View Full Version : The Boston Bomb Party by lame cherry

15th April 2013, 06:19 PM

As an assessment of the Boston bombings as a Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

These bombs were not anti personell bombs, in they were not meant to kill people. Look at the footage my children in there was an 8 foot fire ball, and then the large cloud of smoke.
Look at what I teach you in observing things always and what you are seeing, and ask yourself, "WHY?"

What is this telling you?

It informs you in forensics, that if metal bits were put in these bombs, the numbers would have approached 200 dead. There is not one subversive or terrorist who does not know that just a bomb does little damage, as a bomb is just a rapid expansion of fuels at a volatile rate.

The limbs blown off or torn off, were proximity deaths. The few wounded were from metal from the trash cans. The majority of injuries were eardrums, and that comes from loud sounds.

The smoke tells you things about the explosive in it was not smokeless in nitrocellous powder nor was it plastic, or any form of clean burning propellents.

First assessment is this was black powder or a derivative of that in the citrus based or pyrodex based muzzleloading poweders which are available in bulk.

A black smoke would be a witch's brew of petrol chemcials of low grade burn rate. This was white grey smoke and that points to a simple "dynamite" type bomb which is the same smoke you see in fireworks, and the same construction.

The bomb detonation structure appears to be individual timers and not cell phone activated. That is rudimentary in a timing switch of a clock that either activates an electronic or chemical spark by physical action or a electronic pulse.

Do not miss this, that the 3rd bomb not going off, might have been constructed in that manner to lead the authorities back to whoever triggered this, meaning with the BATF on record of having hundreds of moles following Hutatree types around for triggering and Faisal Shazzad allowed to drive around with weapons and enter an airport by Eric Holder, after his New York bombing, that a bomb unexploded might be a drama to be played out as in Terry Nichols having bomb making materials provided him by a government mole in the Holder Reno Clinton era.

Think my children, as this is Boston, one of the most heavily policed state in America. Yet someone was able to in a busy route area, was able to plant multiple explosives with all of those police, cameras and public awareness on that street.
Those garbage bins are also suspect as why would such things be left at the end of a race route, when any police training would tell you that is the first thing to clear out.

That looks like a coordinated event in the analysis.

In review, one has a Bostonian chasing a Saudi National and tackled, now cooperating with the police. One has a white smoke cloud, pointing to a pyrotechnic of sulfur, potassium nitrate and charcoal, available in quantity. One has NO anti personnel shrapnel as should be the case of an attack which of course makes absolute no forensic sense.

With the surveillance taking place on information in how to construct bombs and watch lists for Americans, this event could not take place as one has to acquire said components and construction.

Preliminary indications are there is much more to this story already as parts of this are missing if one was designing this to murder people in mass. Someone who is this adept to creating a series of bombs is going to include this in their protocols.

Why was it left out, that is the evidence in this.

Why go through the effort to set off bombs not to kill large numbers of people and why did Boston have these areas available to place the bombs in when operational procedures would require the trash bins to be not on location for a major event.

The way this is playing coy in the media points to this was cover for another event.

agtG 272Y

*Additoinal note: Orange flame concludes low grade fire compared to a blue flame. Assessment is correct.

Posted byLame Cherry (http://www.blogger.com/profile/16074105229643299339)at4:15 PM

15th April 2013, 06:43 PM
Whoever the bomb maker was, he must not have liked what he was being asked to do.

Or was asked to make a dud/mock, and enjoyed adding this aspect of reality to it.

15th April 2013, 07:14 PM
In review, one has a Bostonian chasing a Saudi National and tackled, now cooperating with the police. One has a white smoke cloud, pointing to a pyrotechnic of sulfur, potassium nitrate and charcoal, available in quantity.


Teevee news ran an extra hour tonight with Diane Sawyer bringing on the usual paid "terrorism experts" who offered no real facts regarding Boston. None.

One street witness did say she smelled a strong odor of "sulfur" right after the explosion.

15th April 2013, 08:13 PM
Guess they want to get rid of reloaders. No more gunpowder for you.

