View Full Version : 16-Year-Old Girl Arrested and Charged With a Felony For Science Project Mistake

2nd May 2013, 12:51 AM
16-Year-Old Girl Arrested and Charged With a Felony For Science Project Mistake
No one was hurt. Nothing was damaged. The criminalization of school kids has gone too far.


Photo Credit: WTSP-TV

May 1, 2013 |

A Florida teen with an exemplary record is facing federal charges after conducting what a classmate calls “a science project gone bad.”
16-year-old Kiera Wilmot is accused of mixing housing chemicals in a small water bottle at Bartow High School, causing the cap to fly off and produce a bit of smoke. The experiment was conducted outdoors (http://www.theledger.com/article/20130423/NEWS/304235005), no property was damaged, and no one was injured.
Not long after Wilmot’s experiment, authorities arrested her and charged her with “possession/discharge of a weapon on school property and discharging a destructive device,” according to WTSP-TV. The school district proceeded to expel Wilmot for handling the “dangerous weapon,” also known as a water bottle. She will have to complete her high school education through an expulsion program.
Friends and staffers, including the school principal, came to Wilmot’s defense, telling media that authorities arrested an upstanding student who meant no harm.
"She is a good kid," principal Ron Richard told WTSP-TV. "She has never been in trouble before. Ever."
"She just wanted to see what happened to those chemicals in the bottle," a classmate added. "Now, look what happened."
Polk County Schools stands by its decision to expel Wilmot, asserting in a statement, “there are consequences to actions,” and calling Wilmot’s experiment a “serious breach of conduct.”


2nd May 2013, 01:29 AM
Soon they will start arresting children for questioning the official version of global warming, war on terror, homosexual marriage, holocaustianity, or the superiority of non-Caucasians... Thoughtcrimes you know!

2nd May 2013, 04:35 AM
I wonder what experiments you can conduct? No more volcanoes, dropping magnesium into water, rotten egg gas experiments? May as well close the science department.

Twisted Titan
2nd May 2013, 06:17 AM
"*Polk County Schools stands by its decision to expel Wilmot, asserting in a statement, “there are consequences to actions,” and calling Wilmot’s experiment a “serious breach of conduct.

Unless your a grease ball politician taking kickbacks and sweetheart deals. Then shit dont happen

Twisted Titan
2nd May 2013, 06:23 AM
Just one question:

Who snitched on this kid?

Who felt compelled to be state authority lap dog?

I wonder how that Snitch feels like knowing that the ruined a good kids life?

2nd May 2013, 06:30 AM
Just one question:

Who snitched on this kid?

Who felt compelled to be state authority lap dog?

I wonder how that Snitch feels like knowing that the ruined a good kids life?

"If you see something, say something"

-Some fugly dyke working for the federal government

2nd May 2013, 07:16 AM
JUSA...snitch capital of the world.

still afloat
2nd May 2013, 07:20 AM
Wait a min. I think there is a little bit of information missing here .
Was not a school science project , no teachers or staff was told of her "science experiment" before hand, was outside the cafeteria of the school at 7am before school started .
She had a bottle of Drano and aluminum foil. Mix the two in sealed bottle and creates a violent explosion which has blown off body parts and caused chemical burns on people watching and preforming this "science experiment" in the past. All the sites with the directions on line explains what is going to happen , so yes she knew what she was doing and what was going to happen *just thought it was going to smoke* I call BS. At what point is stupidity and criminal intent not the same .
Aren't school shootings just science experiments gone wrong as well , science , math , physics , health , all school subjects involved with the shooting experiment . Maybe even PE if you factor in the running involved after the science experiment starts.
Just Sayin'

2nd May 2013, 07:35 AM
Wait a min. I think there is a little bit of information missing here .
Was not a school science project , no teachers or staff was told of her "science experiment" before hand, was outside the cafeteria of the school at 7am before school started .
She had a bottle of Drano and aluminum foil. Mix the two in sealed bottle and creates a violent explosion which has blown off body parts and caused chemical burns on people watching and preforming this "science experiment" in the past. All the sites with the directions on line explains what is going to happen , so yes she knew what she was doing and what was going to happen *just thought it was going to smoke* I call BS. At what point is stupidity and criminal intent not the same .
Aren't school shootings just science experiments gone wrong as well , science , math , physics , health , all school subjects involved with the shooting experiment . Maybe even PE if you factor in the running involved after the science experiment starts.
Just Sayin'
She was curious. Nobody was harmed. She's being charged with a felony. And no, it's nothing even remotely like a school shooting.

midnight rambler
2nd May 2013, 07:51 AM
In my 9th grade science class our science teacher Mr. Firestone had assembled/fabricated a one gallon paint can to hold a candle and a very tiny amount of flour (retained in a very small cup attached to a surgical tubing outside the can) which could be 'sealed' by merely placing the one gallon paint can lid. Mr. Firestone would fill the very small amount of flour in the cup attached to the hose externally, light the candle in the paint can, seal the lid on top, and then puff into the tube to fill the atmosphere in the paint can with flour dust which would subsequently go 'BOOM' reliably every time he set it up. He did this to demonstrate how normally completely harmless dust particles such as flour can be made to explode - showing us how feed mills can explode. It was a very simple yet very cool lesson. Of course now in this insane DEATH CULTURE (where flying killer robots kill poor brown people in countries we are not at war with) that very same set-up would be considered an IED.

2nd May 2013, 08:28 AM
Don't burn a fire in public, it would make smoke and you would go to jail.......that's why our kids are getting dummer and dummer every day, they have to obey instead of learning about life.....the future sheeps of America.


still afloat
2nd May 2013, 10:25 AM
She was curious. Nobody was harmed. She's being charged with a felony. And no, it's nothing even remotely like a school shooting.

Ok Santa , what's the magic number of deaths or mutilations that must occur before oh its just a kid having fun experimenting with dangerous chemicals that she read about on the internet and its a kid reproducing a Drano Bomb , yes on the internet where she found the instructions and all the youtube videos it is called a Bomb , not a science project. Not a single video I found showing the *experiment* was done under a controlled condition to make it a true experiment .All I saw was stupid kids doing stupid destructive stuff. So I can say without much if any doubt that she knew what she was doing and did it probably on a dare. What do you want to bet she didn't ask her parents ,then again the discussion at he breakfast table may have gone something like this * hey mom can I take a can of drano to school today along with some foil and a bottle to go behind the schoool before it starts to do a science project that nobody else at the school knows I'm going to do and has nothing to do with my school lessons or classes ?
No mom I don't think I should do it in our back yard first , think it would be better to just do my science experiments where more of my piers can see and hear about it . oh . by the way mom it is called a bomb and is going to make a loud explosion and a cloud of lye blowing afterwards .You don't mind do ya? yea mom you are the greatest , other moms would never let their kids build bombs at school . Love ya bye bye . *
Maybe somebody can do that fun Drano and Bleach experiment in class tomorrow , a pretty yellow cloud is always fun .