View Full Version : “I Am Willing to Give Up Some of My Constitutional Rights In Order to Be Safe

Twisted Titan
13th April 2013, 02:05 AM
Fourth Grade Shock: “I Am Willing to Give Up Some of My Constitutional Rights In Order to Be Safe Or More Secure”

Earlier this year when a sixth grade lesson plan asked elementary school students to create a communist flag of America (http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/assignment-design-a-flag-for-a-new-socialist-communist-america_02052013), many parents were outraged.

But don’t think for a second that it stopped there. In fact, the indoctrination of young minds supported by officials like Attorney General Eric Holder, who once suggested we must brainwash the second amendment out of American schoolchildren (http://www.infowars.com/why-obama-wants-your-guns-and-the-rest-of-your-freedoms/), continues without respite.

In Jacksonville, Florida, a fourth grade student proves, once again, that progressive leaning educators are actively working to redefine what it means to be an American.

The following note was found by the father of a student who recently attended a class in which the kids discussed the U.S. Constitution.

“I am willing to give up some of my Constitutional rights in order to be safer or more secure.”

http://shtfplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/give-up-rights.jpeg (Image courtesy The Daily Sheeple (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/))

A Florida father is furious today after finding a note written in crayon in his son’s school book bag about his constitutional rights.…Aaron Harvey stated that when he went through his son’s backpack that he found a note written by his son in crayon reading,“I am willing to give up some of my constitutional rights in order to be safer or more secure.”Harvey reveals that this note was written after his son’s class had recently had a lesson about the U.S. Constitution.…Harvey reveals that he talked to his son about the note, who said his teacher had spoken the sentence out loud and told them to write it down. Harvey said he asked some of his son’s classmates and got a similar answer.

“I am strongly for proper education, for the freedom of thought so you can form your own opinion and have your own free speech in the future… [but] the education is, ‘when was the Constitution drafted, when was it ratified, why did this happen, why did we choose to do this… all these things, why did they particular choose those specific rights to be in our Bill of Rights.’”
Examiner (http://www.examiner.com/article/4th-grader-s-note-found-on-constitutional-rights-goes-viral) via The Daily Sheeple (http://www.thedailysheeple.com/)
It’s one thing to educate children and expand their understanding of the various political systems. It’s a completely different matter altogether when progressive educators attempt to mold their minds without giving them the ability to think for themselves.

Dictation without discussion is nothing more than brainwashing based on the principle of repeating the same message over and over until the target individual begins to believe it without question.

Ronald Reagan once said, “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”

There are millions of people right now in America who are working hard to make sure the US Constitution and our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness go the way of the dinosaurs.

Twisted Titan
13th April 2013, 02:09 AM
For those of us with Wee Ones.

Its just further proof what we need to do when the time comes.

13th April 2013, 04:48 AM
Fixed it for him ... more accurate this way.


mick silver
15th April 2013, 07:38 PM
back up

15th April 2013, 08:43 PM
TT, are you considering to have the little ones home schooled? We are planning catholic school or possibly home schooling. Public schools are a no go for us.

Twisted Titan
15th April 2013, 10:00 PM
Home schooling or having a tutor come for about 3 hours 4 days a week

There is no way on planet earth im letting those jackasses near my kid

Plus she is vaccine free and i dont want to expose her to the nasties

15th April 2013, 10:05 PM
Same boat, both are vaccine free and the third one will be too, God willing.

We still have two years before the schooling starts so we have some time.

Twisted Titan
16th April 2013, 05:06 AM
Hey hey

How far along is the Mrs.?

16th April 2013, 05:25 AM
Six months!

big country
16th April 2013, 05:41 AM
We're planning on home schooling as well (8mo and 2.5yr). They're both mostly vaccine free, though the 2.5yr old does have the polio vaccine. The local schools in my county will not let them even go to school without the full assorment of vaccines (including chicken pox) so we really have no choice...not that they would go there if we HAD a choice.

We have no "religious exemption" for vaccines in West Virginia.

16th April 2013, 06:03 AM
We're planning on home schooling as well (8mo and 2.5yr). They're both mostly vaccine free, though the 2.5yr old does have the polio vaccine. The local schools in my county will not let them even go to school without the full assorment of vaccines (including chicken pox) so we really have no choice...not that they would go there if we HAD a choice.

We have no "religious exemption" for vaccines in West Virginia.

Take a lot of Activated Charcoal and Vitamin C if you or someone you care for is forced to take vaccines. It can help minimize the effects.

Twisted Titan
16th April 2013, 06:11 AM
We're planning on home schooling as well (8mo and 2.5yr). They're both mostly vaccine free, though the 2.5yr old does have the polio vaccine. The local schools in my county will not let them even go to school without the full assorment of vaccines (including chicken pox) so we really have no choice...not that they would go there if we HAD a choice.

We have no "religious exemption" for vaccines in West Virginia.

Then I would research how the Hassidic Jews of West Virgina get their exemption

Because you know they dont vaccinate their own.

big country
16th April 2013, 06:16 AM
Then I would research how the Hassidic Jews of West Virgina get their exemption

Because you know they dont vaccinate their own.

The only exemption allowed is a medical one given by a medical doctor that says that the child would have known complications because of xxx risk factor when taking this vaccine.

I'm sure they have a jew MD that gives them all the medical exemptions they need...

16th April 2013, 08:48 AM
They dont call them 'Government Re-Education Camps' for nothing.....