View Full Version : A call to action for gsus

19th April 2013, 10:54 AM

Go to the LA Times Article about Alex Jones and bombard it with comments:


I have done 3 so far.

19th April 2013, 11:03 AM
what if i say no?

Celtic Rogue
19th April 2013, 11:06 AM

19th April 2013, 11:09 AM
what if i say no?

mamboni will stab your dick.

Camp Bassfish
19th April 2013, 11:17 AM
mamboni will stab your dick.

and Cebu will call you a fag.

19th April 2013, 11:41 AM
You need an LA Times account to be able to post comments, not sure I want an account there.

19th April 2013, 11:53 AM
You need an LA Times account to be able to post comments, not sure I want an account there.

You can connect with twitter, yahoo, google, or facebook, or just create an account. It is pretty quick (email sent, click on link, your good).

19th April 2013, 11:57 AM
Alex Jones put the blame on the US government, while the real perpetrators in a shitty little country in the Middle East, gets away with it again. Sure a big part of the problem is that Israel owns US government, and thus no real investigation will be made, but I won't support Alex Jones in his disinformation campaign.

19th April 2013, 12:01 PM
Same here Franks.....


19th April 2013, 12:08 PM
You can connect with twitter, yahoo, google, or facebook, or just create an account. It is pretty quick (email sent, click on link, your good).

I have none of those accounts.

19th April 2013, 12:08 PM
Alex Jones put the blame on the US government, while the real perpetrators in a shitty little country in the Middle East, gets away with it again. Sure a big part of the problem is that Israel owns US government, and thus no real investigation will be made, but I won't support Alex Jones in his disinformation campaign.

Don't. I said that I am not an AJ fan, and I also said he is an entertainer. Come and say what you want to say.

19th April 2013, 12:16 PM
The commenting section now requires "moderation". That was not there before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My last post:

"Wow. Suddenly the moderator wants to approve messages! Someone is getting hot under the collar, eh?
Are your handlers calling you now?"

19th April 2013, 12:25 PM
Save the comments II:

Mike Runsforit at 9:40 AM April 19, 2013 It seems that Jones is getting mainstream media's attention now. I wonder why? A lot of what he's been saying has come to fruition. The government has been denying the drill that was going on even though witnesses have come out and said they were being told not to be alarmed. People are starting to wake up. Mainstream media will not be able to control the masses like they used to. Deal with it!

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bikemom1056 at 10:21 AM April 19, 2013 No. But apparently a radio personality can control the masses

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komponist53 at 10:39 AM April 19, 2013 I see no proof that major media is taking Jones seriously. He is a one-man side show.

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rick11802 at 9:35 AM April 19, 2013 "Who the heck is Alex Jones, and why are you even mentioning his ludicrous "theory?""
To reply.
His name came up because the author of the LA Times article brought him up. And any mention of a theory is probably one that has now become distorted and misrepresented. There is no real theory being tossed around, just some additional questions he raised, that are actually pretty reasonable.

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B12345 at 9:20 AM April 19, 2013 Alex Jones has one of the few media outlets that really questions big government and holds them accountable. We need more like that because the corporate media giants are not good at this.

Alex does not speak for all Libertarians. They can be part republican, democrat or independent. (see the Nolan chart) Standing up for the constitutional rights of all Americans is something to be proud of.

The fact that a couple of Chechnyans were contracted to do the Boston Marathon Bombing is about as meaningful as trying to blame Muslims for 9/11. You have to look at who benefits from these events. The terrorism reactionaries with their trillion dollar solutions have done more harm than good.As for the SPLC take a look at Veterans Today. They have a good expose on that group and its founder who have gotten rich from their lawsuits. By comparison the NAACP has done its job without the big payouts.For fairness it should be noted that the LA Times is owned by the Chicago Tribune group which is partly owned by the biggest bank in the country, JP Morgan. LA Times failed to report the biggest recent JP Morgan story about how they enabled Bernie Madoff over the years. This is another example of why we need small independent media outlets that look out for the little guy.

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arthuracevedo at 9:42 AM April 19, 2013 "..Chechnyans were contracted..." By whom ? and how would you know that so soon ?

