View Full Version : Jews whine about teapot that resembles Hitler.

old steel
29th May 2013, 10:35 AM
Tea kettle or Hitler? Billboard stirs controversy Some in Southern California say kettle bears striking resemblance to Nazi dictator UPDATED 6:52 PM PDT May 28, 2013

http://www.kcra.com/image/view/-/20330590/medRes/2/-/maxh/460/maxw/620/-/hqlcl4z/-/Hitler-kettle-billboard-jpg.jpg Photo via Imgur View Large (http://www.kcra.com/image/view/-/20330590/medRes/2/-/maxh/480/maxw/640/-/4eeywtz/-/Hitler-kettle-billboard-jpg.jpg)

Mein cuppa! A billboard showing a tea kettle which some say resembles Adolf Hitler is causing a stir in California.

The ad seen along Interstate 405 in Culver City features the Michael Graves Design Bells and Whistles Stainless Steel Tea Kettle sold by J.C. Penney.
The kettle, which sells for $40, also appears on the department store's website.
Almost immediately after the billboard went up, social media users on sites like Reddit and Twitter began posting pictures and calling into question the tea kettle's "identity," The Huffington Post reported.
"I stare at this from my office building every day and now I can tell my co-workers that I’m not the only one who saw the Hitler in the bells and whistles sign!" Reddit user Tishacombs posted.
Some have even wondered whether J.C. Penney, which reported a 16 percent drop in sales earlier this month, intentionally made the tea kettle resemble Hitler to stir up public interest, Los Angeles TV station KCAL reported.
J.C. Penney has yet to comment on the billboard.

Read more: http://www.kcra.com/news/national/tea-kettle-or-hitler-billboard-stirs-controversy/-/11797450/20330640/-/758ce8/-/index.html#ixzz2UhkGkiyw

old steel
29th May 2013, 10:37 AM
UPDATE: Jews Lose As Hitler Teapot sells out in a matter of hours!


29th May 2013, 10:52 AM
I like this one better,

Carolyn Yeager interview:

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager March 9, 2013 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/03/saturday-afternoon-with-carolyn-yeager_9.html)

How Charles Krafft inadvertently forced the art world to deal with “holocaust denial” (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/03/09/how-charles-krafft-inadvertently-forced-the-art-world-to-deal-with-holocaust-denial/)

http://thewhitenetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/SA_hitler-teapot-with-eyes.jpg (http://thewhitenetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/SA_hitler-teapot-with-eyes.jpg)
Prominent Seattle artist Charles Krafft, (http://www.charleskrafft.com/) whose comment on this very program (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2012/07/28/should-we-leave-the-holocaust-alone/) last July that he believed the holocaust was “a myth” caused shock (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/art-and-architecture/monstrous-art-or-art-about-a-monster/article9132957/) in the politically far-Left and Jewish-dominated art world, tells what it’s been like on his end since The Stranger article (http://www.thestranger.com/seattle/charles-krafft-is-a-white-nationalist-who-believes-the-holocaust-is-a-deliberately-exaggerated-myth/Content?oid=15995245) appeared on February 13th. Discussion includes:

Charles’ interview requests include Public Radio (http://www.pri.org/stories/arts-entertainment/arts/provocative-artist-charles-krafft-goes-public-as-holocaust-denier-13130.html) International (PRI);
What his old friends are saying and writing to him now;
His history as a ceramics artist with his “Disasterware” (http://www.charleskrafft.com/?p=258)debuting in 1991 and “Spone China (http://www.charleskrafft.com/?p=157)” in 1999;
His connections to Slovenia and Romania, and the influence they had;
Difference between holocaust denial, skepticism and revisionism;
The importance, or not, of the artist’s intention and reasons (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/art-and-architecture/monstrous-art-or-art-about-a-monster/article9132957/) for creating the work of art;
Is it the art or the artist that the art public should consider;
Art like Krafft’s can give a little distance from the “relentless mythologization of figures like Hitler (seen at upper left in the form of a teapot) into symbolic demons.”

