View Full Version : 'Gay' couple face trial for raping adopted sons

General of Darkness
10th April 2013, 12:47 PM

Plea Agreement For No Jail Blows Up; Glastonbury Couple Accused Of Abusing Boys Headed To Trial - CTnow (http://www.ctnow.com/news/connecticut/hartford/hc-glastonbury-harasz-wirth-sentencing-0406-20130405,0,1350267.story)

(HARTFORD COURANT) A judge on Friday allowed two Glastonbury men, accused two years ago of sexually assaulting two of their nine adopted boys, to withdraw their no-contest pleas and take their cases to trial.

The unusual action came during what was to be a sentencing hearing for George Harasz and Douglas Wirth, who entered pleas in January to one felony count each of risk of injury to a minor. They agreed to suspended prison sentences. The only issue for Friday’s hearing was to be whether each would be required to register as sex offenders.

But a new allegation of sexual assault against Harasz by one of the victims, contained in a pre-sentence investigation of Harasz, helped scrap the plea agreement. The case was further clouded Friday by disclosure in court of new allegations of abuse by three other of the nine children. No new criminal charges have been filed.

10th April 2013, 01:09 PM
The boys were only being liberated from false religious ideas ofheterosexuality. The court agrees that this new family paradigm is in agreement with new world order family ideals.

10th April 2013, 01:45 PM
Gays are more likely to be pedophiles, more likely to be drug abusers, more likely to be murderers, more likely to commit suicide.. and the list goes on.

Homosexuality is a mental disease and nothing else. There is no evidence to suggest that its biological and if so why were they even born since their homosexual ancestors obviously wouldn't have any children.

Gay rights activists are batshit insane violent mofos that nobody should listen to or try to argue with ever because they are retarded intolerant mongoloids.

10th April 2013, 02:16 PM
Two gay guys adopt nine boys? Count'm: nine boys. No girls need apply. Do we see a pattern here? Gay men are oversexed and high risk for pedophile (i.e.NAMBLA). If we use the same logic as the gun grabbers, who want to ban guns everytime some deranged person decides to shoot his neighbor, then logic would demand that we ban adoption of male children by homosexual male couples. The rationale for gun grabbers who demand gun regulation and confiscation applies here: the law is intended to protect innocent future victims, the children.

Two gays guys adopt nine boys. Yes, anyone with an ounce of common sense and a smidgen of honesty knows what's going down here. To those who say that it's wrong to generalize about homosexual couples, I say fine: then don't generalize about gun owners either, dammit.