View Full Version : Silver down!!!

12th April 2013, 07:34 AM
Silver is down $1.00 right now, to $26 and change! Are we going to be testing the low $20s??

12th April 2013, 07:36 AM
When the Hell is there gonna be shortages? Seriously, this is getting ridiculous.

12th April 2013, 07:42 AM
it only costs $5 to take it out of the ground.

12th April 2013, 07:46 AM
Anyone else having no Kitco ticker showing (here) this morning?

12th April 2013, 07:57 AM
I see the kitco thingy at the top of the page.

Hold onto your hair y'all, bastards are trying to scalp us.

12th April 2013, 08:39 AM
I did a quick look at the news [google news for all it's worth] and don't see a reason why silver is down by 1.38 and gold down 61.20 -- wtf?

12th April 2013, 08:58 AM
Anyone else having no Kitco ticker showing (here) this morning?

Mine's taking longer to load, but after a few seconds, it's there.

12th April 2013, 10:13 AM
I almost bought yesterday. Glad I didn't. I am buying right now. This is sweet!

12th April 2013, 10:56 AM
Todays news is bad if you are looking to sell sometime soon.

Yet it is good news if you're still stacking.

12th April 2013, 11:04 AM
I didn't need any. I just wanted some. Bought @ 26.37

I think I hear a St.Gaudens calling my name too... ;)

12th April 2013, 12:57 PM
I think I hear a St.Gaudens calling my name too... ;)

Tease us some more why don't you...

I nabbed 6k shares of hecla mining today and am officially scared, although if/when the Asians send the metals back up I may just buy a St Gaudens too after booking profits.

12th April 2013, 01:13 PM
Tease us some more why don't you...

I nabbed 6k shares of hecla mining today and am officially scared, although if/when the Asians send the metals back up I may just buy a St Gaudens too after booking profits.

Go to provident, best prices for an AU... My local dealer won't sell for less than $1700 and apmex wants even more.

12th April 2013, 02:11 PM
Silver down $1.81! It's been a long time since we've seen such dramatic drops!

12th April 2013, 02:15 PM
Silver down $1.81! It's been a long time since we've seen such dramatic drops!

It's working out perfectly for me. I have some extra cash, was going to do some landscape remodling but that can wait... :D :) ;)

12th April 2013, 02:15 PM
Nice timing for Sprott to sell off some of his charitable trust holdings of PSLV before this drop.

Why is Eric Sprott Selling PSLV Shares Fast and Furiously? (http://kiddynamitesworld.com/why-is-eric-sprott-selling-pslv-shares-fast-and-furiously/)

12th April 2013, 02:35 PM
When it gets to $20.20, I will buy a tube of silver eagles and a tube of maple leafs.

I need the rest of my cash for solar power.... anticipating the grid going down. I am glad things have been slow to go to hellfire in a handbasket.

12th April 2013, 02:42 PM
When it gets to $20.20, I will buy a tube of silver eagles and a tube of maple leafs.

I need the rest of my cash for solar power.... anticipating the grid going down. I am glad things have been slow to go to hellfire in a handbasket.

I'm planning for solar too, I have a small working system now. I know TPTB are going to raise utilities so high more people will lose their homes.

I like to buy metals little by little on the way down so I get deals before the price rises again. :D

12th April 2013, 04:01 PM
I stopped by the shop today. Besides a handful of 40%, they were out of silver. I passed on the halves and picked up four 5 Peso gold coins though for $208 each out the door after CA sales tax.

12th April 2013, 06:06 PM
Silver eagle prices haven't budged....yet. They tend to soften a little when spot takes a dump like today. But the coin dealers I know won't sell SAEs for less than $36. Ebay prices have remained firm. The gold bullion prices are going no bid: sellers are still asking in the mid $1600s and higher for GAE and Buffalos. We shall see if they come down in asking price in the coming weeks or withdraw inventory. Frankly, given the EBAY fees and shipping and insurance, I don't see how you can make any money selling silver and gold unless you're selling inventory from 2010 and earlier. This begs the question: why the hell would sell their physical into these manipulated low prices, except someone desperate for cash to meet obligations. The bullion dealers have come down only a little because they've raised premiums on gold and silver. This is shaping up to be like the last takedown in 2009 whensilver fell to $8 but no silver could be found for under $16. In fact, I remember buying a boatload of SAEs for $18 per and being happy to get them. Folks, the name of the game is patience. Gold and silver will recover from this "illegal" (Paul Craig Roberts' word) takedown. If you hold physical, you have lost nothing. Conversely, if you think you'll get screaming bargain prices for physical gold and silver, prepare to be disappointed. But buy you should!