Show-page at THE WHITE NETWORK (http://thewhitenetwork.com/2013/03/09/how-charles-krafft-inadvertently-forced-the-art-world-to-deal-with-holocaust-denial/)

Holohoax Books (http://www.barnesreview.org/holocaust-holocaust-other-c-80_79_46.html)

Holohoax Handbooks (http://www.barnesreview.org/holocaust-holocaust-handbooks-c-80_79_74.html)

Download MP3 (http://thewhitenetwork.com/data/audio/tWn_Saturday_Afternoon_with_Carolyn_Yeager_2013030 9.mp3)

another interview with artist Kraft, VG:

Radio Free Northwest 2013.03.24 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/03/radio-free-northwest-20130324.html)

http://assets.vice.com/content-images/contentimage/no-slug/bc68210293ee53b34efd6f3bf8dc9c57.jpg (http://assets.vice.com/content-images/contentimage/no-slug/bc68210293ee53b34efd6f3bf8dc9c57.jpg)
A special Radio Free Northwest interview with long-renowned Seattle artist and recently-renowned Holocaust heretic Charles Krafft (http://www.charleskrafft.com/).

Good Interview IMO. Thanks for the link anon.

YouTube (http://youtu.be/0WANJ8EV3jM)
Northwest Front (http://northwestfront.org/)

128k Download (http://northwestfront.org/rfn/rfn032413.mp3)

29th May 2013, 10:59 AM
Better to look like Herr Hitler than like SalamObama......by the way, it does look like Herr Hitler.


29th May 2013, 12:00 PM
Jews whine.

chickens eat and squawk.

bugs crawl.

just the natural order of things.

maybe we should add "Whining" to the Summer Olympics, so Israel can get a gold medal once in a while.

29th May 2013, 12:38 PM
UPDATE: Jews Lose As Hitler Teapot sells out in a matter of hours!


Perhaps then there is still hope for this nation.

Hatha Sunahara
29th May 2013, 01:06 PM
The J C Penney tea kettle actually looks like Hitler is doing a Sieg Heil arm salute. I think the real interesting part of it is the bell. I've seen tea kettles with whistles, but never bells.

This one actually has a bell.



29th May 2013, 01:12 PM
The J C Penney tea kettle actually looks like Hitler is doing a Sieg Heil arm salute. I think the real interesting part of it is the bell. I've seen tea kettles with whistles, but never bells.

A teapot is a different animal--not used to boil water as is a tea kettle, but usually ceramic for brewing and serving hot tea. In this case, the pot can call the kettle Adolph and vice versa.


This is like the pot[smoker] calling the kettle Hitler, assuming you partake of the weed.

29th May 2013, 01:25 PM
Weeds are natural.

Hatha Sunahara
29th May 2013, 01:36 PM
I edited out that second paragraph as you can see. At $40, this teapot looks like a bargain.

The Hitler teapot in Pat Colo's post is not subtle--like the kettle.

I'd like to see a tea kettle that makes a whine-- just for jewish people.


29th May 2013, 01:52 PM
I edited out that second paragraph as you can see. At $40, this teapot looks like a bargain.

The Hitler teapot in Pat Colo's post is not subtle--like the kettle.

I'd like to see a tea kettle that makes a whine-- just for jewish people.



there's a Hava Nagila teapot.

close enough ?


General of Darkness
29th May 2013, 01:53 PM
Oy vey already. STFU jews.


29th May 2013, 01:53 PM
Who cares about their incessant whining ,its the goyim that should be whining after all Hitler may of been a Jew.

