View Full Version : Pocket Blu-ray laser pops 100 black balloons in a row!

2nd May 2013, 07:55 PM


2nd May 2013, 08:04 PM
That empty helmet? did you pop off the cops head? hahahaahahaha.......I hope so.


3rd May 2013, 02:25 AM
Its very sad for the balloons as they where defenseless and a sitting duck.


3rd May 2013, 02:29 AM
There are interesting lasers with patterns which I got when on holiday last year.They are very entertaining and a web site sells them called laserpro... free postage.need one over 100 lums 200lums probably or however they measure it.

They make amazing patterns on dark spaces .

Celtic Rogue
3rd May 2013, 03:43 AM
I couldnt find a laserpro page? Do you have the URL?

3rd May 2013, 03:57 AM
What's the underlying message here, that blue lasers work well on negroes? How would cracker balloons fare against the blue laser? I think this is RAYsis!

3rd May 2013, 04:25 AM
I couldnt find a laserpro page? Do you have the URL?

sorry it was this and really these are great,,,,,http://www.laserpointerpro.com/

under the entertainment section or this page is an example of what I mean


this one is cheaper but would be ok, its good to have high power ,you turn a little ring on the end and get a kaleidescope laser effect with patterns everywhere,amazing on a tree with the leaves at night.

Its not as bad as if you take the end off you get a powerful laser beam which you have to be careful when using.

3rd May 2013, 04:34 AM
There are interesting lasers with patterns which I got when on holiday last year.They are very entertaining and a web site sells them called edit http://www.laserpointerpro.com/200mw-532nm-midopen-kaleidoscopic-green-laser-pointer-pen-with-2aaa-battery-p-398.html

free postage.need one over 100 lums 200lums probably or however they measure it.

They make amazing patterns on dark spaces .

.......how come we cannot edit some posts

and its measured in mW

Twisted Titan
3rd May 2013, 06:44 AM

3rd May 2013, 07:15 AM
Technically the more powerful lasers are not legal to buy or sell in the usi, but you can get the components to build them. My kid has a bunch of jewtube videos on the stuff he has made.

3rd May 2013, 07:19 AM
You gotta be careful with those high powered lasers, if you're not wearing eye protection, you can easily burn your retinas out.

3rd May 2013, 07:36 AM
What's the underlying message here, that blue lasers work well on negroes? How would cracker balloons fare against the blue laser? I think this is RAYsis!



3rd May 2013, 07:44 AM
You gotta be careful with those high powered lasers, if you're not wearing eye protection, you can easily burn your retinas out.

One hit my eye for an instant from a reflection. Affected my eye for a few days, kindof felt like coarse sand and vision was halved.

3rd May 2013, 07:50 AM
One hit my eye for an instant from a reflection. Affected my eye for a few days, kindof felt like coarse sand and vision was halved.Flash burn.

Back in my welding days, had it happen to me several times over the years.

It feels like a bucket of sand has been pored into your eye socket plus any light irritates the hell out of the effected eye, dark rooms and time are the only relief. Really bad cases can cause permanent damage to the eye.

Not fun at all.

3rd May 2013, 08:14 AM
What's the underlying message here, that blue lasers work well on negroes? How would cracker balloons fare against the blue laser? I think this is RAYsis!



3rd May 2013, 08:26 AM

Aha! Very suspect video, the RAYsis laser was resting on a book written in HEBREW!

3rd May 2013, 08:29 AM
Aha! Very suspect video, the RAYsis laser was resting on a book written in HEBREW!

Must be sirgonzo's experimental laboratory?

good catch

3rd May 2013, 08:29 AM
Flash burn.

Back in my welding days, had it happen to me several times over the years.

It feels like a bucket of sand has been pored into your eye socket plus any light irritates the hell out of the effected eye, dark rooms and time are the only relief. Really bad cases can cause permanent damage to the eye.

Not fun at all.

I had thought about buying one of these for fun, but in reality, these are not toys at all, even if there are people on youtube playing and having fun with them. In fact to me these are more of a weapon that you could use to blind your target.

3rd May 2013, 08:38 AM
I had thought about buying one of these for fun, but in reality, these are not toys at all, even if there are people on youtube playing and having fun with them. In fact to me these are more of a weapon that you could use to blind your target.

I have wanted one for years, blue or the green ones that can burn stuff. But from playing with regular pointers with my pets has taught me that it is way too easy to have accidental eye exposure. They are way cool in so many ways but anywhere outside of a lab with the proper safety protocols is to big of a risk for me, accidents will happen.

For the kind of bucks store bought or homemade , I can find more useful toys and keep my or others eyes safe.

Not worth the risk for me.

mick silver
3rd May 2013, 08:52 AM
if anyone can buy one why would the bad guys in war zones not be buying them as weapons ?

3rd May 2013, 08:58 AM
if anyone can buy one why would the bad guys in war zones not be buying them as weapons ? These are very visible and way easy to see where the beam originates from.

They would make the user a target that says shoot here.

IMO anyway.

3rd May 2013, 09:02 AM
These are very visible and way easy to see where the beam originates from.

They would make the user a target that says shoot here.

IMO anyway.

But then you'd be blinded.

I think they'd make excellent weapons, just wonder what they'd do if cranked up?


4th May 2013, 01:12 AM
This is an idea of one but at 20mW is underpowered.

I had thought about buying one of these for fun, but in reality, these are not toys at all, even if there are people on youtube playing and having fun with them. In fact to me these are more of a weapon that you could use to blind your target.

If you get the kaleidoscope laser they are a lot of fun and safe enough.

The light is broken down and not as intense.

4th May 2013, 04:44 AM
We need a law against you rasciss balloon killers.


4th May 2013, 12:33 PM
We need a law against you rasciss balloon killers.

Sounds similar to a speech I might give if elected to congress.

4th May 2013, 02:32 PM
We need a law against you rasciss balloon killers.


In all seriousness, is that man suffering from some mental deficiency or handicap?