View Full Version : RED ALERT - Israel Drops ‘Nuclear-Type’ Bomb On Damascus, 2 Israeli Jets Shot Down,
General of Darkness
4th May 2013, 07:50 PM
Fucking hell.
Eyewitnesses: Israel Drops ‘Nuclear-Type’ Bomb On Damascus, 2 Israeli Jets Shot Down, Assad To Declare War On Israel
Saturday, May 4, 2013 18:39
(Before It's News) (
I’ll continue to follow this as things develop.. -Mort
Assia Boundaoui @assuss ( (
Israeli strikes in #Damascus ( continue “@Ebn_Aljabal ( Another Wave of Explosions is rocking #Damascus ( Right now. HOly Mother oF God!!” #Syria (
Fawkes Mulder @Star_Fawkes ( (
Reports Suggest Assad “to declare war” on Israel following fresh airstrikes: strikes#.UYW81DpMXFs.twitter … ( #Syria (
An Israeli warplane was shot down ( by Syrian air-defense unit during a raid near Damascus early Sunday, Hezbollah’s Manar television station reported, citing security sources in the Syrian capital.
There was no independent confirmation of the claim.
Israeli media: 2 warplanes lost over #syria ( in sorties early Sunday morning. #BREAKINGNEWS ( Major bombing missions on #syrian ( regime
From Occupy Congress:
BREAKING: Eye witnesses in capital city of #Syria ( say #Israeli ( military has dropped nuclear-type bomb. (
OCongress ( Occupy Congress2h (
BREAKING: Eye witnesses in capital city of #Syria ( say #Israeli ( military has dropped nuclear-type bomb. (
Details (
CAB Bible @AnnotatedBible ( (
Seeing reports that #Israel ( killed 2,000 #Assad ( troops and injured 8,000 more!!!!!
Bushraaa @BSyriana_ ( (
According to an Israeli channel, Israel has officially cancelled all schools/day jobs tomorrow in case #Syria ( decides to attack Tel Aviv.
Sean Michael Thomas @seanthomas_RT ( (
#Damascus ( based journalist Abdallah Mawazini: 300 soldiers killed in attack, more wounded. Actists claim up to 2,000 deaths. #Syria (
RT @The_New_Syria ( BREAKING NEWS: The #Mennagh ( airport in #Aleppo ( has been completely liberated.. // #syria (
Reports lots of soldiers were also killed in the blast in Damascus – via RT #Syria (
Ahmad Rahban أحمد @arahban ( (
Thousands of Damascenes are taking refugee in shelters with more than 40 explosions heard throughout the city #Damascus ( #Israel ( #Syria (
Божидар Маѓероски @BobbyMageroski ( (
@mrjaredtomlin ( #Syria ( army making a announcement right now. Lets see what happens. Im hearing jets are ready
Univerified reports say that #Syria ( is preparing to declare an official state of war against #Israel ( 05:00 local time (
Michael Forian @Forian ( (
.@IsraelHatzolah ( is reporting that 30,000 #Israeli ( soldiers have been told to mobilize in preparation for war with #Syria ( #IDF (
#Syria #Damascus: Massive destruction and fires are reported at the headquarters of the 4th Division in the suburb of Qudsaya (
#SYRIA ( #Damascus ( Strange odors throughout the capital city are causing runny eyes and coughing
RT @THE_47th ( Eyewitnesses in Damas: Assad Brigades 104, 115 are leveled. #Syria (
1KM away from Presidential palace in #Damascus ( there are confirmed news of ANTI CRAFT firing RIGHT NOW. #Syria (
General of Darkness
4th May 2013, 07:53 PM
People are saying that this is a tactical nuke, I have NO IDEA if this is or not but the fucking this is huge.
4th May 2013, 07:56 PM
For fucks sake.
This isn't good, but then it was never going to be good, it was just a matter of when.
4th May 2013, 07:57 PM
Assad To Declare War On Israel
Show us what ya got Assad!
midnight rambler
4th May 2013, 08:04 PM
It's fairly common knowledge by now that the yield of tactical nukes can be 'dialed in' (so as to 'appear' to be conventional) so it would come as no surprise if that's what the Z tribe has done.
4th May 2013, 08:05 PM
Sure as shit looked like a tactical nuke - massive fireball had to be hundreds of feet across - and a mushroom cloud several blocks in size. This is getting real f'king scary. I'm heading over to load up on more canned goods and stuff tommorrow.
4th May 2013, 08:11 PM
Sure as shit looked like a tactical nuke - massive fireball had to be hundreds of feet across - and a mushroom cloud several blocks in size. This is getting real f'king scary. I'm heading over to load up on more canned goods and stuff tommorrow.
It takes exactly ten seconds for the sound of the blast to reach the people filming it... that's approximately two miles.
Pretty big blast.
