View Full Version : Our daughter was murdered for her organs ,died from 'mystery' jab at Indian clinic

15th May 2013, 03:36 AM
Our daughter was murdered for her organs: Parents' anguish after girl, 8, died from 'mystery' jab at Indian clinic

Gurkiren Kaur Loyal, eight, died in Punjab on April 2 during family holiday
Schoolgirl from Birmingham had sought treatment for mild dehydration
Family say she was victim of failed attempt to harvest her organs

Birmingham councillor and Ladywood MP calling for answers over tragedy

By Andy Dolan (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Andy+Dolan) and Sanjay Jha (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Sanjay+Jha)
PUBLISHED: 09:05 GMT, 14 May 2013 | UPDATED: 01:08 GMT, 15 May 2013

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The family of a British schoolgirl who died at a doctors’ clinic in India fear she could have been ‘murdered’ by medics intent on harvesting her organs.
Gurkiren Kaur Loyal’s parents took her to see doctors in the Punjab when she began suffering from dehydration 11 days into her first foreign holiday.
Her father, Santokh Ghatoara, and mother, Amritpal Kaur Loyal, claim that their eight-year-old daughter was ‘fine’ until she was given a mystery injection.
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/14/article-2324213-19C4C670000005DC-400_634x523.jpg This is the last picture of Gurkiren Kaur Loyal, front, with her parents and brother before she died in India last month aged eight in what her parents believe was a failed attempt to illegally harvest her organs


Gurkiren was described as a 'bright and bubbly' pupil at her primary school in Handsworth, Birmingham
Yesterday they told how, within seconds of receiving the jab, Gurkiren’s ‘eyes rolled back into her head and her face drained of colour’ before she collapsed and died. ‘I knew they had killed her on the spot,’ said her mother.
Mr Ghatoara, a 57-year-old postal worker, and his wife were so fearful that their daughter’s organs could be taken and sold on for transplant that they insisted on taking her body back to a relative’s home.
The body was kept for four days in a freezer borrowed from a local Sikh temple before it was taken to a local hospital. There, a ‘medieval’ post-mortem examination was carried out.


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Gurkiren’s parents had been told they would not be allowed to fly their child home without one. During the post-mortem, Gurkira’s organs were removed and have not been returned.
The Birmingham coroner, Aidan Cotter, has told the family that without them, or the Indian post-mortem report, he is at a loss to determine a cause of death.
A spokesman said staff were making inquiries into the whereabouts of Gurkiren’s missing organs.
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/14/article-2324213-19C4B903000005DC-214_634x522.jpg Gurkiren's father Santokh Singh Loyal and mother Amrit Kaur Loyal are demanding answers over her death

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/14/article-2324213-19C4BC0F000005DC-90_634x419.jpg Gurkiren had gone to a clinic in Punjab seeking treatment for simply dehydration when she died suddenly

Her parents had taken her to the Moudgill clinic in Khanna, Punjab, after she began vomiting and complaining of stomach pains.
She was diagnosed with dehydration and placed on a drip, but after 30 minutes the doctor appeared with the syringe. After collapsing, Gurkiren was taken to Khanna Nursing Home hospital ten minutes away, where she was pronounced dead.
Miss Loyal, a supermarket worker from Hockley in Birmingham, said: ‘We were just talking to Gurkiren when a doctor’s assistant came up carrying a pre-filled syringe and reached for the cannula in her hand.
‘I asked what was the injection for, but he just looked at me blankly and injected her. Within a split-second Gurkiren’s head flipped back, her eyes rolled in her head, and the colour completely drained from her. I knew they had killed her on the spot.’


The schoolgirl had been on holiday with her parents and her 17-year-old brother, Simran, when she died

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/14/article-2324213-19C4BC23000005DC-499_634x469.jpg Gurkiren's mother said after her daughter was given a mystery injection, 'her eyes rolled in her head'

She added: ‘We have read about a trade in organs in India and we fear the doctors may have been after Gurkiren’s organs. That’s why we would not leave her body unattended after she had died.’
The trade in human organs has long blighted Indian society. Despite being outlawed since 1994, there remains a flourishing black market – with as many as 2,000 human kidneys sold each year. Wealthy foreigners have driven the demand, with many poor or illiterate Indians willing to donate in return for payments equivalent to a year’s salary.
The family say Dr Pardeep Moudgill, who ran the clinic, disappeared following the tragedy and did not return messages.
Gurkiren’s parents said Indian police seemed uninterested in investigating. A Foreign Office spokesman said: ‘We can confirm the death of a British national in Punjab on April 2, 2013.’
Last night, Dr Moudgill and the Rajendra Hospital in Patiala, where the post-mortem examination was carried out, were unavailable for comment.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324213/Our-daughter-murdered-organs-Parents-anguish-girl-8-died-mystery-jab-Indian-clinic.html#ixzz2TM9gZ3ad
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15th May 2013, 09:50 AM
India is infested with Jews.

human bodies of young people have $100K to $1 Million worth of parts.

not much mystery. her corneas are a profit center. as are her kidneys, her heart, her liver - etc.

is there a drug we can take so that our organs are rejected by Jewish hosts ? bacon, perhaps ?

Twisted Titan
15th May 2013, 02:07 PM
I would have went absolutely apeshit.

Hers would not have been the only organs Harvested that day.

I would have started a collection right on the spot by starting with the Pyscho who injected my child.

15th May 2013, 02:30 PM
Plus there is no way anyone is going to jab one of my kids(whoops they are grown up now) with a needle especially when there is no reason for it.

It is unbelievable that something like this can happen as she was killed right in front of her parents at a clinic.

Then they had to hide her body,but they grabbed some organs anyway,sick.

16th May 2013, 10:18 AM
This is an incredibly sad story, i cannot begin to imagine what they are going through. To watch your child literally die within seconds of being injected by these Eugenicist.

16th May 2013, 01:37 PM
India is infested with Jews.

human bodies of young people have $100K to $1 Million worth of parts.

not much mystery. her corneas are a profit center. as are her kidneys, her heart, her liver - etc.

is there a drug we can take so that our organs are rejected by Jewish hosts ? bacon, perhaps ?

If thats the case then we need a safe to protect our bodies

General of Darkness
16th May 2013, 02:22 PM
On a side note, these fucks are considered English?