View Full Version : Military emails NO U.S. sailors witnessed Osama bin Laden's secret burial at sea

General of Darkness
15th May 2013, 07:41 AM
We knew that day one.

Revealed: Military emails show that NO U.S. sailors witnessed Osama bin Laden's secret burial at sea

Emails describe how Osama bin Laden's body was washed, wrapped in a white sheet and slid into the sea after religious remarks in Arabic

Defense Department says it cannot find any images or videos of bin Laden's aboard USS Carl Vinson
Pentagon failed to produce autopsy report, death certificate or results of DNA tests

Military officials referred to bin Laden's body as 'package' in coded missives
Release of emails mark first public disclosure of information about bin Laden's May 1, 2011 death

By Daily Mail Reporter (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/search.html?s=&authornamef=Daily+Mail+Reporter)
PUBLISHED: 19:17 EST, 21 November 2012 | UPDATED: 19:17 EST, 21 November 2012

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http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/11/21/article-2236617-14BD2D25000005DC-305_306x423.jpg Enemy No 1: Internal emails released by the Defense Department show that no U.S. sailors witnessed Osama bin Laden's burial at sea aboard USS Carl Vinson

Internal emails among U.S. military officers indicate that no American sailors watched Osama bin Laden's burial at sea from the USS Carl Vinson, and traditional Islamic procedures were followed during the secret ceremony.
The emails, obtained by The Associated Press through the Freedom of Information Act, are heavily blacked out, but are the first public disclosure of government information about the al-Qaida leader's death. The emails were released Wednesday by the Defense Department.
Bin Laden was killed on May 1, 2011, by a Navy SEAL team that assaulted his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
One email stamped secret and sent on May 2 by a senior Navy officer briefly describes how bin Laden's body was washed, wrapped in a white sheet, and then placed in a weighted bag.
According to another message from the Vinson's public affairs officer, only a small group of the ship's leadership was informed of the burial.
‘Traditional procedures for Islamic burial was followed,’ the May 2 email from Rear Adm. Charles Gaouette reads. ‘The deceased's body was washed (ablution) then placed in a white sheet. The body was placed in a weighted bag.
‘A military officer read prepared religious remarks, which were translated into Arabic by a native speaker. After the words were complete, the body was placed on a prepared flat board, tipped up, whereupon the deceased's body slid into the sea.’

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/11/22/article-2236617-1627F741000005DC-524_634x389.jpg Final destination: Bin Laden's body was taken to an unknown location aboard USS Carl Vinson and dropped into the sea, but the Defense Department says that it cannot find any images showing the terrorist mastermind's remains on the ship

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/11/22/article-2236617-0F339ADD00000578-333_634x418.jpg Fallen mastermind: In this undated file image from video seized from bin Laden's walled compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, the al Qaeda leader watches TV

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/11/22/article-2236617-1627F5BB000005DC-364_634x417.jpg Stronghold: Members of the anti-terrorism squad are seen surrounding the compound where bin Laden was killed by Navy SEAL Team 6 in Abbottabad May 4, 2011

The email also included a cryptic reference to the intense secrecy surrounding the mission.
‘The paucity of documentary evidence in our possession is a reflection of the emphasis placed on operational security during the execution of this phase of the operation,’ Gaouette's message reads.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/11/22/article-2236617-1627F5BF000005DC-665_306x423.jpg Long-awaited news: U.S. President Barack Obama is pictured after announcing live on television the death of Osama bin Laden from the East Room of the White House in Washington May 1, 2011

Recipients of the email included Adm. Mike Mullen, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. James Mattis, the top officer at U.S. Central Command. Mullen retired from the military in September 2011.
Earlier, Gaouette, then the deputy commander of the Navy's Fifth Fleet, and another officer used code words to discuss whether the helicopters carrying the SEALs and bin Laden's body had arrived on the Vinson.
‘Any news on the package for us?’ he asked Rear Adm. Samuel Perez, commander of the carrier strike group that included the Vinson.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2236617/Revealed-Military-emails-NO-U-S-sailors-witnessed-Osama-bin-Ladens-secret-burial-sea.html#ixzz2TN9Wj8nM
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15th May 2013, 09:32 AM
If you do research on DNA and how it is used, you realize that everything would have had to be 100% PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT for the US military to be able to confirm so quickly a DNA match after they killed him. In the midst of a special ops exercise which no matter how well planned is always likely to contain some kind of chaos, to be able to confirm a DNA match in the timeline they presented meant that either 1) they are lying or 2) they had a complete lab present at the scene and everything worked perfectly on the first try. Not very believable.

15th May 2013, 09:42 AM
I remember when they published the death photos. I saw a bunch of idiots ready to believe that the badly Photoshopped pictures were real. When it came from official sources that they where bogus even though that's where they came from in the first place - the lemmings still didn't see anything fishy with the story and instead resorted to calling us that saw through the bullcrap for "conspiracy theorists" and spewed out all sorts of childish nonsense.

It's really a sad state of affairs. You can take these people everywhere, they are ready to believe everything as long as it comes from a person standing on a podium.

Hatha Sunahara
15th May 2013, 10:20 AM
Just like our money, reality too has been hijacked. We now have 'fiat reality'. And just like the money, there are enough fools who treat it like the real thing. It's real because we say it's real. You better believe it. Everybody else does. Got a problem with that?

The real tragedy is that the people who can still think have to live in a sea of deluded fools and suffer the consequences of those delusions which they don't share.

A lie is a lie no matter how many people believe it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it. We have a crisis of consciousness and the resolution will be very painful for everybody.


15th May 2013, 11:03 AM
Buin Laden died in 2001, after he kept making videos declaring his innocence

15th May 2013, 04:32 PM
Just like our money, reality too has been hijacked. We now have 'fiat reality'. And just like the money, there are enough fools who treat it like the real thing. It's real because we say it's real. You better believe it. Everybody else does. Got a problem with that?

The real tragedy is that the people who can still think have to live in a sea of deluded fools and suffer the consequences of those delusions which they don't share.

A lie is a lie no matter how many people believe it. The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it. We have a crisis of consciousness and the resolution will be very painful for everybody.


One of the best posts I've read.
