View Full Version : CNN Caught Red Handed Interviewing Crisis Actor : Boston False Flag

General of Darkness
28th April 2013, 09:29 AM
CNN Caught Red Handed Interviewing Crisis Actor : Boston False Flag

Home (http://www.ufo-blogger.com/) » Boston Marathon (http://www.ufo-blogger.com/search/label/Boston%20Marathon) » False Flag (http://www.ufo-blogger.com/search/label/False%20Flag) » CNN Caught Red Handed Interviewing Crisis Actor : Boston False Flag

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-miPo-bHm9F0/TvDAjKK7tCI/AAAAAAAAA3k/9aglWwpy2pY/s1600/email.gif (ufoblogger.info@gmail.com?)

In past we had reported:

Boston Marathon Bombing - False Flag Staged Attack (http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2013/04/boston-marathon-bombing-false-flag.html)
Boston Marathon Finish Line Was At 666 Boylston Street : Illuminati False Flag (http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2013/04/satanic-illuminati-boston-marathon.html)

Now in latest development, today we received email with down below message:

"I first noticed her in CNN Boston booming April 15, 2013 coverage. On April 19, 2013 I saw her again in a completely different part of Boston talking about a totally separate event (Watertown shooting) which she had supposedly also witnessed." - Our reader

CNN Boston Bombing April 15, 2013 News Report Youtube Video Screenshot:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KWPRFc7mbJY/UXUF3RDe1OI/AAAAAAAAFW8/94iGNWOOcPY/s640/boston-bombing-false-flag-crisis-actors.png (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KWPRFc7mbJY/UXUF3RDe1OI/AAAAAAAAFW8/94iGNWOOcPY/s1600/boston-bombing-false-flag-crisis-actors.png)

CNN Watertown Shooting April 19, 2013 News Report Screenshot:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hbc3kr2RIW0/UXUDD1L6_AI/AAAAAAAAFWY/b1NSrfJaERk/s640/cnn-boston-bombing-crisis-actors-false-flag.png (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hbc3kr2RIW0/UXUDD1L6_AI/AAAAAAAAFWY/b1NSrfJaERk/s1600/cnn-boston-bombing-crisis-actors-false-flag.png)
Screenshot comparison :

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DvT-taQsJ_I/UXPP2w-ndJI/AAAAAAAAFVg/rJuprysLwkU/s640/crisis-actor-boston-bombing-cnn.png (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DvT-taQsJ_I/UXPP2w-ndJI/AAAAAAAAFVg/rJuprysLwkU/s1600/crisis-actor-boston-bombing-cnn.png)http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sUgq-M-z9Tk/UXQMKYFGsTI/AAAAAAAAFV4/RSeVeiIT0xA/s640/6.png (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sUgq-M-z9Tk/UXQMKYFGsTI/AAAAAAAAFV4/RSeVeiIT0xA/s1600/6.png)

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-aNk8rNDSa6s/UXQMKhitVeI/AAAAAAAAFV8/OAPZWqISR-w/s640/7.png (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-aNk8rNDSa6s/UXQMKhitVeI/AAAAAAAAFV8/OAPZWqISR-w/s1600/7.png)

28th April 2013, 10:16 AM
I think the dust was supposed to make the victims look more like they were covered in explosive debris?


28th April 2013, 10:25 AM
Am I Free To Go?

An increasing number of Americans are not buying into the “you must give up your liberties so we can protect you” message from the authorities.

The nation looked on with horror as the authorities locked down an entire region in search of one gunman following the Boston Marathon.

If only King George III had commanded SWAT teams, the Boston Tea Party would have been suppressed, and our kids would be singing “God Save the Queen” in our government schools!

The New American Democracy
This is American Democracy at work plain and simple in which the government places an entire city under house arrest to catch one 19 year old kid who was probably acting on the advice of an FBI provocateur. As we have come to learn, the Modus Operandi of the FBI has been to set gullible people up for terrorism charges and then claim there is a terrorist danger, rack up a patsy and subsequently keep the hysteria of the war on terror going.

In Watertown, MA., we see the SS tactics carried out against an average American neighborhood. And before you tell me this was a martial law situation. How many police incidents involving a gun take place in every major city, every day in America and entire metropolitan areas are not locked down. Look on with horror at the new America as this martial law beta test takes place.

Ray Charles could see that these ego-maniacal law enforcement thugs are mocking the population. As they foam at the mouth and their eyes buy out, they want make certain that they demonstrate to the citizens that they are nothing and they control everything.

Increasingly, Americans Are Not Buying the Police State Paradigm
Recently, Fox News conducted a poll in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings in which they survey a random cross-section of Americans on whether they would you be willing to give up some of your personal freedom in order to reduce the threat of terrorism. Forty five percent of the respondents said they would not be willing to sacrifice some of their liberties for protection from terrorists. Unfortunately, the Wolf Blitzer Kool-aid crowd, totaling 43% of the respondents said they would sacrifice their liberties for some vague promise of security.

The numbers for the trade liberty for security crowd is down from 54% from a similar poll in 2006 and astronomically down from the 9/11 era in which 71% of the people said they would acquiesce. Long story short, Americans are growing weary of the encroachment of the police state upon their liberties.

A Washington Post Poll conducted at the same time show that Americans are beginning to see through false paradigm of terrorist threats in which 92% of the country is not avoiding crowded or public places because of a risk of terrorism. Further, 57% expressed doubt that the government could prevent terrorist attacks. The government is losing their control over the American people and the global elite knows it.

Federal Police State Tyranny Goes Local
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is federalizing and militarizing our local law enforcement. Overwhelmingly, these officers used to view us as our friends and they truly put on the badge to serve their community and the overwhelming majority did so with distinction. The worm has decidedly turned.


How many functioning brain cells could you collect from this bunch?

28th April 2013, 10:58 AM
I think the dust was supposed to make the victims look more like they were covered in explosive debris?

Saw alot of that kind of action going on in the other clip on the main thread.


Many arms & bags or clothing being thrown about.