View Full Version : 4 years old shoots and kill wife of deputy sheriff......... V

9th April 2013, 10:21 AM
In another case, last week a cop shot hinself in the hand while pulling his gun on someone to whom he was seving a summons.

Investigators say Wilson County Deputy Daniel Fanning on Saturday was showing his weapons to a relative in a bedroom of his Lebanon home when the toddler came in and picked up a gun off the bed. Sheriff Robert Bryan says the weapon discharged, hitting 48-year-old Josephine Fanning.
She was pronounced dead at the scene. The child is not related to her or her husband.
Bryan says the shooting was a terrible accident and that within seconds of Fanning placing the gun on the bed, the toddler picked it up.
“It’s a sad, sad set of circumstances,” Bryan told local television.
The gun was not Fanning’s service weapon and the sheriff says the deputy’s weapons are normally stored in a safe.
CBS News reported the Fannings were only married last year.


9th April 2013, 10:41 AM
How stupid do you have to be to leave a loaded gun within the grasp of a toddler?

9th April 2013, 10:50 AM
How stupid do you have to be to leave a loaded gun within the grasp of a toddler?

Exactly, I have a toddler and would never leave a loaded weapon around for her to grab... Any time I take it out to clean or to go to the range it's either already in it's case and I take it with me, or she's in bed when I clean it.

He should resign, he clearly demonstrated he doesn't have the experience or knowledge to wear a badge or handle a weapon.

9th April 2013, 12:46 PM
How stupid do you have to be to leave a loaded gun within the grasp of a toddler?

Simple, be a law enforcer..... they need others to think for them.

9th April 2013, 01:51 PM
Sad story. All it takes is one stupid mistake or carelessness, and a life is lost in an instant.

While it's easy to bash on the cop, this makes all gun owners look bad. To the public, the media programming, if a cop can make this mistake anyone can. You never let a loaded gun leave your hand, even for a second. Always clear it and render it safe. Nobody can escape human error. People make mistakes. Everyone does. It's easy to criticize, but one thing we can all do, is learn from other's mistakes. Never let a loaded gun leave your hand. Just unload it while it's under your control and pointed in a safe direction.

9th April 2013, 01:59 PM
I could throw any of my guns infront of a toddler and NONE could pull the trigger. What an asshat. Pussy fingers or some shyt.

9th April 2013, 02:05 PM
I could throw any of my guns infront of a toddler and NONE could pull the trigger. What an asshat. Pussy fingers or some shyt.

Cebu I hope you are not serious with this post. This toddler surprised this cop, he might have thought the same thing as you do...now his wife is gone forever.

9th April 2013, 05:15 PM
This is a sad situation and no one should make a habbit of leaving guns accessable to small children, however 4 years old is plenty old enough for most children to be familiarized with firearms.

My daughter is 5, she is partialy special needs and STILL she knows NOT to play with the "pew pews" (as she calls them). Not every parent does this, and thats their decision to make, but it was equally stupid to leave a gun where a 4 year old that is NOT YOUR OWN has access to it. Any one that is a parent will tell you that whole "it was just a second" happens a LOT with kids. "howd he knock over your glass" "I dunno, i just put it down for a second" "howd the F**** did she color allllllll over her legs with that sharpie" "I dunno, i just put it on the desk for a second".

As for them being able to pull the trigger, I wouldnt put it past any 4 year old. The dexterity to function the gun properly isnt really there, but htey can absolutley get a shot off grabbing that trigger on most semi auto's anyways.

Twisted Titan
10th April 2013, 07:10 AM
ny one that is a parent will tell you that whole "it was just a second" happens a LOT with kids. "howd he knock over your glass" "I dunno, i just put it down for a second" "howd the F**** did she color allllllll over her legs with that sharpie" "I dunno, i just put it on the desk for a second".

Dude the next time you visit my house please stay for tea and crumpets please?

Thanks Bro.