View Full Version : Reid bill: Failure to report missing/stolen gun w/in 24 hrs = up to 5 years in prison

midnight rambler
10th April 2013, 05:48 PM
Highlight of this Reid gungrab bill:

Under Senator Harry Reid’s (D-NV) gun control bill (S. 649), if somebody steals your firearm or you lose it, you can go to prison for up to five years if you have not reported the theft or loss to local police and to Attorney General Eric Holder within 24 hours.


10th April 2013, 07:21 PM
Its beginning......

10th April 2013, 07:40 PM
So much for the "I was robbed last week" excuse when confiscation starts

10th April 2013, 07:43 PM
So much for the "I was robbed last week" excuse when confiscation starts.


10th April 2013, 08:23 PM
Highlight of this Reid gungrab bill:


I wonder what their definition of missing is? Say I fly across the country. I keep my gun in my car locked in the air port. Car gets broken into (I don't know which day) I come back and notice that my radio, gun and speakers have been stolen. (radio and speakers are stock just used that as an example) Now according to this asshole if I report it stolen and I'm asked when it was stolen I say I don't know, I wasn't in town. Then I could be tried and put in federal prison for something someone else did.
Yeah that seems justified... *sarcasm*

And no I would never leave anything of value in my vehicle for long durations in an airport parking lot.

10th April 2013, 08:39 PM
I can only wonder about how many cops will be going to jail for five years......


10th April 2013, 09:12 PM
I don't see anything listed for finding firearms.

For example, I'm clumsy. I dropped a firearm overboard one time and watched it sink. Now, if that happens again, I have 24 hours to report this boating accident and tragic loss of a beloved firearm.

So, I do my lawful duty and report my firearm as missing. Follow me here...I find the firearm. I know a good diver guy, who had time to dive down and by luck found it.

So, it was lawfully reported as missing, but now it's been found. I don't see anything in there stating we need to report found firearms. If anyone ever questioned me, the firearm is still registered to me. It's just found.

Bottom line, it benefits us if our firearms are listed as missing in the system. They can't be confiscated then, they are already missing.

What's to stop folks from reporting guns missing in boating accidents, kayak mishaps, farming accidents, unfortunate hunting adventures...

midnight rambler
10th April 2013, 10:33 PM
I can only wonder about how many cops will be going to jail for five years......


Somehow I'm thinking LEOs won't be having any problem getting their throw down guns

10th April 2013, 10:35 PM
I don't see anything listed for finding firearms.

For example, I'm clumsy. I dropped a firearm overboard one time and watched it sink. Now, if that happens again, I have 24 hours to report this boating accident and tragic loss of a beloved firearm.

So, I do my lawful duty and report my firearm as missing. Follow me here...I find the firearm. I know a good diver guy, who had time to dive down and by luck found it.

So, it was lawfully reported as missing, but now it's been found. I don't see anything in there stating we need to report found firearms. If anyone ever questioned me, the firearm is still registered to me. It's just found.

Bottom line, it benefits us if our firearms are listed as missing in the system. They can't be confiscated then, they are already missing.

What's to stop folks from reporting guns missing in boating accidents, kayak mishaps, farming accidents, unfortunate hunting adventures...

I say we all should report our firearms as missing if we haven't actually seen or touch our firearm within the last 24 hours. Better safe than sorry with these draconian measures. Maybe we should lose the same weapon several times a week?

10th April 2013, 10:37 PM
background checks = gun registration = gun confiscation = draconian measures

If this passes, it's over.

midnight rambler
10th April 2013, 10:39 PM
Bottom line, it benefits us if our firearms are listed as missing in the system.

There's a problem there 'cause by doing so one would voluntarily be 'registering' item(s) as stolen and therefore if any such registered item pops up on radar uncle will instantly be able to connect it to whomever registered it as 'stolen' or 'missing'.

The best part is that AG Holder gets to maintain said database.

10th April 2013, 10:43 PM
I say we all should report our firearms as missing if we haven't actually seen or touch our firearm within the last 24 hours. Better safe than sorry with these draconian measures. Maybe we should lose the same weapon several times a week?

LOL. This is great man, imagine if 100 million gun owners reported their guns missing all at once.

midnight rambler
10th April 2013, 10:44 PM
LOL. This is great man, imagine if 100 million gun owners reported their guns missing all at once.

I wonder what the penalty is for lying to a federal officer...think it's a felony?

10th April 2013, 10:45 PM
There's a problem there 'cause by doing so one would voluntarily be 'registering' item(s) as stolen and therefore if any such registered item pops up on radar uncle will instantly be able to connect it to whomever registered it as 'stolen' or 'missing'.

