View Full Version : Just thinking out loud about the Boston Bombing

General of Darkness
19th April 2013, 10:59 PM
Just like 9/11 another fucking Saudi is let go.

If you truly hate Amerikwa you don't go after innocents you go after the source

A bomb made out of something designed to not explode? GTFO

Takes almost 24 hours to catch a 19 year old kid in an area you know he's in

Deflect the "I have on job" too "they hate us for our freedoms"

There are only two answers to this mess.

1 - These guys were idiots

2 - It was a false flag

Assuming the second what's the outcome

1 - Increased funding for surveillance

2 - Increased funding for TSA

3 - More Patriot Act nonsense

Now they're calling the kid an enemy combatant, but he's a US citizen. My guess is this is just another chess piece being moved forward towards additional demonstrative laws.

19th April 2013, 11:23 PM

20th April 2013, 02:12 PM
Critical Thinking: America's other national deficit.

20th April 2013, 02:39 PM
General? do you hate the Saudis? Arabs, Muslims?......and if you do, sinse when and why?......so......what next? you will hate the Cubans? oi vey oi vey..........or do you hate them because of the propaganda and reasons given to us by the Zionist by way of the US government?....... or maybe because they are killing our soldiers?................so..............what the fuck do you think that I would do if our soldiers were in Cuba killing my own people? give them roses or a bullet up their asses?

When was the last time that you saw a Arab movie or even a cartoon, like "Ali Baba and the forty thieves"?

They have been around sinse the beginning of our time and we are really nothing when compared to them...all that we have in our favor are our weapons that were created by foreigners.


20th April 2013, 03:01 PM
I'm leaning towards factions in the U.S. gov. splintering into a civil war.

Or just plain idiocracy with drills spun into something else with the media to cover a mistake, or unknown false flag.

The bombs were firecrackers don't forget, collateral damage may not have been expected if the area was somewhat cleared in only a 100ft. radius.

Yes, i'm a madman too.

20th April 2013, 03:55 PM
I have been suspecting splintering within the establishment for some time. Whether this plays into that or not, I do not know, but it is sure possible. We'll see what Glenny Beck has to say Monday (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?68751-Large-Explosions-Reported-At-Boston-Marathon-Photos-Released&p=627782&viewfull=1#post627782). He promised earth shattering news about this (related to the Saudi suspect). (Newsflash Sunday: Glenn Beck found dead, cut into hundreds of pieces. Suspected suicide).

20th April 2013, 05:08 PM

Isn't this twice in the past week you have posted this?