4th May 2013, 08:19 PM
It takes exactly ten seconds for the sound of the blast to reach the people filming it... that's approximately two miles.
Pretty big blast.
Or it's a large armament cache exploding?
4th May 2013, 08:22 PM
If Syria attacks Satans chosen ones, it will be the end of Syria.
Next stop Iran
4th May 2013, 08:22 PM
Or its a large armamenta cache exploding?
That's seems to be the consensus.
Twisted Titan
4th May 2013, 08:23 PM
I hope Assad unleashes Holy Hell on them.
Somebody needs to kick there ass and i mean in detail.
I hope they get back the Golan Hiegths
4th May 2013, 08:29 PM
If Syria attacks Satans chosen ones, it will be the end of Syria.
Next stop Iran
Alot depends on Putin's reaction - Syria is a key strategic ally/proxy state.
4th May 2013, 08:34 PM
Alot depends on Putin's reaction - Syria is a key strategic ally/proxy state.
If the Russian military gets involved, I'll be heading to the grocery store with ya!
4th May 2013, 08:47 PM
Of course, airstrikes inside Syria go beyond "posturing," and indicate perhaps a level of desperation in the West who appear to have elected their chief villain, Israel, to incrementally "intervene" just as they had planned in regards to attacking Iran ( - also documented by Brookings in a report titled, "Which Path to Persia? ("
In regards to Iran, in Brookings' "Which Path to Persia?" report, it states specifically (emphasis added):
Israel appears to have done extensive planning and practice for such a strike already, and its aircraft are probably already based as close to Iran as possible. as such, Israel might be able to launch the strike in a matter of weeks or even days, depending on what weather and intelligence conditions it felt it needed. Moreover, since Israel would have much less of a need (or even interest) in securing regional support for the operation, Jerusalem probably would feel less motivated to wait for an Iranian provocation before attacking. In short, Israel could move very fast to implement this option if both Israeli and American leaders wanted it to happen.
However, as noted in the previous chapter, the airstrikes themselves are really just the start of this policy. Again, the Iranians would doubtless rebuild their nuclear sites. They would probably retaliate against Israel, and they might retaliate against the United States, too (which might create a pretext for American airstrikes or even an invasion). - page 91, Which Path to Perisa?, Brookings Institution ( in this statement we can gather insight behind both Israel's otherwise irrational belligerent posture ( throughout its brief history, as well as its more recent acts of unprovoked aggression against Syria. Israel's role is to play the "bad guy." As a regional beachhead for Western corporate-financier interests, it provides a "foot in the door" to any of the West's many desired conflicts. By bombing Syria, it hopes to provoke a wider conflict - an intervention the West has desired and planned for since it tipped off Syria's violent conflict in 2011.
For Syria and its allies - the goal now must be to deter further Israeli aggression and avoid wider conflict at all costs. If NATO's proxy terrorist forces are as weak as they appear - incapable of tactical or strategic gains, and tapering off into desperate terrorist attacks, it is only a matter of time before NATO's campaign grinds to a halt. As mentioned before (, such a failure on NATO's part will be the beginning of the end for it, and the Western interests that have been using it as a tool to achieve geopolitical hegemony.
Israel should be expected to commit to increasingly desperate acts to provoke Syria and Iran - as its leadership represent directly corporate-financier interests abroad, not the Israeli people, or their best interests (including peace and even survival). For the people of Israel, they must realize that their leadership indeed does not represent them or their best interests and is able, willing, and even eager to spend their lives and fortunes ( in the service of foreign, corporate-financier interests and global hegemony.
Large Sarge
4th May 2013, 08:59 PM
probably means the financial wheels are literally coming off the cart, to provoke a war so openly
4th May 2013, 09:06 PM
Assad: "Rope-a-dope...rope-a-dope."
Putin(coach): "Hang on! Stay low!"
Netanyahu: "Gimme war!!!!"
Obama: "If you got'm smok'm....."
4th May 2013, 09:07 PM
Die Juden sind unser Unglück!
4th May 2013, 09:21 PM
Sure as shit looked like a tactical nuke - massive fireball had to be hundreds of feet across - and a mushroom cloud several blocks in size. This is getting real f'king scary. I'm heading over to load up on more canned goods and stuff tommorrow.
Check out the circled dots below. Nuclear weapons exist which have yields of only 10 or 20 tons of TNT.
Twisted Titan
4th May 2013, 09:49 PM
There is no way outta this one for Assad
Isreal just wiped out a bunch of syrians in a pile of fire.
May as well Go down swinging.
He will be assinated in due time.
I would unleash a volley of rockets and everything else I got to boot.
4th May 2013, 10:04 PM
There is no way outta this one for Assad
Isreal just wiped out a bunch of syrians in a pile of fire.
May as well Go down swinging.
He will be assinated in due time.