The best part is that AG Holder gets to maintain said database.

I disagree. My gun went missing. As long as I can keep personal control over the gun, even when 'missing', it can not be connected to anyone but myself. See what I'm saying?

midnight rambler
10th April 2013, 10:48 PM
I disagree. My gun went missing. As long as I can keep personal control over the gun, even when 'missing', it can not be connected to anyone but myself. See what I'm saying?

Yeah, I get that, however by doing so there's always a chance it can come back and haunt you in some way. And you with LEO experience should know - (stupid) people provide info which can be used to prosecute them with, it's how the state builds cases.

10th April 2013, 10:57 PM
Yeah, I get that, however by doing so there's always a chance it can come back and haunt you in some way. And you with LEO experience should know - (stupid) people provide info which can be used to prosecute them with, it's how the state builds cases.

I agree. However, I don't recall finding missing firearms ever being addressed. For the most part, it's assumed if a firearm went missing, it was stolen, therefore anyone who has possession of that said firearm, possesses an obviously illegal weapon.

Not much is focused on guns that went missing, but have been found for whatever reason, by their rightful owners.

See, this is how gun registration can help, us, as gun owners. If the gun is registered, legally, to you, there should not be ANY questions on whether you are the rightful owner, or person holding control of the firearm.

10th April 2013, 11:02 PM
There might be some small twists we can put on gun registration, but overall it's a huge loss and setback if it passes. It's the beginning of the end at that point.

11th April 2013, 05:28 AM
There are ways designed to notify EVERYONE.

As to 24 hours ... I had to admit I am confused as to what an 'hour' actually is. I can find no definition of it in the U.S. code. Possibly it is a unit measure of time (a quality that was neither created nor quantified by the U.S. government).

The paradox is that sunrise occurs at 6 A.M. and sunset occurs at 6 P.M. There are twelve hours of sunlight and an additional twelve hours of dark in a day. So there are 24 hours contained in a day and the next day occurs at sunset no matter the season.

Depending on the season an individual hour varies in actual duration so that 12 of them must fit between sunrise and sunset. This means that a minute (of which there are 60 in an hour) and a second (of which there are 60 in a minute) are not of constant duration.

Wonder if Harry Reid could help me with this mystery.

Possibly he could define an 'hour' as the duration of time that it takes for a minute hand to make one revolution of a wrist watch but what would he do if the watch is broken? Does an hour obtain infinite duration under those circumstances?

11th April 2013, 08:09 AM
See, this is how gun registration can help, us, as gun owners. If the gun is registered, legally, to you, there should not be ANY questions on whether you are the rightful owner, or person holding control of the firearm.

You know, I think that's exactly what they want you to think. "See? Registration's not so bad!" You must reject the notion that any human being has the right to force you to give them personal details about your own property. I came to the same conclusion yesterday after writing my "unintended consequence of Colorado's gun law" thread, where I celebrated a minor loophole within the body of the law. It made me sick because in doing so I realized I was accepting the premise of the law and trying to work within it rather than reject it outright as I should have done at the start.

Twisted Titan
11th April 2013, 10:10 AM
You can split hairs about how to makes registration work for you.

Anything benifit ( and i use that term loosely) is far outweighed by the fact that when you register your info is shared with countless agencies and you dont know who the fat prick is that is going to unilaterally decide to turn your life upside down because he feels to flex his authority or justify his budget.

Bottom line: If you register anything over and above what it took for you to get your firearm


I had those goons show up before and the only reason why i am able to talk today rather that rotting in some Fed hidey hole was because the keystone kops really thought i was gunn running. When i produced what i had they slithered back under that Fed rock.

The next time they show up it wont be for gun running its because I have "too many" and nothing i say is going to change what they plan to do.

I commit myself to the continued protection of The Good Lord but you have got to be absolutely crazy if you think im exposing myself to anything more in the insane belief my actions will appease them.

11th April 2013, 12:40 PM
what if i misplace my Vinegar & Baking Soda ... or can't find my X-acto knife ?

obviously it would be ridiculous to have to report that.

BUT - how would the Nation's Founders have felt about a law to jail someone who doesn't report a missing gun ?

Twisted Titan
12th April 2013, 02:02 AM
Omg you watch X acto???

Dude he is the man! !!!¨

12th April 2013, 02:35 AM
BUT - how would the Nation's Founders have felt about a law to jail someone who doesn't report a missing gun ?


midnight rambler
12th April 2013, 06:48 AM
The 'revolution' has already taken place - the Bolshevik revolution.