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rick11802 at 9:15 AM April 19, 2013 "uh huh Craft International. Your source for this "fact" and your source for the pictures and video ? And please don't wear the tin foil hat so tight..."
Replying to this.
Just look at any of the dozen plus photos of these guys at the finish line. The pictures are all over the net, dozens of sites if you want to see them. There's really nothing to dispute with this. It's real. And it's a perfectly valid question to raise as to why Boston officials had these guys at the finish line (and possibly other places) Why? Is this normal protocal at races now? Whose decision? Was their something else at play that made their presence needed? These are the questions Alex Jones raised. And just addressing those (and not other things he has said in the past, which I am not familiar with) seem perfectly acceptable.

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arthuracevedo at 9:45 AM April 19, 2013 "all over the Net" that is a meaning less statement without any backup. Implies that it's onvious to you. Well it isn't to me. Sources, please.

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MidwesternGuy at 9:15 AM April 19, 2013 Folks, remember that someone with delusional thinking is not rational and will not responde to rational discussion. Save your time. Don't feed them.

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arthuracevedo at 9:46 AM April 19, 2013 You are so right. Feel like Sisyphus...

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latimesreader90703 at 9:11 AM April 19, 2013 Who the heck is Alex Jones, and why are you even mentioning his ludicrous "theory?"

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DanOSNA at 9:36 AM April 19, 2013 To warn you. You can avoid these people that believe these delusions. They drive around with InfoWars stickers on their cars. If one pulls up to interview for a job, you can instantly know they're not smart enough to be hired.

19th April 2013, 12:27 PM
Save Comments III:

bluedem32 at 8:55 AM April 19, 2013 Alex Jones is an extremist loon. Those here complaining that we liberals thought Bush and Cheney were behind the 9/11 attacks are wrong. Most of us simply blamed them for doing nothing to prevent them, as in Bush failing to respond to the infamous PDB that clearly said "Bin Laden Determine to Strike Inside the U.S.". Also, Bush and Cheney clearly made a calculated, political and tragic mistake by lying to connect Saddam Hussein with those attacks and killing thousands of innocent Iraqis and 4,000 American soldiers as a consequence. Those are facts, not conspiracy theories. Iraqis are continuing to die in bombings in scores directly because of Bush and Cheney's treasonous acts.

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DMAC0331 at 8:10 AM April 19, 2013 Myself, as well as many other conservatives, don't claim Alex Jones as one of our own.

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Just Add Water at 9:04 AM April 19, 2013 Too bad. He is one of yours.

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Daggersix at 8:06 AM April 19, 2013 Norman Mailer had a sick take on 9-11. He said of the World Trade Center towers, "the ruins are more beautiful than the buildings ever were." And let's not forget all those Lefties/Progressives who still think that GW Bush was behind 9-11. Even Hillary asked within days of the attack, "What did George Bush know and when did he know it?" We can ask her if, 'What's the difference?" would have been an appropriate answer from Bush. Ever do a cartoon of Hillary or Mailer? Just wondering.

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Navydad at 8:58 AM April 19, 2013 Mailer is an idiot whom no one pays attention to. Clinton's question wasn't meant to imply that Bush had anything to do with 9/11. It had to do with the manifest, well-documented intelligence failures leading up to 9/11.
Why do you lie so much?

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Nobland at 9:00 AM April 19, 2013 Well GW and Condi did drop the ball on national security. Too busy fantasizing on Iraq perhaps. The Cole was bombed just prior to the election. Bush did absolutely nothing. The Bush transition team even skipped the national security meeting with the outgoing Clinton team.... were't interested.
Some of the 9/11 hijackers were identified and reported in Michigan about their flying lessons.... they weren't interested in learning how to land. The FBI agent trying to get a warrant was demoted. Ashcroft was a lousy AG. Cheney was a lousy VP. Condi Rice was in way over her head. Bush was..... not quite sure of the word.... Bush was Bush.

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Daggersix at 11:37 AM April 19, 2013 Navydad. That's precisely the point you're missing. Mailer was never vilified by the Left. And I disagree that no one paid attention to him. Any brain fart he had landed in the NYT Op Ed pages. He was lionized by the Left right up to the day he died. No one on the Left ever took him to task for being a blowhard idiot. That's the point. And Hillary's rant against Bush seems all the more self-serving after Benghazi. Her famous answer on the intelligence failure and failure to act in time was, "What's the difference." Again, this paper, Horsey and the rest of the Left gave her a pass. That is NOT the appropriate answer after our ambassador was beaten, burned, sexually abused and killed. Why do you lie so much?

