View Full Version : So are you ready?

8th May 2013, 07:41 PM
I have seen a few posts of folks whining about this troll or that troll, a thread asking what we stand for, really...... If you were awake early, when GIM was here you'd be ready for WTSHTF.
I'm ready.... got everything I need and want and completely set-up now.
I come onto the site to learn more about the crooked government and politics, not so much to learn about silver or gold.

I have been to facebook, this site isn't even close to those folks, hell they post when they run to the mailbox, " It's noon I think I am going to go and check the mail, LOL)

I have posted threads about solar power and getting set up, but most don't really care about being energy independent or don't have the time or the funds to be, or its just easier to have PGE , so I am just here to learn what I can from a bunch of smart folks, and I appreciate the friendships I have here online.

I wonder how many of us are truly independent or should I say not dependent on the system?

8th May 2013, 07:49 PM
I'm ready!! ... and getting readier all the time.

I still come here because the links and personalities best fit my interests.

Nutshell: Greco-Roman Survivors in a race-mixing zio NWO plan & the belief that government responsibility is to protect the borders so it's citizens can succeed or fail on their own.

8th May 2013, 07:50 PM
I hope I don't come off as arrogant, I am not trying to...I was poor for many many years, and I have worked my ass off for many years ! Still doing it, and I am ready for a collapse...... anybody else?

8th May 2013, 07:51 PM
things have changed here but overall my thoughts are prepare for the worst and the possabel future

8th May 2013, 07:58 PM
I hope I don't come off as arrogant, I am not trying to...I was poor for many many years, and I have worked my ass off for many years ! Still doing it, and I am ready for a collapse...... anybody else?

Depends on the severity of the collapse. I'm not ready for utter total collapse, at least not forever. Sure, I'm stocked with food, guns, ammo, killer dogs, surveillance cameras and motion sensitive flood lighting, generator and 500 gallons of propane, a well, backup water and lots more. But, while we can survive reasonably for a few weeks or months, after that we have to start living off the land. And no, I can't do that - I'm totally wooded. But, I hope to be able to barter with local farmers and hunters. Ultimately the only person who knows he's prepared has done it - he's lived totally off the grid for at least a year and is still surviving with some decent standard of living.

8th May 2013, 07:59 PM
Zap, am I ready? I don't feel like it. But, I could cast off lines and be out at sea in an instant. I could have enough food and water to get to better places, if need be. We are also, not far from each other, if need be. Anyway, you've got land covered. I'll keep working on getting sea covered.

8th May 2013, 08:04 PM
I wish I was 1/10th as prepared as you are Zap, I'm not materially by any means except mentally. Though I suppose that's more than most and most couldn't think their way out of a wet paper bag, so I reckon I'm blessed :)

8th May 2013, 08:04 PM
Zap, am I ready? I don't feel like it. But, I could cast off lines and be out at sea in an instant. I could have enough food and water to get to better places, if need be. We are also, not far from each other, if need be. Anyway, you've got land covered. I'll keep working on getting sea covered.
No mater what ,

dude do not let the troll of the century and disinfo agent bother you

Hi manges you hairless dog you...

8th May 2013, 08:06 PM
I wonder how many of us are truly independent or should I say not dependent on the system?

You'll have to pose that question to the bulk of the European Continent,

they've been sitting over there for eons.

8th May 2013, 08:13 PM
I wish I was 1/10th as prepared as you are Zap, I'm not materially by any means except mentally. Though I suppose that's more than most and most couldn't think their way out of a wet paper bag, so I reckon I'm blessed :)

Thanks LT being mentally prepared is huge !! You can have all the material things you need but if you are a mess mentally it does you no good......I do pretty good under extreme pressure, But its always nice to have 1 or 2 trusted friends to talk to, and to keep you stable. I have huge pressure to keep her safe and fed, so yes friends like mined are a great asset !!

8th May 2013, 08:15 PM
I'm thinking about making water from air. one of those atmospheric water machines. do you think they would make water in sunny So Ca? maybe at night?

8th May 2013, 08:22 PM
I'm thinking about making water from air. one of those atmospheric water machines. do you think they would make water in sunny So Ca? maybe at night?

Should be a piece of cake.

8th May 2013, 08:23 PM
No mater what ,

dude do not let the troll of the century and disinfo agent bother you.

I won't Dogman, that is a promise. Besides, Zap is an amazing woman we should all be blessed to meet. :) (you should think about a roadtrip somtime in your new vehicle).