I would unleash a volley of rockets and everything else I got to boot.
But isn't that what they want? America has a limited time-frame until our dollar crashes and our military power dissolves. Israel goes shortly after that. They want to get this thing started before that happens.
5th May 2013, 12:01 AM
More vids here, guess Israel gets mad when it loses an airplane.
Some secondary explosions at altitude.
Doesn't look like an internationally approved bomb.
5th May 2013, 01:47 AM
I've read several angles already.
First that they destroyed a compound that had biological weapons stored which ties in with another lie they made earlier that the Syrian Arab army supposedly used that against the population.. the second angle is that they blew up rockets destined for Hezbollah and that they came from Iran. They are killing two birds with one stone here.
The retarded war supporters doesn't even stop to question these contradictions.
5th May 2013, 03:05 AM
5th May 2013, 04:12 AM
Is this the beginning of the destruction of Damascus, as described in Isaiah 17?
I don't think this could have been a strike on an ammunition depot, no way it would all explode at once. Either a huge conventional bomb or a tactical nuke, possibly on a chemical depot, since strange odors were felt in the city with coughing. This is a clear warcrime, unprovoked to boot!
5th May 2013, 04:27 AM
Wow googling 'nuclear +Damascus' puts on link #12 on google. I am not sure that is a good thing though...
5th May 2013, 04:41 AM
Is this good for silver and gold?
5th May 2013, 05:38 AM
About half an hour ago, new reporting on Reuters mentions new Israeli attacks on Damascus, with big explosions, but my Internet is very slow today so I can't enter...
5th May 2013, 07:14 AM
I suspect an FAE. Fuel air explosion. It sucks the oxygen out of the air for a great distance and kills a lot of people. It seems there was a large bodycount. This is all such bullshit. Thousands of decent people wiped out for what..
5th May 2013, 07:27 AM
How is this a "nuclear-type" bomb? Did all the electronics get wiped out by EMP? Is there radioactive fallout?
It was a ground burst as evident by the debris cloud. All bombs make mushroom clouds. Big bombs make big mushroom clouds.
5th May 2013, 08:09 AM
There is one vid spectrism, that shows secondary detonations or lightning inside the mushroom cloud. Nearly 20 years of active duty and I have never seen that before in any type of weapon.
Large Sarge
5th May 2013, 08:50 AM
There is no way outta this one for Assad
Isreal just wiped out a bunch of syrians in a pile of fire.
May as well Go down swinging.
He will be assinated in due time.
I would unleash a volley of rockets and everything else I got to boot.
remember when they did the flotilla for Gaza, and Israel attacked them, boarded the ships, even killed people, well the public condemnation was HUGE!
all the world took a look at Israel, and decided it was not a very nice neighbor
see, with jewish control of media (and internet to a lesser degree), this is one of the few ways to turn public opinion...
Israelis have all their forces, including reservists, on the border, you walk into their trap....
better to wait a period, look at all options
Large Sarge
5th May 2013, 08:56 AM
I think that bomb was some sort of fuel air bomb,
the flash from a nuke would not even be visible on an unguarded camera lens
it would just go white, yet we make out details, etc
plus the EMP blast would sizzle the camera.
they probably have some sort of bunker system under that depot, and Israel ddecided to use a fuel air bomb, to suffocate them all in their bunkers....
I am not saying Israel would not use a nuke, they will/would, but I do not think that was one.
5th May 2013, 08:58 AM
Said to be 3-4 on the Richter scale
5th May 2013, 10:02 AM
Sure as shit looked like a tactical nuke - massive fireball had to be hundreds of feet across - and a mushroom cloud several blocks in size. This is getting real f'king scary. I'm heading over to load up on more canned goods and stuff tommorrow.
and to fill up the gas cans too.
5th May 2013, 10:08 AM
I think that bomb was some sort of fuel air bomb,
the flash from a nuke would not even be visible on an unguarded camera lens
it would just go white, yet we make out details, etc
plus the EMP blast would sizzle the camera.
they probably have some sort of bunker system under that depot, and Israel ddecided to use a fuel air bomb, to suffocate them all in their bunkers....
I am not saying Israel would not use a nuke, they will/would, but I do not think that was one.
it depends on the distance.
signal strength decreases as the square of the distance from the source, though signal strength for EM is measured in dB (a log type scale).
in general i think Israel is one big killing machine and they are experts in designing killing machines.
the EMP signature of non-conventional nukes - probably more than one pHD dissertation has been written on that subject. i.e. it has some complexity.
i wonder what happened to cell-phone reception in the region, at various distances from the big blast in the video.
does Israel get a commission from the cell-phone company for destroying people's cell-phones, so they have to buy another ?
