View Full Version : Federal income taxes.......the who's, whats and whys of being imposed the income tax

7th trump
7th May 2013, 08:21 PM
Here you go MidnightRambler....the floor is yours.
Please explain why "fiat" (federal reserve notes) causes the imposition of the federal income taxes.
You can use court cites, statutes and even Acts of Congress to explain yourself.

After you are done......its my turn!

midnight rambler
7th May 2013, 11:50 PM
I think you're very confused and propagating bad info. The 'income tax' is an excise tax on a corporate privilege or activity (I'm convinced that using FRNs, i.e. discharging debt with limited liability, is a corporate privilege or activity). A living soul does not become liable for the 'income tax' unless and until one submits a signed 1040 form, the bait to do so in the very beginning is to 'get a refund'. There is however an escape hatch, note that escape hatch at the bottom of this article -


midnight rambler
7th May 2013, 11:55 PM
It should be noted that 12 USC 411 sets forth the ONLY "purpose" for which FRNs are to be used -


7th trump
8th May 2013, 04:02 AM
I think you're very confused and propagating bad info. The 'income tax' is an excise tax on a corporate privilege or activity (I'm convinced that using FRNs, i.e. discharging debt with limited liability, is a corporate privilege or activity). A living soul does not become liable for the 'income tax' unless and until one submits a signed 1040 form, the bait to do so in the very beginning is to 'get a refund'. There is however an escape hatch, note that escape hatch at the bottom of this article -


I'm confused huh?
I'm propagating bad info huh?
And then you are going to use a famguardian.org as a source of competency and legit huh?

Wow that's all you have Midnight...............your opinion and a very confused website for support?
You are the very example of people who'd rather believe a lie when the truth fits...................why not go to the source and research Title 26 Internal Revenue where all the related laws are compiled to get a proper and legit answer as to why you are imposed the federal income tax?

Famguardian doesn't have an escape hatch.....and they never have!

7th trump
8th May 2013, 04:13 AM
It should be noted that 12 USC 411 sets forth the ONLY "purpose" for which FRNs are to be used -


I replied to this 411 section and blew palani's premise straight out of the water.

Maybe you should go and find that post.
What you are reading from 411 to think frn's only have one purpose is addressing what the frn's have on the reserve bank to government level.
If you were competent and unbiased enough (or even honest enough) to continue to read 12usc 411 further on you'd read that frn's are on obligation of the United States government (frn's take place of the treasury note which were obligations of the US government). In essence Midnight frn's are no different than treasury notes when the Treasury printed notes. And to continue even further 12usc 411 describes that frn's are used on the level of the public to satisfy ALL public dues.

Thank you for the attempt.
Now its my turn.

7th trump
10th June 2013, 09:19 AM
Was messing round title 42 (social security) this morning and totally forgot about this little tidbit of formation about Social Security and Subtitle A "federal income tax".

(a) Net earnings from self-employment The term “net earnings from self-employment” means the gross income, as computed under subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986

So the law doesnt lie.....Social Security (Employment and/or self-employment) means "gross income". So the earnings from participation of Social Security are in essence "gross income" as computed under subtitle A?
So if you dont participate in Social Security then the earnings are not derived from "employment" or "self-employment" (aka Social Security) and therefore do not fall under subtitle A's "gross income"...........NOT TAXABLE INCOME!
They are not considered "income" for the purpose of Title 26.
But I already knew this!

(1) for Social Security
(0) for lawful money

10th June 2013, 12:12 PM
Definition of lawful money ... anything that might be accounted for as money that you may hold without obligation to another.

Definition of fiat money (FRN) ... a debt instrument that belongs to the Federal Reserve and which is accompanied by hidden obligations that are not disclosed in advance of it's possession.

[0] ... for social security
[100] ... for lawful money