View Full Version : Cotati California Police Brutality. Break into private residence and taze person film

14th May 2013, 08:45 AM
Ok, can he now sue the police department?


14th May 2013, 10:09 AM
Ok, can he now sue the police department?

http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=8ed_1368536550 he just established a good retirement fund. the only problem is most cities are self insured so its the taxpayer who will pay for this violation of rights. just like the catholic church. all the money to pay for the judgements came from the parishioners every week!

14th May 2013, 10:18 AM
Suing them is not going to fix the problem. Usually we have decided that angry violent criminals who use force and coercion against peaceful people should be removed from society (Or this world). Suing them will not accomplish this. Using defensive violence to propell the invaders is the ONLY way things will get fixed.

Yes, i am advocating that poeople use defensive violence when it is morally justified. DEAL WITH IT.

Mot people would agree if a group of criminal thugs came to your home to kidnapp you, you would have no moral obligation to comply with them. But people IMAGINE a thing called 'Authority' that stops them from making reasonal and logical decisions when faced with scenarios like this.

14th May 2013, 10:25 AM
Police do not need a warrant to kick down your door and enter your home, in the case of exigent circumstances.

This was a domestic violence call. The police can not turn around and just leave. Someone, either the man or woman, have to leave. The cop even asked them to step outside. If they would have stepped outside they would not have had their house entered.

14th May 2013, 10:32 AM
It's lawsuits against police depts that take away our rights.

Here's how it worked. 1 call. Police respond to a domestic violence call. Upon arrival, police find the man and woman peaceful. They both are calm and friendly. Police say OK, have a nice night. Then, an hour later, police get called back to find a dead wife who was murdered.

Lawsuit, dead wife's family sues the police dept and they win. They said the police should have prevented this crime the first time they were called out.

So, police dept tells all cops that in the case of a domestic violence call, someone from the house must leave the premises. Even if everything is peaceful at that time.

Now you have cops kicking in the door of homes because this guy was an idiot and yelling, acting aggressively. All this guy needed to do is go outside, tell the cops everything is fine, and then leave and visit a buddy. Instead, you have this whole drama scene.

14th May 2013, 10:40 AM
If you are nice and explain this to people, they understand. Just tell them sir/ma'm, everything is obviously fine here, however dept policy requires us to stay until either you or your spouse leave. Do you have a friends house you can visit at for awhile?

Folks, in the case of domestic violence, don't challenge the police like this. You will lose. Act calm, show that everything is fine, and then offer to go to a friends house. If you yell, act aggressively they will enter your home as this video shows, and they will be justified in doing so.

They will also take your guns away. You will then have to fight to get them back.

Celtic Rogue
14th May 2013, 10:52 AM
"Domestic Violence call" = New Constitutional Law loophole! What a bunch of shit! You watch all they have to say is an anonymous caller said there was domestic violence... and wham no rights at all. FUCK them and any other asshole that uses violence against me or others! why should myself or anyone else leave MY house because of some stupid police policy? The more the people donot confront this shit the more the police will act in this thuggish manner!.

14th May 2013, 11:00 AM
"Domestic Violence call" = New Constitutional Law loophole! What a bunch of shit! You watch all they have to say is an anonymous caller said there was domestic violence... and wham no rights at all. FUCK them and any other asshole that uses violence against me or others! why should myself or anyone else leave MY house because of some stupid police policy? The more the people donot confront this shit the more the police will act in this thuggish manner!.

You are 100% correct.

All it takes is your spouse to say "I'm scared" and "he has guns". The police will kick down the door thinking they are being big heros.

Exigent circumstances allow officers to enter homes without warrants. If a cops hears a woman screaming he can enter the home. One cop I knew caught a rape happening in progress that way, said it was the one great thing he did as a cop that made up for all the other BS cops go through.

I entered a home the same way to find a woman crying/screaming and a dude with a baseball bat in hand. He dropped the bat as soon as he saw me draw my gun on him.

