View Full Version : Student LECTURES teacher about joke education policies

10th May 2013, 11:42 AM


10th May 2013, 11:54 AM
Bravo for that kid having the balls to overtly defy his teacher like that. His instinct is right on. "Since I've been here all I've done is read packets", yep sounds about right.

10th May 2013, 04:31 PM
Even at the college level there seems to be very little "teaching" going on these days. It's usually, "Here's your packet, please have your papers turned in on this date, thank you, your grade will be available on such and such date". What did we "learn"? Nothing much. I'm still convinced that the goal of education in this country has nothing to do with teaching our future generations anything more than how to follow direction well enough to "get with the program" as administered by "the state".

People smart enough to vote for the guy on the TV screen equals "good citizen". People smart enough to vote in an intelligent informed manner? No we can't have that, "bad bad bad citizen, go sit in the corner please you trouble maker!".

12th May 2013, 12:55 AM
His Nordic ancestors in Valhalla are probably wondering why their offspring sounds like a negro.

12th May 2013, 03:23 AM
Without knowing anything about that particular teacher's case; I do have the impression that US/Western primary ed has been centralized/communized, leaving teachers (deliberately) with little latitude to do anything but "teach to the (state) test". "Good teachers" are brought down by this "straight-jacket", "bad teachers" are elevated, coz who among us can't "hand out packets".

Thread: Charlotte Iserbyt: The Secret History of Western Education & Scientific Destruction o (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54921-Charlotte-Iserbyt-The-Secret-History-of-Western-Education-amp-Scientific-Destruction-o)

Same deal with doctors-- now they're straightjacketed by Big Med Insurance/Pharma's "Standard of Care" protocols, where in X situation they administer Y treatment/drug. Is Y treatment/drug best for the patient's getting well? Only in rare & unusual cases; in most cases it'll harm the patient further... only thing for certain is, Y treatment/drug is best for Big Med Insurance/Pharma's bottom lines, and they're all relatively safe from malpractice claims, coz "the industry" has established this 'Standard of Care" racket to enrich & protect themselves.

12th May 2013, 01:11 PM

12th May 2013, 01:27 PM
His Nordic ancestors in Valhalla are probably wondering why their offspring sounds like a negro.

this may shed some light - from the Stanford school of Education -

"Nearly a decade and half after the Oakland School Board made national news for suggesting African American English be recognized as its own language, Ebonics is back in the news. The Drug Enforcement Administration in Atlanta has just put out a memo for translation contractors asking them to provide nine interpreters who speak Ebonics. The DEA spokesman says that they need to translate wiretapped conversations among African American drug suspects."


maybe i should apply. there are a number of tricks -

1. they don't pronounce consonants. so "allright" becomes "ah i".

2. 2 syllables is a long word in Ebonics.

3. overall trend is to reject language that indicates intelligence.

what they should do is take all the African American audio from "The Wire", and use it to train a language program like Dragon, Siri, or Windows Vista.

as far as how this affects whites, they want to show that they're 'down' with their 'brothers'. hence the creeping of gang hand-shakes into white culture and even corporate culture.

12th May 2013, 01:44 PM
this may shed some light - from the Stanford school of Education -

"Nearly a decade and half after the Oakland School Board made national news for suggesting African American English be recognized as its own language, Ebonics is back in the news. The Drug Enforcement Administration in Atlanta has just put out a memo for translation contractors asking them to provide nine interpreters who speak Ebonics. The DEA spokesman says that they need to translate wiretapped conversations among African American drug suspects."

Reminds me of Idiocracy, where after 500 years, society had been dumbed down to where only their own kind can understand them. Not going to take 500 years, though. We are living in concurrently in the Information Age and the Honey BooBoo Age. Any information you want is at you fingertips, so the part of society with the capability and desire to do so, are gaining vast intelligence and perspective about the world, while the rest of society who shuns information and learning, well, their brains are only filled with trival garbage at best. I believe it may only take one more generation or less, before one cannot understand the other. Aww, my bawls!