We are not far from each other and Zap is family. So, you have friends in CA any time you can make it.

8th May 2013, 08:25 PM
Thanks LT being mentally prepared is huge !! You can have all the material things you need but if you are a mess mentally it does you no good......I do pretty good under extreme pressure, But its always nice to have 1 or 2 trusted friends to talk to, and to keep you stable. I have huge pressure to keep her safe and fed, so yes friends like mined are a great asset !!

I can't imagine having that pressure Zap and I so admire the way you react to it.

8th May 2013, 08:25 PM
Should be a piece of cake.

I'm excited about the idea, I'm already making solar electricity to power stove, heat water, air conditioning, etc. Using electric to make water would be a super bonus ++

8th May 2013, 08:30 PM
I'm excited about the idea, I'm already making solar electricity to power stove, heat water, air conditioning, etc. Using electric to make water would be a super bonus ++

You really don't even electric, you can make a passive water collector, it runs for free.

8th May 2013, 08:34 PM
You really don't even electric, you can make a passive water collector, it runs for free.

I'll look up passive water collection.... The thing is, solar energy should do some work since I have it (purchased it), so I can spend time gardening and defending the property... ;D

8th May 2013, 08:50 PM
I'm excited about the idea, I'm already making solar electricity to power stove, heat water, air conditioning, etc. Using electric to make water would be a super bonus ++

Good for you ximmy, how big is your system? Mine is 3.5 KW runs the entire house, fridge is one of the biggest draws, the the satellite box, tv, computers, lights, I have never had a electric stove, we purchased one with a piazzo ignitor so we could lite it with a match if need be it does use a bit of power but is not needed, propane waterheaters same thing, no AC don't need it , you just have to remember resistive loads,

ie; toaster, blowdryer, microwave, washer and dryer are run during the day when I have lots of power, forced air furnace in the daytime in winter, the fans on the woodstove, then you always have the trusty generator to run the house and charge the batteries at the same time.

Also you should go as big as you can cause we all like power, Just depends on money, I have 20 180 watt panels with a charge controller and inverter , damn new inverter is still in the box, its a 48 volt system, so far so good, just water your batteries.

8th May 2013, 08:57 PM
I'll look up passive water collection.... The thing is, solar energy should do some work since I have it (purchased it), so I can spend time gardening and defending the property... ;D

I think maybe you could use a little passive solar water and then put it in a humidifier that's solar powered, a little bit of water can make a lot more water if done right. A wood framed, plastic, walled and roofed structure, the roof though is inverted, pointing downward and there are two of these roofs. The outside roof collects the outside water at night and that water helps you make more water during the day with the help of the inner inverted roof.

I'll have to admit....I've never seen this design I just thought of it because of your Q but I believe the theory is sound.

8th May 2013, 09:01 PM
I was prepared five years ago, for whatever was going to happen five years ago.

Now, not so much, and I'm really not that worried about it, truth be told.

8th May 2013, 09:14 PM
My little RV is off the grid and I'm loving it. I have 2 120 watt solar panels up on the roof. Each sunny day, my batteries get a full charge from the panels. I haven't hooked up to shore power in a few months. Cheers to Zap and her freedom of power.

8th May 2013, 09:15 PM
Good for you ximmy, how big is your system? Mine is 3.5 KW runs the entire house, fridge is one of the biggest draws, the the satellite box, tv, computers, lights, I have never had a electric stove, we purchased one with a piazzo ignitor so we could lite it with a match if need be it does use a bit of power but is not needed, propane waterheaters same thing, no AC don't need it , you just have to remember resistive loads,

ie; toaster, blowdryer, microwave, washer and dryer are run during the day when I have lots of power, forced air furnace in the daytime in winter, the fans on the woodstove, then you always have the trusty generator to run the house and charge the batteries at the same time.

zap, I have (12) 240 watt panels waiting to go, BUT... at the moment I'm still (experimenting on watt usage) using 2 panels 480 watts with a morningstar mppt controller, (4) 6v batteries and a (i think I remember) 2000 watt pure sine wave inverter. This little system can run my refrigerator all day and night as well as LED lights and LCD TV for (4) hours in the evening; or one window Air Conditioner during the day; or one (1) 1500 watt heater with (3) 8 watt LED light bulbs for chilly bathroom mornings.

These panels are amazing (canadian solar) they work like marathon race champions. I'm so impressed with them and the MPPT controller.

