View Full Version : Dangerous Crew? Nigel Farange, Jim Rickards, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Jim Rogers

8th April 2013, 11:37 PM
I was watching the most recent edition of UK column. It's an alternative news source. Focuses mainly on paedophilia but other government conspired goings on.

Getting on towards the end of the 45 minute show from Monday, 8th April, they had a picture of these 5 gentlemen who were at a conference either at the weekend or during last week. I think the conference was in South America somewhere.

The comentator, Brian Gerrish asked the question as to why Nigel Farange was mixing with dangerous assortment of people. I was kind of stuck by that. We know Schiff is actually related to the infamous Schiff's so that's sorted. We know that Ron Paul was probably a gatekeeper all along.

What about the other guys? What makes them a dangerous crew?

9th April 2013, 06:13 AM
It is a subjective assessment. I would have to know a lot more about Gerrish to comprhend what he was saying. Maybe its the UK column that is a "dangerous crew". Could be projection...

Or he could be pointing out that they are dangerous to SOMEBODY...

9th April 2013, 07:36 AM
Are we sure Brian Gerrish isn't a member of a dangerous crew?

Would be interesting to know more about the meeting.

10 Reasons Why I’m sure Brian Gerrish is a Shill (http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=59480)


9th April 2013, 06:33 PM
Interesting read even though most of it seems to be 1 persons opinion based on their own framing of reality. I don't know how to verify those claims other than I know he's been on AJ's show. I think most of them have. Get some traction out there.

I don't think Brian is a truther. He is certainly fixated on child trafficking and child suicide. As well as the government policies and propoganda that promote these two practices. I applaud that. I think Brian sees a need for a democractic government which tells me he probably can only go so far with that mentally. Not sure he would be able to see something like a free republic.

I listened to the other irish radio interview I think Pat posted where he talks about the missing children and so on. I think he gives a clear idea of his philosphy when being asked questions from the tweetistan.

What do you think about legalising marijuana? His paraphrased reply: "I think people worrying about legalising their next smoke is less important than children being stolen and people should prioritise the important things ahead of getting stoned"

The Hollie Grieg thing I think is real. So I'll take it with a grain of salt for now. He does fixate and I have noticed this.

I'm still very interested to know why he thought those 4 people (of the 5) were/are dodgy people.

7th September 2015, 06:25 PM
when I search for Farange I get only 2 hits. Surprising.

Anyway seems that Farange is controlled opposition. He gets his advice from people linked to the HenryJackson society. I'm going to call it is zionist friendly think tank.

From about 19 minutes in to the UkColumn News 1st Sept 2015.

7th September 2015, 06:28 PM
jim rogers gave the best bit of advice of any of those guys during the last drama......this advice when the satanists starting monetizing


the tribe money printing and pumping can/will drive up the prices of any/every thing

Twisted Titan
7th September 2015, 08:19 PM
NF ...uk version of RP lots of platitudes but his answer is to stay in the system
JM ...the CIA spook that concerned about the plight of the common man ...yeah right.
PS...want you to believe his fellow tribesmen are just plan stupid and not working lockstep with each to systematically rape the goy
RP....us version of NF lots to talk about problems but his answer is to stay in the system
JM...talk about commodities but never a word about physical silver leads you to believe you can play these markets owned by the casino

All of them are cogs in the machine to keep the average jane and jhon a slave

8th September 2015, 06:27 PM
Peter Schiff 9/11 Conspiracy Theories (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zf77yqkjk_M)

4th March 2017, 06:05 PM
I listened to Peter Schiff and several times recently on various finance / economy issues and I keep coming up with the idea that he's wrong and he is ill intentioned. I then searched GSUS to see if any here had some complaints or similiar ideas as mine on this forum but only came up with this thread.

Then when I saw that Peter Schiff on 9-11, that sealed it for me. Of course, he was running for senator I think in Ct. at the time of this video and had to be PC to get votes.

Still anyone with who said what he said on that video is just basically a liar and a dishonest person.

But aside from that indisputable conclusion regarding his take on 9-11. I think there is something fundamentally deceptive and dishonest about libertarianism / Libertarianism.

Ron Paul, another libertarian, also through 9-11 truth under the bus when he was in office.

When he speaks on matters of the economy and finances he seems to make sense on the surface but he is a fast talker and what he is saying just does not ring true. I know if I discussed it fully with some knowledgeable people I would be able to express my objections to his game better.

I have heard that his Euro Pacific trading company treats his small investors quite poorly. He moved to Puerto Rico and now that country hates USA and its president seems to have some very legit complaints against US. Wonder if Peter Schiff is having second thoughts about what a great country P R is for financial gain now.

Peter Schiff has said he is not related to the Jacob Schiff that financed Trotsky and company.

5th March 2017, 02:53 AM
I also long stopped listening to many of the commentators. I've since realised there is no "major crash" to come and there never is or has been. Sure there have been sizable events but no EOTWAWKI.

It is in reality a grind, sometimes slow, some times fast, sometimes synchronous and sometimes asynchronous. I think some of these guys are very intelligent but that alone doesn't make them good people or right about everything.

Fear is a powerful sales tool. More powerful and effective that most anything else, The way to make money on the fear is to have the solution to the fear and if you can get your hand into the public purse you can take untold riches into the bargain.

5th March 2017, 03:31 AM
I also long stopped listening to many of the commentators. I've since realised there is no "major crash" to come and there never is or has been. Sure there have been sizable events but no EOTWAWKI.

It is in reality a grind, sometimes slow, some times fast, sometimes synchronous and sometimes asynchronous. I think some of these guys are very intelligent but that alone doesn't make them good people or right about everything.

Fear is a powerful sales tool. More powerful and effective that most anything else, The way to make money on the fear is to have the solution to the fear and if you can get your hand into the public purse you can take untold riches into the bargain.

"The way to crush the bourgeoisie (middle-class Goyim) is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation."

- the Jew Vladimir Ulyanov "Lenin"