View Full Version : Pastor Williams' Latest: Signs of the Elite (May 2013)

9th May 2013, 06:56 PM
Pastor Williams' Latest: Signs of the Elite (May 2013)

Synopsis (your welcome!):

Cyprus-like operations will happen in other nations
Off shore accounts in the Caymens, Switzerland, New Zealand, Japan and others are at risk
Please buy my DVDs - please note my words - I said D---V---D
Elite have a date for the collapse of ALL currencies - their secret money doomsday device is Derivatives
US retirement funds may be raided - a percentage siezed as in Cyprus - "It has been planned"
I hope you have pencil and paper; did I mention my DVDs
The providence of God - chaplain to the elite - yadayadayada
I give you two words: Disannul Wealth
Elite want forced debt creation onto counties, states, cities and governments
Please listen: you don't have to stand in a bread line
Reviews bail-in provision in Canadian Budget 2013
Quotes David Stockman: "When it bursts...there will be no new round of bailouts;" they will let it collapse.
American austerity - end of entitlements - Social Security gone -hard times
Elite collapse America to introduce a NWO currency backed by silver and gold
1.5 to 2 years left at most before the day of reckoning
Predicts wheelbarrels of dollars needed to buy gas (his words)
Did I mention the DVD?
Biden "New financial rules...updated institutions...a new Constitution for the US...a level playing field"
End of petrodollar and US dollar reserve currency status in 9-12 months
SE Asian economic conference held to form Asian trade zone - Obama showed up and was "kicked out" of the meeting
US dollar rejected by Asian Trading Zone and BRIIICS trading block
Get out of paper - get into tangibles
Do not use a safety deposit box - they are unsafe
Facebook and Twitter are government data collection and profiling fronts
Carnivora cancer cure - get some 866-836-8735
"I want to save you"
Sequence: Derivatives collapse --> currency wars --> trade wars
Turn to Jesus and be born again
Get on your knees and let's pray...



9th May 2013, 07:04 PM
Thanks for the wonderful synopsis, saved myself a world of time.

9th May 2013, 07:08 PM
Thanks for the wonderful synopsis, saved myself a world of time.

One small step for mamboni, one giant leep for GSUS

I'll be OK in time, don't worry.;D

9th May 2013, 07:17 PM
Do we need pencils............

9th May 2013, 07:19 PM
Do we need pencils............

I am your Pencil. Search your feelings, you know to be true.

9th May 2013, 10:00 PM
thanks for the wonderful synopsis, saved myself a world of time.



10th May 2013, 12:15 AM
Its worth listening too.

10th May 2013, 04:07 AM
don't forget your grain of salt


10th May 2013, 04:33 AM
if there was the equivalent of a gs-us purple heart, mamboni, i would give it to you. wounded in the line of duty.

10th May 2013, 05:38 AM
if there was the equivalent of a gs-us purple heart, mamboni, i would give it to you. wounded in the line of duty.

Thanks Chad. The doctors say that I should make a full recovery....eventually.

10th May 2013, 06:56 AM
It is worth listening to. It matches what I was expecting... create disaster so the people will cry out for the new world order.

Debt is the tool of the elite to destroy the current system. Derivatives were used to bankrupt nations. DO NOT go into debt for anything and get your property paid for. Debt will be used to strangle people, states, counties. Trap.

90 million Amerikans now out of the labor force. Unemployment is a method of getting people into debt.

He reviewed his comment that by the end of 2012 the dollar would be dead. He says it did, it's just not buried yet.
5 of 10 top economies of the world no longer use the dollar as the extramediary currency for trade.
It has lost its world reserve currency status. Brazil, Russia, China, India, South Africa.
53% of global financial capital will not be working through the dollar.
Dec 1, 2012- in PhnomPhen- regional partnership of Asians, Obama visited and they told him to go home. Chinese currency was to be used.... 1/2 of world's population.

You can use your dollars at the grocery store today, but that is soon to end.

Elite want 70% of all Amerikans to be receiving benefits from federal government within 4 years. This pumps up national debt.

1. Accept no handout from the govt. Any govt big enough to give you what you want is big enough to take away everything you have.

2. Stay out of paper. Stocks, bank accounts, retirement accounts etc.. paper will be worthless. Buy gold, silver. The "Cypress" of Amerika will be to steal retirement accounts.

