View Full Version : Illuminated chem/con trail
25th May 2013, 10:50 PM
I was sitting in the jacuzzi drinking a Rodenbach Grand Cru. The sun had set maybe 30-45 minutes ago, so it was dark at ground level, but maybe not at 20,000-40,000 feet. I had the jacuzzi lights off, and no outdoor lights. I noticed a line forming in the sky. As I looked up I saw a plane flying by pretty high (no noise). As it flew an illuminated trail was left behind. Over time it widened a bit, and moved rapidly across the sky (maybe 60 degrees in 5 minutes). The wind speed at altitude must have been very fast (easterly).
25th May 2013, 11:19 PM
4.65/5 rDev +8.4%
look: 5 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.75
I've had this several times, but this is the first real sit down analysis for me. From the 750ml C&C bottle into my tasting glass. BB 11/06/15
Pours a murky garnet with a tight two finger light khaki head. Solid retention for the style with pretty good lacing.
Tart, but not sour. Picking up a bunch of funky apples, like really ripe apple skins. Characteristic balsamic vinegar. Dome vinous notes, and barrel juice. Bits of oak and even some vanilla. No hops, and no straightforward malts. Wonderfully complex, I could smell this all day.
Slightly tart on the front that quickly blossoms into an array of that funky apple, ripe cherry, and oak. More vanilla than I anticipated. All this with a very nice Belgian candy sweetness that keeps things in check. The sour side of this beer is subdued compared to some of the hardcore guezes and American wilds, but very well balanced between the lactic and acetic. Sourness builds ad this warms, but never overpowers. This is seriously tasty.
A solid medium, with ample carbonation. Finishes dry and clean, with just the right amount of pucker. Superior drinkability, and one of the most refreshing beers I've
Overall this is one of the best Flanders Reds I've had, right up there with Cuvee des Jacobins. This hits the perfect balance of sweet and sour. So layered and complex, I can hardly believe this is just water, barley, hops, and assorted bugs. There are just so many fruit flavors here, and the added vanilla/barrel character just brings it to that next level. The best part is its widely available and cheap relative to the style. I could drink this every day. If you are a fan of sours and haven't tried this one you need to. If you are wondering about trying a sour beer, this is a great place to start. Cheers!
Serving type: bottle
Maybe this guy should have also looked up at the evening sky too.
26th May 2013, 12:12 AM
Its a full moon, you can see the trails at night. They aren't even hiding them anymore.
26th May 2013, 01:25 AM
Chemtrail Forecast North America Evening – Night (
26th May 2013, 01:30 AM
Uncensored Interview Reveals Lord Monckton Involved In Chemtrails/Geoengineering Cover Up (
On April the 7th, Jon Eisen, the editor of Uncensored magazine, interviewed Lord Christopher Monckton on camera. The film, which is currently being edited, will be released online soon said Eisen, and will show that Monckton is, as many have suspected, playing an active role in the chemtrail/geoengineering cover up.
Billions of dollars have been spent to confuse the public about climate science, “man-made global warming,” and conceal the fact that chemtrails are real. As the ‘CLIMATE OF FREEDOM – April 2013′ tour kicks off around New Zealand, many have been wondering about Monckton’s role in this murky “climate change” disinformation campaign lately, as time-after-time he blatantly refuses to acknowledge what a mountain of scientific evidence shows us – that chemtrails/geoengineering are real.
When the topic of chemtrails has been raised in the past, he has dodged it by saying, amongst other things, that he does not know anything about it or says he doesn’t talk about “conspiracy theories.” Chemtrails are conspiracy fact, not theory.
26th May 2013, 08:28 AM
Lord Monckton is on Alex Jones all the time, more reason to suspect that he is just a plant. 95% of the interviews on ALEX Jones are plants... the other real 5% usually end up dead... Just ask the social worker from the south who thought AJ was her friend and ended up dead after she uncovered some dirt and kept trying to call into AJ's show to report it. READ MY SIGNATURE LINE!!!!
26th May 2013, 08:46 AM
Uncensored Interview Reveals Lord Monckton Involved In Chemtrails/Geoengineering Cover Up (
On April the 7th, Jon Eisen, the editor of Uncensored magazine, interviewed Lord Christopher Monckton on camera. The film, which is currently being edited, will be released online soon said Eisen, and will show that Monckton is, as many have suspected, playing an active role in the chemtrail/geoengineering cover up.
Billions of dollars have been spent to confuse the public about climate science, “man-made global warming,” and conceal the fact that chemtrails are real. As the ‘CLIMATE OF FREEDOM – April 2013′ tour kicks off around New Zealand, many have been wondering about Monckton’s role in this murky “climate change” disinformation campaign lately, as time-after-time he blatantly refuses to acknowledge what a mountain of scientific evidence shows us – that chemtrails/geoengineering are real.
When the topic of chemtrails has been raised in the past, he has dodged it by saying, amongst other things, that he does not know anything about it or says he doesn’t talk about “conspiracy theories.” Chemtrails are conspiracy fact, not theory.
