View Full Version : Iran Earthquake: 7.8 4/16/13

16th April 2013, 05:57 AM

16th April 2013, 06:04 AM

16th April 2013, 06:35 AM
Major 7.8 Earthquake Strikes Iran Leaves "Hundreds Dead";
Follows 6.1 Quake From Week Ago

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/pictures/picture-5.jpg (http://gold-silver.us/users/tyler-durden)
Submitted by Tyler Durden (http://gold-silver.us/users/tyler-durden) on
04/16/2013 07:31 -0400

Citadel (http://gold-silver.us/taxonomy_vtn/term/9816)

Dubai (http://gold-silver.us/taxonomy_vtn/term/8171)

Iran (http://gold-silver.us/taxonomy_vtn/term/8419)

Middle East (http://gold-silver.us/taxonomy_vtn/term/11126)

Nuclear Power (http://gold-silver.us/taxonomy_vtn/term/11901)

Reuters (http://gold-silver.us/taxonomy_vtn/term/9184)

It was only a week ago that Iran was shaken by a major 6.1 earthquake,
striking just 100 km away from the Busher nuclear power plant: a location so
"opportune" some, so inclined, saw in this phenomenon anoter demonstration of
the HAARP's capabilities. Those same people will then hardly be surprised to
learn that moments ago the entire middle east, from Dubai to Delhi, shook in the
aftermath of yet another massive earthquake, this time measuring 7.8 on the
Richter scale, which once again was located as the USGS reports, some 86
km East South East of Khash, Iran. According to preliminary reports,
the USGS says there is possibility of heavy damage in area of epicenter, and an
estimated 359,000 people felt very strong to severe shaking. USGS also estimates
that 16K may have felt 'severe' shaking, 343K 'very strong' shaking, 1.7M
'strong' shaking; 1.1M 'moderate' shaking. An Iranian official was promptly on
the tape saying hundreds of dead expected from quake in southeast of country,
even as the Russian company that built the Busher NPP saying there was no damage
from the quake. How much more shaking can either the existing Iranian nuclear
power plant, or the much maligned nuclear facility in Fordow, sustain before
they go off in a big glowing mushroom cloud: that is the question.

From Al
Jazeera (http://www.aljazeera.com/news/asia/2013/04/2013416111232927572.html):

A magnitude 7.8 earthquake has struck southeastern Iran near the border with
Pakistan, reportedly killing at least 40 people with casualties expected to

The US Geological Survey reported on Tuesday that the epicentre of the quake
was 86km southeast of Khash, Iran.

The Iranian news agency FARS is reporting 40 initial casualties.

An Iranian government official said on Tuesday he expected hundreds of deaths
from the earthquake.

"It was the biggest earthquake in Iran in 40 years and we are expecting
hundreds of dead," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Al Jazeera's Saira Jaffer, reporting from Islamabad, said tremors were felt
across Karachi and Balochistan.

Many buildings in Karachi were reportedly evacuated.

Also reporting from Islamabad, Imtiaz Tyab said that so far there have been
no reported casualties in Pakistan.

In the Indian capital New Delhi, tall buildings shook sending people running
into the streets, witnesses told Reuters.

Across the Gulf, people also evacuated shaking buildings in Qatar and Dubai,
residents said. Dubai has the world's tallest tower, the 828-metre Burj

Last week, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake also hit Iran killing at least 37
people and injuring 850 more in the country's southwest.

In December 2003, a big earthquake struck the southern city of Bam. It killed
31,000 people - about a quarter of the population - and destroyed the city's
ancient mud-built citadel.

From the USGS (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/usb000g7x7#summary):

Event Time

2013-04-16 10:44:13 UTC
2013-04-16 15:14:13 UTC+04:30 at
2013-04-16 06:44:13 UTC-04:00 system time


28.056°N 62.080°E depth=15.2km (9.4mi)

Nearby Cities

86km (53mi) ESE of Khash, Iran
167km (104mi) NE of Iranshahr,
199km (124mi) SE of Zahedan, Iran
237km (147mi) SSW of Rudbar,
603km (375mi) NE of Muscat, Oman

http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2013/04/Iran%20quake_0.jpg (http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2013/04/Iran%20quake.jpg)

http://earthquake.usgs.gov/product/shakemap/usb000g7x7/us/1366110392647/download/intensity.jpg (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/product/shakemap/usb000g7x7/us/1366110392647/download/intensity.jpg)



16th April 2013, 08:44 AM
This is hundreds of miles further south than I would have expected. My suspicion is tha the internal core is shifting- and magnetic north is pulliing down further into Russia. If so, watch for a major EQ soon in northern Chile or Peru. New Zealand is still on the radar. I am watching a shifting ring in northern & southern hemispheres for these.