3. Safety deposit boxes- WARNING- Homeland Security per Patriot Act- they can remove gold, silver, coins.

4. Facebook & Twitter are extremely dangerous. They psychoanalyze you to know what you will do.

5. Debt is a trap. Don't do it. Small amount of money in bank only.

6. Inflation will begin soon.

7. Healthcare is deadly. Jan 1, 2014 is dead day. See Dr David Janda video. The Healthcare bill is not healthcare but total control. Forms will be coming for you to fill out (20 pages) or you will be fined and sent to jail. They will include everything about controling you. It is the final control factor. Know where to go for illness. He went to a Mexican hospital when he was sick. Gives the contact.

Carnivora was used by Ronal Reagan for his colon cancer. (from venus fly trap plant)

8. 2014 they expect civil unrest. They do not want civil unrest. They want everyone to go along peacefully, so they will create hardship to make it look like the best choice.

9. Saudi Arabia is in big trouble- the last absolute monarchy in the world. Watch for a revolution. Running 9 months to a year behind schedule because of Quaddafi & Syria fighting.

10. Greatest sign before the end is the derivative market having trouble. Invented 40 years ago to bring all world currencies down. 3 signs: currency wars, trade wars, federal reserve announces interest rates will rise. At that point paper is worthless and it is too late for you to get out. Jan 29, 2013 Japan almost started a currency war... but China knocked that down. Watch the derivatives market because that will show you the warnings.

One more thing and the most important: get your spiritual house in order. Everything will fall apart in this world. Being set for the next is crucial.

20th May 2013, 01:34 AM
LW has said in these recent May shows that his elite friend had told him gold had bottomed, up from here.

HMMMM (http://www.crbtrader.com/data.asp?page=chart&sym=GCY00&width=600&tblwidth=600). ???

20th May 2013, 01:57 AM
all good except Saudi Arabia. Doesn't matter anyway. It will go from normal bolshi to feral bolshi when the time comes.

25th June 2013, 06:16 AM
last night Rense; 2 hours but these are minus the comm breaks so it's shorter. I haven't listened yet. I know when LW was making his rounds 1-2 months ago, word was gold had bottomed, so it seems he has some 'splaining to do here with this new Au downdraft (http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/quickchart/quickchart.asp?symb=gld&insttype=&freq=1&show=&time=10).

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.06.24 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/06/jeff-rense-radio-show-20130624.html)

http://www.rense.com/1.mpicons/thinlogo2color.gif (http://www.rense.com/)

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/3xc1627iy0/rense.20130624.1of3.mp3) Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/3xc1627iy0/rense.20130624.1of3.mp3) Hour 1 - Lindsey Williams (http://www.lindseywilliams.net/) - More Insider Globalist Plans Revealed

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/3npap6vmv2/rense.20130624.2of3.mp3) Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/3npap6vmv2/rense.20130624.2of3.mp3) Hour 2 - Lindsey Williams (http://www.lindseywilliams.net/) - More Insider Globalist Plans Revealed

Listen (http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/swf/lastEpisodePlayer.swf?fileUrl=http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/q19b90a8ko/rense.20130624.3of3.mp3) Download (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/q19b90a8ko/rense.20130624.3of3.mp3) Hour 3 - Michael Collins (http://www.enviroreporter.com/) - Fukushima Radiation Over US - Yoichi Shimatsu Fukushima Report

25th June 2013, 07:48 AM
halfway through it pat. it's very non-lindsey-ish this time around. he's actually saying stuff. shows like this make me want to believe he really does know what's going on. bottom line: 6 months to the derivative bomb.

25th June 2013, 08:23 AM
^ thanks chad. I've been listening, and it seems the 2nd hour posted above is actually a replay of the first hour! But file name is different, file size & time are slightly different too, and they have different bumper music at the opening. Weird!

25th June 2013, 08:28 AM
i have a rense.com account, i listened to it there. the second hour is him pimping a new dvd series called "health" which details how the elite take carnivora, etc. then they talk about the usual war in the middle east meme which lindey has talked about before. wraps up with rense and him joking about eating buffalo burgers for 5 minutes. the second half is kind of a waste of time, you're not missing anything.

one last thing, lindsey said he's going to be posting important updates on lindseywilliams.net from now on.