View Full Version : Petraeus resigns over Benghazi comments

13th May 2013, 08:59 AM
Obama CIA Director Called Benghazi Talking Points “Useless” – Then He Was Forced To Resign by Ulsterman (http://theulstermanreport.com/author/ulsterman/) on May 12, 2013 with 10 Comments in News (http://theulstermanreport.com/category/news/)

Most who have been following the now exploding Benghazi Massacre scandal that is justifiably pummeling the Obama administration, likely recall former CIA Director David Petraeus’s sudden departure following an admission he had carried on an affair with his biographer. Today we have learned that the details of that scandal were not released until AFTER Petraeus voiced opposition to the now discredited Obama White House false talking points surrounding the Benghazi attack. Coincidence? Yeah, right…
(New evidence proves former Obama CIA Director disagreed with the false Obama administration Benghazi Massacre “talking points”. A little over a month later, David Petraeus was forced to resign from the CIA after details of an affair were leaked to a media source.)

(via Hot Air)
ABC: Petraeus called final Benghazi talking points “useless” the day before Rice’s full Ginsburg One of the mysteries in the Benghazi scandal has been the role of David Petraeus, who was then the Director of the CIA but was forced to resign in a personal scandal shortly thereafter. While the White House and State Department tried to cobble together talking points to explain away the terrorist attack that took four American lives, what did Petraeus do? According to new information reported for the first time by Jonathan Karl on ABC News’ This Week earlier this morning, Petraeus rejected the final version as “useless” — and then threw the issue to the White House.
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« FREE THE OBAMA BENGHAZI SCANDAL PRISONER NOW (http://theulstermanreport.com/2013/05/11/free-the-obama-benghazi-scandal-prisoner-now/)

We already knew that Petraeus was stunned (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/05/10/so-who-changed-the-benghazi-talking-points/) by the revisions; now we know he rejected them personally. ”I would just as soon not use them, but it’s their [the White House] call.” That would contradict the meme over the last few days that this was an intramural fight between State and CIA with the White House just serving as bystanders. The CIA Director called the “demonstration” talking points useless the day before Susan Rice went on five Sunday talk shows, but the White House apparently disagreed. They, evidently, found the false narrative very useful.
…Maybe a select committee should hear more from David Petraeus. How did his deputy end up approving talking points he himself would have rejected? Who in the White House decided to run with them anyway? LINK (http://hotair.com/archives/2013/05/12/abc-petraeus-called-final-benghazi-talking-points-useless-the-day-before-rices-full-ginsburg/)

13th May 2013, 10:01 AM
the White House is just a Mossad outpost.

Mossad can legally spy on Americans, as can the Brits. what comes in handy is owning the phone company.

they had Pac Bell locked up (i.e., most senior staffers CIA, NSA, and/or Mossad) by the mid-90's.

Petraeus stepped off the reservation for a day. Gone - but not dead. they let him live.

also an effective way to send a signal to all the other Shabbas Goyim who work for the US gov.

13th May 2013, 05:22 PM
they had Pac Bell locked up (i.e., most senior staffers CIA, NSA, and/or Mossad) by the mid-90's.

this is interesting .. considering baby Bells were one company and still probably has strings attached.. and considering AT&T no longer exists but a name and as part of another Baby Bell (Southwestern BELL >> SBC Communications) ... (also part of "AT&T" are BellSouth, Illinois Bell, Indiana Bell, Michigan Bell, Ohio Bell, Pacific Bell and a couple more).... considering all that there's just one more monopoly rolling back into one

just like Standard Oil (Exxon/Mobil)


13th May 2013, 05:49 PM
this is interesting .. considering baby Bells were one company and still probably has strings attached.. and considering AT&T no longer exists but a name and as part of another Baby Bell (Southwestern BELL >> SBC Communications) ... (also part of "AT&T" are BellSouth, Illinois Bell, Indiana Bell, Michigan Bell, Ohio Bell, Pacific Bell and a couple more).... considering all that there's just one more monopoly rolling back into one

just like Standard Oil (Exxon/Mobil)


i say it based on 2 interviews i had with them for tech work in the mid-90's.

i didn't know what i was getting into, i thought it was just a job interview for contract work.

the second interview was at Pac Bell corp. headquarters in SF. they showed me some interesting pieces of their network. fiber-optics, Skype type video conferencing, the radar dishes on the roof, fully-equipped TV stations.

the building was near-empty. most of the employees had been replaced by contractors, who worked for the government.

it was a little like sci-fi. like it was run by robots or something. just a lot less hustle & bustle than a typical corp. HQ building. very modern architecture.