5th May 2013, 10:33 AM
I think that bomb was some sort of fuel air bomb,
the flash from a nuke would not even be visible on an unguarded camera lens
it would just go white, yet we make out details, etc
plus the EMP blast would sizzle the camera.
they probably have some sort of bunker system under that depot, and Israel ddecided to use a fuel air bomb, to suffocate them all in their bunkers....
I am not saying Israel would not use a nuke, they will/would, but I do not think that was one.
Bunker buster nuke? If the nuke explodes underground, most of the radiation would be absorbed in the ground, and you may have had an appearance like today's bomb?
you know this could be the test run for the attack on Irans underground nuclear facilities
Large Sarge
5th May 2013, 11:00 AM
no, from what I saw, the fire climbed up and out, a nuclear explosion is more of a wave...
the fire was riding a wave of fuel and oxygen (from my observation)
that's what caused the weird signature of the flame....
you see those old pictures from Nevada, and the nuke goes off, and its like dropping a pebble in the lake, the wave goes out...
there was no wave....
again, this is just an observation
5th May 2013, 11:09 AM
no, from what I saw, the fire climbed up and out, a nuclear explosion is more of a wave...
the fire was riding a wave of fuel and oxygen (from my observation)
that's what caused the weird signature of the flame....
you see those old pictures from Nevada, and the nuke goes off, and its like dropping a pebble in the lake, the wave goes out...
there was no wave....
again, this is just an observation
Well, a bunker buster nuke may have a different signature... Maybe Israel got a bunch of these in a surplus sale?
Large Sarge
5th May 2013, 11:16 AM
Well, a bunker buster nuke may have a different signature... Maybe Israel got a bunch of these in a surplus sale?
a nuclear reaction is a nuclear reaction, its the law of physics,
like a fuel air bomb works with a rapid detonation of fuel mixed with oxygen...
the nuke explodes at a small central point, and expands out as heat and shockwave...
again, let me emphasize, this is just my own observation, I could be wrong...
but the way the flames climbed, and spread, did not appear nuclear...
and often after a nuclear blast, its like it almost creates a small vacuum at the point of detonation, you see a "woosh" as a small part rushed back in towards the blast,
did not discern that either
5th May 2013, 11:29 AM
I wouldn't want to be within a 500 mile radius of that blast,
who knows what sort of chems and materials were housed there?
5th May 2013, 11:50 AM
a nuclear reaction is a nuclear reaction, its the law of physics,
like a fuel air bomb works with a rapid detonation of fuel mixed with oxygen...
the nuke explodes at a small central point, and expands out as heat and shockwave...
again, let me emphasize, this is just my own observation, I could be wrong...
but the way the flames climbed, and spread, did not appear nuclear...
and often after a nuclear blast, its like it almost creates a small vacuum at the point of detonation, you see a "woosh" as a small part rushed back in towards the blast,
did not discern that either
I would imagine a bunker buster nuke would in appearance be somewhere in between the air blast and an underground nuclear test, this blast was absolutely enormous, I have a hard time seeing a fuelbomb creating such a blast experienced like that on 2 miles distance, there just isn't enough oxygen to feed a blast like that... Has it been seen previously?
5th May 2013, 12:17 PM
Maybe Israel wanted to show USA, that they can make bunker busters too, without the US selling them to Israel?
This was in late April:
Large Sarge
5th May 2013, 12:25 PM
Maybe Israel wanted to show USA, that they can make bunker busters too, without the US selling them to Israel?
This was in late April:
I am sure israel can make most anything they want, the debate is not on if Israel would use them, or if they have them, Israel has no ethics per se, its just I do not think it was a nuke...
if it was, we will see radiation burns on the survivors in the coming weeks, they will show up on the web
5th May 2013, 12:50 PM
if it was, we will see radiation burns on the survivors in the coming weeks, they will show up on the web
They could simply blame that on some cake material that was housed in the research facility, No?
I don't think it was a nuke, though it was something else, something used to create terror in the mind of every Syrian in Damascus.
5th May 2013, 12:51 PM
I am sure israel can make most anything they want, the debate is not on if Israel would use them, or if they have them, Israel has no ethics per se, its just I do not think it was a nuke...
if it was, we will see radiation burns on the survivors in the coming weeks, they will show up on the web
You wouldn't get radiation burns from a nuclear bomb that explodes underground. I don't know if it was a nuke either, but it created an earthquake of 4 on the Richter scale...
Large Sarge
5th May 2013, 12:55 PM
You wouldn't get radiation burns from a nuclear bomb that explodes underground. I don't know if it was a nuke either, but it created an earthquake of 4 on the Richter scale...
ok, if that is true, then that leans more towards a nuke....
fuel air would not get much if any seismic activity,
5th May 2013, 01:01 PM
No dog in this, but the visible fireball plus all of the crap that was thrown up into the air in the explosion if the device was a nuke would be radioactive. There would be a huge downwind fallout pattern.
There is no way to keep the radioactive part underground with the explosion shown in the video posted.
