View Full Version : Palani!

7th trump
14th May 2013, 06:38 PM
Seems palani likes to start a thread and when it doesn't go his way he closes it.

No Palani..............I'm not swearing under penalty of perjury to anything.
I don't have a W4 in place authorizing the company I work for to treat my earnings as Social Security's 3121(a) "wages".
They KEEP 11% of what I earn instead of handing it over to the government............hello!
You on the other hand are hee-hawing around saying you don't receive a "paycheck" but nonetheless are getting paid......well that's skirting around Social Security. No matter what you call it palani its no different than working under the table to avoid "reporting".
Call it what you want palani...you're only fooling yourself.

And no palani................I never made the claim that Social Security put anybody in multiple jurisdictions.....that's you making a claim that I did, when in fact, all I said was Social Security puts the participant in federal jurisdiction just as the Act specifies by defining "state" and "united states".

I doubt you could even back your claim there are multiple jurisdictions anyway..... and if you did I'd wager I could tie it to the disclosure of a ssn anyway!

midnight rambler
14th May 2013, 06:54 PM
Seems palani likes to start a thread and when it doesn't go his way he closes it.

Pot calls kettle black. What a hoot. lol

7th trump
14th May 2013, 07:35 PM
Pot calls kettle black. What a hoot. lol

Whatever comrade rambler......I closed that thread as to make the thread into a documentary.
It'll open so I can post and then close it once I posted....big difference from palani closing a thread like a spoiled little brat when it doesn't go his way.

Whatcha expect palani?
When is anyone smart for not researching the subject before opening their mouth?
Yeah.......damage control isn't it palani.

14th May 2013, 07:51 PM
Way to clutter up general discussion with your petty personal crap.

14th May 2013, 08:36 PM
Way to clutter up general discussion with your petty personal crap.

Brew they fight each other all the time , Kinda like Tom and Jerry.

Although I have respect for both of them.

14th May 2013, 08:45 PM
Brew the fight each other all the time , Kinda like Tom and Jerry.

Although I have respect for both of them.Last I heard...

ahhh forget it.

14th May 2013, 10:32 PM
Brew they fight each other all the time , Kinda like Tom and Jerry.

Although I have respect for both of them.

Zap, they remind me more of spy vs spy...

each thread they start is one more episode...


7th trump
15th May 2013, 04:02 AM
Way to clutter up general discussion with your petty personal crap.

I've seen worse threads on general discussion having absolutely no meaning and have far more posts than this thread.........so go pound sand.

15th May 2013, 04:26 AM
I did close a thread that I started when I saw that they had started a fight.......call me referee Ponce.


15th May 2013, 05:06 AM
Its locked until I finish ...This thread is perfect for the purpose of discussion of taxation and fiat money.

And there is the reason the thread I started was closed. Go find your own perfect thread.

7th trump
15th May 2013, 05:21 AM
And there is the reason the thread I started was closed. Go find your own perfect thread.

And this here statement
"Go find your own perfect thread" is as "childish" and "immature" as childish and immature can get!
Surprised he didnt say "nanner nanner boo boo".

15th May 2013, 05:27 AM
You on the other hand are hee-hawing around saying you don't receive a "paycheck" but nonetheless are getting paid

Blatant lie. I don't receive a paycheck and I don't get paid. I don't receive or pass off to others FRNs. Perhaps you might benefit from reading a bit of knowledge from the 17th century (Hobbes Leviathan):

Actor, Author
Of Persons Artificiall, some have their words and actions Owned
by those whom they represent. And then the Person is the Actor;
and he that owneth his words and actions, is the AUTHOR:
In which case the Actor acteth by Authority. For that which
in speaking of goods and possessions, is called an Owner,
and in latine Dominus, in Greeke Kurios; speaking of Actions,
is called Author. And as the Right of possession, is called
Dominion; so the Right of doing any Action, is called AUTHORITY.
So that by Authority, is alwayes understood a Right of doing any act:
and Done By Authority, done by Commission, or Licence from him
whose right it is.

Covenants By Authority, Bind The Author
From hence it followeth, that when the Actor maketh a Covenant
by Authority, he bindeth thereby the Author, no lesse than if
he had made it himselfe; and no lesse subjecteth him to all
the consequences of the same. And therfore all that hath been
said formerly, (Chap. 14) of the nature of Covenants between
man and man in their naturall capacity, is true also when they are
made by their Actors, Representers, or Procurators, that have authority
from them, so far-forth as is in their Commission, but no farther.