12th April 2013, 06:32 PM

"Yet" is the optimum word here.

12th April 2013, 06:44 PM
Silver bars @ $0.59 over spot:

12th April 2013, 07:29 PM

12th April 2013, 08:07 PM

Interesting interview - Murphy bullish as usual. He said we'd have a healthy run up by the end of 2013 - we shall see. Rock bottom cost of production of silver is ~$25 and the big strip miners need $30. I wonder how much production will be taken off line given today's smash. Of course, we don't know how much silver is out there. FOFOA and Fekete think there's a lot of junk silver out there as in billions of ounces. Butler thinks it's all gone. What do you think?

12th April 2013, 08:17 PM
I think that there are billions of ounces of junk silver out there. Probably about one-half ounce per human.

12th April 2013, 08:28 PM
I think that there are billions of ounces of junk silver out there. Probably about one-half ounce per human.

LOL - I remember reading Butler in 2005 and thinking "holy shit, I gotta get some silver! It's disappearing fast!" I went in big, totally vertical. In retrospect, it's the best investment I ever made even after today's bloodbath. But my main point is this: here we are 8 years later and you can still buy bags of junk silver. There seems to be an endless supply of Kennedy 1964 halves, endless. I still think silver is a great buy and hold long term investment. But I'm coming to the realization that my kids will see silver's full price potential, not me.


12th April 2013, 09:02 PM
The chart points it out: price is now determined by investment demand. There is a lot of junk silver in existence, but it is static. Demand is dynamic.

Historically, investment market cycles tend to average a duration of 34 years. So the generational peak in the current cycle would be expected in 1980+34= 2014. Adding a couple of years of slop on each end creates a window in the 2012-2016 time frame.

With the length and depth of this current consolidation, and knowing that each upswing is a larger fractal of the previous, I'm beginning to think the next up leg will be the last one in this generational cycle. (I was thinking there might be two more remaining, say one in 2014, and one in 2017.) I now think we will see the blowoff top occurring in 2015-16, with gold at $3200. Silver is tougher; I could see anything in the $100 to $200 range. In 2035, your wise children will be accumulating precious metals for your grandchildren, at $1000 gold and $75 silver. Their peers will be calling them fools, pointing out how steadily it has fallen over the last two decades.

13th April 2013, 12:20 AM
I somewhat hate coming in to these threads like some cheerleader or permabull but I'm so astounded by psychology. Everyone wants silver at 40+ and nobody at 25. Everyone wants bitcoins at 200 yet nobody at 4.......

As someone who has given at least a cursory study into various markets history in the last 100 years I am always left amazed that everyone isn't a multi millionaire today.

The only thing I can think is that people don't want to be rich. They think they want to be rich, but they don't. People would rather have the safety of the herd. I had a few cows recently that due to the drought I was trying to separate so I could feed away from the others, due to the drought grass is sparse and it get's expensive quick feeding the herd, so we took a few cows in a different pasture and fed them and planned to feed them for weeks to months. They would've had full bellies everyday, yet they didn't last 2 days before they broke the fence to get back to the herd. The bottom line is they would rather be with their own herd and hungry than be a small minority but have a full stomach. Likewise today my opinion is nobody wants to deviate from the norm in investing, if the TV and your broker both say to be in X, it might not even be that you're brainwashed by it but if nothing else you go along because your friends are and your broker is, so if you lose money you can at least not look like a fool to them because you lost money like everyone else.

But I know with markets the ONLY way to make money is to recognize something and act BEFORE the crowd does. Long or short it doesn't matter, you have to act differently from the crowd. So with silver people can shun it, mock it whatever but it will not shake my resolve. Sure it sucks to be heavy in commodities and see your portfolio shrink when the DJIA hits new highs, but that is so temporary. As I've said before I got into silver for a reason, and the reasons I entered into the commodity markets have not changed and I do not see them changing for the foreseeable future.

I'm actually excited, I've paid my taxes and should have enough to buy some physical if premiums ever decrease. I always laugh when I look back to the first time I asked a question on GIM "what is the spot price" and I can't remember who but someone said "spot price is a myth" and they were right on.

