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23rd April 2013, 04:15 PM
Boston Bombers connected to 'Anti-Semites'.

"He turned to websites and literature claiming that the CIA was behind the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and Jews controlled the world."


WASHINGTON (AP) — In the years before the Boston Marathon bombings, Tamerlan Tsarnaev fell under the influence of a new friend, a Muslim convert who steered the religiously apathetic young man toward a strict strain of Islam, family members said.

Under the tutelage of a friend known to the Tsarnaev family only as Misha, Tamerlan gave up boxing and stopped studying music, his family said. He began opposing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He turned to websites and literature claiming that the CIA was behind the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and Jews controlled the world.

"Somehow, he just took his brain," said Tamerlan's uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, who recalled conversations with Tamerlan's worried father about Misha's influence. Efforts over several days by The Associated Press to identify and interview Misha have been unsuccessful.

Tamerlan's relationship with Misha could be a clue in understanding the motives behind his religious transformation and, ultimately, the attack itself. Two U.S. officials say he had no tie to terrorist groups.

Throughout his religious makeover, Tamerlan maintained a strong influence over his siblings, including Dzhokhar, who investigators say carried out the deadly attack by his older brother's side, killing three and injuring 264 people.

"They all loved Tamerlan. He was the eldest one and he, in many ways, was the role model for his sisters and his brother," said Elmirza Khozhugov, 26, the ex-husband of Tamerlan's sister, Ailina.

"You could always hear his younger brother and sisters say, 'Tamerlan said this,' and 'Tamerlan said that.' Dzhokhar loved him. He would do whatever Tamerlan would say.

"Even my ex-wife loved him so much and respected him so much," Khozhugov said. "I'd have arguments with her and if Tamerlan took my side, she would agree: 'OK, if Tamerlan said it.'"

Khozhugov said he was close to Tamerlan when he was married and they kept in touch for a while but drifted apart in the past two years or so. He spoke to the AP from his home in Almaty, Kazakhstan. A family member in the United States provided the contact information.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed in a police shootout Friday. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was charged Monday with using a weapon of mass destruction to kill, and he could face the death penalty if convicted.

"Of course I was shocked and surprised that he was Suspect No. 1," Khozhugov said, recalling the days after the bombing when the FBI identified Tamerlan as the primary suspect. "But after a few hours of thinking about it, I thought it could be possible that he did it."

Based on preliminary written interviews with Dzhokar in his hospital bed, U.S. officials believe the brothers were motivated by their religious views. It has not been clear, however, what those views were.

As authorities try to piece together that information, they are touching on a question asked after so many terrorist plots: What turns someone into a terrorist?

The brothers emigrated in 2002 or 2003 from Dagestan, a Russian republic that has become an epicenter of the Islamic insurgency that spilled over from the region of Chechnya.

They were raised in a home that followed Sunni Islam, the religion's largest sect. They were not regulars at the mosque and rarely discussed religion, Khozhugov said.

Then, in 2008 or 2009, Tamerlan met Misha, a slightly older, heavyset bald man with a long reddish beard. Khozhugov didn't know where they'd met but believed they attended a Boston-area mosque together. Misha was an Armenian native and a convert to Islam and quickly began influencing his new friend, family members said.

Once, Khozhugov said, Misha came to the family home outside Boston and sat in the kitchen, chatting with Tamerlan for hours.

"Misha was telling him what is Islam, what is good in Islam, what is bad in Islam," said Khozhugov, who said he was present for the conversation. "This is the best religion and that's it. Mohammed said this and Mohammed said that."

The conversation continued until Tamerlan's father, Anzor, came home from work.

"It was late, like midnight," Khozhugov said. "His father comes in and says, 'Why is Misha here so late and still in our house?' He asked it politely. Tamerlan was so much into the conversation he didn't listen."

Khozhugov said Tamerlan's mother, Zubeidat, told him not to worry.

"'Don't interrupt them,'" Khozhugov recalled the mother saying. "'They're talking about religion and good things. Misha is teaching him to be good and nice.'"