And therefore he that maketh a Covenant with the Actor, or Representer,
not knowing the Authority he hath, doth it at his own perill.
For no man is obliged by a Covenant, whereof he is not Author; nor
consequently by a Covenant made against, or beside the Authority he gave.

But Not The Actor
When the Actor doth any thing against the Law of Nature by command
of the Author, if he be obliged by former Covenant to obey him,
not he, but the Author breaketh the Law of Nature: for though the
Action be against the Law of Nature; yet it is not his: but contrarily;
to refuse to do it, is against the Law of Nature, that forbiddeth
breach of Covenant.

15th May 2013, 05:31 AM
as "childish" and "immature" as childish and immature can get!

Or it might be good advice.

7th trump
15th May 2013, 07:52 AM
Blatant lie. I don't receive a paycheck and I don't get paid. I don't receive or pass off to others FRNs. Perhaps you might benefit from reading a bit of knowledge from the 17th century (Hobbes Leviathan):

Thanks for confirming you are skirting (working under the table) the reporting requirements (that eminate from the Social Securty laws to credit the social security account) to the government by being paid in other mediums of exchange. All you are doing is giving ill advice on how to defraud the government.
It not nessessary to defraud the government when anyone can remove themselves from the system legally....but you dont know how to legally do that because you dont know how the system operates.

Palani I know you are lying when it comes to getting out of the system........if you really knew what put you in the system (jurisdictional language in the SS Act) you wouldnt be attempting to skirt around the system with antiquated law forms from foreign countries and posting quotes from old texts that do not apply here in the US legal system......you're lost in the law palani!.....LOST!

You're NOT BEING HONEST with yourself palani, or to others on this board, and just plain playing semantics (aka...."circular talk" you are famous for).

15th May 2013, 08:52 AM
Thanks for confirming you are skirting (working under the table) the reporting requirements (that eminate from the Social Securty laws to credit the social security account) to the government by being paid in other mediums of exchange.

I do admit I would work for silver or gold payment but so far have not had much luck finding those jobs.

The U.S. of A. (the young pup outgrowth of the civil war in 1868) started out bankrupt and is still bankrupt. You cannot build a firm fiscal foundation on a structure with this many holes in it. Even the organic federal government saw fit to declare that it would not be responsible for the debts of the new republic. A close reading of the 14th amendment will make that clear.

If you insist on working on the basis of a FRN I applaud your selfless contribution to support this new republic while at the same time I am willing to declare that your induction into fraud does not mean in any way that I must also contribute to the same fraud. With or without the social security system you are supporting a communist system. But then I suppose the handicap of having only two working brain cells comes with its own penalties.

15th May 2013, 09:01 AM
with antiquated law forms from foreign countries and posting quotes from old texts that do not apply here in the US legal system.

In order to discover the roots of the government it is necessary to go back to the earliest texts and be able to read and interpret them. The reason for this is that inducements were made to get people to decide to subjugate themselves to the will of their rulers. In addition, there is much sense in these old texts and much revealed that is hidden or missing from texts on government in this day and age.

Here is another from Hobbes

A Person What
A PERSON, is he "whose words or actions are considered, either as his own,
or as representing the words or actions of an other man, or of any
other thing to whom they are attributed, whether Truly or by Fiction."

Person Naturall, And Artificiall
When they are considered as his owne, then is he called a Naturall Person:
And when they are considered as representing the words and actions
of an other, then is he a Feigned or Artificiall person.

Now take a look at 12 USC 411

Federal reserve notes, to be issued at the discretion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System for the purpose of making advances to Federal reserve banks through the Federal reserve agents as hereinafter set forth and for no other purpose, are authorized.

You handle a FRN as an AGENT of the federal reserve banks. That means that your ACTIONS associated with handling of these notes (considering Hobbes concepts) are the actions representing the words an actions of another ... making YOU a FEIGNED or ARTIFICIAL PERSON.

You, my friend, are a CORPORATION as a result.

7th trump
15th May 2013, 09:58 AM
In order to discover the roots of the government it is necessary to go back to the earliest texts and be able to read and interpret them. The reason for this is that inducements were made to get people to decide to subjugate themselves to the will of their rulers. In addition, there is much sense in these old texts and much revealed that is hidden or missing from texts on government in this day and age.