15th April 2013, 08:19 PM
Guess they want to get rid of reloaders. No more gunpowder for you.


They clamped down (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/07/23/1113044/-Open-thread-for-night-owls-Federal-government-monitors-big-fertilizer-buys-but-not-ammo-in-bulk) on fertilizer after the Oklahoma Bombing. Gunpowder will be next.

15th April 2013, 08:33 PM
It's getting painfully obvious how they work and how readily the idiot masses await the response from the talking heads on the boob tube. I've seen this matter discussed locally already and they pre-reserve themselves against "conspiracy theories" and start blaming AL-Qaeda.

No guns, no fertilizer, no gun powder = no ability to put up meaningful resistance against the parasites with the same methods they are using against us.

If you study the Afghanistan conflict you will see that simple IEDs fuck up personnel beyond repair are very effective weapons in order to completely destroy the invaders morale and fighting spirit. That is the reason why they are doing this crap now before things get ugly.

15th April 2013, 08:37 PM

15th April 2013, 09:03 PM

You get that from reading this article,

but I think they would want to stay away from all particulars of bomb make up on this job.

this also ties into the Silver Down thread suspiciously.

17th April 2013, 09:02 PM
My children in more Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives.......

Boston and the Baked Beans require a pot scrubbing........

What is taking place in Boston at this staged venture, is a "video" is "showing" a "tattered" black backpack and by coincidence this OVERHEAD video is showing a pressure cooker inside, as the backpack is conveniently open in being tattered.

In this creation in Boston of Patsy Lee Oswald, which is creating a scenario that this person being set up like Ray Bradbury's dupe in the alley of Fahrenheit 451 to be assassinated, let us hear the last words of Lee Harvey Oswald (http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/LHO.html) in a police interrogation before he was silenced concerning a photo of him that appeared at just the right time:

6:00 - 6:30 P.M. Interrogation, Captain Fritz's Office
"In time I will be able to show you that this is not my picture, but I don't want to answer any more questions. . . . I will not discuss this photograph [which was used on the cover of Feb. 21, 1964 Life magazine] without advice of an attorney. . . . There was another rifle in the building. I have seen it. Warren Caster had two rifles, a 30.06 Mauser and a .22 for his son. . . . That picture is not mine, but the face is mine. The picture has been made by superimposing my face. The other part of the picture is not me at all, and I have never seen this picture before. I understand photography real well, and that, in time, I will be able to show you that is not my picture and that it has been made by someone else. . . . It was entirely possible that the Police Dept. has superimposed this part of the photograph over the body of someone else. . . . The Dallas Police were the culprits. . . . The small picture was reduced from the larger one, made by some persons unknown to me. . . . Since I have been photographed at City Hall, with people taking my picture while being transferred from the office to the jail door, someone has been able to get a picture of my face, and with that, they have made this picture. . . . I never kept a rifle at Mrs. Paine's garage at Irving, Tex
In 1963, the cartel was creating "evidence" to convince the public of something, which Oswald was not a part of. In 2013, a scenario is unfolding of numerous lies being generated by the authorities, exactly like Sandy Hook, and now thee unheard of situation that a "suspect" is being watched and is not in custody.
A reality that would of course make a person who was not guilty, nervous and attempt to run, at which point the "lone wolf" would be shot while evading police and dead Oswalds would tell no tales with lawyers in court showing their innocence.

This blog will mention that now a BLACK BAG has become a BACKPACK, according to an interview on Mark Levin at 6:30 eastern time from a Boston skirt reporter that Levin was bragging up.

This blog will mention a problem in a backpack is apparently just showing ONE MIRACULOUS PRESSURE COOKER, and of course there were two according to authorities as now we have photos of that blown up one.......which in cursory examination by this forensic expert seemed to HAVE INTACT THE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE, which is a small rubber plug which is designed to blow out before pressures reach critical pressures which would crack metals at 50 plus pounds per square inch, as cooking pressures are 15 PSI.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-soxKLmIfIQU/UW8wmTfoC9I/AAAAAAAAanU/_g6UDAV95yk/s400/the+smoking+pot.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-soxKLmIfIQU/UW8wmTfoC9I/AAAAAAAAanU/_g6UDAV95yk/s1600/the+smoking+pot.jpg)

Now ask yourself my children, why is it that rubber plug did not blow out with thousands of pounds of pressure from explosives?