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rick11802 at 7:55 AM April 19, 2013 To clarify the point below. I don't believe Alex Jones's website ever claimed that the Craft Int employees DID the bombing. But was asking questions as to 1) why they were present at the finish line with the equipment they had, and 2) why won't Boston acknowledge their presence.
They are fair questions to ask. LA Times are being the jerks here for not acknowledging this and deliberately misrepresenting the points made.
Again, the above questions might lead to finding out that there was a tip off ahead of time of an attack. The Govt not telling us. Or even standard answers like what is protocol. Is it normal for a city to hire $10,000 an hour mercenary special op forces to run safety now? But even on a deeper level, were Govt FBI officials already working on the inside to 'set up' these two brothers, much like they have done with other inside jobs? FBI personel setting these two brothers up, leading them along, in a Sting like operation so they could catch them sooner? And the sting went bad, with the bombs actually going off? For example, is THAT why extra hired mercenary seals were the? To help catch them sooner? Oops.
This happens all the time with our Government and is not a 'tin-foil' conspiracy. These questions are perfectly permissible to ask of the Boston officials.

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bikemom1056 at 8:24 AM April 19, 2013 Sure. None of these "points" need to be "clarified"

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moxnix at 8:49 AM April 19, 2013 Yes, the presence of Craft needs to be explained. Absolutely YES!

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arthuracevedo at 8:57 AM April 19, 2013 again your source for these pictures of Craft ??

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Navydad at 7:46 AM April 19, 2013 Horsey can criticize the truly bizarre paranoids on the right all he wants and it will have little or no effect. Just look at the comments in this discussion and you can quickly see that rightwingnuts aren't impressed with truth and logic. These anti-American fools will only be marginalized when the mainstream republican party disowns them. As long as the RNC and prominent repubs keep winking and nodding at the crazies, we can expect to keep hearing this stuff. The dems marginalized the hard left about 30 years or so ago. It's time for rational conservatives to step up.

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bikemom1056 at 8:25 AM April 19, 2013 Pf course the left wing nuts are marginilized also. You just wouldnt know it if you saw it

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Navydad at 8:33 AM April 19, 2013 Thanks for supporting my comment, Dag. Most of the leftist radicals you mention haven't had any influence for decades (Angela Davis? Che has been dead for decades; Pete Seeger: an old folk singer), supporting my factual point that the dems left them behind a long time ago. The Occupy Movement: please name some mainstream dems who supported those folks. The nuts of the left aren't ridiculed because they already have no influence, unlike the nuts on the right who own the repubs.

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arthuracevedo at 8:59 AM April 19, 2013 @Navy You are hitting the nail right on the head...

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bluedem32 at 9:00 AM April 19, 2013 Quite true, Republicans cater to the worst instincts of these radical haters. Of course, their base is shrinking so rapidly, they'll put up with it and since Rush Limbaugh has more power over them anyone else, they'll continue the pandering. The Republicans are truly the Know-Nothings of the 21st Century.

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phllypp at 9:53 AM April 19, 2013 The problem with your analysis, Navydad, is that the right wing nutjobs form an important base of the Republican Party nowdays, it's's not something they can afford to throw away. As intelligent people become educated, they become Democratic so the Republicans are left with the more backward and regressive states and population. Look how long Fox News and similiar media (Donald Trump?) kept the Birther (note how jhklat tries to coop the term) controversy going long after all reasonable news media had discredited it. There's only so many people incapable of seeing through the Republican Party nonsense and they need to coddle them to the full extent possible.

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tom lotti at 10:02 AM April 19, 2013 @navydad...Peter Singer, not Seeger, is an Australian philosopher of ethics. Folk singer...that's funny. He wrote a book called Practical Ethics. SMH.

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rick11802 at 7:38 AM April 19, 2013 I have never listened to Alex Jones radio show, but regarding his website, i think some of the people here are being 'jerks'. I have read some of his web work recently, and the views seem to be deliberately misrepresented. I saw these main points on his site:
1. "Government should be a suspect too". Ok. What's wrong with this? Our Govt has openly admitted to running false flag ops in the past. They have been caught running nefarious crap in the past. To many times to even list here. So what's wrong with at least acknowledging that our govt at least 'might' be involved and at a bare minimum, kept in the background as a group that has more dealings with meddling in this stuff than 9 out of 10 other groups.
2. "Bomb Test Drills" This was a fair question asked, one in which i have yet to read any Boston officials acknowledge on yet. Why where Craft International employees running around at the finish line. Why were ex Seal Team soldiers standing around 20' from where the first bomb went off? Why can't Govt officials at least acknowledge the obvious, what the pictures clearly show, that these ex-seal and other soldiers were ALL over the crime scene helping out? Fair question to ask, one that might lead to finding out there was advance warnings to this attack, that were undisclosed.
There is NOTHING unfair about asking these questions. Shame on the original author.

