View Full Version : dollar collapse has begun

Large Sarge
30th April 2013, 11:43 AM

30th April 2013, 11:59 AM
The bucky will not collapse before the EUR.

30th April 2013, 12:02 PM
Since I seem to be leading the USD-can't-collapse-until-after-the-Euro-and-Yen-collapse argument, this seems to be a good place for this discussion.

First, there's nothing in this chart indicating any type of a technical breakdown.

But beyond that, if we're going to view this in terms of the USD Index, we need to set some parameters. At what level is the USD a collapse? Personally, I won't consider the USD as having collapsed until it is so irrelevant that they stop computing and reporting this Index.

But if we're going to tie it to an Index number, wake me up after it breaches its low of 72 set in the 2008-09 financial crisis. It remained the go-to international currency through all that.

But really, I'd need to see a much more dramatic number than that to think it is headed for zero any time soon. I agree that ultimately it may collapse at the end of the current world fiat currency era, but I won't think we're even close until this index drops below 50.

30th April 2013, 12:07 PM
*Dollar Collapse has begun*


LS your posts are sounding more and more like the boy who cried wolf.

Large Sarge
30th April 2013, 12:12 PM
I just post the articles folks, not write them, you got a critique consult the author...

as in all areas of ones life, we must do our own thinking and our own due diligence....

having said that, I think his premise is right, the dollar has been only treading water, as all the other currencies decline...

30th April 2013, 01:14 PM
I just post the articles folks, not write them, you got a critique consult the author...

as in all areas of ones life, we must do our own thinking and our own due diligence....

having said that, I think his premise is right, the dollar has been only treading water, as all the other currencies decline...

How about posting more than blind links?

Large Sarge
30th April 2013, 01:17 PM
How about posting more than blind links?

hmmm..... well, I will try and offer some more insights and opinions with the news,

30th April 2013, 01:20 PM
hmmm..... well, I will try and offer some more insights and opinions with the news,

That's fine, but why should anyone go to the link unless there is some reason. Personally, I like to post the entire article if possible. It may not be at the end of the link tomorrow.

30th April 2013, 01:39 PM
*Dollar Collapse has begun*


LS your posts are sounding more and more like the boy who cried wolf.

the $ collapse began in 1913

pushed along by historical events like Nixon closing the gold window when France wanted to exchange some $ for Gold in the 1970's.

but it certainly has picked up pace with QE 1234 etc.

30th April 2013, 01:39 PM
That's fine, but why should anyone go to the link unless there is some reason. Personally, I like to post the entire article if possible. It may not be at the end of the link tomorrow.

I agree. I never click a link unless there is at least a brief synopsis of the story. It's like a garbage post.

Large Sarge
30th April 2013, 01:43 PM
I've been pointing out for several months now that the recent rally in the dollar was a mirage, an illusion generated by the yen, euro, pound, and Canadian dollar all dropping into yearly, or intermediate cycle lows together. This selling pressure in the four major currencies that make up the dollar index spawned what looked like a strong dollar.

With Bernanke printing 85 billion of them a month, there is no such thing as a "strong dollar". I've been saying for months that once these four currencies completed their bottoming cluster it would be the dollar's turn to crash. The recent collapse in the yen was 23%. The Pound 9%. I think the dollar will be somewhere in between with a loss of 9-12% as it drops down into its yearly cycle low.

As this process starts to accelerate over the next couple of months the dollar bulls are going to get a rude awakening, as our currency shows its true colors. The acceleration began today as the dollar has now completed a lower low and a lower high.

Once major support is breached at 78.50 there will be nothing to stop, what I think will be a waterfall decline, until the dollar reaches the 73-75 zone.

And don't forget this is just the beginning. The much larger degree, 3 year cycle low, isn't due until late next year.

It's time for the unintended consequences of QE infinity to come home to roost.

This should drive either another C-wave in gold. Or as I'm now starting to believe, gold may be in the initial stage of the bubble phase of the bull market. 2015 will be 15 years. That's about a normal length for a secular bull run.

Let's face it, commonsense would tell most people that you can't just print 85 billion dollars a month and not have something bad happen. The last time the Fed embarked on this kind of insane policy it was during the real estate bubble implosion. Instead of rescuing the housing market the Fed drove oil to $150 a barrel and spiked food prices around the world, triggering riots and wars in many third world countries.

I expect the same game plan this time is going to reap the same results.

We have all the ingredients in place. Gold has probably completed its yearly cycle low. The COT is showing a max bullish position by commercial traders. Before every bubble phase there is always a devastating correction that convinces everyone that the bull is over. I would say that describes pretty much what has happened over the last 6 months.

And to top it all off the recent manipulation to run the stops below $1523 has triggered massive shortages in the physical market, especially in silver.

