View Full Version : Really Moth-y Wheat Grain to go with my Corn & Beans

13th April 2013, 01:59 PM
This is my recipe for Super Moth-y Wheat-corn-beans.

Leave Wheat alone to sit for 2 years in plastic bags. fail to notice signs of moth presence, like holes being chewed in the bags and spiders building webs to catch the bugs.

try to fix the situation by sterilizing the wheat. Place Wheat on Dashboard of truck parked in the Summer Sun. Let the wheat cook at 225+ for 4 hours, 2 or 3 days in a row. Will kill most moth infestations.

Wonder what you are going to do with the half-spoiled wheat. Resolve that you will not let it go to Waste.

Mix the dry wheat with dry corn and dry beans. Add water. About 3 cups of each in a 2 gallon bucket. With about 2 quarts of water. The grains soak up the water.

Let it Sit & Soak for about 24 hours.

Cook thoroughly for about 1 hour. Do not let it run out of water or you will just burn the food. The goal is to have all the water steamed away after about 1 hours.

If cooked right, beans will be non-flatulence-inducing.

Add cheese to taste when heating up. If it soaks up some Ketchup or barbecue sauce from the meat, it tastes a little better.

Actually, if cooked right, it will taste damn good. :)

I don't even notice the moths !

13th April 2013, 04:53 PM
So, you really are an owl.

13th April 2013, 05:02 PM
Buy new and feed the old to the chickens.

13th April 2013, 05:09 PM
Mix the dry wheat with dry corn and dry beans. Add water. About 3 cups of each in a 2 gallon bucket. With about 2 quarts of water. The grains soak up the water.

Let it Sit & Soak for about 24 hours.

No, no... just increase the water two to one. Add six cups of sugar and let it steep covered with cheese cloth for a couple weeks, then skim off mold, strain the liquid and drink up. Yum.

You have just gotten drunk off mead. Now go find a woman. She will be beautiful. :)

13th April 2013, 05:33 PM
Buy new and feed the old to the chickens.

well, they do like it, but ... this is my food !

it's hard red wheat. or was.

13th April 2013, 05:39 PM
No, no... just increase the water two to one. Add six cups of sugar and let it steep covered with cheese cloth for a couple weeks, then skim off mold, strain the liquid and drink up. Yum.

You have just gotten drunk off mead. Now go find a woman. She will be beautiful. :)

That ain't mead. Mead is honey based and maybe some fruits added.

That is swill beer what you have described by my definitions.

Might want to add some hops for some flavoring.

13th April 2013, 06:33 PM
It ain't wheat no more. I hope you didn't have much like that. I put away about 200 pounds of wheat in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. Haven't opened them yet, but there is no oxygen in them for anything to live. Stored in a cool dry place. Heat will kill nutrients. You end up with toasted cardboard flakes.

I had some unpackaged grains that got infested. These were good chicken food.

When things get bad, people will find such tainted grains as a God-send. Weeds from the yard will be used for soup.

13th April 2013, 07:58 PM
That ain't mead. Mead is honey based and maybe some fruits added.

That is swill beer what you have described by my definitions.

Might want to add some hops for some flavoring.

Ah yes. Swill. You're so right. I forgot about the honey. But never a beeeautiful woman. Lol...

14th April 2013, 07:43 AM
It ain't wheat no more. I hope you didn't have much like that.

had about 100 pounds. i am surprised - the little buggers chewed right through the plastic. i knew a squirrel could do that, but - a moth ?

it actually tastes just like sprouted wheat. it's just that i don't think it would sprout now after being cooked.

in any case, i got about 80 pounds to go so, i'll be eating it.