View Full Version : Alan Gottlieb, CCRKBA, sells out

midnight rambler
15th April 2013, 03:43 PM
Alan Gottlieb, useful joo -


15th April 2013, 04:09 PM
Gun group ‘had hand in writing’ Manchin-Toomey background check amendment

gun rights (http://www.examiner.com/topic/gun-rights)
April 14, 2013
By: David Codrea (http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-national/david-codrea)
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Manchin and Toomey had help coming up with their background check amendment from a surprising source.
Allison Shelley/Getty Images

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The head of a national gun rights (http://www.examiner.com/topic/gun-rights) group is supporting the Manchin-Toomey background check bill, an email sent today to a group of Second Amendment activists, scholars and journalists revealed. Alan Gottlieb, Chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Founder of the Second Amendment Foundation also staked an authorship claim in the email, which he confirmed to Gun Rights Examiner is a for-the-record statement that can be shared and published.
“Just so you all know, I am in support on the Manchin-Tooney substitute bill to knock out the bad Schumer Background Check bill,” Gottlieb wrote. “I and our CCRKBA attorney lobbyist had a hand in influencing and writing parts of it.
“The bill bans any federal gun registry and carries a 15 year prison term for anyone who violates it.” He explained. “We protect and expand a good number of pro-gun rights measures as well.
“We also have an agreement that an additional amendment supported by Manchin and Toomey will be offered to even make it better by making it possible to get federal firearms rights restored, negating the current Schumer legislation that blocks it,” Gottlieb continued. “If you read the bill you can see all the advances for our cause that it contains like interstate sales of handguns, veteran gun rights restoration, travel with firearms protection, civil and criminal immunity lawsuit protection if you sell a gun plus more. It also exempts the sale or transfer of firearms between family members and friends as well as sales outside a commercial venue from a background check. If you have any kind of current state permit to own, use or carry no check is done, just the Form 4473 to stay with a dealer.
“These advances for gun rights cannot be made unless we win the Senate vote on Tuesday to substitute it for the current Schumer draconian background check that is in the bill at this time,” Gottlieb concluded. “The gun grabbers have stepped into our trap. It will be fun to see Obama forced to sign it!”
That statement would indicate a belief that the bill will also pass in the House of Representatives.
Gottlieb elaborated on this in a speech at a GOP Lincoln Day Dinner in Portland, video recorded and reported on Friday in an exclusive by Dan Sandini of Daylight Disinfectant (http://daylightdisinfectant.com/gun-rights-advocate-helped-write-background-check-bill/).
This explains why Republican Toomey, who won election by a narrow margin, has been willing to put his name on the bill in spite of pleas from gun owners who have not been privy to behind-the-scenes efforts. He obviously believes this will give him the political cover he needs to present his actions later as one that was in gun owner interests to pass, and has good reason to suppose that at least one national gun group will back him on it.
UPDATE: See follow-up article "Gun owners sharply divided over CCRKBA background check support (http://www.examiner.com/article/gun-owners-sharply-divided-over-ccrkba-background-check-support)."
My latest GUNS Magazine "Rights Watch" column is now online. Click here (http://gunsmagazine.com/exclusive-a-right-delayed/) to read "A Right Delayed,” discussing yet another dangerous drawback of so-called “universal background checks (http://www.examiner.com/topic/universal-background-checks).”
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