Reading LS post, if it was a large ammo dump that detonated that maybe would cause the seismic action?
5th May 2013, 01:10 PM
ok, if that is true, then that leans more towards a nuke....
fuel air would not get much if any seismic activity,
I have tried to find confirmation on the number, but no luck so far...
5th May 2013, 01:15 PM
ok, if that is true, then that leans more towards a nuke....
fuel air would not get much if any seismic activity,
Am I like a Dangerfield poster here, or sumtin?
5th May 2013, 01:16 PM
No dog in this, but the visible fireball plus all of the crap that was thrown up into the air in the explosion if the device was a nuke would be radioactive. There would be a huge downwind fallout pattern.
There is no way to keep the radioactive part underground with the explosion shown in the video posted.
Reading LS post, if it was a large ammo dump that detonated that maybe would cause the seismic action?
Sure you would get radioactive debris coming down, but not the intense x-rays and ultraviolet radiation that create burns if the detonation was underground cause it has to pass through earth before, and you are right if it was ammunition detonating in a depo then that could create an earthquake...
5th May 2013, 01:19 PM
Oklahoma city registered a 3 on Richter scale, so fuel air could probably still do that.
5th May 2013, 01:21 PM
Sure you would get radioactive debris coming down, but not the intense x-rays and ultraviolet radiation that create burns if the detonation was underground cause it has to pass through earth before, and you are right if it was ammunition detonating in a depo then that could create an earthquake...
If a nuke that fireball shown would be emitting all sorts of radiation. The explosion did look like the explosion started underground, but that could be explained if the bomb (?) was not set for air burst, and was more of a contact fuse one that penetrated the ground before it detonated or was a ground penetrating design as in a bunker buster. (huge one)
Just my dos centavos.
5th May 2013, 01:25 PM
The aerial explosions after the initial could be armaments launched that far into the air before going of secondarily.
5th May 2013, 01:29 PM
Oklahoma city registered a 3 on Richter scale, so fuel air could probably still do that.
Do you think that Oklahoma City was fuel air?
5th May 2013, 01:31 PM
If a nuke that fireball shown would be emitting all sorts of radiation. The explosion did look like the explosion started underground, but that could be explained if the bomb (?) was not set for air burst, and was more of a contact fuse one that penetrated the ground before it detonated or was a ground penetrating design as in a bunker buster. (huge one)
Just my dos centavos.
Sure it could have been a huge conventional bunker buster bomb...
5th May 2013, 01:32 PM
The US military recently developed the 21,000 lb MOAB bomb (right), but this not been used in combat. A huge bomb is often superior to hundreds of smaller bombs because it creates a massive overpressure shockwave that can crush large buildings and kill people inside tanks and bunkers. These bombs should not be used against cities, but enemy troop concentrations or airbases can be flattened. If these bombs are dropped in wartime, the shockwave and mushroom cloud will send many troops running for home. They are also ideal for clearing a minefield up to one kilometer across. They do not produce radiation and are not banned by treaties.
GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb
5th May 2013, 01:35 PM
Sure it could have been a huge conventional bunker buster bomb... Yep and if the target had explosives stored there,
Duck and cover!
Now back to my regular programming and such!
Carry on!
5th May 2013, 01:36 PM
Very stylish!
5th May 2013, 01:40 PM
Very stylish!
Says right there "should not be used on cities", (suck air out of the lungs) I suppose....
5th May 2013, 01:49 PM
Says right there "should not be used on cities", (suck air out of the lungs) I suppose....
Yeah I saw that but Goytown doesn't count as city Israel's Supreme Court determined!
5th May 2013, 01:50 PM
I suspect an FAE. Fuel air explosion. It sucks the oxygen out of the air for a great distance and kills a lot of people. It seems there was a large bodycount. This is all such bullshit. Thousands of decent people wiped out for what..
Terry copper, I echo the sentiment.
Large Sarge
5th May 2013, 02:17 PM
here they are saying it was depleted uranium used
5th May 2013, 02:34 PM
here they are saying it was depleted uranium used
That old adage that TpTb won't use nukes because it will destroy the real estate market doesn't apply to Zion.
Its the kingdom of heaven.
5th May 2013, 02:58 PM
here they are saying it was depleted uranium used
That sounds about right. Use some huge bomb with depleted uranium to knock out a storage site right next to Damascus so the whole city can be terrorized. But it sounds like Israel is actually the one who suffered greater losses here....they lost two fighters.
5th May 2013, 03:59 PM
Nukes that are detonated at ground level are WORSE than nukes at air burst. A ground level burst of ionizing radiation makes tons of radioactive new debris in addition to the bomb radiactive compounds.
This was not a nuke. Just that you have close video camera recordings of the blast should tell you it was not a nuke.