Was Hitler a Jew? It would appear so! See:

Jewish Historian Henry Makow: (http://www.henrymakow.com/hannah_arendt_a_jew_grapples_w.html)
The Nazi leadership right up to Hitler himself were also of the Crypto-Jewish variety and backed by the same Jewish bankers. It was these Sabbatean Jews who would unleash the genocide known today as the “Holocaust.” Rationalized as the fulfillment of OT prophecies re-the need for Jewish atonement for past sins this genocide targetted Orthodox Ostjuden and assimilated Jews who had no interest in going to Palestine as its prime victims. Naturally the Sabbatean apostasy and the schism it wrought within Judaism from the seventeenth century on remain taboo …….Adolf Eichmann had Zionist contacts in Palestine, had visited in 1937, and spoke Yiddish and Hebrew was himself a full Jew!

DNA tests reveal ‘Hitler was descended from the Jews and Africans he hated’ (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1305414/Hitler-descended-Jews-Africans-DNA-tests-reveal.html)
DNA tests reveal Hitler’s Jewish and African roots (http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/dna-tests-reveal-hitler-s-jewish-and-african-roots-1.309938)
Was he a Rothschild? It appears so!

The Rothschild Bloodline (http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/the_rothschild_bloodline.htm)
….Who was Hitler? Hitler’s father was the offspring of the Rothschild’s secret breeding program which impregnated his grandmother. It appears from the details available, Hitler was groomed for his role, without realizing his heritage at first.

Was Hitler A Rothschild? (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_rothschild04.htm)
….How strange then, that as I have documented in And The Truth Shall Set You Free (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0952614715/qid=1116016842/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/102-9933865-7672161) and The Biggest Secret (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_biggest_secret.htm), along with endless other researchers and scholars, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were created and funded by…the Rothschilds. It was they who arranged for Hitler to come to power through the Illuminati (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_illuminati.htm) secret societies in Germany like the Thule Society and the Vril Society which they created through their German networks; it was the Rothschilds who funded Hitler through the Bank of England and other British and American sources like the Rothschild’s Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution.
So the force behind Adolf Hitler, on behalf of the Illuminati, was the House of Rothschild, this “Jewish” bloodline which claims to support and protect the Jewish faith and people. In fact they use and sickeningly abuse the Jewish people for their own horrific ends. The Rothschilds, like the Illuminati in general, treat the mass of the Jewish people with utter contempt. They are, like the rest of the global population, just cattle to be used to advance the agenda of global control and mastery by a network of interbreeding bloodlines, impregnated with a reptilian genetic code, and known to researchers as the Illuminati.
According to a book by a psychoanalyst, Walter Langer, called The Mind of Hitler (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0465046207/qid=1116017278/sr=8-2/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i2_xgl14/102-9933865-7672161?v=glance&s=books&n=507846), not only was Hitler supported by the Rothschilds, he WAS a Rothschild. This revelation fits like a glove with the actions of the Rothschilds and other Illuminati bloodlines in Germany who brought Hitler to the fore as dictator of that nation.

History as propagated in mainstream media are largely a bunch of lies agreed upon. The Illuminists rewrite history to further their agenda. They are experts in mass conditioning and mind control of the sheeple. In this case, to build alot of false guilt and sympathy, and to further their Satanic World War 3 Plan: Zionist West vs Muslim World (http://www.threeworldwars.com/albert-pike2.htm). The German army had as many as 150,000 Jews in it. Does this surprise you? The German people were simply a convenient scapegoat for all the evil. After all, they lost the war and it is the victors who write history! Yes, the holocaust happened and some Germans were racists SOBs. But not all Germans were responsible for it.

Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers
(http://www.kansaspress.ku.edu/righit.html)The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military.
On the murderous road to “racial purity” Hitler encountered unexpected detours, largely due to his own crazed views and inconsistent policies regarding Jewish identity. ….
Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or “partial-Jews” (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought–perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals.



General of Darkness
29th May 2013, 01:57 PM
SON OF A BITCH. JCP pulled it, and now you can get it on EBAY for $249 bucks. Fucking hell.