As time went on, Tamerlan and his father argued about the young man's new beliefs.

"When Misha would start talking, Tamerlan would stop talking and listen. It upset his father because Tamerlan wouldn't listen to him as much," Khozhugov said. "He would listen to this guy from the mosque who was preaching to him."

Anzor became so concerned that he called his brother, worried about Misha's effects.

"I heard about nobody else but this convert," Tsarni said. "The seed for changing his views was planted right there in Cambridge."

It was not immediately clear whether the FBI has spoken to Misha or was attempting to.

Tsarnaev became an ardent reader of jihadist websites and extremist propaganda, two U.S. officials said. He read Inspire magazine, an English-language online publication produced by al-Qaida's Yemen affiliate.

Tamerlan loved music and, a few years ago, he sent Khozhugov a song he'd composed in English and Russian. He said he was about to start music school.

Six weeks later, the two men spoke on the phone. Khozhugov asked how school was going.

"I quit," Tamerlan said.

"Why did you quit?" Khozhugov asked. "You just started."

"Music is not really supported in Islam," he replied.

"Who told you that?"

"Misha said it's not really good to create music. It's not really good to listen to music," Tamerlan said, according to Khozhugov.

Tamerlan took an interest in Infowars, a conspiracy theory website. Khozhugov said Tamerlan was interested in finding a copy of the book "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the classic anti-Semitic hoax, first published in Russia in 1903, that claims a Jewish plot to take over the world.

"He never said he hated America or he hated the Jews," Khozhugov said. "But he was fairly aggressive toward the policies of the U.S. toward countries with Muslim populations. He disliked the wars."

One of the brothers' neighbors, Albrecht Ammon, recently recalled an encounter in which Tamerlan argued about U.S. foreign policy, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and religion.

Ammon said Tamerlan described the Bible as a "cheap copy" of the Quran, used to justify wars with other countries.

"He had nothing against the American people," Ammon said. "He had something against the American government."

Khozhugov said Tamerlan did not know much about Islam beyond what he found online or what he heard from Misha.

"Misha was important," he said. "Tamerlan was searching for something. He was searching for something out there."

23rd April 2013, 04:20 PM
So if you look into "conspiracy theories" you're now a terrorist now in the USSA. Any questioning of the government is now terrorism. What's scary is most people will cheer for this.

23rd April 2013, 04:20 PM
They can pin this stuff on anyone. Everyone here knows it. I see some here saying to 'watch what you post'. FUCK THAT.

If you know the Fascist control freak Luciferian GOONS are listening, thats not a reason to be quiet its a reason to SAY IT TWICE AND TWICE AS LOUD.
If you know the Corporate Bankster Intel Change Agents are watching, its not a reason to stop acting its a reason to ACT NOW.

23rd April 2013, 05:58 PM
Joo's hate me...

23rd April 2013, 06:05 PM
Joo's hate me...Are YOU a nation?

The Jews especially placed a great part of their zeal in hating all nations; and, as a natural consequence, they were detested and despised by them in turn. At length the voice of nature came to be heard among civilized nations; they perceived that all men are brethren.13 When will the happy time come that they shall behave as such?

23rd April 2013, 06:15 PM

ANONYMOUS GOVERNMENT SOURCES TELL CBS NEWS TONIGHT: In between gasps for air during waterboarding, the evil mooslim terrorist admitted to building the bomb with a pressure cooker given to him by the Iranian Embassy in NYC. He also expressed his gratitude to and appreciation for the public defender team assigned to him by the Southern Poverty Law Center. His newly appointed lawyer, Rube Zionstein, urged his client to continue cooperating with the FBI/Mossad post-arrest debriefing team.

23rd April 2013, 07:02 PM
They can pin this stuff on anyone. Everyone here knows it. I see some here saying to 'watch what you post'. FUCK THAT.

If you know the Fascist control freak Luciferian GOONS are listening, thats not a reason to be quiet its a reason to SAY IT TWICE AND TWICE AS LOUD.
If you know the Corporate Bankster Intel Change Agents are watching, its not a reason to stop acting its a reason to ACT NOW.

