like Theodore Ted Nugent, he like these Asians is the target for smears and death threats.

Ronald Reagan loved horses. Lyndon Johnson loved his ranch like George W. Bush. John Kennedy and George H. W Bush loved power boats. Richard Nixon loved fast cars.

What do you get with Obama, but faggotry as he is a soy boy child like all these EMOTARDS in the EQUALITY SIGNS.
Let us review this for the ignorant in who was it who blew up the Gulf Gusher and sabotaged it to shut down US oil drilling in the Gulf and polluted all those GOP States?

Kim Jong Un or Birther Hussein Obama?

How about who was it that shifted weather patterns so immense snows fell in the Rockies to flood out the Missouri and Mississippi River systems to GOP states ruin?

Kim Jong Un or Birther Hussein Obama?

Who has been terrorizing Americans with Homeland Security, creating Hookers and Jokers to murder Americans in gun control schemes, while walking weapons into Mexico to mass murder Mexicans?

Kim Jong Un or Birther Husssein Obama?

Get a clue Americans, that Kim Jong Un is being set up just like Col. Khadaffi, Hugo Chavez and Hosni Mubarack, because these MEN, whether you like Marxism or not, are MEN who are not of the Obama feudal order.

Kim Jong Un is a man and a leader. Birther Hussein Obama is a fag and teleprompter reader. That is why North Koreans who eat American foods have a leader who rides horses and shoots guns and Americans have an occupant foreign agent who gets rode by sodomites and shoots golf.
Obama appeals to the EMOTARD as the majority of Americans are EMOTARDS and EMOTARDS are afraid of normal Kim Jong Un males and react in juvenile sissy ways in verbal assassination and hope Obama will make some stage theater, so this independent leader will be murdered and Mark Levin can slobber all over his Russian Ashkenaz mic with the shroud of Reagan being besmirched ruining the American moral code.


9th April 2013, 06:49 PM
NORTH KOREA ALERT – BREAKING 4/9 19:10 ET: US Forces in S Korea moved to WATCHON 2
by John Galt
April 9, 2013 19:10 EDT
Head up with this Tweet via Nathan J Hunt in the region:

Gregor Peter ‏@L0gg0l 8m
U.S-South Korean command moved to WATCHCON 2 which ‘is in effect amidst indications of a vital threat.’ Next level would be war

Retweeted by Nathan J Hunt
This means all forces are now on a trigger finger and things will begin to get somewhat quieter on the US military front as far as dissemination of news. However elevated levels of activity at all US West Coast and Pacific bases should be expected. God help us if the little nut job decides to test the South Koreans, Japan, and our forces in the region.
**** UPDATE via a very active Twitter tonight @19:24 ET *****
Jon Williams ‏@WilliamsJon
#DPRK missile “fueled & ready for launch” sources tell @ABC‘s @MarthaRaddatz.
Retweeted by Steve Herman
It’s show time boys and girls….


9th April 2013, 07:06 PM
So they are getting ready to launch the missile test they said they were going to launch? Why the panicked arm waving maneuver?

I had read about the "WATCHCON" thing on GLP. I had never seen that .mil acronym before, didn't know if might be bogus.

I dig JGFla, but he is a die hard neocon last time i listened to him. He has no issue bombing the scary muzzies.

9th April 2013, 07:17 PM
Another big development was the Norks pulling their workers out of the joint factory.


SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea said Monday that it was withdrawing all of its 53,000 workers from the industrial park it runs with South Korea, suggesting that the North was seeking to portray itself as willing to subordinate financial gains to political and military priorities as it increased tensions on the Korean Peninsula (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/08/world/asia/south-korea-warns-of-missile-launch-by-north.html).

and some guessing that the Norks are pulling their embassy out of London. Don't know if this site is legitimate or has s scoop. I haven't found this story in any other publications.


The worrying warning came as speculation heightened that North Korea is planning to pull its ambassador out of the UK after a shipping container was pictured outside the London embassy.

Boxes were seen being loaded onto a large lorry parked outside the pariah state's embassy - an ordinary home in Ealing, west London.Seoul revealed today that foreign nationals in South Korea were told by the North to evacuate in case of a "merciless" war.
"We do not wish harm on foreigners in South Korea should there be a war," said the KCNA news agency, citing its Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee.

9th April 2013, 07:59 PM
Any one wldw think this is all just a put on? It's all a game designed to keep us all enthralled. Gotta have an enemy. If there wasn't a North Korea, we'd make one and give them a fucked up government and fucked up leadership just to justify our presence over there and keep the masses paying taxes (protection money)

10th April 2013, 06:57 AM
so we can all agree that its a diversion from china-the jewsmedia and the US, but what is their plan?...is japan the target?? above all i KNOW that currency wars are behind it all.
p.s. aj has some interesting and informative info...but his purpose is to derail any tracks that would lead back to da joos.

20th June 2013, 08:31 AM
Report: Kim Jong Un handing out copies of ‘Mein Kampf’ to senior North Korean officials (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/06/17/report-kim-jong-un-handing-out-copies-of-mein-kampf-to-senior-north-korean-officials/) By Max Fisher (http://www.washingtonpost.com/max-fisher/2012/10/10/9d0a891e-12e7-11e2-a16b-2c110031514a_page.html), Published: June 17, 2013 at 1:41 pm


(http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/files/2013/04/North_Korea_Internal_Propaganda.JPEG-0dd02-3240.jpg)Kim Jong Un, center, accompanied by military officers, inspects air drill at an undisclosed airbase in North Korea. (AP Photo/KCNA via KNS)

Senior North Korean officials received copies of “Mein Kampf,” Adolf Hitler’s rambling prison memoir, as gifts for Kim Jong Un’s birthday this January, according to a report by New Focus International (http://newfocusintl.com/north-korea-hitler-third-reich/), a North Korean news organization that sources from defectors and volunteer citizens within the country.

more: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/worldviews/wp/2013/06/17/report-kim-jong-un-handing-out-copies-of-mein-kampf-to-senior-north-korean-officials/

20th June 2013, 09:05 AM
And to think that just 1 guy in the '50s walked across Korea and said "here, this is the north and that is the south".

20th June 2013, 04:13 PM
JD? I see that you are falling for the American propaganda with this..... slant eyed little fvk.

One day while in Korea they send everyone to show them a propaganda film.....part of the film was about Cuba and as to how than mean commie of Castro was killing all those innocent civilians......the film showed a white guy tie to a post and being shot and then a black guy being also shot and falling in a hole that he himseld dug..........the white guy was Sosa Blanco who was a Colonel incharged of Batistas secret police and the black guy was a Sgt who worked for the Colonel, I wont tell you what they used to do......................at the end of the film the Capt stood on the stage and asked if there was any questions........well, you know me......to make the story short, they never again showed that film.


20th June 2013, 04:22 PM
i bet there's some cute North Korean women.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-49mDgg2RhyA/UArfNxICPpI/AAAAAAAAE4c/FViQ_I0zEAw/s640/Chinese%2BPLA%2Bfemale%2Bsoldiers%2Bbeautiful%2B8. jpg



one other note about North Korea: obesity does not seem to be a problem there.

perhaps because some of them are starving.

that's about all i can think of :)

20th June 2013, 04:41 PM
Not "some" but many, specially in the death camps.......but still no one will f?k with the as long as they have nukes, they have it not to attack someone but to deter an attack...........I'd better start working on a nuke, don't want anyone to attack my stach of tp...........let there be peace on Earth.