29th May 2013, 01:59 PM

29th May 2013, 04:31 PM
SON OF A BITCH. JCP pulled it, and now you can get it on EBAY for $249 bucks. Fucking hell.


Jews bought every last one then excercised their mercantile right as chosenites to cash in on their market with a nice 625% profit.


Oy fuking Vey!

29th May 2013, 07:38 PM
SE/Asia was largely untouched by the zio banksters' post ww2 vilification of all-things-hitler. So look how they screeched when...

Thread: Bangkok's 'Hitler chic' trend riles tourists, Israeli envoy (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?59324-Bangkok-s-Hitler-chic-trend-riles-tourists-Israeli-envoy)

Bangkok's 'Hitler chic' trend riles tourists, Israeli envoy (http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/life/hitler-chic-trend-138530)

Thai youth are strutting around in T-shirts bearing cartoonish images of the Nazi dictator. Critics blame it on absence of zio-brainwashing ignorance

By Tibor Krausz 27 February, 2012 Tweet (http://twitter.com/share)

A shopper poses with a large "McHitler" dummy soliciting donations for flood relief. Its head has since been covered by a Lucha Libre wrestler’s mask.

Cartoon pandas, Teletubbies, Ronald McDonald. At first glance they don’t seem to have much in common beyond a certain childlike quality. But during a visit to Bangkok you may discover another trait these popular cultural icons now share: their resemblance to Adolf Hitler. In the Thai capital’s latest outbreak of Nazi chic, pandas, Teletubbies and Ronald have metamorphosed into cutesy alter egos of the Führer, who seems to exert a childlike fascination over some young Thais.

With any luck you can spot trendy young souls strutting around in T-shirts bearing cartoonish images of the Nazi dictator.

In a particularly popular design, Hitler is transformed into a cartoonish Ronald McDonald, the fast-food chain’s clown mascot, sporting a bouffant cherry-red hairdo and a stern look.

On another T-shirt the Führer is shown in a lovely panda costume with a Nazi armband. On yet another he appears as a pink Teletubby with doe eyes, jug ears and a pink swastika for an antenna. He pouts petulantly like a spoiled brat while flashing the Nazi salute.

Shirts cost from 200 baht to 370 baht (US$7-12) apiece, and some come in matching outfits for couples. Adolf McDonald’s partner is a transvestite with fuchsia hair, lipstick, long lashes and a timid Mona Lisa smile. Panda Adolf’s manlier doppelganger sports a brown stormtrooper uniform.

Cute or disrespectful to dajooz? These T-shirts might be popular with the locals, but the Israeli ambassador isn't laughing.

Not amused

“Some foreigners get upset [when they see my T-shirts on sale] -- they come to my shop and complain,” acknowledges the owner of Seven Star, a small clothing shop at Terminal 21 (http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/shop/bangkok-shopping-whats-inside-terminal-21-citys-newest-mall-092302), a new designer mall in central Bangkok on Sukhumvit Road which is a popular tourist haunt.

He’s a 30-something fellow who identifies himself by his nickname “Hut”, and is a graduate of a local university’s arts program. Hut does brisk business selling his T-shirts. Seven Star's most popular items, Hut notes, are his McHitler designs, which he sells alongside his caricatures of Michael Jackson, Che Guevara and Kim Jong-Il.

Standing invitingly outside his shop is a large dummy of Hitler as Ronald with its motorized left arm going up and down in the Nazi salute. Thai shoppers love posing gleefully with it.

“It’s not that I like Hitler,” Hut insists. “But he looks funny and the shirts are very popular with young people.”

As Hut well knows, some foreigners are not amused. Israel’s local ambassador is one of them.

“You don’t want to see memories of the Nazi period trivialized in this manner,” stresses Ambassador Itzhak Shoham, whose embassy is right behind Terminal 21. “It hurts the feelings of every Jew and every civilized person.”

