View Full Version : Tax on water that falls on your land............. V

8th April 2013, 01:38 PM
Like I said before.......Blue Gold will be tomorrows treasure.

MD Residents to Pay New “Rain Tax” For Rain That Falls on Their Property
By: NotForSale2NWO
The Maryland government, under direct order of Obama and the EPA will now begin taxing the state’s 10 largest counties according to the rain that falls on their property and the “impervious surfaces” on their land.

Have to be a member to read whole article.

8th April 2013, 03:35 PM
Here ya go...

MD Residents to Pay New “Rain Tax” For Rain That Falls on Their Property

http://cdn.printfriendly.com/pf-button-both.gif (http://www.printfriendly.com/print?url=http://intellihub.com/2013/04/08/md-residents-to-pay-new-rain-tax-for-rain-that-falls-on-their-property/)
The Maryland government, under direct order of Obama and the EPA will now begin taxing the state’s 10 largest counties according to the rain that falls on their property and the “impervious surfaces” on their land. http://intellihub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Rain-300x215.png (http://intellihub.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Rain.png)By JG Vibes
Intellihub.com (http://intellihub.com/2013/04/08/md-residents-to-pay-new-rain-tax-for-rain-that-falls-on-their-property/)
April 8, 2013
Yesterday we reported that Wesley Snipes was finally released from prison (http://intellihub.com/2013/04/07/actor-wesley-snipes-free-after-3-years-in-a-government-cage-for-refusing-to-be-mugged/) after serving a 3 year sentence for refusing to pay the government extortion racket known as “taxation”. If you had a difficult time seeing through the scam of taxation with that story, hopefully this one can show you how taxation is blatant theft and thuggery.
10 Maryland counties, including the one that I live in will now be taxing people for how much rain falls on their property. How much area is paved on their property, and how big their deck is will be primary factors in this new taxation scheme.
According to a local newspaper: (http://www.gazette.net/article/20130405/NEWS/130409397/-1/the-x2018-rain-tax-x2019&template=gazette)

In 2010 the Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency ordered Maryland to reduce stormwater runoff into the Chesapeake Bay so that nitrogen levels fall 22 percent and phosphorus falls 15 percent from current amounts. The price tag: $14.8 billion.
And where do we get the $14.8 billion? By taxing so-called “impervious surfaces,” anything that prevents rain water from seeping into the earth (roofs, driveways, patios, sidewalks, etc.) thereby causing stormwater run off. In other words, a rain tax.And who levies this new rain tax? Witness how taxation, like rain, trickles down through the various pervious levels of government until it reaches the impervious level — me and you.
The EPA ordered Maryland to raise the money (an unfunded mandate), Maryland ordered its 10 largest counties to raise the money (another unfunded mandate) and, now, each of those counties is putting a local rain tax in place by July 1. So, if you live in Montgomery, Prince George’s, Howard, Anne Arundel, Carroll, Harford, Charles, Frederick, Baltimore counties or Baltimore city, you’ll be paying a rain tax on your next property tax bill.
The article goes on to explain the government will survey peoples property using drones and satellite imagery.

Daily Finance Explained that: (http://www.dailyfinance.com/on/maryland-rain-tax-stormwater-runoff-chesapeake/)

Homeowners will bear the brunt of the rain tax: of the $14.8 billion to be raised — $482 million each year until 2025 — about three-quarters will come from residential property owners. The rate is expected to start at $100 a year for most homeowners, although that could rise. The only rain tax shelter: credits and exemptions for property owners who follow stormwater “best practices.” How the money will be spent is another murky situation.
As i reported last week (http://intellihub.com/2013/04/03/remnants-of-the-manhattan-project-is-leaking-radioactive-waste-in-washington-state/), while the government uses the EPA to tax drivers and regulate how people are landscaping in their back yards, that same government has uncontrollable biological weapons sitting all over the country like toxic time bombs.
Most specifically, the area in question, the Chesapeake bay is terribly polluted with toxic chemical, biological and radioactive waste that was released from the Lockheed Martin facility in Middle River MD, and the Aberdeen Proving Grounds military base in Aberdeen MD, since around the time of World War 2. Both of these facilities have unleashed a stew of toxic waste into rivers that lead directly into the bay, even going as far as storing radio active waste under the seabed for decades. I will be doing a full series of reports on these toxic waste sites in the coming weeks and months, stay tuned to intellihub.com for more information.

8th April 2013, 04:04 PM
This is ridiculous, maybe they should collect the rain water that comes out of their downspouts for use during the summer, kill 2 birds with one stone, but I think someone said it was illegal to collect rainwater? Although I did it for years.

Twisted Titan
8th April 2013, 08:08 PM
This reminds me of the beard tax in London back in the 1700s i believe.

The crown started to charge people for there own facial hair

8th April 2013, 08:10 PM
Not one of those people stood up or told Mr. Obummer's EPA a big FUCK YOU?

8th April 2013, 09:53 PM
The American people did nothing when Bush Stupid Jr was in the White House.....so.......what do you expect them to do now?


9th April 2013, 03:33 AM
This is ridiculous, maybe they should collect the rain water that comes out of their downspouts for use during the summer, kill 2 birds with one stone, but I think someone said it was illegal to collect rainwater? Although I did it for years.

Water Law.

In the eastern part of the united States rain is generally plentiful thus a landowner abutting a river or such could use the water passing his land without restriction. However, west of the Mississippi rain is less plentiful so an owner of land abutting a river or other watercourse could not use the passing water willy-nilly.

First in time, first in right.

Suppose you developed a business (ranching) dependent on the rain water that fell upstream from your property. You've spent years and a lot of money to develop your ranch. Then I come along, buying the land upstream from you then go about diverting the water your ranch depends upon for its livelihood. Who has the right to the water? You, the person who spent years developing your ranch, or me, the newcomer? Courts in the western parts of the u.S. side with the person who has developed the use of the water first. (I'm not in favor of prohibiting homeowners from using rain barrows, just stating the justification for water use restrictions.)

9th April 2013, 08:49 AM
I have two water rights.......one from when the property was a lot bigger and which covers also my now property and another one that covers only my now property.......plus my land patent...........already spoke to the water master and he told me that I was protected against the now laws in Oregon.


9th April 2013, 03:01 PM
Someone I know recently told me about this. They were being taxed for storm water runoff on their land. Much of the land is unimproved and in it's natural state. When they questioned the county about it the woman on the phone actually said, " We have to bring in revenue to support the county." Bullshit.

9th April 2013, 03:44 PM
Might as well see what the government has to say about watersheds.


9th April 2013, 05:37 PM
I wonder how this would be taxed.......the water that falls on your property runs dowhill and into a pond at the property next to yours....would you pay less water tax and he more?

The water situation is getting worse and worse by the day world wide and the private companies are now buying private wells, which makes no sense to me since some states are now placing water meters on water wells.


11th April 2013, 04:33 AM
This reminds me of the beard tax in London back in the 1700s i believe.

The crown started to charge people for there own facial hair

The Beard Tax. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beard_tax)