View Full Version : Star of David?

29th April 2013, 07:53 PM
Whats with everyone now having a badge of the Star of David?

This cant be good.

29th April 2013, 08:02 PM

29th April 2013, 08:05 PM

Right next to the pyramid thing is the Star of David. I clicked it on your post, here is what it says:

Add to Reputation: Serpo What do you think of Serpo's post?

I approve
I disapprove

Your comments on this post:

29th April 2013, 08:42 PM

29th April 2013, 09:12 PM

Looks to be part of the matrix.

29th April 2013, 10:22 PM

30th April 2013, 12:40 AM
Where are all these "I approve, I disapprove" comments being stored?

30th April 2013, 02:10 AM
Where are all these "I approve, I disapprove" comments being stored?

The L.o.C.?

30th April 2013, 02:47 AM
Where are all these "I approve, I disapprove" comments being stored?

At the FED ,they may become a new currency...

30th April 2013, 04:50 AM
Add to Reputation: Serpo What do you think of Serpo's post?

I approve
I disapprove

Your comments on this post:

We facebook now?

30th April 2013, 05:22 AM

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see Reputation (disambiguation) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reputation_%28disambiguation%29).

Reputation of a social entity (a person (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Person), a group of people (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_%28sociology%29), an organization (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization)) is an opinion about that entity, typically a result of social evaluation on a set of criteria. It is important in business (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business), education (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education), online communities (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_communities), and many other fields.
Reputation may be considered as a component of identity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_%28social_science%29) as defined by others.
Reputation is known to be a ubiquitous (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubiquitous), spontaneous (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/spontaneous), and highly efficient mechanism of social control (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechanism_of_social_control) in natural societies. It is a subject of study in social, management (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management) and technological (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological) sciences (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science). Its influence ranges from competitive settings, like markets, to cooperative ones, like firms, organisations, institutions and communities. Furthermore, reputation acts on different levels of agency, individual and supra-individual. At the supra-individual level, it concerns groups, communities, collectives and abstract social entities (such as firms, corporations, organizations, countries, cultures and even civilizations). It affects phenomena of different scales, from everyday life to relationships between nations. Reputation is a fundamental instrument of social order (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_order), based upon distributed, spontaneous social control.

It says here that reputation can be a group

30th April 2013, 07:04 AM
But if you were a moderator this would give trouble members an outlet to deal/duel with each other, without actually dueling on board.

The same was true with the thanks feature when it was introduced.

30th April 2013, 08:14 AM
I will never press the star of david......a Jew may come out and prick my dick and then suck my blood.

By the way, no one believes me when I tell then that I still remember when it was done to me.....I was take in my dad's arm across the street where a doctor had his office in a room of his house, I can clearly see everything including all the stuff which includes the steel raised bed where it was done.


30th April 2013, 08:17 AM
Where are all these "I approve, I disapprove" comments being stored?

Scroll down to the bottom of this page:

I will never press the star of david......a Jew may come out and prick my dick and then suck my blood.

By the way, no one believes me when I tell then that I still remember when it was done to me.....I was take in my dad's arm across the street where a doctor had his office in a room of his house, I can clearly see everything including all the stuff which includes the steel raised bed where it was done.

Oh man...did it hurt?

30th April 2013, 08:24 AM
I will never press the star of david......a Jew may come out and prick my dick and then suck my blood.

By the way, no one believes me when I tell then that I still remember when it was done to me.....I was take in my dad's arm across the street where a doctor had his office in a room of his house, I can clearly see everything including all the stuff which includes the steel raised bed where it was done.

V ......^---- but that V is like one half a star....

30th April 2013, 08:43 AM
vacuum I don't remember that part, I do know that I was crying.

Horn here I am part of the sheeps, if we all call a straight stick the star of david then so would I....is my nose growing?


30th April 2013, 08:51 AM
I will never press the star of david......a Jew may come out and prick my dick and then suck my blood.

By the way, no one believes me when I tell then that I still remember when it was done to me.....I was take in my dad's arm across the street where a doctor had his office in a room of his house, I can clearly see everything including all the stuff which includes the steel raised bed where it was done.


You can remember yourself being circumcised? But at the time you didn't know what was happening, or even as a baby, a few days old, you knew they were chopping your pee pee?

30th April 2013, 09:46 AM
You can remember yourself being circumcised? But at the time you didn't know what was happening, or even as a baby, a few days old, you knew they were chopping your pee pee?

They do that shit in the Phil when the kids turn 12-13, chop it and then run into the ocean... just don't seem right ya know?

30th April 2013, 10:08 AM
You can remember yourself being circumcised? But at the time you didn't know what was happening, or even as a baby, a few days old, you knew they were chopping your pee pee?

I remember that I had a bandage down there that was bigger than my legg, I don't remember or felt the cutting itself but I do remember the Dr bending over me. Besides my dad my mother, grandfather, and one aunt were present. NO ONE HAD A BENNIE CAP ON hahhahahahha......I remember a lot of stuff, that I am not supposed to remember, from when I was a baby.


30th April 2013, 02:07 PM
I remember that I had a bandage down there that was bigger than my legg, I don't remember or felt the cutting itself but I do remember the Dr bending over me. Besides my dad my mother, grandfather, and one aunt were present. NO ONE HAD A BENNIE CAP ON hahhahahahha......I remember a lot of stuff, that I am not supposed to remember, from when I was a baby.


Glad to meet someone that remembers back then as so do I .

Remember the white coats coming to get me and I must of known what was going on as I started screaming my head off.

30th April 2013, 02:08 PM
I remember that I had a bandage down there that was bigger than my legg, I don't remember or felt the cutting itself but I do remember the Dr bending over me. Besides my dad my mother, grandfather, and one aunt were present. NO ONE HAD A BENNIE CAP ON hahhahahahha......I remember a lot of stuff, that I am not supposed to remember, from when I was a baby.


Glad to meet someone that remembers back then as so do I .

Remember the white coats coming to get me and I must of known what was going on as I started screaming my head off.

Same here.

30th April 2013, 02:23 PM
wow...clearly this practice is wrong