Here is another from Hobbes

Now take a look at 12 USC 411

You handle a FRN as an AGENT of the federal reserve banks. That means that your ACTIONS associated with handling of these notes (considering Hobbes concepts) are the actions representing the words an actions of another ... making YOU a FEIGNED or ARTIFICIAL PERSON.

You, my friend, are a CORPORATION as a result.

Yeah.....full of conspiracy arent you grasshopper?
I didnt think you were stupid enough to actually post your stupidity but nontheless....

Heres the official definition to reserve agent you speak of.

12 USC § 305 - Class C directors; selection; “Federal reserve agent”
.USC-prelimUS CodeNotesUpdatesAuthorities (CFR)USCPrelim is a preliminary release and may be subject to further revision before it is released again as a final version.

Current through Pub. L. 112-238. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
Class C directors shall be appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. They shall have been for at least two years residents of the district for which they are appointed, one of whom shall be designated by said board as chairman of the board of directors of the Federal reserve bank and as “Federal reserve agent.” He shall be a person of tested banking experience and in addition to his duties as chairman of the board of directors of the Federal reserve bank he shall be required to maintain, under regulations to be established by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a local office of said board on the premises of the Federal reserve bank. He shall make regular reports to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and shall act as its official representative for the performance of the functions conferred upon it by this chapter. He shall receive an annual compensation to be fixed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and paid monthly by the Federal reserve bank to which he is designated. One of the directors of class C shall be appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System as deputy chairman to exercise the powers of the chairman of the board when necessary. In case of the absence of the chairman and deputy chairman, the third class C director shall preside at meetings of the board.
prev | nextClass C directors shall be appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. They shall have been for at least two years residents of the district for which they are appointed, one of whom shall be designated by said board as chairman of the board of directors of the Federal reserve bank and as “Federal reserve agent.” He shall be a person of tested banking experience and in addition to his duties as chairman of the board of directors of the Federal reserve bank he shall be required to maintain, under regulations to be established by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a local office of said board on the premises of the Federal reserve bank. He shall make regular reports to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and shall act as its official representative for the performance of the functions conferred upon it by this chapter. He shall receive an annual compensation to be fixed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and paid monthly by the Federal reserve bank to which he is designated. One of the directors of class C shall be appointed by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System as deputy chairman to exercise the powers of the chairman of the board when necessary. In case of the absence of the chairman and deputy chairman, the third class C director shall preside at meetings of the board.

And to top it off you grossly miscontrue 12usc 411 by ignoring there are three parts to that statute. All three of which are different in nature from the other.
When will you be honest with, and to, yourself palani?

15th May 2013, 10:07 AM
Heres the official definition to reserve agent you speak of.

I WROTE of no federal reserve AGENT. I cited 12 USC 411 concerning 'Federal reserve agents'. [Just in case you missed it ... the singular does not include the plural and the plural does not include the singular]. And you posted no definition that does not exclude yourself as AGENT by your possession and use of FRNs.

Face it. When you use the credit of another entity then you do so as an AGENT of that entity.

Can't face the idea that you are an artificial PERSON? Then do something about it. So far you have done nothing.

7th trump
15th May 2013, 11:22 AM
I WROTE of no federal reserve AGENT. I cited 12 USC 411 concerning 'Federal reserve agents'. [Just in case you missed it ... the singular does not include the plural and the plural does not include the singular]. And you posted no definition that does not exclude yourself as AGENT by your possession and use of FRNs.

Face it. When you use the credit of another entity then you do so as an AGENT of that entity.

Can't face the idea that you are an artificial PERSON? Then do something about it. So far you have done nothing.
Did you even read the definition?
Theres more than one district. Each district has one agent you dimwit therefore the definition is not confined to singular vs plural.
Wow you talk about red alert damage control....that definititon just confirmed you are off your rocker!

You're fucking whacked Palani.......where are you getting the idea that the reserve bank issue "credit"?
Last I checked the reserve banks issued "notes"....not credit. Its the US government who's putting up credit for frns you dimwit!
"Credit" is not "notes" and "notes" are not "credit"........the reserve bank issues notes which are obligations of the US government....not obligations of the reserve bank system......how mentally numb are you?