The sign of a free man is to talk about anything no matter what rules there are.


23rd April 2013, 09:06 PM
you all knew it was coming to this, eventually...


23rd April 2013, 09:10 PM
Joo's hate me...

Ranchers don't hate their cattle.

23rd April 2013, 09:50 PM
Ranchers don't hate their cattle.

Ripley speaking about the Aliens: "I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a ******* percentage"

24th April 2013, 05:36 AM

24th April 2013, 05:47 AM

24th April 2013, 06:00 AM
Ranchers don't hate their cattle.

You're right about ranchers not hating their cattle but they do harvest them and "beef" is what's for dinner.

I think Jews do hate their cattle though. Eustace Mullins explains it very well in his book "The New History of the Jews".
Jews are parasites and can't survive without the goyim, they know it and hate us because of it. SOB's

24th April 2013, 06:11 AM
TPTB are now targeting alternative web sources for censor. Like the recent gold smackdown, this will stimulate more of the increasingly disillusioned masses to examine these sites and abandon the MSM propoganda outlets. The economy continues to disinitegrate around us and the fascists are increasingly closing in, determined to maintain iron-fisted control. We are approaching a socioeconomic singularity unprecedented in over a century. These are certainly "interesting" times to be living through.

24th April 2013, 07:10 AM
TPTB are now targeting alternative web sources for censor. Like the recent gold smackdown, this will stimulate more of the increasingly disillusioned masses to examine these sites and abandon the MSM propoganda outlets. The economy continues to disinitegrate around us and the fascists are increasingly closing in, determined to maintain iron-fisted control. We are approaching a socioeconomic singularity unprecedented in over a century. These are certainly "interesting" times to be living through.

The Motive Behind the Boston False Flag Operation (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/04/23/the-motive-behind-the-boston-false-flag-operation/)

Any totalitarian government, such as the Obama administration needs to control the flow of information and make certain that people are left defenseless by seizing their guns. This article is about how the Obama administration has likely used the Boston Marathon bombing as a pretext to seize control over the internet, thus eliminating the only true form of uncensored news.Gaining Control of Communications

The first step to subduing an enemy is to remove their command and control and that is accomplished by eliminating communications. This is precisely what the administration is poised to do and they are moving quickly towards this end.
If the government is going to move to shut down the medium of communication which is threatening to expose their criminality to the masses, namely the internet, they need to first find a pretext.
Obama Creates An Internet Interagency Working Group

