View Full Version : What No One Wants to Hear About Benghazi

13th May 2013, 04:46 AM
What No One Wants to Hear About Benghazi
Congressional hearings, White House damage control, endless op-eds, accusations, and defensive denials. Controversy over the events in Benghazi last September took center stage in Washington and elsewhere last week. However, the whole discussion is again more of a sideshow. Each side seeks to score political points instead of asking the real questions about the attack on the US facility, which resulted in the death of US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.
Republicans smell a political opportunity over evidence that the Administration heavily edited initial intelligence community talking points about the attack to remove or soften anything that might reflect badly on the president or the State Department.
Are we are supposed to be shocked by such behavior? Are we supposed to forget that this kind of whitewashing of facts is standard operating procedure when it comes to the US government?
Democrats in Congress have offered the even less convincing explanation for Benghazi, that somehow the attack occurred due to Republican sponsored cuts in the security budget at facilities overseas. With a one trillion dollar military budget, it is hard to take this seriously.
It appears that the Administration scrubbed initial intelligence reports of references to extremist Islamist involvement in the attacks, preferring to craft a lie that the demonstrations were a spontaneous response to an anti-Islamic video that developed into a full-out attack on the US outpost.
Who can blame he administration for wanting to shift the focus? The Islamic radicals who attacked Benghazi were the same people let loose by the US-led attack on Libya. They were the rebels on whose behalf the US overthrew the Libyan government. Ambassador Stevens was slain by the same Islamic radicals he personally assisted just over one year earlier.
But the Republicans in Congress also want to shift the blame. They supported the Obama Administration’s policy of bombing Libya and overthrowing its government. They also repeated the same manufactured claims that Gaddafi was “killing his own people” and was about to commit mass genocide if he were not stopped. Republicans want to draw attention to the President’s editing talking points in hopes no one will notice that if the attack on Libya they supported had not taken place, Ambassador Stevens would be alive today.
Neither side wants to talk about the real lesson of Benghazi: interventionism always carries with it unintended consequences. The US attack on Libya led to the unleashing of Islamist radicals in Libya. These radicals have destroyed the country, murdered thousands, and killed the US ambassador. Some of these then turned their attention to Mali which required another intervention by the US and France.
Previously secure weapons in Libya flooded the region after the US attack, with many of them going to Islamist radicals who make up the majority of those fighting to overthrow the government in Syria. The US government has intervened in the Syrian conflict on behalf of the same rebels it assisted in the Libya conflict, likely helping with the weapons transfers. With word out that these rebels are mostly affiliated with al Qaeda, the US is now intervening (http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/middle-east/americas-hidden-agenda-in-syrias-war#full) to persuade some factions of the Syrian rebels to kill other factions before completing the task of ousting the Syrian government. It is the dizzying cycle of interventionism.
The real lesson of Benghazi will not be learned because neither Republicans nor Democrats want to hear it. But it is our interventionist foreign policy and its unintended consequences that have created these problems, including the attack and murder of Ambassador Stevens. The disputed talking points and White House whitewashing are just a sideshow.
Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Hatha Sunahara
13th May 2013, 10:04 AM
I think all the politicians and the media are trying to cover up what really happened in Benghazi. I have no idea what it is, but I suspect it has somethiong to do with transferring a huge cache of weapons from Libya to Syria. Someone wanted to disrupt this process, likely Russia or Iran. Nobody wants to talk about it because if they do, they will make the whole foreign policy scam that is going on public

The people who toppled Gadhafi are gangsters for hire. They have no ideology, no organization, no resources, no plans. They are just a staff of thugs wo will do anything for money. And their names are on a list--a database--that the US government calls Al Qaeda. They are like the pirates that the British hired to prey on Spanish ships. But their specialty is destabilization of governments and generally making trouble for the established order in countries that the US wants to destabilize for whatever reason. And likely what was going on in the background in Benghazi was the process of providing them with plans, organization, resources, and support to accomplish their mission in Syria. Shortly after this attack in Benghazi, we saw that the Syrian 'rebels' were in disarray, and Assad was starting to turn the tide against them. More recently, we hear that a lot of weapons from Croatia are showing up in Syria. This likely means that the Benghazi attack derailed some very large moves affecting Syria, and that they are just now catching up in implementing those plans.

Whatever we hear from our politicians and media is a smokescreen. Just like what happened on 911, we are not supposed to know what happened in Benghazi because if we did, we would be able to see what a scam our entire foreign policy is. Hillary was just protecting the illusion when she blew up with her 'What difference does it make?' rant.


13th May 2013, 11:34 AM
I think all the politicians and the media are trying to cover up what really happened in Benghazi. I have no idea what it is, but I suspect it has somethiong to do with transferring a huge cache of weapons from Libya to Syria. Someone wanted to disrupt this process, likely Russia or Iran. Nobody wants to talk about it because if they do, they will make the whole foreign policy scam that is going on public

The people who toppled Gadhafi are gangsters for hire. They have no ideology, no organization, no resources, no plans. They are just a staff of thugs wo will do anything for money. And their names are on a list--a database--that the US government calls Al Qaeda. They are like the pirates that the British hired to prey on Spanish ships. But their specialty is destabilization of governments and generally making trouble for the established order in countries that the US wants to destabilize for whatever reason. And likely what was going on in the background in Benghazi was the process of providing them with plans, organization, resources, and support to accomplish their mission in Syria. Shortly after this attack in Benghazi, we saw that the Syrian 'rebels' were in disarray, and Assad was starting to turn the tide against them. More recently, we hear that a lot of weapons from Croatia are showing up in Syria. This likely means that the Benghazi attack derailed some very large moves affecting Syria, and that they are just now catching up in implementing those plans.

Whatever we hear from our politicians and media is a smokescreen. Just like what happened on 911, we are not supposed to know what happened in Benghazi because if we did, we would be able to see what a scam our entire foreign policy is. Hillary was just protecting the illusion when she blew up with her 'What difference does it make?' rant.


I don't care to know any details and I know we won't anyway. I just want Hillary branded a big fat liar and unable to hold any higher office ever again!
If not, she will become the first Prezbian of the US.


13th May 2013, 01:43 PM
If not, she will become the first Prezbian of the US.

a Prezbian & a Thespian. OMG WTF !

she may not officially be an actress - but she acts like she loves Bill. so she's kind of a Thespian.