Where and why are you making this claim I'm an artificial person?
Wheres the law/s that says using frn makes a person automatically an artificial person?
Define "artificial person"?
You need to support your position Palani...................otherwise without proper evidence its nothing but your opinion................opinions mean absolutely nothing!
Ask any judge if "opinions" having any standing.

15th May 2013, 03:10 PM
So where does the Buck Act tie in?

7th trump
15th May 2013, 04:12 PM
So where does the Buck Act tie in?

The Buck Act was for the federal government to be able to reach into the 50 union states to regulate its "US citizens".
Before the Buck Act the feds didn't have the lawful means to regulate its citizens in a union state. So what they did was make a jurisdictional federal overlay of each state. The federal overlay for the union state Iowa is the "state of Iowa" just as Oregon's federal overlay is the "state of Oregon".
To put in simpler terms just imagine the feds covering the union state "Iowa" completely with plastic so it can walk within the geographical boundaries of the union state "Iowa" without ever stepping foot in/on Iowa to control its 14th amendment citizens who reside in that geographical boundary.
So to answer your question, if it relates to federal taxes, the Buck Act is used to gain access to its citizens to regulate and tax them for what ever reason.
There's a federal tax regulation 26CFR 1.1-1 that is pretty much verbatim who the government aims there federal income tax at and that verbatim comes directly from the 14th amendment.
"The People" and "US citizens" are not politically one in the same. See 1215.org to get a better understanding, there's "Rights" and "civil rights" involved. The two "rights" are not the same as well.
If you look at any IRS tax filing document you are signing under penalty of perjury of being that political party, US citizen.
If you go into any IRS office there's a notice posted that the IRS will not violate any "civil rights".
Civil Rights come from the Civil Rights Act of 1866 which came about for the newly free negroes.

15th May 2013, 06:17 PM
Did you even read the definition?
Theres more than one district. Each district has one agent you dimwit therefore the definition is not confined to singular vs plural.
Wow you talk about red alert damage control....that definititon just confirmed you are off your rocker!

You're fucking whacked Palani.......where are you getting the idea that the reserve bank issue "credit"?
Last I checked the reserve banks issued "notes"....not credit. Its the US government who's putting up credit for frns you dimwit!
"Credit" is not "notes" and "notes" are not "credit"........the reserve bank issues notes which are obligations of the US government....not obligations of the reserve bank system......how mentally numb are you?

Where and why are you making this claim I'm an artificial person?
Wheres the law/s that says using frn makes a person automatically an artificial person?
Define "artificial person"?
You need to support your position Palani...................otherwise without proper evidence its nothing but your opinion................opinions mean absolutely nothing!
Ask any judge if "opinions" having any standing.

This friggin' moron has no definition. If it doesn't say DEFINITION then it is NOT a DEFINITION.

Learn to read or have one of your kids read it for you.

7th trump
15th May 2013, 06:39 PM
This friggin' moron has no definition. If it doesn't say DEFINITION then it is NOT a DEFINITION.

Learn to read or have one of your kids read it for you.

What ever you drunk............it tells what a reserve agent is by what the duties of a said reserve agent.................which doesn't agree with your theory that anyone with a frn in their pockets is an agent or a damn bank you retard!

Face it palani..................you been had by David Merrill Vanpelt and his theory of 12usc 411.
You're over at the sui-juris bar and grill.com tipping them down with other fools such as yourself.
You have no clothes palani and you are not liking it one bit. You are in denial of being fooled into believing a fools tale.

15th May 2013, 06:55 PM
What ever you drunk............it tells what a reserve agent is by what the duties of a said reserve agent.................which doesn't agree with your theory that anyone with a frn in their pockets is an agent or a damn bank you retard!

Face it palani..................you been had by David Merrill Vanpelt and his theory of 12usc 411.
You're over at the sui-juris bar and grill.com tipping them down with other fools such as yourself.
You have no clothes palani and you are not liking it one bit. You are in denial of being fooled into believing a fools tale.

You are so stuck on social security theory why don't you read the points from the opposite side.


7th trump
15th May 2013, 07:57 PM
You are so stuck on social security theory why don't you read the points from the opposite side.

