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View Full Version : Anyone know much about this ..The Avatar Course

28th April 2013, 02:00 PM
Some people I know have done this course which costs heaps and one of the persons i know that has done the course is a girl in her 20s that has a credit card debt of 30,000$ from these people.

Sounds like the guy that developed this is called Harry Palmer who was related to scientology at some stage.

Their symbol to me looks a like the eye of Horus disguised of course.



28th April 2013, 04:10 PM
Like I said long ago, I took the EST couse at a time that I was not even working so that I had to pay for it with a credit card, it is the best money that I have given away in my intire life.....it allowed me separate the truth from the bullshit and that's why I now live alone and AWAY from every one.

By the way folks I haven't been around much today because I was working on a new kind of walking cane, I now have to use the regular one for long walks, the one that I came up with will take 60% of a persons weight, now I have to figure out what to do about it...... the problem is like the one for my "Dog Walker" I am to old to fool around with either one and I know 100% that like "The Squeezable" that both of this new items are money maker.....It took me five hours between making it and then perfect it............ :)


General of Darkness
28th April 2013, 04:24 PM
Scientology on crack.


28th April 2013, 04:53 PM
Thanks general ,just like I suspected.........

There is no course you can do for this stuff and when it costs heaps it raises a flag of suspicion

28th April 2013, 05:48 PM
It sounds like EST or when I took it "The Forum". Good for insight into ones self but the weaker minded can be brainwashed by it.....

willie pete
28th April 2013, 06:48 PM
sounds like bullshit to me

28th April 2013, 07:57 PM
I would like to go back to them so that they could rinse my brain one more time ...... their moto "moto?" is, "You will be the same shit head that you were before......but......a better shithead".......heyyyyyyyy I buy that, at least it made me into a happy shithead ahahahahahahahah.


28th April 2013, 08:00 PM
Like I said long ago, I took the EST couse at a time that I was not even working so that I had to pay for it with a credit card, it is the best money that I have given away in my intire life.....it allowed me separate the truth from the bullshit and that's why I now live alone and AWAY from every one.

Ponce, I was curious after reading your comment and did some googling...is this what you are referring to?

I had not heard of this before. I'd be interested in anything you'd like to share about your experiences.

28th April 2013, 08:28 PM
sounds like bullshit to me

Harry Palmer ???

28th April 2013, 08:36 PM
I think I paid about 30,000 for my masters degree...

28th April 2013, 09:57 PM
I think I paid about 30,000 for my masters degree...

And that's only because you're a girl.

28th April 2013, 10:14 PM
Yes chud that was the one.....it was a two days course, $750.00, Saturday and Sunday, with only a six hours of sleep.....I still don't know what it was but it was........it was in a big room with about 250 people and my instructor was a guy by the name of Randy............some people chooses to call it brain washing and maybe it was, all that I know is that even after 36 years (Sep B 1977) I still got it.........either you get it or you don't and I still know things that others don't because more than knowing about it I can feel them......like I said before, when you have a problem to solve don't fight it, relax and the solution will come to you.

As you might have read I have been in a few wars and conflicts and I had a very heavy load in my back pack......thanks to EST not only did I get rid of the load but also of the back pack itself and another reason as to why I never wanted kids, I learned about mysel.


28th April 2013, 10:19 PM
It sounds like EST or when I took it "The Forum". Good for insight into ones self but the weaker minded can be brainwashed by it.....

This is what is sounds like to me. Neuro Linguistic Programing. Can be dangerous if you get too sucked in. Is this the one that they do over 48 or 72 hours or something, with no sleep, group concensus building, high stress situations that cause people to sort of break or crack open? I had a relative do the course I described and I seriously needed to force them to back off afterwards......very awkward

28th April 2013, 11:46 PM
I was going to suggest the NLP thing too. It's something UK's Brian Gerrish (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?56138-Manipulation-Of-Your-Mind-by-Government-Agenda-Brian-Gerrish) talks a lot about- namely WARNS about as being "dangerous". With BG it's in the context of "exposing (UK's) Common Purpose ("leadership training") (http://cpexposed.com/)" - an NWO front-org which deploys NLP and turns out "leaders" who then strangely find their way into UK power jobs.

In this 13 min clip, BG talks about NLP being used on parents & children,



Deanna Spingola posted an excellent podcast interview yesterday, where the 1st hour discusses NLP:

Saturday, 4/27: Veronica Clark (http://veraiconapublishers.wordpress.com) talks about NLP and her five new books; MP3 (http://www.spingola.com/vclark2013-04-27.mp3)

^ after the first hour they shift gears & get into masonry, christianity, islam, WW2 revisionism- also VG. Both Spingola & Clark are "neo-nazi anti-shlomoite Hitler lovers!" :o lol

29th April 2013, 05:01 AM
I am very happy with whom I am but when it comes to others there is tripwire somewhere.....a so called "friend" is only that for as long as you do what they want you to do. If the US were to stop giving "aid" to the state of Israel you would then find out what kind of a friend they really are.........What I hate must about this is that they know most of our secrets with which they will buy the "friendship" of China.

The EST course will give you x ray eyes to separated the truth from the lies....... maybe it made me crazy, who kows, but what ever happened to me.....I like it.


29th April 2013, 06:23 AM
Harry Palmer....sounds like...oh shit I already forgot about it....

Another magic sky wizards will save us scenario...I need special parents as an adult on top of my existing parents, or I can't cope, because death scares me, and i'm confused, and I need to be saved because of x number of reasons......ughhh

I wonder how many people signed up hoping to meet the blue movie people, and live in the magic tree...

29th April 2013, 08:37 AM



29th April 2013, 09:04 AM
People who do not know, should not talk.............RajiRadan-Ponce hahahahaha


Twisted Titan
29th April 2013, 10:48 AM
If the people wish to be decived.......let them be decived.

Old Roman Maxim