14th May 2013, 11:15 AM
Remember what I said........I will die in my "Private Propery" defendind what is mine by right of law, I can only hope that other will defend "their" country as I will defend what is mine.........this is Ponce from "Little Cuba" hahahahaaahah


14th May 2013, 02:17 PM
Suing them is not going to fix the problem. Usually we have decided that angry violent criminals who use force and coercion against peaceful people should be removed from society (Or this world). Suing them will not accomplish this. Using defensive violence to propell the invaders is the ONLY way things will get fixed.

Yes, i am advocating that poeople use defensive violence when it is morally justified. DEAL WITH IT.

Mot people would agree if a group of criminal thugs came to your home to kidnapp you, you would have no moral obligation to comply with them. But people IMAGINE a thing called 'Authority' that stops them from making reasonal and logical decisions when faced with scenarios like this.

True, but are you willing to die to prove this point? I don't like being encroached upon as much as the next guy, but if I'm outnumbered 4 to 1 by heavily armed and threatening thugs, even though on principle I have the moral right to defend myself, I also realize that if I do, more than likely I'll lose and be dead.

14th May 2013, 02:19 PM
Folks, in the case of domestic violence, don't challenge the police like this. You will lose. Act calm, show that everything is fine, and then offer to go to a friends house. If you yell, act aggressively they will enter your home as this video shows, and they will be justified in doing so.

No, they absolutely are not justified in entering another man's property against his will. Forget what imagined "authority" the cops have, we're all humans with the same rights that God gave us. If your neighbor yells or acts aggressively at you from within his house when you are outside, do you, you personally, have the right to enter his house, subdue him and make sure that everything is to your satisfaction? No, you do not, so then neither do any cops have that right either, because you can not grant them a right you yourself do not have.

General of Darkness
14th May 2013, 02:36 PM
If they would have shot and killed the cops illegally entering their home I wonder how that would have played out.

14th May 2013, 02:53 PM
If they would have shot and killed the cops illegally entering their home I wonder how that would have played out.

Good luck engaging in a gunfight with four cops and surviving. They'd have backup called and Chris Dorner your whole house before leaving you alone.

General of Darkness
14th May 2013, 02:55 PM
Good luck engaging in a gunfight with four cops and surviving. They'd have backup called and Chris Dorner your whole house before leaving you alone.

That's what I'm thinking it's a no win situation and I think the people civil rights were violated.

14th May 2013, 03:02 PM
If a bunch of armed screaming cops came at our door with guns drawn almost all of us would put are hands up, scared shitless like a deer caught in headlights. Come on lets be realistic. We are all keyboard commandos here. We live a pampered life, and almost all of us will bend when push comes to shove.

14th May 2013, 03:02 PM
True, but are you willing to die to prove this point? I don't like being encroached upon as much as the next guy, but if I'm outnumbered 4 to 1 by heavily armed and threatening thugs, even though on principle I have the moral right to defend myself, I also realize that if I do, more than likely I'll lose and be dead.

Yes i am. I will make the decision when the time comes, but i have no problem with using defensive violence when i feel it is morally righteous.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's quote comes to mind.....

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Every problem we face is because GOOD people are not willing to use defensive violence when it is morally justified. How many Cops are going to go kicking in doors if they knew it was a 99% chance they would be met with LETHAL FORCE?

14th May 2013, 03:09 PM
If a bunch of armed screaming cops came at our door with guns drawn almost all of us would put are hands up, scared shitless like a deer caught in headlights. Come on lets be realistic. We are all keyboard commandos here. We live a pampered life, and almost all of us will bend when push comes to shove.

Shami? as long as no one puts up a fight it will be like giving them a key to your home and property..... only when they see that "We The People" will no longer put up with that crap will they stop doing it......is like school bully that keeps taking your lunch money till you put him down with a broken head and arm.