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Nobland at 7:41 AM April 19, 2013 It is interesting that on one hand a number of people consider the governent too incompetent to do anything right and on the other hand the same people think the government highly capable of the most complex and sinister conspiracies.

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Kit D. at 7:57 AM April 19, 2013 "It is interesting that on one hand a number of people consider the governent too incompetent to do anything right and on the other hand the same people think the government highly capable of the most complex and sinister conspiracies."

Actually, these aren't the same people. There are plenty of libertarian-types who believe in the official government stories.

Plus conspiracies don't necessarily have to be complex anyway. The best operations are those with a limited number of insiders.

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arthuracevedo at 9:02 AM April 19, 2013 "Ex SEAL Team soldiers" makes no sense. First off, how would YOU know just by lookng at them (if they were there) and secondly, SEALS are from the NAVY and soldiers are from the ARMY--shows shows that you have no original reasoning powers and are just parroting some one else or you are just plain old ignorant...

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Kit D. at 7:30 AM April 19, 2013 All I see in this article and cartoon a personal attack, not a rational discussion. There are a lot of people I don't agree with, but I don't think personal attacks are ever necessary just because I don't like what that person is saying.

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knobe0 at 7:53 AM April 19, 2013 If a person is lying and precipitating hate to feed his ego are we suppose to respect that or engage them ( which encourages their psychosis ) ?
Sometimes calling a thief or murder by what they are is more productive than getting into lengthy dialogue as they justify their rancid pyschosis .

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Kit D. at 7:59 AM April 19, 2013 Funny how I'm getting personally attacked for pointing out that this article is a personal attack.

I expect newspapers to have rational discussions. Is that too much to ask for?

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bikemom1056 at 8:29 AM April 19, 2013 Because it is not rational. SOmetimes crazy is crazy. ANd people dont HAVE to pretend yo act like it is normal

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unclesmrgol at 7:26 AM April 19, 2013 Well, we shall see, shall we not, whether the conspiracy theorists can spin Chechnyans into Seals...

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bikemom1056 at 8:30 AM April 19, 2013 Of course they can. They dont even need 7 degrees of separation

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michael hardie at 7:12 AM April 19, 2013 As a native Texan I must comment on Alex Jones. In Texas we believe in calling a thing what it is. So, Texan to Texan, Alex Jones is an attention grabbing jerk. Nothing more, nothing less. I hope you never give him any more publicity. Never ever.

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montanoso at 7:04 AM April 19, 2013 I've felt for a long time that Republicans should be watched very carefully as enemy agents against America; Jones proves my point.

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unclesmrgol at 7:25 AM April 19, 2013 To give you an idea of where most of us Republicans are -- Alex was Ron Paul's right hand man, and few of us cottoned to either his or Ron Paul's politics.
That's a big part of the 3% of the vote that gave Mr. Obama the election -- Republican rejection of much of Ron Paul's message, including his message of racism led to Ron Paul supporters sitting out the election (you should see what they still say about John McCain) and Obama winning.
Had Alex Jones' and Ron Paul's people gone to the polls, Obama would no longer be in office, for the number of people in Ron Paul's camp were about 5% of Americans.

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Nobland at 7:43 AM April 19, 2013 There are those who blame Ralph Nader for putting Bush in office too.

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jopsjennings at 7:49 AM April 19, 2013 When you lose a game by just a few points, you start thinking about the freethrows you missed.

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Time Traveler at 6:46 AM April 19, 2013 One of Jones' enablers is George Noory of Premiere Radio's Coast to Coast AM. Noory's radio show is syndicated on more than 500 radio stations all over North America. Noory has invited Jones to make personal appearances with him, including an upcoming June 29 appearance in Toronto at the Queen Elizabeth Theater.