Another word being used is "tactical" nuke. Anyone know what that means? The tactical nukes I am familiar with are gamma-ray monsters that are airburst. They kill anything living underneath and wipe out electronics. They produce minimal fallout and will not permanently ruin the land.
5th May 2013, 04:23 PM
After the airstrikes: Scenes of devastation left by Israeli rockets as Syria pledges retaliation for the 'declaration of war'
Pictures emerge showing destruction caused to buildings by airstrikes
Syria pledges to retaliate against Israel 'in its own time and way'
Threats follow two raids by Israel on Syria in the past three days
Video footage showed dramatic explosions over Damascus skyline
Israel says it was targeting Iranian-made missiles on the way to Hezbollah
By Daily Mail Reporter ( and Tom Kelly (
PUBLISHED: 01:27 GMT, 5 May 2013 | UPDATED: 21:54 GMT, 5 May 2013
Bulldozers are clearing away rubble from buildings razed to the ground by Israeli airstrikes near Damascus, as Syria pledges retaliation for the 'declaration of war'.
Pictures have emerged from Syria showing the damage caused to buildings, including some forming part of a chicken farm, by an attack in Al-Hama - close to Jamraya where a research centre was targeted.
Senior government ministers in Syria warned its neighbour it risked engulfing the Middle East in conflict after carrying out airstrikes twice in the past three days.
Scroll down to view videos Aftermath: Bulldozers work to remove rubble after the Israeli airstrike in the Al-Hama area near Damascus Destruction: The damage left at a chicken farm building following the attack by Israel on Syria Rubble: Syria has branded the attacks a 'declaration of war' and pledged retaliation against Israel Razed to the ground: A chicken which survived the airstrike stands among the flattened buildings
Faisal al Mekdad, Syria's deputy foreign minister, pledged that the country would retaliate against Israel 'in its own time and way' after a weapons factory and other military facilities were bombed.
Israel claimed it was targeting Iranian weapons bound for Hezbollah in Lebanon. But Syrian officials accused Israel of carrying out 'terrorist acts' on behalf of jihadi groups trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.
Israel's second raid on Syria in 48 hours signalled a massive escalation of its involvement in the two-year civil war. Video footage showed dramatic orange-flamed blasts over Damascus's skyline after weapons dumps were hit in the raids, which also killed several people.
Eyewitness Mohammed Saeed said: 'The explosions were so strong the earth shook under us.' Footage from Lebanon's Al Manar TV, affiliated with Hezbollah, shows smoke rising from what is purportedly an ammunition depot following an air strike in Dimas A soldier points to a crater following an air strike in Jamraya on May 5 Free Syrian Army fighters, on a pick-up truck, head towards the frontline where clashes with forces loyal to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad are taking place in the al-Ziyabiya area, in Damascus Rebel fighters: The clashes are taking place in the al-Ziyabiya area, in Damascus
Syria said three military sites had been hit: the research centre at Jamraya; a paragliding airport in the al-Dimas area of Damascus, and a site in Maysaloun.
A statement from the Syrian Foreign Ministry said: 'The Israeli attack led to the fall of a number of martyrs and wounded from the ranks of Syrian citizens, and led to widespread destruction in these sites and in the civilian districts near to them.
'This leaves no room for doubt Israel is the beneficiary, the mover and sometime the executor of the terrorist acts which Syria is witnessing and which target it as a state and people directly or through its tools inside.'
Syrian information minister Omran al-Zohbi warned the attack made the Middle East 'more dangerous' and 'opens the door wide to all possibilities'.
He added that Syria had the duty 'to defend its people by all available means'. Rockets: Large explosions were reported in Mount Qassioun, a military site, near the Syrian capital of Damascus early on Sunday (web photo reportedly of the blast). Syrian TV claims Israeli rockets were to blame Explosion: Syria says Israel fired rockets at a military research center in the Damascus suburb of Jamraya, (a photo shared on social media reportedly of the explosion). The Israel Defense Forces declined to comment
5th May 2013, 04:24 PM Attack: Israeli warplanes began bombing suspected chemical weapons sites in Syria on Thursday (pictured an F-15I tactical fighter jet taking at the Hatzerim Air Force in southern Israel in 2012)
Israel's main target in the latest raid was believed to be stores of Conqueror missiles in transit from Syria's ally, Iran, to Hezbollah militants in Lebanon.
On Friday, Israeli aircraft also hit a shipment of missiles near the Lebanon border, according to US and Israeli officials. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly warned it would take military action to prevent such weapons from reaching Hezbollah, which fought a month long war with Israel in 2006.
Regime accused of Sunni massacre
The Syrian regime was yesterday accused of massacring Sunni families in a campaign of 'sectarian cleansing'.
Horrific images emerged of more than 100 bodies found in the town of Banias and nearby village of Bayda, which are in the heartlands of President Bashar al-Assad's rival Shia sect.
