View Full Version : Camp Bassfish

Camp Bassfish
15th May 2013, 05:39 AM
......I came to the original GIM back in 2006, as a result of the (Insert your view here) in April of 2010, I found myself both here at Gsus and GIM2 as well. As a result of all the lost posts, I was bitter. I made many online and real life friends over the years. Many have come and gone. There was a jeweler from my area that secured great deals for me on bullion at the place he worked. I remember a certain cigar lover that posted a narrated pictorial of his escapades in Cuba that was awe inspiring (Lost posts....). Talked fishing with many, bought GIM rounds, and generally looked forward to the antics of the forum.

When GIM "up in smoked" I posted a lot less......I felt like, why bother. They may all just vanish again anyway. But still I enjoyed reading. So much to digest. I enjoyed the daily trials of a mystery tour and many other great stories. (the dismantling and consumption of the cow comes to mind) My participation here has pretty much been limited to sharing pictures of places I've hiked, biked, or fished. Tossing in a quip here and there, and ALMOST getting to meet a few of you folks last year in Denver.

As I've read the forum I would always see "Sock Puppet this" and "Troll" that, and would always just shake my head and wonder why anyone would bother. Seems like so much work....and for what? That is why I was so shocked to see that accusation being thrown at me by a member here. It just didn't make sense, and quite honestly, I thought he was kidding. My "Honest Avatar" has been in place since day 1, and quite frankly, my personal information isn't hard to find. I was bothered by it, and as a result I was taking a poke at that member on another forum. In hindsight it was in poor taste. Not from my perspective, but certainly that of the forum body.

Spring is finally upon us here and I have a list of things that I will do before the snow flies, I will take the bike up Mt Washington in NH. I am hiking the High Peaks of the Adirondacks when time permits. Kayak trips on the Battenkill, and my first full marathon in October.

I would like to think that I have something in common with most of you and a lot in common with some of you. I respect others beliefs, although they may not be my own, I would be the last one to try to change them. For life is too short in my eyes. The one thing I will encourage though is..... do something you've been putting off for too long. Try something you aren't sure you'll be good at. You'll be glad that you did! I've got mountains to climb...................


15th May 2013, 07:06 AM
So it is true. Why? Why give Magnes any ammo? He throws around his accusations enough. People were just starting to realize what a loon he is. Stumbling on to a real troll is just going to encourage him and give him credibility. You have done a huge disservice to all the decent people on this forum.

15th May 2013, 07:50 AM
I must have missed something way back when. I didn't understand the problems between you, Magnes, Cebu, etc. I'm sure I missed some pertinant posts. I remember you from GIM and thought you were an A-OK guy. Some here have a very thin skin and if you stand up for someone they are bitter toward, you will earn their eternal enmity. Likewise, if you rub them wrong or speak against something dear to them, they have a hard time getting over it.

You messed up by the sock puppet jab against Cebu. We all fuck up from time to time. Hell, we are only stupid humans after all and if we can learn from our mistakes, we are bigger men and better people.

I have a lot of respect for those on this and TIOT forums. They can be a bunch of dick-heads but so can we all. Ride it out. Let it ride. You made your apologies and who knows, maybe those who have been so bitter will come out of the cold themselves.

It's only the internet people. Quit taking it so seriously. We are here to shoot the shit and learn from each other and amuse ourselves.

A word of advice. Don't pick at scabs. Let old wounds heal. If you know someone is sensitive, back off.

15th May 2013, 03:09 PM
Camp Bassfish, I always read your posts at the old GIM and liked them. You seemed like the kind of guy I'd appreciate IRL.

I have no idea what the drama is about, and I don't care.

The people causing the disruptions are the real trolls.

p.s. not everyone has to agree on everything all the damn time. it doesn't make someone a disinfo agent, it makes them a human. So sick of this forum drama - how many GIMMERS have you chased off this board already guys? Fuck.