Now add to that a collapsing dollar over the next year and a half and everything is in place for gold to generate at the very least another C-wave advance and in my opinion we probably have the conditions necessary for the bubble phase to begin.

30th April 2013, 01:56 PM
I expect the dollar to collapse... but not for a while yet. What would make it collapse? I guess the question is: what would make it become worthless?

Since it is all based on perception- faith in others accepting it as value, there needs to be a shake-up. What would cause this is a lack of production in Amerika while the dollar digits are over-printed. If you are comparing dollars to other currencies, that would be like comparing the height above sea level of 7 sinking ships. I would prefer to compare the ship's deck to the level of sea water.

It is possible for the dollar to fail before other currencies if they form a partnership of trade in exclusion of the US. BRIIICS could make that happen. Saudi petro-dollars could become a thing of the past.

Here are the signs to watch for:

China- bullying resource countries and bumping US interests out.
Import prices rising a percent per day or more.
Oil prices exceed $200 per barrel.
All banks nationalized... while profits funnelled off to private hands.
Major calamity wipes out trillions of dollars of property in US and hundreds of thousands killed.

30th April 2013, 02:05 PM
The dollar has been in a slow speed train wreck collapse for decades now.

Large Sarge
30th April 2013, 02:56 PM
ok, lets put some big picture stuff together

1. dollar has always just been the least ugly girl (or boy) at the dance, mainly through global acceptance and gold manipulation, no real worth/value there

2. gold manipulation appears to be cracking, numerous defaults appearing

3. new currency and banking system designed by the BRICs, will bypass and further isolate the dollar (and its demand), plus offer a viable alternative ( a market deep enough and liquid enough to compete against the dollar)

so imagine a natural downturn is scheduled in the dollar, and we get one or 2 of the above events to occur while that is happening.....

could it not slip on a banana peel?, so to speak.... maybe to an early grave

I mean at its heart, its all a confidence game really.....

30th April 2013, 03:33 PM
The hollowing out of the American economy and the perversion of every good American institution did not happen by accident. All of this is to make the current system collapse AND make the people helpless to stop the changeover to the New World Order pretend masters.

The dollar will be forced into collapse when they think they have guns under control in Amerika. Watch the gun control attacks and the growth of ABC groups to SWAT any uprisings. The dollar collapse won't be what people think. It will be more like a heart transplant. Violent cutting away of the heart of flesh and installing a cold heart of steel and stone while the blood is still fluid in the arteries. Coagulations will be excised and immune responses will be snuffed.

We will see this happen in less than 3 years.

30th April 2013, 04:16 PM
the $ collapse began in 1913

pushed along by historical events like Nixon closing the gold window when France wanted to exchange some $ for Gold in the 1970's.

but it certainly has picked up pace with QE 1234 etc.

You really think gold would still be falling if "dollar collapse had begun" ???

I don't think so.

Uncle Salty
30th April 2013, 04:35 PM
The bucky will not collapse before the EUR.

I disagree.

The Euro will just get rid of the dead weight PIIGS and will transform into a Nordic Euro backed by a free floating gold.

30th April 2013, 04:45 PM
US dollar is the world reserve currency and will be the last of the fiat cuurencies to fail; this is axiomatic IMHO. Nevertheless, the dollar can devalue substantially prior to collapsing by virtue of it's inherent broad base (it acts as major reserve backing to the EURO, YEN and other major western currencies):


30th April 2013, 04:53 PM
I disagree.

The Euro will just get rid of the dead weight PIIGS and will transform into a Nordic Euro backed by a free floating gold.

Who stores this Nordic gold?

30th April 2013, 04:58 PM

You posted a GREAT chart/poster a week or so ago, that said it all in relation to the U$D erosion.

America was 50% of world GDP at the end of WWII.

Some 10 years ago we had fallen to little over 30% of world GDP.

For the last 10 years we're loosing a steady 1% of world GDP per year!

30th April 2013, 05:15 PM
Who stores this Nordic gold?

Yeah, that's the rub. Most of the EU gold is held in France and Italy, two nations that would be expelled from a Northic Euro. Germany does not have nearly the gold they claim, after having been fleeced out of their gold by the US Fed. So a Nordic Euro would be backed by half or less free gold vis-a-vis the EURO.

Large Sarge
30th April 2013, 05:16 PM
tomorrow is the anniv

30th April 2013, 07:31 PM
The dollar collapse began the day the Fed was created......right?


1st May 2013, 05:04 AM
The dollar collapse began the day the Fed was created......right?


Yes- I think that is right. But the deception of the American people as well as the rest of the world became the foundation of its preceived value. So, in modern times, it will be the loss of the perception deception that will lead to the big overdue calamitous awakening. That loss will only come with the pain of physical deprivation.