A baby and a young girl were piled among a dozen members of one family, while other pictures show the mutilated and burned bodies of Sunnis.
The US State Department reported that pro-government forces destroyed Bayda with mortars then executed surviving families.
Local opposition groups accused the government of launching a campaign of sectarian cleansing.
The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights said about 4,000 Sunnis had fled Banias amid fears of further massacres.
The Syrian government claimed that it had fought 'terrorist groups' and restored security to the area.
Uzi Rubin, a missile expert and former Israeli defence ministry official, said: 'If fired from southern Lebanon [the Conqueror missiles] can reach Tel Aviv. It is a game changer because they are a threat to Israel's infrastructure and military installations.'
Israel previously targeted the Jamraya research centre in January. Western officials have suggested that it is involved in chemical weapons research.
The air strikes come as the US is considering whether to launch military action against the Syrian regime after reports it had used chemical weapons against rebels.
Israeli officials say the targets are shipments of highly accurate, Iranian-made guided missiles known as Fateh-110s, but Syria's foreign ministry said the attacks show co-ordination with 'terrorists' including al-Qaeda linked militants.
The strikes had led to a number of casualties and widespread damage, it was reported in a letter sent to the UN.
'The flagrant Israeli attack on armed forces sites in Syria underlines the co-ordination between 'Israel', terrorist groups and... the al-Nusra Front," the statement said, referring to al-Qaeda militants fighting with the rebels.'
Fateh-110 missiles which carry a half-ton warhead is a short-range ballistic missile developed by Iran and first put into service in 2002.
The Islamic Republic unveiled an upgraded version last year that improved the weapon's accuracy and increased its range to 300 kilometers (185 miles).
On Friday Israeli aircraft hit a shipment of the missiles in Syria, according to unnamed US and Israeli officials. Threat: The Iranian Defense Ministry, claims to show the launch of the Fateh-110 short-range surface-to-surface missile which has a half-ton warhead Missile: An upgraded Fateh-110 missile in a file picture released by the Iranian Defence Ministry
Video footage uploaded onto the Internet showed a series of explosions. One lit up the skyline over the city, while another sent up a tower of flames and secondary blasts.
A Western intelligence source told Reuters the operation hit Iranian-supplied missiles which were en route to Hezbollah.
'In last night's attack, as in the previous one, what was attacked were stores of Fateh-110 missiles that were in transit from Iran to Hezbollah,' the source said.
The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the scale of the attack meant it was beyond the military capability of Syrian rebels, and quoted eyewitnesses in the area as saying they saw jets in the sky at the time of the blasts.
Syrian television said: 'The new Israeli attack is an attempt to raise the morale of the terrorist groups which have been reeling from strikes by our noble army.' Burning: This image taken from an authenticated Ugarit News video shows smoke and fire filling the the skyline over Damascus early today Lit up: The image from an authenticated video obtained from the Ugarit News shows the sky glowing from the explosions Glowing: The sky is lit up after an explosion at what Syrian state television reported was a military research centre in Damascus early today
The U.S. State Department had no immediate comment and the Israeli Embassy in Washington declined comment.
If confirmed, Sunday's attack would be Israel's third strike inside Syria since late January, but there was no immediate comment from Israeli officials.
'We don't respond to this kind of report,' said an Israeli military spokeswoman.
The Observatory said the blasts hit Jamraya as well as a nearby ammunition depot. Other activists said a missile brigade and two Republican Guard battalions may also have been targeted in the heavily militarised area just north of Damascus.
Damascus-based journalist Alaa Ebrahim told the BBC that one of the blasts was 'the biggest explosion' the city had seen since the conflict began two years ago. Locator map of Jamraya in Syria where the regime has a military research facility which Israel is reported to have bombed Bloody: Civil war has been waging for 2 years in Syria between the forces of President Bashar al-Assad (pictured in June 2012) and the Syrian National Coalition. An estimated 70,000 people have been killed Surrounded: President Assad walks in the centre of a crowd in Damascus after unveiling a statue dedicated to students who have died in the fighting Keeping watch: Israeli tank crews on the Golan Heights today overlooking the Syrian town of Kan Arnaby
He said residents living near Jamraya reported feeling a 'mild earthquake' just before the blast, indicating that the rockets may have hit an underground facility.
At least 70,000 people have been killed in the bloody civil war between President Bashar Assad's regime forces and rebels.
The latest airstrikes come after reports of 'sectarian 'massacres near the coastal region of central Syria.
Activists said that more than 100 people, including women and children, were killed in the Sunni village of al-Bayda and the nearby coastal town of Baniyas.
The Israeli strikes follow days of renewed concerns that Syria might be using chemical weapons against opposition forces. U.S. President Barack Obama has characterized evidence of the use of chemical weapons as a 'game-changer' that would have 'enormous consequences.'
