View Full Version : Stoned with BRICS

15th May 2013, 06:19 PM

Here is an interesting article that supports the idea that Russia and China have allied to become the new "kings of the east" from Revelation 16 in the overthrow of Mystery Babylon. It appears that Babylon is about to get stoned by some BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

"A week before the recent BRICS summit in Durban, the Kremlin administration has silently produced a document which describes the Russian strategy in the context of BRICS cooperation. The document makes for a fascinating read for anyone brave enough to plow through the dense Russian legalese. The strategy has been designed in the “inner circle” of Vladimir Putin’s team, so it is safe to assume that it represents the official view on the BRICS future.

In Russia, politics are Byzantine; the fact that the Kremlin decided not to hide the document or leak it to a chosen few journalists, but publish it outright is a very strong signal, a very vocal angry signal directed at the US. A signal that the Western media chose to ignore.

In the recitals section of the document, the authors point out that “there is a common desire of the BRICS partners to reform the outdated global financial and economic framework that doesn’t take into account the growing economic weight of the emerging markets.” Moreover, the Russian strategists view the BRICS as a tool to reform the way the world is being governed. Then the document hammers home its message:

Russia assumes that, given enough political will of the leadership of the BRICS countries to advance their cooperation, this alliance can become one of the key elements of a new system for global governance, primarily in the economic and financial domains.

Move aside New World Order! The BRICS are coming to change the world."

Hatha Sunahara
15th May 2013, 08:59 PM
How do you know that the BRICS are not a part of the NWO? Just one branch of it--kinda like the Democrats and the Republicans?

Maybe the BRICS want to dominate the world just like the Anglo American Empire does. It might be a struggle for dominance, not for ideology.


16th May 2013, 06:26 AM
How do you know that the BRICS are not a part of the NWO?

They are all tools in the hand of the Creator to bring about repentance {changed mind} in those who claim to honor Him.
Mercy triumphes over justice.


16th May 2013, 07:25 AM
How do you know that the BRICS are not a part of the NWO?

certainly the BRICS are part of the NWO.

but they are not the heart of the NWO.

i remember an article from about 20 years ago that i thought spoke truth. it basically said, if Russia & China & Iran and all the countries with powerful economies and significant resource stashes started getting along and cooperating economically, the US would be toast.

for example, the BRICS countries and countries that put up with the US, if they came to the realization (regarding the US), "we don't need you & we don't need what you're selling."

that is already happening in the area of currencies. the Chinese have stopped buying and have become net sellers of US treasuries.

(of course, that won't work out well for we US citizens, because it means the US government will come after us & our wealth.)

i haven't done enough world-travelling to know which countries are most enlightened about the Jew World Order.

but from reading all the comments on various web pages & Youtube pages, where people comment about "the Jews", it does seem like people are getting it.

about the only pages with comments, that have pro-Jewish comments, are the ones that moderate every comment.

i don't like to see the US & Israel raising Jewish Hell all over the world. i would welcome Saudi Arabia kicking out Uncle Sam, and i would like to see India taking back Diego Garcia, the island off their coast that was hijacked by the US many decades ago for a US base.

i still don't understand Putin. certainly there are lots of pictures where he is confab'ing with the Rabbi's. but he could just be 'making nice', i.e. performing diplomatic duties.

i wonder if he has the balls to tell Israel to 'Stick it'.

there was a possible sign, from back when Russia was bombing Chechnya. Israel had a base there, a base that could be used to attack Iran. My understanding is that Russia bombed the base, including all the Israeli munitions.

it wasn't a Debka-file spoof article, but it's still hard to get accurate info. about.