View Full Version : What The Jews Did To Germany now in the USA

General of Darkness
12th May 2013, 04:37 PM
Couldn't have said it better.


12th May 2013, 04:41 PM
So is Obama the closet Joo in power? :D

12th May 2013, 04:51 PM
Great vid till he got the the 6 million. He would have bolstered his case if he would have used "the jews attempted to use this number after WW1".

I don't see how Shicklgruber created 6 million jobs. Were these state factories they were employed in? This would be like saying Barry created 10 million jobs all by himself.

12th May 2013, 05:04 PM
Just started listening to this, but there looks to be an excellent Eustace Mullins interview that is linked to GoD's vid.



12th May 2013, 05:53 PM
Great vid till he got the the 6 million. He would have bolstered his case if he would have used "the jews attempted to use this number after WW1".

I don't see how Shicklgruber created 6 million jobs. Were these state factories they were employed in? This would be like saying Barry created 10 million jobs all by himself.

Hitler backed the German currency with industrial assets and production. He employed a sort of "bills of credit' based monetary system [Hitler rejected gold which Germany had none of anyway as the Jewish banksters had looted the nation of it's gold]. The national economy boomed and was the envy of the rest of the western world that was mired in the great depression.

12th May 2013, 06:04 PM
Hitler backed the German currency with industrial assets and production. He employed a sort of "bills of credit' based monetary system [Hitler rejected gold which Germany had none of anyway as the Jewish banksters had looted the nation of it's gold]. The national economy boomed and was the envy of the rest of the western world that was mired in the great depression.

So he printed money? Just like the bankers? In the Mullins vid above, starting after 44:00, Mullins believes that the Nazi's were controlled OP.

12th May 2013, 06:21 PM
Just started listening to this, but there looks to be an excellent Eustace Mullins interview that is linked to GoD's vid.



I've enjoyed this amazing interview with Mr. Mullins before. If you haven't seen it, it is required watching and you are in for a real treat. Mullin's insights and revelations are truly ambrosia for the mind. I urge you to set aside the 90 minutes to watch this interview - you will never be to same after internalizing the startling knowledge contained therein. Then try to expose your friends and family to Mullins. If I had to choose only one video to show someone who desired to understand the world, the economy and the macinations of power and politics in our time, this is it. This interview is the motherlode.

To give you some sense of the importance of Mullins, it is a fact that the landmark book Creature From Jekyll Isand, by the wonderful G. Edward Gribbin, derived it's entire intellectual and factual foundation from Mullin's Secrets of the Federal Reserve. I own both of these amazing books.

Thanks for posting this gem!

12th May 2013, 06:30 PM
So he printed money? Just like the bankers? In the Mullins vid above, starting after 44:00, Mullins believes that the Nazi's were controlled OP.

Well, at the risk of reanimating the ongoing debate about Hitler, who he really was, what he stood for etc., let me say this. Hitler was apparently financed by the international bankers, and Mullins speaks to this. IMHO, Hitler then went rogue on the banksters. The latter realized that they had created a Frankenstein monster in Nazi Germany strong enough to conquer Europe and worse, strong enough to destroy the aura and mystique of the banksters. When Germany began financing the national economy with public money in lieu of the bankster script, Hitler was declared public enemy number one by the banksters and had to be destroyed. A gentleman named Lincoln ran into a similar situation when in the aftermath of the Civil War, contemplated returning the US to Constitutional money. The banksters would have none of that.

12th May 2013, 07:05 PM
Well, at the risk of reanimating the ongoing debate about Hitler, who he really was, what he stood for etc., let me say this. Hitler was apparently financed by the international bankers, and Mullins speaks to this. IMHO, Hitler then went rogue on the banksters. The latter realized that they had created a Frankenstein monster in Nazi Germany strong enough to conquer Europe and worse, strong enough to destroy the aura and mystique of the banksters. When Germany began financing the national economy with public money in lieu of the bankster script, Hitler was declared public enemy number one by the banksters and had to be destroyed. A gentleman named Lincoln ran into a similar situation when in the aftermath of the Civil War, contemplated returning the US to Constitutional money. The banksters would have none of that.

I can see the angle of rogue Hitler. However I believe that Hitler would have been taken out swiftly if he failed to go with the program. He either was running along with their plans til the end or playing right into their hands. I don't believe in coincidences.

Between 1:1500 and 1:20:00 Mullins states that Hitler moved the Jews to the country side camps and out of the cities to use as a bargaining chip to during surrender terms. Hitler kept them from dying from the bombs falling on the German cities.

Why would a guy who is up against the jews, who has been labeled a jew killer, be thinking that saving a few jews would garner him favor? Seems like a bad tactics to me.

12th May 2013, 07:09 PM
I've enjoyed this amazing interview with Mr. Mullins before. If you haven't seen it, it is required watching and you are in for a real treat. Mullin's insights and revelations are truly ambrosia for the mind. I urge you to set aside the 90 minutes to watch this interview - you will never be to same after internalizing the startling knowledge contained therein. Then try to expose your friends and family to Mullins. If I had to choose only one video to show someone who desired to understand the world, the economy and the macinations of power and politics in our time, this is it. This interview is the motherlode.

To give you some sense of the importance of Mullins, it is a fact that the landmark book Creature From Jekyll Isand, by the wonderful G. Edward Gribbin, derived it's entire intellectual and factual foundation from Mullin's Secrets of the Federal Reserve. I own both of these amazing books.

Thanks for posting this gem!

It is a great interview, just finished. I don't remember watching this before. Going by his comments, the interview took place before barry became a household name. He mentions McCain running for the puppet podium.

12th May 2013, 09:33 PM
Ernst Zundel interviewed by Israeli Jew - Who was Adolf Hitler and What was the Final Solution? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15byjdr_wvw)


or the MP3 of same, couple mins of blah blah by the Irish host at beginning,
Download MP3 (http://www.awakeradio.co.uk/podcasts/delcroix%20show%20ernst%20zundel%2026%2010%202012. mp3)

short topic-specific YT clips from the interview at the top of http://www.zundelsite.org :

Ernst Zundel exposes war criminal
Solomon Morrell (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKbZnouiMhs)
2:17 min.

"Why did Germany turn on the Jews?" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxC1v41waqw)
1:07 min.

"There was no Hitler order, no plan, no budget for the operation of killing the Jews." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-qaNV7EPIM)
1:37 min.

"Hitler was an organic outgrowth to Jewish behavior." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB7ug7rGM34)
1:25 min.

"Jews have no_copyright_on_pain!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8607aqUziI)
1:04 min

"Over 5000 Jews still lived openly in Berlin at the end of the war." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvm3wiLmXd4)
2:02 min.

"I believe in Karma." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGKDrWwNNQI)
0:59 min

"I don't hate Jews. I dislike intensely their parasitic ..."
(Censored by YouTube!) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIiSjDsfsCY)

"Germany is not a cash cow for Israel." (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRo-jp6EzJA)
9:03 min.