13th April 2013, 05:19 AM
Price is based on the value of the dollar, not the asset. Think about that for just a moment.

Stocks are not priced on the value of the companies or their dividends. They are priced in comparison to other investment options BUT only as a division of fiat currencies floating around. Those currencies and the governmental policies of redistribution of wealth determine perceptions of safety and opportunity for investments.

So, you have to ask yourself a real stupid question: what assurances do I have from the government and its legalized currency for value?

The plain answer: none.

13th April 2013, 06:48 AM
I somewhat hate coming in to these threads like some cheerleader or permabull but I'm so astounded by psychology. Everyone wants silver at 40+ and nobody at 25. Everyone wants bitcoins at 200 yet nobody at 4.......

As someone who has given at least a cursory study into various markets history in the last 100 years I am always left amazed that everyone isn't a multi millionaire today.

The only thing I can think is that people don't want to be rich. They think they want to be rich, but they don't. People would rather have the safety of the herd. I had a few cows recently that due to the drought I was trying to separate so I could feed away from the others, due to the drought grass is sparse and it get's expensive quick feeding the herd, so we took a few cows in a different pasture and fed them and planned to feed them for weeks to months. They would've had full bellies everyday, yet they didn't last 2 days before they broke the fence to get back to the herd. The bottom line is they would rather be with their own herd and hungry than be a small minority but have a full stomach. Likewise today my opinion is nobody wants to deviate from the norm in investing, if the TV and your broker both say to be in X, it might not even be that you're brainwashed by it but if nothing else you go along because your friends are and your broker is, so if you lose money you can at least not look like a fool to them because you lost money like everyone else.

But I know with markets the ONLY way to make money is to recognize something and act BEFORE the crowd does. Long or short it doesn't matter, you have to act differently from the crowd. So with silver people can shun it, mock it whatever but it will not shake my resolve. Sure it sucks to be heavy in commodities and see your portfolio shrink when the DJIA hits new highs, but that is so temporary. As I've said before I got into silver for a reason, and the reasons I entered into the commodity markets have not changed and I do not see them changing for the foreseeable future.

I'm actually excited, I've paid my taxes and should have enough to buy some physical if premiums ever decrease. I always laugh when I look back to the first time I asked a question on GIM "what is the spot price" and I can't remember who but someone said "spot price is a myth" and they were right on.

Wise council here!

The cows anecdote is very instructive. It is difficult to be an individual today because the "herd" of people around you actually demand your conformity and harrass you unless you fall into line. So one has to distance himself from the herd, intellectually and spacially.

As for gold and silver, I bought for reasons similar to yours. Overall, I am not going to try and time and trade markets, especially markets that are obviously manipulated and loaded with hot money flows. IMHO, short term dollar prices have become unreliable indicators of value of underlying assest because of speculative money, leverage and artificially low interest rates. Therefore, I buy the commodity based on long-term fundamentals with the belief that ultimately the fundamentals must prevail and be reflected in price. Gold I consider a currency more than a commodity. There's a large stable basis of gold. Gold is moving east with wealth and power as the west declines. Therefore I retain ownership of gold to protect my purchasing power and standard of living. Silver is more a commodity than currency. Long term silver fundamentals are bullish. Silver ore grades decline yearly. Cost of production rises yearly. Supply is thin and surplus is tenuous. The silver basis is tiny. So silver price is like a bronco: you must ride it up and down while never losing sight of the long term picture.

I will add some silver and gold to my positions on Monday.

13th April 2013, 07:41 AM
So with silver people can shun it, mock it whatever but it will not shake my resolve.



When the government stops the food stamps maybe use your junk silver as ammo to slow down the zombies.

One single American Gold Eagle will still buy one of THESE (http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/120722110019-ar-15-story-top.jpg).


13th April 2013, 08:43 AM
There seems to be an endless supply of Kennedy 1964 halves, endless.

hefty premiums on Circ. silver, though.

about 27%.

$23.50 for $1 of Face, .715 oz., $18.48 with spot @ $25.85.

http://www.apmex.com/Product/65765/1_Face_Value_1964_Kennedy_Half_Dollars___90_Silver _Avg_Circ.aspx

Hmmm. Tulving website is down.


13th April 2013, 08:54 AM
Here's junk silver silver on Ebay going for $31.33 per ounce, a 21% premium over spot. Amazing.