General of Darkness
14th May 2013, 03:12 PM
If a bunch of armed screaming cops came at our door with guns drawn almost all of us would put are hands up, scared shitless like a deer caught in headlights. Come on lets be realistic. We are all keyboard commandos here. We live a pampered life, and almost all of us will bend when push comes to shove.

And we are many.


And BTW who the fuck you calling a keyboard commando? :)


14th May 2013, 03:31 PM
If you are nice and explain this to people, they understand. Just tell them sir/ma'm, everything is obviously fine here, however dept policy requires us to stay until either you or your spouse leave. Do you have a friends house you can visit at for awhile?

Am i morally obligated to do the wrong thing? Does 'Dept Policy' override the oath that they swore?

Folks, in the case of domestic violence, don't challenge the police like this. You will lose. Act calm, show that everything is fine, and then offer to go to a friends house. If you yell, act aggressively they will enter your home as this video shows, and they will be justified in doing so.

Justified? FUCK YOU!!!!

You were just bitching about 'Freedom' and now a Cop is 'justified' in kicking down doors WITHOUT A WARRANT? WTF?

You probably think that the problem with the world is that there are Evil people in it. YOUR WRONG. The problem with the world is that good-natured, well meaning people (like you) IMAGINE an obligation to 'obey' the Evil people. YOU are the problem, not people who are willing to resist with defensive force, the Evil people in this world.

What you would call 'criminals' have been the ONLY people throughout history that have changed this world for the better. Whether it was the 'criminals' who shot the Red Coats when they came for the weapons at Lexington, or the 'criminals' who were sneaking slaves in the underground railroad, or the 'criminal' Christians hiding innocent people from the Communist Gulags, or the 'criminal' Chinese Nationalist people who fought back against the Red Army, or the 'criminal' Germans who helped innocent Jews escape persecution. YOU can be on the side of the STATE, i will choose the side of the 'criminals'.

I just realized, i just wasted my time and breathe, because you have shown you have no interest in morality or virtue. You have been here 2 years and have not even attempted to change your STATIST outlook.

14th May 2013, 11:09 PM
I just realized, i just wasted my time and breathe, because you have shown you have no interest in morality or virtue. You have been here 2 years and have not even attempted to change your STATIST outlook.

Sui, I just posted facts in this case reality of the situation.

Did you not read my post on HOW this came to affect? People, blaming cops for NOT stopping crimes and suing depts. When you blame cops for NOT stopping crimes, you get these BS statist policies.

Let me tell you, from personal experience, it really sucks explaining to people why one of them needs to leave their home for the night. For the most part, people are cool about it. You just tell them, hey, all it took was one maniac to kill his wife after we left, to make this policy stick.

I try to post sometimes from a cop's point of view, since I've been on the other side of the fence. I try to keep personal opinions out of it.

14th May 2013, 11:12 PM
No, they absolutely are not justified in entering another man's property against his will. Forget what imagined "authority" the cops have, we're all humans with the same rights that God gave us. If your neighbor yells or acts aggressively at you from within his house when you are outside, do you, you personally, have the right to enter his house, subdue him and make sure that everything is to your satisfaction? No, you do not, so then neither do any cops have that right either, because you can not grant them a right you yourself do not have.

I agree with you in principal. However, madfranks, the worst thing a cop has to live with is what he doesn't do. If you were a cop, and were at the scene of a 'soon to be murder' and you don't act, you have to live with that the rest of your life.

When society places blame and shame on cops for not stopping crimes, this is how we lose rights. You have cops not taking chances and rushing into homes, etc.

15th May 2013, 01:27 AM
I agree with you in principal. However, madfranks, the worst thing a cop has to live with is what he doesn't do. If you were a cop, and were at the scene of a 'soon to be murder' and you don't act, you have to live with that the rest of your life.

When society places blame and shame on cops for not stopping crimes, this is how we lose rights. You have cops not taking chances and rushing into homes, etc.

