View Full Version : Blue Kachina & Moon video- preps for events ahead

6th May 2013, 01:31 PM

I watched this video and saw/heard a few interesting things. I think it is a good watch.

Object photographed coming into our solar system.... yet it orbits the big bad guy still further out.

No mention if this is connected with Comet Ison but it appears to be on the same approach.

Remote viewing and Ed Dames predictions.... I found this interesting- NORK to nuke South Korea and this will happen just before the sun hits earth with a solar flare killshot. It also matches what the book or Revelation describes: burning up one third of the trees and all grasses. That could also be from flaming meteors.

I am now thinking about Faraday caging for electronics. I have the heavy steel wall of an old above ground pool. I can cut it up to make a steel house to protect inverters, generators, computers, etc. I guess when we see NORK nukes- assuming the viewing was correct (I would rather be safe than take the risk) it is time to prepare for unplugging from the electrical grid.

Also, think about fire-proofing your home. What would it take? Have a bugout shelter. I am now thinking about digging a reinforced shelter into the hillside.

6th May 2013, 03:12 PM

6th May 2013, 03:22 PM
One note about building a faraday cage to protect against an emp from a nuke. Those types of emps are something like 1 megawatt per square meter of electric flux. To protect sensitive electronics from something that extreme, it would pretty much take a totally sealed enclosure, as in welded or soldered at all seams. I think one thing that would work would be wrapping something in aluminum foil. Now if it's underground that should help, how much I don't know.

6th May 2013, 03:31 PM
I'll build a faraday cage to protect .............. myself.......I'll be "The Last Cuban on Earth".......that would be sooooo neat.


6th May 2013, 03:51 PM
I'll build a faraday cage to protect .............. myself.......I'll be "The Last Cuban on Earth".......that would be sooooo neat.


LOL... the whole world will be ashes and memories and Ponce will come out of his hideyhole.... look around.... and the first thing he will say is: I knowed that toilet paper supply would be important.

Faraday cage- for solar EMP too. If you get a warning that a major solar flare is coming... you might have a few hours.... pull the main breaker power feeding your house. The power lines will be ripping with induced current. If it is a small enough pulse, you might save much of your home.

I will also throw chicken wire over the house and ground it.... hoping to reduce the EMP that penetrates.

I saw another couple videos last night with info I had not heard. A meteor exploded over southern CT a week or two ago. In one of these vids... it shows the meteor flake that hit a house in Wolcott, CT and ripped thru the roof. (4:36 on Part 2)



6th May 2013, 04:02 PM
I'll build a faraday cage to protect .............. myself.......I'll be "The Last Cuban on Earth".......that would be sooooo neat.


Unless you get fried of course and become the last Cuban cigar

6th May 2013, 05:28 PM
Solar flare? why hell, my tp could cach fire.......better put the cage over them.


6th May 2013, 05:32 PM
Solar flare? why hell, my tp could cach fire.......better put the cage over them.


Uh-oh.... better figure out a way to store them precious little mouse homes away.... away from fires, water, mice and sore-butted men.

General of Darkness
6th May 2013, 05:38 PM
I'm going to eat my neighbors dogs, they annoy the shit out of me.

7th trump
6th May 2013, 06:23 PM
LOL... the whole world will be ashes and memories and Ponce will come out of his hideyhole.... look around.... and the first thing he will say is: I knowed that toilet paper supply would be important.

Faraday cage- for solar EMP too. If you get a warning that a major solar flare is coming... you might have a few hours.... pull the main breaker power feeding your house. The power lines will be ripping with induced current. If it is a small enough pulse, you might save much of your home.

I will also throw chicken wire over the house and ground it.... hoping to reduce the EMP that penetrates.

I saw another couple videos last night with info I had not heard. A meteor exploded over southern CT a week or two ago. In one of these vids... it shows the meteor flake that hit a house in Wolcott, CT and ripped thru the roof. (4:36 on Part 2)


Faraday cages will not save you.......when God said every stone will be turned and every building will tumble then that's what's going to happen.

6th May 2013, 06:35 PM
The indigenous tribes describe it as an UFO that recharges its batteries over the Volcanos.

I only watched half, but question why he always says "our" and "we" research, but then there's only one of him there and he is recording in mono.

Who records in mono?

Will watch the other half later.

Ps. they make great cottage cheese up there in Turrialba.

6th May 2013, 06:45 PM
I never worry about little stuff like this......when it happens it happens and that's it......I am more worried about the world not being here two billions years from today.......ufffffffffffffff what a nighmare.


6th May 2013, 06:46 PM
Google search images for "turrialba volcano ufo"

7th May 2013, 12:45 AM