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Ali Yusuf at 6:33 AM April 19, 2013 And the truth of 911 is slowly gaining steam world wide. Most people know the attacks were not done by bearded wuhhabi's in the caves of tora bora, so the writer doesn't do himself due diligence by saying Jones believes the 911 attacks were perpetrated by criminal elements within the U.S government. History has shown that anybody who questions the established norm has been met with disdain, and it is repeating itself with the demonization of anybody who questions the official government dogma, branding them (quote) conspiracy theorists (unquote)
Soon, the government will be ab le to get away with anything. If anybody dares question their rhetoric, they'll just cry "CONSPIRACY THEORIST" and the investigation will go no further. It's no different than the days when woman were burned at the stake because they were a "witch" for daring to defy the hideous cultural oppression of woman

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19th April 2013, 12:28 PM
Save comments IV:

jhklat at 6:28 AM April 19, 2013 Where was the left wing outrage at the 9/11 truthers who thought Bush orchestrated the attacks?
Beuller? Beuller?

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phllypp at 6:49 AM April 19, 2013 I never heard of any theory that Bush orchestrated the attacks. Grossly negligent, yes, but not orchestrated. You seem to be much closer to Conspiracy Theory Nutcase Central than I am. And why do you think they are 'left wing' theories, this seems far more representative of right wing conspirators

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michael hardie at 7:08 AM April 19, 2013 I am one of those left wing people you write about. I never accepted any theory about Bush unsupported by real evidence. I don't know too many other "left wingers" like me who do. There are uneducated people who jump to conclusions on both sides of the aisle. I don't buy either argument. Besides, there were plenty of things that we DO have clear evidence about concerning Bush. We don't need to make things up. While I supported Obama twice in elections and still think he is/was the best alternative, he has plenty to answer for as well. Like drones and secret wars, for instance. That shouldn't tell you how great I think Obama is as president. That should tell you how really, really bad I consider his opponents to have been.

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Nobland at 7:45 AM April 19, 2013 What Michael said..... me too.

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Just Add Water at 9:11 AM April 19, 2013 Get your own house in order.
the left didn't buy into 9/11 conspiracies, that was the right wing, silly boy.

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phllypp at 9:31 AM April 19, 2013 Uncle: You do realize that none of your posts support jhklat's statement. The first indicates reports that there are some conspiracy theorists but indicates they're essentially wackos. The second has multiple responders, one that supports the theory and twenty-nine that say it's a totally cracked idea. The third documents what a failure the Bush Administration was and how they used 9/11 to implement the Global War on Terror to push police state policies and international invasions on any country they arbitrarily chose (many of which never made the news). But none of these support the hypothesis that Bush INITIATED 9/11.

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Ali Yusuf at 6:20 AM April 19, 2013 When the media starts demonizing someone with this type of persistence, it usually means you start looking at what they have to say. The media did the same with Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and many other great historical figures.

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frankeztruckin at 5:25 AM April 19, 2013 lets not forget JFK......Ok 2 explosions in one week; Texas was WORSE Caused by a Corperation. Boston We will Never Hear the truth.Sorry For the Hard Working Fun Loving Americans.

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HiVeloCT at 6:04 AM April 19, 2013 You have to set aside your delusions before you can recognize the truth.

gunny highway
19th April 2013, 12:41 PM
my favorite response so far.

Kit D. at 7:59 AM April 19, 2013

"Funny how I'm getting personally attacked for pointing out that this article is a personal attack.

I expect newspapers to have rational discussions. Is that too much to ask for?"

19th April 2013, 12:59 PM
More comments are coming through, most against this guy. No more of mine are. I have been "moderated".

19th April 2013, 01:04 PM
Newer comments:

rick11802 at 12:44 PM April 19, 2013 "Lots of talk about conspiracies.
The problem with conspiracy theory is you can't prove a negative."
In response to the above. One of the talking points was about Craft Int employees, ex-SEALs, mercenaries, all working the Boston Marathon and why were they at the race finish line, 30' from the bomb placement, and who hired them. There's nothing to prove with this. It's already proven. They were there. Go look at the pictures.

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Ed Rankin at 12:31 PM April 19, 2013 Why have the FBI, the LA Times and other major media outlets failed to report on the presense of men dressed in uniforms very similar to those worn by Navy SEALs and Craft private security personnel at the Boston Marathon finish line? Who were these men, why were they there, and what were they doing? Those seem to be reasonable questions and an issue competent investigators and media would be following.

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Tarzana man at 12:23 PM April 19, 2013 If Bush set up 9/11 and Obama caused the Boston bombings, at least it's a sign of bi-partisanship between the democrats and republicans.

19th April 2013, 01:59 PM
Boston is under martial law while the FBI kills its patsies so they can be silenced and this whole thing can be swept under the rug. Don't be fooled, America. This time its too obvious to ignore....