13th April 2013, 08:56 AM
hefty premiums on Circ. silver, though.

about 27%.

$23.50 for $1 of Face, .715 oz., $18.48 with spot @ $25.85.

http://www.apmex.com/Product/65765/1_Face_Value_1964_Kennedy_Half_Dollars___90_Silver _Avg_Circ.aspx

Hmmm. Tulving website is down.


Fricking junk silver about the same price as bullion silver. I'd be trading bulk junk for bullion about now. I don't think anyone would take that trade though. LOL

13th April 2013, 09:08 AM


When the government stops the food stamps maybe use your junk silver as ammo to slow down the zombies.

One single American Gold Eagle will still buy one of THESE (http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/120722110019-ar-15-story-top.jpg).


I guess it depends on your net worth book. For some, it isn't either or, they can have ample supply of both ;)

13th April 2013, 11:13 PM

4 million ounces of annual silver supply and 400,000 ounces of annual gold supply have just been vaporized landslided.
Rio Tinto’s Kennecott mine in Utah- the US’ 2nd largest silver mine and largest copper mine has just suffered a massive landslide which will likely shut down production at the mine for years as upwards of 1 billion tons of dirt and ore have collapsed into the basin.
10% of US annual silver production just vanished.

14th April 2013, 09:58 AM
I guess it depends on your net worth book. For some, it isn't either or, they can have ample supply of both ;)

Is that Book?

What the hell is really going on?

Sale on PM's I guess! :)

14th April 2013, 10:39 AM
Ever see a coyote or wolf kill an animal? They will either bite the neck and strangle it (larger animal) or they will shake it (smaller animal) violently to break the neck.

We are watching the beasts of the financial world try to strangle everyone else and break their necks.

14th April 2013, 10:53 AM
4 million ounces of annual silver supply and 400,000 ounces of annual gold supply have just been vaporized landslided.
Rio Tinto’s Kennecott mine in Utah- the US’ 2nd largest silver mine and largest copper mine has just suffered a massive landslide which will likely shut down production at the mine for years as upwards of 1 billion tons of dirt and ore have collapsed into the basin.
10% of US annual silver production just vanished.

It is astounding that not a soul was injured even though they knew it was coming and moved the miners and equipment out of the way.

Things could have gone much, much worse.

14th April 2013, 11:04 AM
It is astounding that not a soul was injured even though they knew it was coming and moved the miners and equipment out of the way.

Things could have gone much, much worse.

They knew it was coming? That's interesting

Two Firms Amass Much of World's Copper Supply

Commodities Traders Pay to Divert Shipments From Other Warehouses; Manufacturers Worry About Access


Latest story on SilverDoctors.com now says it’s 16%

“The total US mine output for silver in 2012 was 1,050 tons for 2012 or 30.6 million ounces, and US gold production was 230 tons, meaning Rio Tinto’s Kennecott accounted for upwards of 16% of total US silver supply, and 5% of US gold supply!!!”
“Interesting to observe just as US Silver Eagle sales hit record levels and 10% of US silver supply goes offline for the foreseeable future the COMEX market sells the silver price down by 6%. Because we all know that when you have record demand and a significant unexpected loss of supply of a commodity that the price of that commodity in the future markets will decline….WTF?” ~ Max Keiser.com

14th April 2013, 11:09 AM
Ever see a coyote or wolf kill an animal? They will either bite the neck and strangle it (larger animal) or they will shake it (smaller animal) violently to break the neck.

We are watching the beasts of the financial world try to strangle everyone else and break their necks.

Good Answer thanks!

Not shaking me...makes me want to get more!

14th April 2013, 11:20 AM
But I'm coming to the realization that my kids will see silver's full price potential, not me.

How about unloading some life preservers over this way, Dad?


14th April 2013, 06:13 PM
How low will we go?


14th April 2013, 06:21 PM
How low will we go?


This mine landslide could turn the drop around. I was planning on $20.20 for silver, but not sure now. If 10% of the physical supply is shut off for the rest of the year, we could see a crunch to throw silver over $40 before too long.

14th April 2013, 06:41 PM

Speaking of landslides.

14th April 2013, 06:43 PM

Speaking of landslides.

Japanese margin calls?

14th April 2013, 06:49 PM
We have reached $24!

14th April 2013, 06:51 PM
It's just silver too.

14th April 2013, 06:55 PM
Hedgies leading or following silver?


