View Full Version : movie "Olympus Has Fallen" ... and a realization

13th May 2013, 06:38 PM
So this weekend, I watched the movie "Olympus Has Fallen" with family members.

Summary: one lone honest cop (Secret Service agent in this case), vs. a terrorist mastermind intent on wreaking havoc on a lot of innocents. He has taken the President and Cabinet members hostage and is holding them inside the White House super-secure underground bunker. In many respects, this story is very similar to the first Die Hard, though it is more grim and not as funny.

If you like action/suspense movies, it is not bad. Of course the incest-maker Morgan Freeman makes an appearance, thankfully not as God or the President, but as Speaker of the House who is trying to fix things after the President and VP are out of commission - but his part is rather lightweight and he is not around enough to annoy me.

It has enough twists in the plot to keep your attention, so in that respect it is well written. I didn't see much in the way of Talmudic influences either.

However, it unintentionally made me realize something...

The President's life is in danger and it is very possible that he will die, as the mastermind has killed many others... and everyone in the movie treats what is going on in the White House as being of utmost importance.

Then I realized - even if WashDC were to be utterly destroyed ... it wouldn't really matter, would it? I mean, they don't produce anything, they have no factories, no agriculture, have nothing of value to offer the rest of us. You would have more effect on people's lives if you blew up Amazon.com's server farms, or took out the cell phone network of the Northeast USA (or even, destroyed the company factories that make Red Bull!).

You might say, well, the Supreme Court and the head of the Executive Branch that rule on and enforce the laws are there - so? Do they really enforce the actual laws, or are they just engage in the act of justifying the plunder that is going on?

What value, what worth, does WashDC have to me? Answer: NONE.

13th May 2013, 07:45 PM
But, one of the primary cornerstones to this Matrix of Lies that IS American society... is the sheep believing that the U.S. President is the absolute most powerful man in the world, making all the decisions, that the sun rises each day because of the omnipresent and benevolent government. The security surrounding him serves the same purpose as the security surrounding an empty building called Fort Knox... it's NOT to secure a valuable asset, it's to create a perception in value.

And, the sheep are programmed by repetition, so this is the common theme over and over again in the social engineering extravaganza called the movies.

I rarely watch the crap, but I saw a movie the other day. (I don't mean to hijack, but this isn't important enough for it's own thread.) Remember the viral bus beatdown of a ghetto punk (amberlamps) by the 70 year old ex-military white guy (I am a M***F***)? Well, the Hollyjews turned it into a movie called "Bad Ass", and I just had to throw in on my wife's Netflix cue. Spoiler alert here... the white guy is now Mexican, and the guys on the bus picking on him are white supremacists, and he's a hero to all the ghetto blacks and ends up marrying a young black girl. But, no, there's no agenda or social engineering going on... just a casting mistake.

13th May 2013, 08:03 PM
Most crucial bldg. in D.C.

US Internal Revenue Services

Address: 1111 Constitution Ave NW, Washington DC 20004, United States
Phone:+1 202-622-5000
Transit: Federal Triangle Metro Station (http://maps.google.co.cr/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=irs+washington+dc&fb=1&gl=cr&hq=irs&hnear=0x89b7c6de5af6e45b:0xc2524522d4885d2a,Washin gton,+DC,+USA&iwloc=lyrftr:transit,0x89b7b7998b323347:0x4887a558 338ffab8&sa=X&ei=WamRUd35NcnjigLGqYDwCw&ved=0CKkBELEFKAIwAQ)

1 Google review (https://plus.google.com/100279004391102979570/about?hl=en&socfid=web:lu:unknown:zagatscoresandreviews&socpid=1)

General of Darkness
13th May 2013, 08:09 PM
Isn't racist Leroy Morgan Freeman in this thing? Because I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

13th May 2013, 08:14 PM
And the address of said building is classic. Perfect numerology on Debt slavery agreement street (constitution st).

13th May 2013, 08:27 PM
As a follow-up to the OP, it's made worse by the fact that it is assumed that the president's life is worth much more than everyone else's life. The bad guys shoot up hundreds of innocent people, yet we're supposed to feel tension that the president may die, and everyone around him is willing to die in his place.

There's also a lot of propaganda in this movie. First, they clearly set the North Koreans up to be evil. Second, they make DHS out to be everyone's savior, and they go out of their way to mention that the National Defense Authorization Act is what allows the authorities to "do their job" and rescue everyone. The average person is helpless; only government forces can handle the bad guys. Puke.

A mediocre movie. The thin plot is awash in bloodshed.

Twisted Titan
13th May 2013, 09:46 PM
But, one of the primary cornerstones to this Matrix of Lies that IS American society... is the sheep believing that the U.S. President is the absolute most powerful man in the world, making all the decisions, that the sun rises each day because of the omnipresent and benevolent government. The security surrounding him serves the same purpose as the security surrounding an empty building called Fort Knox... it's NOT to secure a valuable asset, it's to create a perception in value.

And, the sheep are programmed by repetition, so this is the common theme over and over again in the social engineering extravaganza called the movies.

I rarely watch the crap, but I saw a movie the other day. (I don't mean to hijack, but this isn't important enough for it's own thread.) Remember the viral bus beatdown of a ghetto punk (amberlamps) by the 70 year old ex-military white guy (I am a M***F***)? Well, the Hollyjews turned it into a movie called "Bad Ass", and I just had to throw in on my wife's Netflix cue. Spoiler alert here... the white guy is now Mexican, and the guys on the bus picking on him are white supremacists, and he's a hero to all the ghetto blacks and ends up marrying a young black girl. But, no, there's no agenda or social engineering going on... just a casting mistake.

Dam i remember that too.

I wonder if Epic Beard Man got a silver clad dime from that flop of a movie?

13th May 2013, 09:54 PM
Sparky, those are all good points... I missed the part about the NDAA, DHS, etc. I guess I am so used to discounting that crap that I didn't catch it.

13th May 2013, 09:58 PM
...Well, the Hollyjews turned it into a movie called "Bad Ass", and I just had to throw in on my wife's Netflix cue. Spoiler alert here... the white guy is now Mexican, and the guys on the bus picking on him are white supremacists, and he's a hero to all the ghetto blacks and ends up marrying a young black girl. But, no, there's no agenda or social engineering going on... just a casting mistake.

I noticed the same jaw-dropping thing about that movie. Probably the most blatant example yet of Hymiewood literally showing us that black is white.