Where in my posts you quoted did I say anything about Social Security to merit this attack?
Furthermore, what I thus far have said about Social Security isn't a "theory".....so far I've posted the necessary statutes to back myself....you on the other hand have posted one statute and have taken it out of context. You cant fit your square peg of a whacko theory into the round holes of the law statutes.............doesn't work does it palani.
They say the definition to "insane" is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time.

Maybe its time you actually read the law instead of filling in your opinion where you fall short on understanding?
I know its against your reasoning, but don't you think its wise on your part to read the Buck Act yourself instead of allowing someone else interpretive opinion talk for you?
I mean really its kind of stupid.

15th May 2013, 09:45 PM
Zap, they remind me more of spy vs spy...

each thread they start is one more episode...


Keep trolling me if you want, but I'll continue to give you thanks on good posts.

spy vs. spy was the best part of mad mag growing up....

15th May 2013, 09:48 PM
Thunderdome is not a river in Egypt.

Do not contract with the coppiceman.
The King's forest is not deer to you.
Don't argue venue with the cross-dressing robed ones, for you already put yourself in dishonor.
Black's law dictionary has many editions. Make sure you get the right one.
Don't eat that yellow snow.
Plus and minus is zero unless you are holding both cables.

16th May 2013, 04:20 AM
read the Buck Act yourself instead of allowing someone else interpretive opinion talk for you?
Yet YOUR interpretation is INVIOLATE and above criticism? You intend to verbally bully until you get your way? Some debating technique (NOT!!!!).

7th trump
16th May 2013, 06:02 AM
Yet YOUR interpretation is INVIOLATE and above criticism? You intend to verbally bully until you get your way? Some debating technique (NOT!!!!).

No palani....I'm just saying what I observe. I see you use other interpretation to get the outcome you look for.
I bet you scoured the net looking for that site and yet most likely havent ever read the Buck Act yourself....and that is the truth both you and I know.
All I'm saying your intrepretation of the Buck Act is someone elses interpretation. You may fool a lot of people on this board with your ability to cut and paste Latin as if Latin is some magical language of authority that should never be questioned because the court systems have files using latin..........reciting latin is not even a funny joke palani!
All you do is respond in circles making the person asking questions doubt themselves without you ever answering one damn rellevent question which is usually a question regarding the topic at hand. IT SCREAMS THAT YOU DONT READ ANY LAW, BUT RATHER REGURGITATE ANOTHERS OPINION YOU'VE READ FROM ONE OF YOUR CONSPIRACY SITES OR A SITE THAT IS JUST AS LOST IN THE LAW AS YOU ARE.
Heres the deal with you palani people are looking for guidence on leaving the system as the system is corrupt and failing but they have noone to look to for help.
Reciting latin doesnt help them palani....especially when you respond in circles.
Old books dealing the foreign and ancient law that doesnt apply today is not helping them understand. Its not guidence....you give them nothing but more confusion. You bring forth and breed confusion!
Theres one(1) social program today that is pulled over everyones head and that is Social Security.
And up until I came around you didnt have a clue what Social Security is, was or does to a persons standing in law.
Theres a reason why the government pushes every one to have a ssn.....and that is to get jurisdiction over them so they can be taxed and regulated to no end. Without a ssn the People (kings) cant be "US citizens" (slaves....taxed and regulated to no end).
Dont beleive me?
You say theres multiple jurisidctions.... and I say theres a ssn that needs to be disclosed on a government form in order for the multiple jurisdictions to have any credence.
So what does this mean?
It means Social Security plays a major role in how the government gets one over the People and your regurgitated latin legal lawyerism bullshit isnt helping the people in seeing what is causing their demise.
Like I say.........you are lost in the law!

16th May 2013, 06:42 AM
All I'm saying your intrepretation of the Buck Act is someone elses interpretation.
I haven't stated how I interpret the Buck Act. As it doesn't apply to me why would I care one way or the other? I merely suggested that YOU (who the Buck Act obviously does apply to) should read an opposing view of how it is interpreted. Perhaps it is a good idea to not form an opinion until fully informed. Either way your view does not matter at all to me since we are not joined at the hip.

16th May 2013, 07:32 AM
I haven't stated how I interpret the Buck Act. As it doesn't apply to me why would I care one way or the other? I merely suggested that YOU (who the Buck Act obviously does apply to) should read an opposing view of how it is interpreted. Perhaps it is a good idea to not form an opinion until fully informed. Either way your view does not matter at all to me since we are not joined at the hip.