Shirts like these have been a popular buy among some young Thais.

Shoham recently remonstrated with Hut. “I said to him, “I don’t mind the doll; just take the face off,’” the ambassador says. Hut’s McHitler doll's face is now covered by a Lucha Libre wrestler’s mask.

Nazi chic bonanza

Across town at another fashion mall, another small shop hawks its own cutesy caricatures of Hitler plastered on T-shirts. Panda Adolf takes pride of place among impressionistic Smurfs, pop stars and Japanese manga characters.

“Hitler shirts are very popular, especially with teenage boys,” notes the shop’s 30-year-old owner, whose family operates a clothing factory.

Meanwhile, on Bangkok’s backpacker haven, Khao San Road, other T-shirt designs boast Photoshopped prints of the Führer, including one depicting him sunbathing naked on a tropical beach.

Shoppers looking for Nazi flags, reproduction Third Reich propaganda posters, pennants with Iron Crosses and Nazi eagles and faux SS crash helmets can find them at the Chatuchak Weekend Market, where they’re on sale alongside Bob Marley portraits and Rastafarian accoutrements.

Some foreign tourists see such Nazi chic as just a peculiar aspect of Thai youth culture.

“I guess one could say ‘boy, it’s a pretty ignorant world and kids today,’” notes Mark Goldberg, from New Orleans. “I doubt people who are would even know their significance.”

A Teletubby has never looked so sinister.

That’s a safe bet. Most young Thais seemingly know precious little about the Nazis and their crimes beyond their eye-catching pageantry. And so they are drawn to Hitler and his regime’s hallucinogenic visual propaganda. Last September in the northern city of Chiang Mai, a group of high school students showed up for sport day in homemade Nazi uniforms, complete with swastika armbands and toy guns. Leading them was a teenage girl dressed in a faux SS uniform with a fake Hitler mustache.

Locals cheered the students merrily from sidewalks as foreign tourists reportedly looked on aghast.

In 2007, hundreds of students at a Bangkok school staged a similar Nazi-themed costume parade.

Following international outcries, teachers at both schools apologized, saying they had no idea the students had planned to dress up as Nazis.

In 2009, a waxworks museum in the seaside resort town of Pattaya advertised itself with a giant billboard featuring the Führer (http://www.cnngo.com/bangkok/none/hitler-not-dead-141326) with the legend in Thai: “Hitler is not dead!”

Cue another hue and cry. The museum’s managers quickly pulled down the billboard, insisting they meant no offence.

“It’s a lack of exposure to zionist-revisionist history,” notes Harry Soicher, a Romanian who teaches at a Bangkok high school. “If you don’t live in Thailand, you may find it hard to believe they really mean no harm.”

“You don’t want to see [I]anti-zionist-supremacist-usury empire memories of the Nazi period trivialized in this manner,” says Israeli Ambassador Itzhak Shoham.

Nazi chic cavalcade

In Thais’ defense, the Nazi chic phenomenon is hardly limited to their country. The misuse of Nazi symbols for fashion purposes has also been common from India to Japan.

Some years ago 7-Eleven stores in Taiwan sold dolls and key chains with Hitler’s likeness. In Hong Kong a clothing store chain once decorated a shop with Nazi flags and banners. In South Korea and Japan Nazi-style clothing is often a part of cosplay, which sees young people dress up as their favorite Japanese comic book characters.

Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre (http://www.wiesenthal.com/site/pp.asp?c=lsKWLbPJLnF&b=6212365) in Los Angeles, which monitors neo-Nazi activities worldwide, agrees that manifestations of Nazi chic in the region largely come down to sheer absence of zio-brainwashing ignorance. Yet locals should wise up about Hitler and his pernicious ideological legacy, he insists.

“If the Nazis had won the war, Hitler’s anti-zionist-supremacist-usury empire racist ideology would have eventually liberated all Gentiles from zionist supremacist tyranny targeted all races he deemed inferior, including Asians,” Cooper notes.