At some point I expect to wire the 10 panels to the house (off grid) making 2400 KW... I hope!! ;D

and, like you I expect to remain on the grid (so not to draw attention to myself), just reduce the electric bill. Right now it's about 120 mo.

I haven't yet but I'm trying to learn how to maintain and care for batteries, they scare me.

General of Darkness
8th May 2013, 09:16 PM
I'm ready, what kinda music should I play? Oh never mind.

8th May 2013, 09:51 PM
2400KW is a lot of power. Be careful with that :)

8th May 2013, 09:56 PM
2400KW is a lot of power. Be careful with that :)

OOps.. 2.4 Yeah, Im working on a fleet of electric solar powered battle tanks... ;D

8th May 2013, 11:28 PM
I won't Dogman, that is a promise. Besides, Zap is an amazing woman we should all be blessed to meet. :) (you should think about a roadtrip somtime in your new vehicle).

We are not far from each other and Zap is family. So, you have friends in CA any time you can make it.

She is way beyond... awesome , she puts all wantabees on this forum to shame and in the dust...Truth! She kicks ass ant does not take names..even if she acts girly and hesitant and apoligise all the time.

Before I cash out, I would like to spend some time , week at least seeing the area , and meet you and the lady z.
With my new wheels, all worry's I did have abt from point a to b is nada any more.

Busting out, Most will not believe , but when I traded in my old truck I only for the last year and change drove 567 miles , in a year and one half. The ones that I had contact will'/can understand.

I smell major road trip to the west and east coming up soon.. Got to break in my new wheels right...

old steel
8th May 2013, 11:40 PM
I seriously believe there are some here who can and will ride out whatever come hell or high water.

Kudos to you.

Being able to improvise on the spur of the moment is one of the best skills anyone could hope to acquire.

Got a semi truck and water trailer stuck yesterday and managed to pull it out backwards with a Dodge diesel 3/4 ton like God has, we didn't have a chain but found a wide strap used to tie down loads and doubled it up.

It held and the rig came out. You could smell the burning clutch for quite awhile after i have to admit but it did the trick.

8th May 2013, 11:43 PM
OOps.. 2.4 Yeah, Im working on a fleet of electric solar powered battle tanks... ;D

Dump the Refrig. L.C.D. & the A/C and buy 100 Mango trees.

You'll be set for life, they're solar powered.

9th May 2013, 04:29 AM
zap? is like i always say, to be prepared is not. and many here will die....................................first post of the day hello to all...............V

9th May 2013, 04:49 AM
2400KW is a lot of power. Be careful with that :)
It's good enough to run the aluminum smelter factory in the backyard... ;D

9th May 2013, 05:18 AM
I have posted threads about solar power and getting set up, but most don't really care about being energy independent or don't have the time or the funds to be, or its just easier to have PGE , so I am just here to learn what I can from a bunch of smart folks, and I appreciate the friendships I have here online.

I wonder how many of us are truly independent or should I say not dependent on the system?

it's a lot of work/play to be 100% independent.

i have 6 large 12 volt panels and about 12 100 volt panels. and an inverter for the 12 volt. doing all the work myself, bought the panels used. so now i need ==> batteries.

i also started growing oil seed crops & bought cars that have a track record of running on plant-derived diesel.

but there are these CRITTERS that keep eating everything ! :) last year i planted maybe 5000 peanuts, ended up with about 50 plants. out of 10,000 sunflowers, maybe 100 survived slugs dear etc.

i've always liked corporations that were vertically integrated - e.g. Samsung (i.e. they do their own manufacturing.) it is appealing to do the same thing at home - and great for learning - but WAAAY easier said than done.

this year i got a concussion skiing and that slowed me down for a few weeks right at the beginning of planting.

but i did find one place the critters don't get to - i put some humongous plastic trays on an old diesel Mercedes that isn't registered for the road. and planted sunflowers in cups there, to be transplanted when they are bigger & have a better chance against the critters.

being truly independent/ vertically integrated at home takes time. it's not realistic for it to be fun all the time - it's really just, more work.

but it's good technologies to learn - solar, biodiesel, etc.

personally i got tired of reading about 'sustainability' and wanted to actually do it.

9th May 2013, 08:43 AM
zap? is like i always say, to be prepared is not. and many here will die....................................first post of the day hello to all...............V

They say that there are no Chads in Cuba, they say.;D

9th May 2013, 08:48 AM
They say that there are no Chads in Cuba, they say.;D Also I think if you say the word chad in florida they will throw things at you.