5th May 2013, 05:48 PM
That picture is a f-16, kinda makes me wonder who hands out the talking points on this one
5th May 2013, 06:09 PM
Fvck me,what a night ,we got really bombed
6th May 2013, 04:08 AM
Regardless if it was a bunker buster nuke or conventional depleted uranium bunker buster or a fuel air bomb, I think this was a practice run for Iran campaign. We haven't seen anything re elevated radiation levels in Damascus, so I guess that means it wasn't a nuke...
6th May 2013, 08:12 AM
Not saying I think I know what it was but it could have been a daisy cutter type bomb. Check out the specs on this one.
The Daisy Cutter has sometimes been incorrectly reported as a fuel-air explosive device (FAE). These devices consist of a flammable liquid and a dispersing mechanism, and take their oxidizers from the oxygen in the air. FAEs generally run between 500 and 2,000 pounds (225 and 900 kg). Making an FAE the size of a Daisy Cutter would be difficult because the correct uniform mixture of the flammable agent with the ambient air would be difficult to maintain if the agent were so widely dispersed. A conventional explosive is much more reliable in that regard, particularly if there is significant wind or thermal gradient.
The BLU-82 uses ammonium nitrate and aluminum (cf. ammonal).[2] The warhead contains 12,600 pounds (5,700 kg) of low-cost GSX slurry (ammonium nitrate, aluminum powder and polystyrene)
The BLU-82 produces an overpressure of 1,000 pounds per square inch (psi) (7 MPa) near ground zero, tapering off as distance increases. It is detonated just above ground by a 38-inch (965 mm) fuze extender. This results in a maximum destruction at ground level without digging a crater.
6th May 2013, 12:54 PM
...Another word being used is "tactical" nuke. Anyone know what that means? ...
I understand tactical nukes as being nukes of fairly low power such that they can be used in combat (probably at pretty large distances, maybe a few miles).
6th May 2013, 01:46 PM
Attack: Israeli warplanes began bombing suspected chemical weapons sites in Syria on Thursday (pictured an F-15I tactical fighter jet taking at the Hatzerim Air Force in southern Israel in 2012)
Israel only has a problem with chemical weapons if someone else is using them.
Israel has even used White Phosphorus against defenseless civilians - back in December 2008/ January 2009.
the Chosen-ites have their own set of rules.
6th May 2013, 05:21 PM
I understand tactical nukes as being nukes of fairly low power such that they can be used in combat (probably at pretty large distances, maybe a few miles).
Yes- during the cold war days, we always had the threat of neutron weapons that would burst gamma rays over a fairly small area- typically a circle about a kilometer wide, as the quick kill zone. The detonation would be as much as a kilometer high and there were two components: blast & gamma ray. There was not as much blast as other nukes but the gamma rays would go through 2 feet of steel or CMU (block) and maybe 1 foot of reinforced concrete. The best block in a typical town would be concrete & earth. Deeper=better. Those who were just outside the immediate killzone would develop radiation sickness and die in days.
The EMP from the neutron bombs would wipe out unhardened or protected electronics in the killzone for sure, and variably as you got further away.
These were also planned for use in making craters. One of these bombs in the ground could make an unpassable hole or cause half a mountain to slide. Other delivery methods: rocket, artillery, airplane.
7th May 2013, 07:20 PM
7th May 2013, 08:11 PM
Maybe Hank Johnson was right... they tipped over.
7th May 2013, 10:36 PM
That picture is a f-16, kinda makes me wonder who hands out the talking points on this one
I think that is an F-15 actually. It looks similar from the side, but remember an f-16 does not house 2 airmen while the f-15 does.
Also if you look closely you can see another fin next to that one. F-15 has 2 fins.
If it's an F-16 it might be the F-16b which is a 2-seater.
General of Darkness
7th May 2013, 10:51 PM
At the end of the day this will end poorly for white nations. More taxes and more refugees that steel tax dollars and on and on and on. Increased violence, more demand for special rights until there are enough of "them" who ran away from their so called opression to reproduce it in a white country. And all the while the nation wreckers make money hand over fist with their crypto jew lackeys pushing this bullshit agenda of democracy when even this country wasn't founded on that.
While on the outside I tend to think that I have no skin in this "game", however I do and we all do. The DOW is at record highs and the wolves are skinning the last of the sheep.
My gut is telling me the the human race is about ready to expire.
8th May 2013, 08:42 AM
At the end of the day this will end poorly for white nations. More taxes and more refugees that steel tax dollars
Guess they figure its the price you pay for not even being aware that sub-nuclear WWIII is in progress.
Not you specifically, but the rest.
8th May 2013, 09:41 AM
Why is it neither Bush, or Obama hang out with the people?
gunny highway
8th May 2013, 09:54 AM
Because we are enemy combatants.
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