View Full Version : You May Be A Dangerous, Paranoid Doomsday Prepper If…

Twisted Titan
16th April 2013, 06:17 AM
You May Be A Dangerous, Paranoid Doomsday Prepper If…

Commentators are always quick to link guns and emergency stores to dangerous and paranoid actions that they consider to be tell tale signs someone is going to commit a crime. They always focus on these areas because it is a trait mostly seen in conservatives that know enough to question the governments’ ability to take care of every problem that emerges. In short, if you are not a Liberal that needs the government to make all of your decisions for you and care for you on a daily basis then there must be something wrong with you.

Any deviation from the norm of unpreparedness is a danger sign to these people that you are out of control and need to be stopped, detained and heavily medicated to assure compliance. Only when you are obedient to the state are you normal and safe. So what signs do you look for in a person or group that should make you suspicious?

The purchase of bullets by the thousands

If a person or group feels the need to purchase thousands of rounds of ammo in the belief they may need this to protect themselves and their family from some type of uncontrolled chaos in the future they are obviously troubled individuals. They need to be more sensible like the U.S. government that only buys 1.5 billion rounds of ammo, give or take a few million, that is only the bare minimum necessary for waging a 24 year war.

The purchasing of weapons by the dozen

If a person or group feels the need to have one firearm to protect themselves or their family due to lack of police protection, this is just irrational. And to have a dozen guns is bordering on paranoia. They need to be more like the U.S. government that only has 165.000 armed federal employees, give or take several thousand, and have several thousand automatic rifles on order as well as two million dollars worth of sniper rifles on order from Remington.

The storing of dehydrated and freeze dried foods for several months

If you perceive the potential need for stored food because of distribution problems or social chaos, having food stores for several months is just promoting the panic. You need to be more like the federal government and buy a billion dollars worth of freeze dried foods for “disaster relief operations”.

The building of underground bunkers for several people

The need for hiding underground in a bunker with several people is a clear sign that you are disturbed and very anti social and may be unbalanced. You need to have “shelters” like the U.S. government does that house at least a thousand people, and number no less then 150 nationwide to be considered normal.


Never order ammo in amounts less than one billion rounds

Never buy weapons in quantities of less than one thousand

Never buy less than one billion dollars worth of freeze dried food

Never build underground shelters that hold less than one thousand persons

Anyone who prepares with less than these amounts should be considered a dangerous and paranoid doomsday prepper by government standards.

Any amounts over this are government sanctioned and considered appropriate measures for normal persons to take.

http://shtfplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/americandreamlost.jpg (http://www.amazon.com/The-American-Dream-Lost-Chatham/dp/1470012626)This article has been contributed by Tom Chatham, author of The American Dream Lost: Economic Survival Strategy For a New Paradigm (http://www.amazon.com/The-American-Dream-Lost-Chatham/dp/1470012626). Forces are now building that could destroy our way of life and our standard of living. Here you will find a simple strategy to protect yourself from the economic flood that is beginning to wash across this nation. Many have already lost everything and those that do not take action soon will be devastated. The clock is ticking.You can visit Tom’s web site at Project Chesapeake (http://projectchesapeake.wordpress.com/).

16th April 2013, 08:16 AM
i guess im a right wing prepper.....