The decided move towards controlling the internet was actually foretold earlier this year with the Obama (http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/fact_sheet-countering_online_radicalization_-_final1.pdf) White House announcing the creation of a new interagency working group (http://www.hstoday.us/focused-topics/cybersecurity/single-article-page/white-house-moves-to-counter-online-radicalization.html) to address what it calls a growing problem. This new federal interagency group will be led by Quintan Wiktorowicz (http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/fact_sheet-countering_online_radicalization_-_final1.pdf), who presently serves as the White House senior director for community partnerships on the national security staff. The new group will be called “The Interagency Working Group to Counter Online Radicalization (http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/docs/fact_sheet-countering_online_radicalization_-_final1.pdf)” and will be tasked with the implementation of an Internet safety program to address online violent extremism. Wiktorowicz recently stated: “Violent extremist groups ─ like Al Qaeda and its affiliates and adherents, violent supremacist groups, and violent “sovereign citizens” ─ are leveraging online tools and resources to propagate messages of violence and division. These groups use the Internet to disseminate propaganda, identify and groom potential recruits, and supplement their real-world recruitment efforts. Some members and supporters of these groups visit mainstream fora to see whether individuals might be recruited or encouraged to commit acts of violence, look for opportunities to draw targets into private exchanges, and exploit popular media like music videos and online video games. Although the Internet offers countless opportunities for Americans to connect, it has also provided violent extremists with access to new audiences and instruments for radicalization.”
If Wiktorowics were referring exclusively to terrorist groups such as al Qaeda, then no red flags would be raised whatsoever concerning the new program. But he never specified nor defined terms such as “violent supremacist groups” or “violent sovereign citizens.”
“Violent extremist groups ─ like Al Qaeda and its affiliates and adherents, violent supremacist groups, and violent “sovereign citizens” ─ are leveraging online tools and resources to propagate messages of violence and division. These groups use the Internet to disseminate propaganda, identify and groom potential recruits, and supplement their real-world recruitment efforts. Some members and supporters of these groups visit mainstream fora to see whether individuals might be recruited or encouraged to commit acts of violence, look for opportunities to draw targets into private exchanges, and exploit popular media like music videos and online video games. Although the Internet offers countless opportunities for Americans to connect, it has also provided violent extremists with access to new audiences and instruments for radicalization.”
http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2013/04/cispa-300x194.jpg (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/04/23/the-motive-behind-the-boston-false-flag-operation/cispa/)Wiktorowics is not referring to al Qaeda. He specifically uses the term “violent sovereign citizens.” The term “sovereign citizen” is something that I have previously warned the American public about. You would be wise to visit the following link about what constitutes a dangerous “sovereign citizen” (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/01/21/are-you-a-sovereign-citizen/) according to this criminal government. The Tsarnaev brothers clearly fit this administration’s definition of a sovereign citizen. And where did these two “terrorists” learn to become such a threat to the country. Reportedly, they learned their terrorist ways by going to the internet.

The Bombs and the Fundamentalist Beliefs Were Allegedly Built By Using Online Sources

http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/siteupload/2013/04/boston-marathon1-300x118.jpg (http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/04/23/the-motive-behind-the-boston-false-flag-operation/boston-marathon-2/)Government officials told Fox News that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, and his brother, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, built the Boston Marathon bombs (http://gold-silver.us/http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/04/23/marathon-attack-suspect-communicating-by-writing-sources-say-with-faith-seen-as/#ixzz2RMFXUmox/) with instructions from Inspire magazine, an English-language online magazine. published by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.
CNN has reported that preliminary interviews indicate the two brothers fit the classification of self-radicalized Jihadists. CNN says the pair’s radicalization was completed by watching online radical material.
The pretext has been delivered and it just a matter of time til the government seizes control of the internet.

I do not believe in coincidences and the Boston Marathon Bombing is no coincidence that it coincides with CISPA and the fact that Obama is looking for any excuse to take control over the internet.
Subsequently, the government has its pretext and soon, the internet will be tightly controlled. What effect will that have on the American people? Time will tell. However, I think it is likely that the inability to get easy news will force many people into a more active mode and the more active a person is in the pursuit of the truth, the more awake the person will become. These could very well become the seeds which will ultimately develop into a civil war.

General of Darkness
24th April 2013, 07:25 AM
How long until they find us here? Or have they already?

24th April 2013, 07:38 AM
Ha, could it be anymore blatantly blunt?

So he attacks the Boston Marathon then, for what?

Whatta buncha dipshits.

24th April 2013, 07:44 AM
How long until they find us here? Or have they already?

I doubt GSUS is on their radar screen presently - we are a small band of brothers (and sisters), yet.

They will go after the large internet sites first: Alex Jones, Celente, perhaps ZeroHedge. Who knows? The criminals in Washington and Wall Street are above the law and do waht they want. Heck, they make the damn rules.

BTW, where's Jon Corzine?

Hatha Sunahara
24th April 2013, 10:12 AM
What about 'non-violent terrorists'? Aside from the fact that this is patently absurd, if not completely insane, this Orwellian term has already made it's debut in our lexicon, and people will use this phrase in serious conversations. It might be time to pack up and get out of range while the getting is good.


24th April 2013, 11:16 AM
All that is visible is finite an fragile...All that is invisible is not.

The same trick that was played last time is being played again.

There are liars and the ignorant.

The evil and the good.

The good are meatshields.

Ignorace of Truth is the root of all evil.