View Full Version : What I see that many don't see.........by me.........V

9th April 2013, 11:24 AM
On one of my walls I have a 3X5 world map covered with pins of different colors, each color had a different meaning..... because of the situation with North Korea the US will use this as an excuse to send more war material into South Korea and the sourrounding area, this is nothing more than an excuse to place more war implements around China...... as is being done with Russia, Middle East and so on.........the same is being done Cemerica and Sumerica but in this two cases the US knows that they have to be more carefull about it.

The US will no choice but to bring back the draft, according to them (the government) for those between the ages of 18 and ...45?.........but this time it will also include women. The US don't want to make the same mistake that Herr Hitler made of wanting to fight in to many fronts without the proper equipment or manpower........one way to find out what is going on is to find out which company is producing what for the army, navy, marines and so on.

As we all know the HLS is buying billions of rounds of ammo......but.......is it really for them? or the armed forces?, nowhere have I seen any news about the armed forcers ordering more ammo.....are the armed forces ordering more "C" rations? more bottled water? more winter clothing? more sport equipment? more first aid equipment? more clothing? and how about more tanks, artilliry, transport equipment, weeb gear?.

All the money that they say that is being wasted on those non flyable planes? is that the true? or is that "wasted" money realy going into making "good" flyables planes.............I see a lot of camuflage action going on.........remember that most of the war equipment being made now days are made overseas, like uniforms from China, or made in fifferent countries and then put together in the US so that is very hard to know exactly what is going on.

The government knows that TSHTF is coming down the road in many different ways and from many different dirrections.

Nomerica is lost and soon alone, there will be many different "empires" with many different Castro's and Mao's...I would say that at first there will be about 45 castles and at the end about six or seven states.

The US is getting its citizens ready in different ways and using scare tactics is one of them, they want you to know what is going to happen so that when it happens you will simply march into the FEMA camps....................oh well.


9th April 2013, 11:39 AM
Perhaps the hollow points, war, fema camps, and draft are all the same thing.

They couldn't simply institute a draft in America today. Way too many people would resist.

But what if you have no food? What if you have to go to a fema camp because you can't support yourself? Would you rather join the military? Maybe half will be forced to join the military not because a draft is in place but because they don't have food? Then that group will force everyone else, with the hollow points, to join up.

We know a war is coming because wars, the economy, and the monetary system are the trinity on which our social structures rely on for stability.