I saw the film, on their webpage that you posted (so I guess it is not edited any longer), I don't think it is fair to say that lord Monckton would be involved in a cover up in re to chemtrails, he didn't appear to be a believer in them, but he repeatedly stated that he wanted evidence for them. I do think that Lord Monckton has done a lot in terms of exposing the man made global warming establishment, sure he could be a disinformant re other issues, but I don't think his current stance on the chemtrails issue would support that...
26th May 2013, 09:45 AM
Then you have the issue, if indeed Monckton would agree to the issue that chemtrails are spread and do contribute to cloud cover, then it would put his work on global warming being a natural process in question, clouds do cool the earth at the ground level because they reflect sun light to space more than they insulate and preserve heat, that is an established fact. Then it could be argued that yes the world has been heating up due to mans carbon emission activities but it has been countered the last 15-20 years because of widespread geo-engineering with chemtrails. For myself I do think that global heating during the 20th century was for most part a natural process, and yes there could be a chemtrails agenda (not certain), but if there is I doubt that it is contributing much to global cooling. You are most likely to get jet contrails/chemtrails in population dense areas, where aeroplanes land and take off, but most areas of earth you don't have much flights (think Antarctica, Arctic, Oceans, Africa). Maybe that Jon Eisen dude is the disinformant? He does look Jewish and Eisen sounds Jewish...
26th May 2013, 09:56 AM
Having said that, I must say that Jon Eisens mag Uncensored, exposes a lot, from a NZ complainer:
The January-March issue of Uncensored offers examples of the magazine's anti-semitism. The cover of the issue shows Barack Obama with a star of David on his sleeve, suggesting he is a tool of Jews. An article inside called 'The Unspeakable Truth of 9/11' insists that the Israeli spy agency Mossad orchestrated the attacks on the World Trade Centre, and another article called 'The Real Agenda behind the Monetary Crisis' calls the world's media 'Jewish-occupied' and claims that Jews control the American Federal Reserve. Yet another article claims that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent, and calls her 'President Clinton's chunky Jewish girlfriend'.
26th May 2013, 09:57 AM
Maybe this guy should have also looked up at the evening sky too.
I'm just thanking you for the pic and the review... that's a good'un!
Promotion of a great and historic industry is something I will always support!
26th May 2013, 11:45 AM
Maybe this guy should have also looked up at the evening sky too.
The reviewer says it is not sour, but I woukd say it is (in a pleasant way).
26th May 2013, 02:13 PM
Then you have the issue, if indeed Monckton would agree to the issue that chemtrails are spread and do contribute to cloud cover, then it would put his work on global warming being a natural process in question, clouds do cool the earth at the ground level because they reflect sun light to space more than they insulate and preserve heat, that is an established fact. Then it could be argued that yes the world has been heating up due to mans carbon emission activities but it has been countered the last 15-20 years because of widespread geo-engineering with chemtrails. For myself I do think that global heating during the 20th century was for most part a natural process, and yes there could be a chemtrails agenda (not certain), but if there is I doubt that it is contributing much to global cooling. You are most likely to get jet contrails/chemtrails in population dense areas, where aeroplanes land and take off, but most areas of earth you don't have much flights (think Antarctica, Arctic, Oceans, Africa). Maybe that Jon Eisen dude is the disinformant? He does look Jewish and Eisen sounds Jewish...
Well that's a mouthfull, there has to be a conspiracy in there somewhere... :)
Two wrongs can't make a right. Though they are slowly leeching out the geo-engineering topic, in another generation or so folks will think it a norm.
I remember the girl at work aknowledging there existence, but then saying "I guess its something they are doing to help us"...
Like she appreciated being a guinea pig or something? i dunno?
26th May 2013, 03:18 PM
Very Illuminating :)
27th May 2013, 07:19 AM
Gundriller said: Having said that, I must say that Jon Eisens mag Uncensored, exposes a lot, from a NZ complainer: (
The January-March issue of Uncensored offers examples of the magazine's anti-semitism. The cover of the issue shows Barack Obama with a star of David on his sleeve, suggesting he is a tool of Jews. An article inside called 'The Unspeakable Truth of 9/11' insists that the Israeli spy agency Mossad orchestrated the attacks on the World Trade Centre, and another article called 'The Real Agenda behind the Monetary Crisis' calls the world's media 'Jewish-occupied' and claims that Jews control the American Federal Reserve. Yet another article claims that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent, and calls her 'President Clinton's chunky Jewish girlfriend'.
Talk about in plain sight: so far that magazine is 100% correct!
27th May 2013, 02:22 PM
Gundriller said: Having said that, I must say that Jon Eisens mag Uncensored, exposes a lot, from a NZ complainer: (
The January-March issue of Uncensored offers examples of the magazine's anti-semitism. The cover of the issue shows Barack Obama with a star of David on his sleeve, suggesting he is a tool of Jews. An article inside called 'The Unspeakable Truth of 9/11' insists that the Israeli spy agency Mossad orchestrated the attacks on the World Trade Centre, and another article called 'The Real Agenda behind the Monetary Crisis' calls the world's media 'Jewish-occupied' and claims that Jews control the American Federal Reserve. Yet another article claims that Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad agent, and calls her 'President Clinton's chunky Jewish girlfriend'.
Talk about in plain sight: so far that magazine is 100% correct!
Yeah truth is anti-shlomotic!
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