Also- watch the volcanoes in the Mediterranean Sea. Italy & Greece. Fire underneath.

ed- I forgot to add the biggie- Canary Is. If that sucker shakes enough, we get a tsunami on US east coast.

16th April 2013, 11:06 AM

16th April 2013, 11:22 AM
I don't put any credence into the HAARP theories. I could be wrong, but the amount of energy that would be required to pull off these EQs is enormous. Instead- I look more toward solar flares, planetary alignments and magnetic fields in the solar system.

Why? Some clues: the magnetic north pole for the last 10 years has been heading straight toward Siberia. Unlike any time that I can recall, many locations have experienced grinding and pounding sounds in the earth and sky. Space object are completely out of normal activity. And all of the strange global & atmospheric events happen to occur around the anticipated biblical prophecy fulfillment.

The globe is not perfectly spherical. I think the core and some of the crust are adjusting- grinding, as a strong magnetic field is hitting the earth. If there is a flyby of panet-X of some other heavy iron body, this would explain much and match what we can expect to happen.

16th April 2013, 11:39 AM
I don't put any credence into the HAARP theories. I could be wrong, but the amount of energy that would be required to pull off these EQs is enormous.

HAARP doesn't have to provide the energy, merely direct and manage the energy that's already there.

old steel
16th April 2013, 11:50 AM
HAARP doesn't have to provide the energy, merely direct and manage the energy that's already there.

I agree with this post.


16th April 2013, 12:55 PM
HAARP doesn't have to provide the energy, merely direct and manage the energy that's already there.

I know almost nothing about HAARP and I am willing to bet that nobody else among the theorists does. What is the mechanism of this energy direction? What is the source of the energy? Where is it being done?

We are bombarded- at least our magnetosphere is- with millions of tons of solar dust every day. The gravitational force of the moon as evidenced by our tides is so large that I can't imagine anything on earth having near a single percent as much energy. What is making our magnetic poles drift- and now in a direct line instead of the historic meandering?

Are there any facts about HAARP or just wild speculation?

16th April 2013, 01:31 PM
I know almost nothing about HAARP and I am willing to bet that nobody else among the theorists does. What is the mechanism of this energy direction? What is the source of the energy? Where is it being done?

We are bombarded- at least our magnetosphere is- with millions of tons of solar dust every day. The gravitational force of the moon as evidenced by our tides is so large that I can't imagine anything on earth having near a single percent as much energy. What is making our magnetic poles drift- and now in a direct line instead of the historic meandering?

Are there any facts about HAARP or just wild speculation?
I agree with you. The theory about HAARP is similar to what happens if you direct a sound wave with a certain frequency towards a window, and it will break, but I don't think HAARP is powerful and exact enough to do this with earthquakes, even if the antennas can generate pulses of a billion Watt, that really is nothing in terms of setting off an earthquake. It is equivalent with what the sun projects on one square kilometer of land at noon...

16th April 2013, 01:36 PM


16th April 2013, 01:55 PM
I am sure HAARP can be used to direct electromagnetic radiation to a certain area of the earth, but to be able to trigger an earthquake you pretty much need the frequency on the fault line, and I doubt it is even nearly sufficient with a 1000 Watts/sq.m which is what you would get if (and that is a big if) you'ld manage to project a 1 Billion Watt pulse on a square kilometer of land half way around the earth, after bouncing it off the ionosphere, which by no means is homogenous and easy to predict. I think HAARP was mainly created to disturb radio transmissions in faraway places... It may have some utility in changing weather patterns...

16th April 2013, 02:00 PM
I agree with you. The theory about HAARP is similar to what happens if you direct a sound wave with a certain frequency towards a window, and it will break, but I don't think HAARP is powerful and exact enough to do this with earthquakes, even if the antennas can generate pulses of a billion Watt, that really is nothing in terms of setting off an earthquake. It is equivalent with what the sun projects on one square kilometer of land at noon...

HAARP pushes up the stratosphere and it rebounds back. If they pulse it then it will pulse back to the earths surface. They are able to aim the antennas (see Ximmys picture) and have more than one location that these arrays are stationed. That being said they can aim this pulsing pretty much exactly where they want to.

It is an amazing science you should spend a few minutes reading about. Tesla said with this invention he could bust the Earth in two. It is all based on frequency and pulses.

16th April 2013, 05:52 PM
I am fascinated with resonance of all sorts. But just think for a moment how much energy is absorbed by the earth and in what forms. For HAARP to cause tectonic effects, it would have to channel AND resonate streams of matter-penetrating particles, not just energy. Energy waves would be absorbed at the surface and people would be cooked by that much energy. Smaller amounts and I could see birds dropping from the sky. So, I do think there are some powered effects.

Get too close to a radio or radar antennae array and you will be cooked. Microwaves will cook things- we know. But what kind of waves are harnessed by HAARP?