OK, i admit, it's none of my business.

but, why are you guys arguing ? do you actually enjoy it ?

it's not like you get a silver round if you 'win' the argument.

what is the incentive to go page after page, arguing with a near-complete stranger ?

7th trump
16th May 2013, 07:33 AM
I haven't stated how I interpret the Buck Act. As it doesn't apply to me why would I care one way or the other? I merely suggested that YOU (who the Buck Act obviously does apply to) should read an opposing view of how it is interpreted. Perhaps it is a good idea to not form an opinion until fully informed. Either way your view does not matter at all to me since we are not joined at the hip.

I know you havent stated your interpretation, that was my whole point grasshopper! You purposely posting a link to someone elses opinion in a feeble attempt to undermine what I said about the Buck Act of which Act you never read to be fully informed.
But then again your accustomed to taking other opinions at interpreting law.

Ohhh really....so how do you know the Buck Act applies to me?
Is this yet another claim?
I dont participate in Social Security...........why you continue suggesting that is revealing.

16th May 2013, 08:19 AM
what is the incentive to go page after page, arguing with a near-complete stranger ?

Reasoning. I never argue.

16th May 2013, 08:24 AM
but, why are you guys arguing ? do you actually enjoy it ?

http://www.wall321.com/thumbnails/detail/20130108/water%20abstract%20fire%20ying%20yang%20photo%20ma nipulation%20black%20background%201920x1080%20wall paper_www.wall321.com_9.jpg

Palani and 7th Trump have come together to create a new Love planet. God works in mysterious ways, and their mutual cosmic energy attraction and ongoing merge will stabilize our Universe.

I believe they deserve their own exclusive GSUS Section to complete their planetary transformation.


16th May 2013, 08:24 AM
You purposely posting a link to someone elses opinion in a feeble attempt to undermine what I said about the Buck Act of which Act you never read to be fully informed. I am ignorant of foreign law. Why would I want to become informed?

But then again your accustomed to taking other opinions at interpreting law. I am not taking YOUR opinion. That makes your statement false.

Ohhh really....so how do you know the Buck Act applies to me?
Is this yet another claim? Because YOU interpreted it. This causes JOINDER and shows that you are not ignorant of this act and therefore SUBJECT to it.

I dont participate in Social Security...........why you continue suggesting that is revealing.
Perhaps because you have peeled back one layer of the onion and shouted 'EUREKA !!!! ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET OUT OF SOCIAL SECURITY AND THE WORLD WILL BECOME NORMAL AGAIN!!!!'

There are many more layers to peel back and I fear your growth is now stunted.

16th May 2013, 11:38 AM

7th trump
16th May 2013, 02:04 PM

Hahahaha.......I like it Ximmy.
That's pretty damn good.

7th trump
16th May 2013, 02:06 PM
I am ignorant of foreign law. Why would I want to become informed?

I am not taking YOUR opinion. That makes your statement false.

Because YOU interpreted it. This causes JOINDER and shows that you are not ignorant of this act and therefore SUBJECT to it.

Perhaps because you have peeled back one layer of the onion and shouted 'EUREKA !!!! ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET OUT OF SOCIAL SECURITY AND THE WORLD WILL BECOME NORMAL AGAIN!!!!'

There are many more layers to peel back and I fear your growth is now stunted.

Ok....then what are these layers?
Surely you can answer this question without circle jerking your way out of answering it.

16th May 2013, 03:19 PM
Ok....then what are these layers?
It is best to quantify layers in 70 year periods. You have identified one as the social security system. The layer before that created the 14th amendment. Get rid of this one and you eliminate the social security system as well. The previous layer was the creation of the Articles of Confederation/U.S. constitution. You are meant to believe that the U.S. won the revolutionary war however the reality is that only one battle was won, just enough to create an illusion that the U.S. and Britain were separated. Britain was (and is) mired in the feudal system and was having a hard time overcoming this (seeming) obstacle to becoming defeated.

Undoubtedly there are other layers that predated 1776 as well. For example, the 30 year war or the crusades. Then you might get into the individual ages, as we are now entering the Age of Aquarius, leaving Pisces as before Taurus was left for Aries. There are any number of methods to divide and direct the flow of peoples energies and beliefs. Your beliefs are truncated at what happened 70 years ago rather than looking at the consequences of tall buildings running into large airplanes.