14th April 2013, 07:18 PM

14th April 2013, 07:18 PM
Besides a handful of 40%, they were out of silver.

Au/Ag gets quietly taken off the shelves when prices are dropping at some places, when the prices rises he will suddenly have some more.

14th April 2013, 07:19 PM
holy crap, down to 24.77 and dropping

14th April 2013, 07:20 PM
8% Down for silver. No currency movements at all.

14th April 2013, 07:21 PM
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden)
Gold, Silver In Asian Liquidation Mode (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-04-14/gold-asian-liquidation-mode)

Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://www.zerohedge.com/users/tyler-durden) on 04/14/2013 - 22:02 http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2013/04/20130414_JGB301_1.jpg
UPDATE: Spot Gold $1426 (from $1564 highs Friday)
As Asia opens to the bloodbath that occurred in precious metals on Friday in the US, it would appear that more than a few traders got the 'tap on the shoulder'. Shanghai futures are limit-down and spot gold and silver prices are plunging once again as we suspect forced margin-calls and the raising of cash (to cover extreme variation margin - or capital reserves) needed in JGB positions, as we explained here (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-04-12/japanese-bonds-vs-gold-why-commodities-are-selling). Liquidation is certainly the theme of the evening - investors are selling JGBs (6th day in a row of multiple-sigma moves in long-dated Japanese bonds 30Y +56bps off its post-BoJ lows at 1.60%!), selling Japanese stocks (Nikkei -128 pts, second biggest down day post-BoJ), selling US Treasuries (futures down), selling gold and silver (gold spot down over $100 from Friday's highs), and despite selling JPY early (retracing 30% of the weakness post-BoJ), JPY is practically unchanged (jerking lower only on the US futures open and Asian equity open) - it seems Mrs.Watanabe is struggling and unwinding some her excessively short JPY and long NKY positions (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-04-14/five-fund-flow-charts-every-japanese-stock-investor-should-see)... and post the China data (4-for-4 misses), everything is red - JGBs down, Japanese stocks down, US Stocks down, US Treasuries down, Gold and Silver down, Copper down, Oil down

14th April 2013, 07:22 PM
I fear this is much more serious than a price correction in the metals. There is frantic dumping of paper gold and silver in Asia to meat margin calls and capital reserve requirements. This could pull everything down with it.

14th April 2013, 07:29 PM
I fear this is much more serious than a price correction in the metals. There is frantic dumping of paper gold and silver in Asia to meat margin calls and capital reserve requirements. This could pull everything down with it.

Yeah this seems very drastic.

14th April 2013, 07:30 PM
gold spot down over $100 from Friday's highs

Margin Call Tim?


14th April 2013, 07:30 PM
Anyone got the Fibonacci charts for Au and Ag?

14th April 2013, 07:32 PM
Margin Call Tim?


Are they going to make a porno?

14th April 2013, 07:39 PM
There's blood in the streets...........

14th April 2013, 07:39 PM
Anyone else having no Kitco ticker showing (here) this morning?

glitching again for me...

http://finviz.com/fut_image.ashx?gc.png&rev=635015760691267500 http://finviz.com/fut_image.ashx?si.png&rev=635015760691267500 http://finviz.com/fut_image.ashx?hg.png&rev=635015760691267500 http://www.kitconet.com/charts/metals/silver/t24_ag_en_usoz_6.gif

14th April 2013, 07:48 PM


14th April 2013, 07:50 PM
glitching again for me...

http://finviz.com/fut_image.ashx?gc.png&rev=635015760691267500 http://finviz.com/fut_image.ashx?si.png&rev=635015760691267500 http://finviz.com/fut_image.ashx?hg.png&rev=635015760691267500 http://www.kitconet.com/charts/metals/silver/t24_ag_en_usoz_6.gif

The kitco ticker is almost always unloaded when I first click on the site. I just don't look for it anymore.

15th April 2013, 11:30 AM
Must be preparing to give the dollar a 20% haircut.

15th April 2013, 12:14 PM
glitching again for me...

http://finviz.com/fut_image.ashx?gc.png&rev=635015760691267500 http://finviz.com/fut_image.ashx?si.png&rev=635015760691267500 http://finviz.com/fut_image.ashx?hg.png&rev=635015760691267500 http://www.kitconet.com/charts/metals/silver/t24_ag_en_usoz_6.gif

on days like this they should have some sort of death symbol over the ticker.

