View Full Version : Where We Are, Why Gold Was Bombed, And Why TA Is A Waste Of Time

6th May 2013, 03:40 PM
http://www.jsmineset.com/wp-content/themes/jsm/library/images/logo.png (http://www.jsmineset.com)

We have spent more than 12 years working to educate you on the subject of gold. I only ask in return that you consider these three videos carefully. These presentations sum up where we are, why gold was bombed, why technical analysis is in gold a major waste of time and the direction we are without any doubt going.

If you will devote time to watching each video carefully you will see how the recent operation to help the dollar by depreciating price of gold was not a short play but a play to keep a system alive.
Free Gold is an interesting school of thought with which I agree on the emancipation of gold from paper gold as natural development and its implication, but not the entire thesis which runs in various directions in application of their basic and correct thesis.
The not-anticipated result of the take down on paper gold was to wake a sleeping elephant of physical demand from other every corner of the globe. The opinion of the operators is that if the gold banks can keep pressure up on paper gold the huge demand for physical will fizzle. The world outside of North America has recent memories of monetary situations exactly the same as now. They know that paper is in its final stage and gold is in a major ascendancy. Physical demand will remain strong thereby overcoming paper gold and forcing paper gold exchanges to change their methods of delivery, clearly restricting paper to a secondary role and making its use to manipulate gold redundant.
The three videos build an argument that screams that you should not sell your physical gold or gold producers with political sensitivity, cheap cost of production, and near surface gold. Once again, if you have two cars sell one to either initiate or increase your gold and unique gold producer position. If you live in a metropolitan city, sell both.
1. Columbia Economist Dr. Jeffrey Sachs speaks candidly on monetary reform and defines the illegality of finance as now practiced.
Click here to watch the video… (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=hCCr-uiqtAY&NR=1)
2. David Rosenberg just gave this devastating presentation on the sad state of the economy. This is the key to QE to Infinity even when depositors are hijacked for bank rescues.
Click here to watch the video… (http://www.businessinsider.com/david-rosenberg-bernanke-wizard-potemkin-mauldin-presentation-2013-5)
3. In this video please do not watch the music video at the end. It is not pertinent or entertaining. The story however is your key to understanding exactly what has happened and what is about to happen. This video discusses the natural tendency of gold under present circumstances and why the US Fed pushed the panic button at $1900. It is the heart of the emancipation of gold from paper gold which releases physical gold and those entities with physical gold easily available to naturally rise in to prices we dare not even consider. It is the freeing of gold which is Free Gold.
You will identify the negative gold writers as employees of, or beneficiaries of, Boss Hogg.
Click here to watch the video… (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=e32MBv7VYVk)





General of Darkness
6th May 2013, 03:43 PM
REPOST, but I'm glad you did.

6th May 2013, 04:49 PM
So what are the Dukes of today, Euros, Yuan, or some other currency?

6th May 2013, 05:13 PM
So what are the Dukes of today, Euros, Yuan, or some other currency?

The tögrög or tugrik (Mongolian: .................why not

6th May 2013, 05:14 PM
on the contrary, i find TA very pleasant. even talked to him on the phone when his wife was pregnant with the little one. gentleman.

6th May 2013, 05:30 PM
the Sachs video

yeah, he (Sachs) comes out and says it, THESE GUYS {the banksters} ARE CRIMINALS.

so what does Jim Sinclair talk about in his meetings in Canada & LA, do you think ?

i figure it's more details about the monetary system failing & transitioning, how to adapt, some details about gold, and maybe a small amount of self-promotion.

i wonder how big his security detail in Tanzania is. rich white man walking around, he was worth $700 Million back in 1980.

6th May 2013, 06:24 PM
on the contrary, i find TA very pleasant. even talked to him on the phone when his wife was pregnant with the little one. gentleman.

Yeah, when I hear TA, I think Twisted Avatar.

6th May 2013, 06:48 PM
World Bank Whistle-blower: “Precious Metals To Serve As An Underpinning For Paper Currencies” (http://bullmarketthinking.com/world-bank-whistle-blower-precious-metals-to-serve-as-an-underpinning-for-paper-currencies/)


I had the opportunity yesterday to speak with one of the western world’s most courageous and astute women, Karen Hudes, Former Senior Counsel to the World Bank—now turned whistle-blower.

It was a powerful conversation, as Karen spent 20 years with the World Bank as an attorney and economist, before being “let-go” after reporting internal fraud and corruption.

During the interview Karen indicated that the world is rapidly changing, with western power structures breaking down, economic & political influence gravitating to BRICs nations, all amid a pending currency transition which will highly favor precious metals.
Starting out by discussing the shocking centralized power she witnessed while working at the World Bank, Karen explained that, “A study done by three [Swiss] systems analysts who used mathematical modeling [shows] how the [world's] 43,000 transnational corporations were being controlled through interlocking corporate directorates. There’s a group of 147 companies, most of them are financial institutions, and what they’ve done, is through the interlocking directorates, they control 40% of the net worth of these [43k] companies, and 60% of their earnings…so that group has been using the presidency of the World Bank as kind of a puppet to dominate the world—that’s [now] finished.”

A major shock to that centralized power base, according to Karen, was the recent move by BRICs nations leaders to bypass the World Bank (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-25/brics-nations-plan-new-bank-to-bypass-world-bank-imf.html) for their financing needs, by establishing their own development bank. “As the BRICs [nations] economic power grows,” she explained,“they’re not going to be strangled anymore through the grabbing [of] their resources…So their decision to start their own development bank was their way of letting [world] governments know…that its time to end this corruption.”
Major moves toward monetary independence are also being made by growing numbers of U.S. states, Karen added. She explained that, “The states are starting to have legislation recognizing gold and silver bullion as legal currency. This is [also] a very strong signal the states are sending to the federal government, that the time to get serious about ending the corruption in the financial system is now here.”

When asked her thoughts on what this all means for the world monetary system, Karen said, “What’s going to happen, is we’re going to have all the countries of the world, sit down and figure out what’s going to be the best, most orderly transition from the current system that we have, [which has] profound imbalance and unsustainable deficits…[this change] is going to happen as each country makes its preference known, because the system we have now is not transparent, and the biggest change [in the new system], is that there’s going to be transparency.”

That transparency may be found through a gold-backed currency system, Karen noted, as, “All of the countries of the world are going to allow precious metals to serve as currency, and this will be an underpinning for paper currency, [as] we’ll have both systems at the same time. This is my guess, as I mentioned—I am an economist.”

As a final comment speaking towards her difficult journey as a World Bank whistle-blower, Karen said, “I’ve been struggling now for years, to tell the American public what’s [been] going on. I haven’t gotten through, because this [financial] group has bought up the press and has been spreading disinformation systematically. That undermines the whole point of a democracy. How can voters vote without an informed opinion, without the information that they’re entitled too? So this strangle-hold on information is going to end in very short order.”

This was a powerful interview conducted with a great American patriot and honorable world citizen. Karen is setting an example for the history books, and her interview is required listening for global thinkers and market students.
To listen to the interview, left click the following link and/or right click and “save target as” or “save link as” to to your desktop:

>>Interview with Karen Hudes (MP3) (http://bullmarketthinking.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/552013hudes.mp3)