If that dark center point is that black rubber plug, that plug could not be there under these pressures as for safety they are made to release before a metal cooker goes critical and ruptures.
The round small circular object to the upper right of the black spot is another relief valve for certain as it has NO OPEN CENTER HOLE, and this too has not blown out at these extreme pressures.

This has the FBI stamp on it as "evidence". It is either something manufactured and placed on a roof to be found by an agent who wanted this "evidence" to show the story being manufactured or this is the FBI or it is something manufactured and placed on a roof......you get the point in things should not be in place after these high pressures and they are.
That means incompetent fraud.

Now no one in this official farce is bringing any of this up, as they apparently are too ignorant to comprehend the dynamics of Martha Stewart cooking and explosives affecting pressure cookers.

The evidence in this once again does not fit known scientific facts and data.

Stories are changing exactly like Benghazi in ANALGATE, exactly like 9 11, exactly like the Kennedy assassination, exactly like the Sikh shootings, exactly like the Colorado Joker, exactly like Gabrielle Giffords, exactly like bin Laden in Obama having the Sheik's DNA matched before it could in a lab, and exactly like Sandy Hook.

A bogus story is being manufactured again to cover up what really took place by the cartel and this Obama regime, as this regime is nothing but complete fraud.


18th April 2013, 12:20 AM
This blog will mention a problem in a backpack is apparently just showing ONE MIRACULOUS PRESSURE COOKER, and of course there were two according to authorities as now we have photos of that blown up one.......which in cursory examination by this forensic expert seemed to HAVE INTACT THE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE, which is a small rubber plug which is designed to blow out before pressures reach critical pressures which would crack metals at 50 plus pounds per square inch, as cooking pressures are 15 PSI.

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-soxKLmIfIQU/UW8wmTfoC9I/AAAAAAAAanU/_g6UDAV95yk/s400/the+smoking+pot.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-soxKLmIfIQU/UW8wmTfoC9I/AAAAAAAAanU/_g6UDAV95yk/s1600/the+smoking+pot.jpg)

Now ask yourself my children, why is it that rubber plug did not blow out with thousands of pounds of pressure from explosives?

Sometimes rate has an effect. If the detonation was so rapid that it cracked the cooker before the plug popped out, and released the pressure locally, this might not be impossible. The pressure relief probably works under steady static pressure, not an impulse. Still it does seem strange.

18th April 2013, 01:28 AM
I haven't been focused on the media too much here, but if the focus is plainly on the shell pressure cooker and whatever shrapnel supposed. Its clearly being diverted from the more important parts of the bomb.

Just what is/was the aim of the false flag may have failed in congress today with the gun bill defeat.

Did they even find the guys yet?

9-11 they knew in 2 hours.

18th April 2013, 10:49 AM
I haven't been focused on the media too much here, but if the focus is plainly on the shell pressure cooker and whatever shrapnel supposed. Its clearly being diverted from the more important parts of the bomb.

Just what is/was the aim of the false flag may have failed in congress today with the gun bill defeat.

Did they even find the guys yet?

9-11 they knew in 2 hours.

The Israeli police probably arrived today, so they should have a consensus on who the guy is, then find a patsy within a few day.

18th April 2013, 11:33 AM
The Israeli police probably arrived today, so they should have a consensus on who the guy is, then find a patsy within a few day.

Thank god! You know only good things happen when there are joos around...

18th April 2013, 02:09 PM
The Israeli police probably arrived today, so they should have a consensus on who the guy is, then find a patsy within a few day.

What will they do when there's only israeli's left to act as patsys?

18th April 2013, 02:53 PM
If you can't cheat your own brother then you can't cheat the goy.