Dude, you are so far off the reservation. Did you fail miserably at your cop job? Are you now failing miserably at your cop job? Why are you here constantly trying to convince us that the cop is within his/her rights and somehow there is a psychology angle as to why they should be able to abuse us like bugs? Authoritarian statist fuckheads will have no end to their excuses why it's okay to trample so and so's rights. He had a gun, he had a wife, he was drunk, the dog was black, there was a smell of marijuana, there might have been a gun, it looked like a pressure canner, the dog barked loud and got offensive as I beat his owner with my flashlight, the woman was a whore, the coke had not been all done, there was money on the table.

Fuck you.

15th May 2013, 01:35 AM
Fuck you.

If you want to ignore facts, ignore my posts. That's your choice. I'm not posting this shit to try and be popular.

YOU sued cops. YOU made cops accountable for crimes that haven't happened yet.

Fuck dude, how many lawsuits is it going to take to open up your eyes?

You sue cops, THEY rewrite the rules. That's the bottom line.

We talk about false flag events, NOBODY talks about our rights being taken away because of lawsuits against cops.

15th May 2013, 01:46 AM
If you want to ignore facts, ignore my posts. That's your choice. I'm not posting this shit to try and be popular.

YOU sued cops. YOU made cops accountable for crimes that haven't happened yet.

Fuck dude, how many lawsuits is it going to take to open up your eyes?

You sue cops, THEY rewrite the rules. That's the bottom line.

We talk about false flag events, NOBODY talks about our rights being taken away because of lawsuits against cops.

Palani might splain to you:

I have not sued any cops as I do not understand your statutes. To suggest that I have sued the cops is completely retarded.
Since I did not bring any actions against above corporate security forces, I have not "made them accountable" for crimes they have not yet commited.
How many false witnesses will it take for you to understand that there is only one law, all else is memorandum written and stamped by crossdressing jews in black gowns?
Who is THEY? I am not a person, they are not men. Who are they, indeed?
Is NOBODY a corporation?

You should quit being a corporate security guard.

15th May 2013, 01:55 AM
Palani might splain to you:

God bless Palani, but his advise doesn't really apply to the real world, unless you have a high $$ lawyer.

I don't. Do you?

What's your point mousehead? Cops are working people. People doing a job and collecting a paycheck.

If you re-read my posts in this thread, it's obvious why cops will barge into a home and save a woman. The call, was for domestic violence, when they arrive, the man is aggressive. Cops charging in and become big heros.

Women are victims. In the eyes of society, just being a woman, you are a victim "in progress". Cops, men, are trained to charge into battle and save the day.

What part of this is not making sense?

Don't attack me, it's a society issue.

Where's Book? On cop stuff, Book is the only poster I've truly met eye to eye on. He understands this.

15th May 2013, 02:06 AM
God bless Palani, but his advise doesn't really apply to the real world, unless you have a high $$ lawyer.

I don't. Do you?

What's your point mousehead? Cops are working people. People doing a job and collecting a paycheck.

If you re-read my posts in this thread, it's obvious why cops will barge into a home and save a woman. The call, was for domestic violence, when they arrive, the man is aggressive. Cops charging in and become big heros.

Women are victims. In the eyes of society, just being a woman, you are a victim "in progress". Cops, men, are trained to charge into battle and save the day.

What part of this is not making sense?

Don't attack me, it's a society issue.

The cops are working people. They are working the working people that do a job and collect a paycheck. The cops collect a paycheck based on what they work from the working people. I don't want to see people get raped and killed, but your cops cannot prevent it, and they also cannot legally do what they are doing to "try" to prevent it. They cannot and should not be able to do a damn thing until they have reasonable cause and a warrant signed by a cross dressing jew judge. Then they can bring the boom on down. They should not even be allowed to do that, but for the robed thugs.

If one citizen be murdered or damned, so that one innocent man remain free, then justice is served. The murderer will be done with one way or the other, it need not involve me. If the stasi can kick down my door and threaten or kill me and my family, based upon potentially false "witness", then justice is toast, and the thugs may burn in their boots.

15th May 2013, 03:45 AM
Stop............ V