View Full Version : USA jew ambassador pushes anti-White agenda in France’s immigrant suburbs

General of Darkness
14th May 2013, 07:07 PM
The reason I'm posting these threads is that people don't think that it's just ONE or TWO jews pushing this agenda, it's ALL of these khazar cock suckers.

USA pushes anti-White agenda in France’s immigrant suburbs January 10, 2013

By Michael (http://southernnationalist.com/blog/author/administrator/)
http://southernnationalist.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Anti-White-US-Ambassador-to-France-Charles-Rivkin.jpg (http://southernnationalist.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Anti-White-US-Ambassador-to-France-Charles-Rivkin.jpg)Anti-White US Ambassador to France Charles Rivkin

National Public Radio ran a story today from PRI’s ‘The World’ program (http://www.theworld.org/2013/01/american-diplomacy-paris/) about the political activism engaged in by Charles Rivkin (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Rivkin), the US ambassador to France. Specifically, the story promoted his work in the large suburbs of mostly Third World immigrants which ring many of France’s cities. As the story notes, the USA has attacked France for being too French, encouraging the country to accept and ‘assimilate’ more non-French and non-European people. The story features a quotation from Gilles Kepel, a French academic and expert on Islam in the Paris suburbs:

They sort of thought that the French were characterized by a sort of political elite that was non-mixed, that was too white, too male, too old, and that if the country was not more pluralistic, then it would become weaker, and a weaker France was not good as an ally, so they started to reach out to the banlieues.

Notice that the agenda of the United States in France is specifically anti-White. The US Federal Government opposes a France populated and ruled by French people.

In a recent story SNN covered (http://southernnationalist.com/blog/2012/12/11/immigrants-angry-about-french-woman-winning-miss-france/) some of the non-French people living in France complained bitterly that a French woman was named Miss France this year. Ambassador Rivkin has encouraged such thought in the mostly non-White suburbs. The NPR broadcast notes, for example, that the US ambassador toured the suburbs with Left-wing, Black actor Samuel L Jackson (http://www.mediaite.com/online/samuel-l-jackson-shouts-at-voters-in-soros-funded-ad-wake-the-fk-up/), inaugurated a mural to Martin Luther King, Jr and sang ‘We Shall Overcome’ with the mostly

West African immigrants of the area. The European Institute (http://www.europeaninstitute.org/EA-April-2011/in-smart-power-shift-us-now-actively-cultivating-muslim-minorities-in-the-eu.html) views this as a ‘smart’ play by the United States. This is actually not new (http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92126506); such US ‘outreach’ to Third World immigrants living in Europe has been going on for over a decade, as reported in the radio piece. One of the ‘success’ stories documented by the report is an effort by an African immigrant to oppose French efforts at reducing some of the rampant crime in the immigrant areas. PRI reports:

The Embassy in France declined to comment for this story, but it has posted on its website a long list of activities it’s carried out in the suburbs, as well as information on the International Visitors Leadership Program.
Alumni of that program include elites like Francois Hollande, and Nicholas Sarkozy. But it’s been expanded to people like Tara Dickman, the French daughter of South African immigrants. Obama’s former campaign manager recruited her for training in community organizing in Chicago, and that trip inspired her to create a group called the Collective Against Racial Profiling.
“Within a year, police profiling went from a sort of topic that didn’t exist to a major political stake,” she says. “Fourteen people went to court to sue the state, and then it became a major issue in the elections, there are three law proposals now… and this is really thanks to this trip.”
Naturally many French people are not happy about US intervention in their society and the radicalisation of the foreign population in their midst. The article does mention a few centre-Right critics of the US activism. Of course, the quotations for the story are restricted to those who embrace the French government’s policy of replacing the French people.
Southern listeners of the report can identify all too well with the French (http://southernnationalist.com/blog/2012/07/29/northern-crusader-ism-southern-opposition/). Intervention, social engineering (http://southernnationalist.com/blog/2012/10/16/mix-it-up-day-social-engineering-in-us-schools/) and radical re-organisation of Southern society based on ever-changing Northern moral convictions (http://southernnationalist.com/blog/2012/08/28/strange-new-front-in-equality-crusade/) have been some of the many ‘blessings’ of living under the rule of Washington, DC.

Listeners to the PRI story were not asked if they like their tax dollars being spent to radicalise Third World immigrants in France. They were not asked if they like being ‘represented’ by a government promoting a blatantly anti-White agenda in a foreign land and undermining the native population and culture of that land. Then again, Southerners have not been asked their opinions on the ‘social progress’ forced upon them over the last century and half either. Meanwhile, the USA continues to advance its agenda both here at home and overseas.

14th May 2013, 09:16 PM

True Christians Versus Pretenders

article by David Treybig

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."
In Revelation 3:9
Jesus explains that eventually He will make those who only claimed to be believers understand who His real followers really were. It is interesting to note that at the end of the first century, these pretenders claimed to be "Jews"—not Christians. While most of modern Christianity rejects this term and many teachings associated with it, such as the seventh-day Sabbath and annual Holy Days, this passage says the pretenders claimed to be "Jews" because they believed this was the correct name. Were these first century pretenders confused about this name?
The Bible shows that this Jewish name and the days of worship given in the Old Testament were not rejected by Christ or the first century Christians. These first century pretenders had the right name, but the wrong practices. Lest one misunderstand, believers were also called "Christians" in the first century (Acts 11:26) and this name is also an appropriate designation for believers. The real key in identifying the people of God, however, it lies in their conduct.

If there is a god we will be redeemed.