View Full Version : Hemp

13th May 2013, 03:35 PM

13th May 2013, 04:42 PM

food for animals (when they're done pressing the oil from the seed, the mash is very good food for farm animals.)

food for people - ever had hemp seed butter ? it's a lot like peanut butter, but what i had tasted better.

plastics that don't pollute, or pollute a lot less.

i don't want to spend all afternoon on it, but it is a long list.

no wonder the petrochemical, and pharmaceutical, and medical industry, is scared of hemp.

hemp is competition. in many cases, hemp delivers a better, cheaper product, one that's harder to exact a patent on.

that's the big headache for these bastards. it would be like 50% of American industry, going "open source". that would cause heartburn - for which, paradoxically, cannabis is a far better cure than Big Pharma heartburn solutions, like Tagamet & Zantac.

much of American industry is not able to compete with hemp. so they make it illegal.

13th May 2013, 04:48 PM
You know how i know the entire Environmental Movement is a fraud and a hoax? Because they won't touch Hemp. Billions of dollars spent on the 'Green Movement' while a simple to grow, self sustainable plant could be used for literally thousands of uses - ALL BIODEGRADABLE AND RENEWABLE.

Hemp could single-handedly destroy entire industries. Oil, plastics, synthetics, poly, cotton, medicinal, .......Just to name a few.

13th May 2013, 05:37 PM
Hemp could single-handedly destroy entire industries. Oil, plastics, synthetics, poly, cotton, medicinal, .......Just to name a few.

what hemp competes with is the Petro-Chemical complex and the Pharma complex.

for example, there would still be a plastics industry with hemp - but one of the primary feedstocks would be hemp.

and there would still be a Pharma industry with hemp - but smaller, because cannabis would replace about 50% of their drugs.

of course a lot of "doctors" are Big Pharma team-players and develop a sudden case of blindness regarding the therapeutic benefits of cannabis.

in other words, hemp threatens a lot of Jewish-owned businesses = organized crime. so they got their buddies at Town Hall to put the Kibosh on Hemp and Cannabis.

the Kabbalic Cabal kicks in a few million in campaign contributions, and gets a multi-billion $ drug war on their competition in return.

now that's return on investment !

13th May 2013, 05:44 PM
Monsanto (and originally DuPont) wont allow hemp simply because it doesn't require pesticides to grow since it's naturally very resilient against pests. Cotton on the other hand isn't like this, hence why the basis of our clothing is cotton, and not hemp.

I wear hemp everyday now along with organic cotton clothing. It's insane since they have to import the hemp from other countries just to make clothing out of it in this country.

13th May 2013, 05:55 PM
i like the names that people come up with for the various cannabis strains.

Cinderella, Shakey Bakey Wakey, Orange Vanilla Kush, Cinnamon Skunk, Sweet & Sour Diesel, etc.

certainly a lot more creative than names like "Tagamet" and "Cialis".

maybe they'd use some of those crazy names ... but they don't want to get sued by some hippy dude for trademark infringement ... AND LOSE. :)

13th May 2013, 08:30 PM
i like the names that people come up with for the various cannabis strains.

Cinderella, Shakey Bakey Wakey, Orange Vanilla Kush, Cinnamon Skunk, Sweet & Sour Diesel, etc.

certainly a lot more creative than names like "Tagamet" and "Cialis".

maybe they'd use some of those crazy names ... but they don't want to get sued by some hippy dude for trademark infringement ... AND LOSE. :)

I know right? Citra, Motueka, Green Bullet, Mosaic...

Oh wait... same family (Cannabacae family), wrong plant... LOL.

Another vastly underutilized plant, Humulus Lupulus, IMHO.

Sorry for the thread bend.