15th April 2013, 02:19 PM
Jim Willie explains it all:


15th April 2013, 02:26 PM
Let me know when the Silver price reaches potato.

15th April 2013, 03:01 PM
The recent action has made me physically sick, yah I have puked what must have been pure acid. Purchased 6k shares of hecla mining on friday just in time to literally see the waterfall decline. Should have fucking sold it today and let the goddamned banker take my cash.

15th April 2013, 03:07 PM
Jim Willie says the banks are playing a Jedi mind trick on us with the paper price to shake physical out of the market. Hang tight and wait and see what happens. As Rick Rulem says, at the end of the day, what is your alternative to gold and silver? All the paper markets are totally fake.

15th April 2013, 03:14 PM
all my metal is resting comfortably at the bottom of some lake.

15th April 2013, 03:15 PM
Jim Willie says the banks are playing a Jedi mind trick on us with the paper price to shake physical out of the market. Hang tight and wait and see what happens. As Rick Rulem says, at the end of the day, what is your alternative to gold and silver? All the paper markets are totally fake.

I heard him say that today and he is absolutely correct, the only alternative is banker confetti. Also grabbed 1k shares of PSLV @ 9.14 a share today which I don't feel too badly about yet. This afternoon I heard something about the short sellers needing to cover by Thursday as well, hope it's true.

15th April 2013, 05:52 PM
Still going down. Broke under 22 briefly

15th April 2013, 06:05 PM
Jim Willie explains it all:


When are you silver guys gonna finally move on?


15th April 2013, 06:09 PM
When are you silver guys gonna finally move on?


Onto what?

15th April 2013, 06:14 PM
Onto what?

Dollars man... gotta invest in dollars

15th April 2013, 06:19 PM
Dollars man... gotta invest in dollars

I'm thinking that too. Cash is king right now.

15th April 2013, 06:19 PM
Dollars man... gotta invest in dollars


15th April 2013, 07:51 PM
When are you silver guys gonna finally move on?


When I see the macro events that brought on the PM bull market change. If they raise interest rates above 10%, if they balance the budget and start running trillion dollar surpluses, if they stop printing billions per month to help bank balance sheets etc.

The problem is not only that they won't do ANY of these 3 things, they CAN'T do any of them.

15th April 2013, 10:05 PM
"Silver down!!! "

And for the moment floating back up. The sale may be ending soon.

15th April 2013, 10:16 PM
"Silver down!!! "

And for the moment floating back up. The sale may be ending soon.

Yeah, it's ok... a good time to buy

29th May 2013, 08:06 AM
Jim Willie says the banks are playing a Jedi mind trick on us with the paper price to shake physical out of the market. Hang tight and wait and see what happens.

Did as you said, and even day traded a few thousand more shares in the 3.10 - 3.50 area for very decent gains over the last 45 days, but I held onto those 5k initial shares until just now, literally sold the last shares @ 3.71 turning a disastrous 6k loss in value into a nearly 900.00 profit thanks to you. I, in my inexperience, nearly let those banker shits scare me out of my position, and would have had it not been for your post.

Apr 12 was my first attempt at day trading, there is nothing like watching a 34k portfolio drop to 27k from friday morning to monday afternoon.

Imma go make some coffee and drink it in your honor!

Thank you for being here Mamboni, and don't be surprised if I ask for a mailing address in the next week or two, Plastic knows how to return a favor.

29th May 2013, 08:28 AM
Did as you said, and even day traded a few thousand more shares in the 3.10 - 3.50 area for very decent gains over the last 45 days, but I held onto those 5k initial shares until just now, literally sold the last shares @ 3.71 turning a disastrous 6k loss in value into a nearly 900.00 profit thanks to you. I, in my inexperience, nearly let those banker shits scare me out of my position, and would have had it not been for your post.

Apr 12 was my first attempt at day trading, there is nothing like watching a 34k portfolio drop to 27k from friday morning to monday afternoon.

Imma go make some coffee and drink it in your honor!

Thank you for being here Mamboni, and don't be surprised if I ask for a mailing address in the next week or two, Plastic knows how to return a favor.

If your account drops under $25k, no more day trading.

29th May 2013, 08:31 AM
If your account drops under $25k, no more day trading.

Thankfully, that did'nt happen.

29th May 2013, 10:02 AM
Silver stocks are up today.