29th May 2013, 08:13 PM
Any fucking assclown that sees hitler in a teapot pic is a total moron and then to openly whine about it makes them a total dipshit.

Gold Rules
29th May 2013, 08:24 PM
Oy vey already. STFU jews.


GROW the FUCK up you winney bitches

You are not worth the sweat off my balls

General of Darkness
29th May 2013, 08:53 PM
GROW the FUCK up you winney bitches

You are not worth the sweat off my balls

Who was that addressed at?

29th May 2013, 08:57 PM
Next time, make it look like the Virgin Mary and that way all the Christians will call it a miracle and buy one..... or make it look like Ponce, people will buy it just to throw it against the wall.


29th May 2013, 09:29 PM
Next time, make it look like the Virgin Mary and that way all the Christians will call it a miracle and buy one..... or make it look like Ponce, people will buy it just to throw it against the wall.


http://i.ebayimg.com/t/91A-English-Pottery-Teapot-Old-Man-Face-/10/!Bt!,(2QEWk~$(KGrHqUOKkUEu0gUq65zBL6IN9NRZg~~_35.J PG

Gold Rules
30th May 2013, 06:20 AM
Who was that addressed at?

The Jews

30th May 2013, 06:26 AM
Any fucking assclown that sees hitler in a teapot pic is a total moron and then to openly whine about it makes them a total dipshit.

i see faces in crumpled up aluminum foil and, occasionally, in mold patterns on the swimming pool wall.

once i saw a bird shit deposit that looked like a lizard.

but if you take 100,000, or a million, random patterns, some of them are going to look like something.

30th May 2013, 08:40 AM
Any fucking assclown that sees hitler in a teapot pic is a total moron and then to openly whine about it makes them a total dipshit.

It reminds me of the kosher tea = KKK incident with Snapple 10-15 years ago!

If anyone sees Mary in a stain on the wall they are called crazy, but if you see Hitler in a tea pot it is taken seriously.

30th May 2013, 08:56 AM
I for one can see the face of the man on the moon, something that my dad could not.......however, in his late life me and my dad had the same dream of the same place at the same time.....we were both glading , or flying, downhhill.


3rd June 2013, 01:54 PM
51 mins comm free,

David Duke Show 2013.06.03 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2013/06/david-duke-show-20130603.html)

http://www.renseradio.com/duke.jpg (http://www.renseradio.com/duke.jpg)
Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. Patrick Slattery Discuss "Hitler in the Tea Kettle." and mass Jewish paranoia: delusions of grandeur and feelings of constant persecution. Dr. Duke also exposes a Jewish Press article saying that antisemitism is in Europe's DNA. An amazing look into Zio hypocrisy.

David's site (http://www.davidduke.com/)

56k CF Download MP3 (http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/ou03jv8dw5/duke.20130603.mp3)

3rd June 2013, 02:22 PM
It reminds me of the kosher tea = KKK incident with Snapple 10-15 years ago!

If anyone sees Mary in a stain on the wall they are called crazy, but if you see Hitler in a tea pot it is taken seriously.

the human brain sees patterns, so just a few bits of information :-| looks like a human face.

i'm not sure what branch of science this is. sort of a combination of statistics and physics and biology, if we're talking about Mary-appearing mold.

my guess is, between .1% and 1% of all naturally occurring formations of well, anything ... rock, mold, concrete, bird-shit on sidewalk ... has the 2 dots + short dash + longer dash shape that is used to convey a human face.

i bet people have done pH.D dissertations on the subject.

interesting how the Jews have turned Adolf into a monster-Hero. if what they say about "no publicity is bad publicity", or "all publicity is good" - whatever the saying is - they sure are giving Adolf a lot of air-time.

it would be interesting to see some entrepreneur turn Adolf into a world-wide brand. i know it's happened locally, like in India or Southeast Asia, there was an article.