View Full Version : Police State - California

Silver Rocket Bitches!
30th May 2013, 06:09 PM
A video depicting police from the City of Cotati, California forcing their way into someone's home and then tazing the person filming the incident is causing an uproar on YouTube and LiveLeak.

Displaying utter disregard for the US Constitution, one of four police officers announces they will enter the home due to a domestic violence call, as the persons inside the house argue, "There is no domestic violence, just an argument with yelling," and relay sections of the Fourth Amendment that dictate probable cause and a warrant be obtained prior to police entering someone's home.

Around twenty seconds into the video, one of the officers is seen holstering either a firearm or a Taser.

The officer in charge next asks how many children are in the house, likely assessing the amount of psychological trauma that will soon be dealt out, before asking the persons inside the home why they're not coming out, to which the person filming answers, "Because we don't live in a police state, sir. Martial law has not been established in this country."

Ignoring the person's response, the officer tells the residents to get down on the floor with their hands behind their backs "because we're gonna kick the door."

What comes next is a chilling example of what could happen to anyone in any home in America if police are allowed unrestrained free rein.

Although difficult to pinpoint exactly why police found it necessary to invade the person's home and privacy, it can be assumed that the documented home invasion, constitutional violation and destruction of property would likely have never been brought to light if the person had not filmed the event.


Uncle Salty
30th May 2013, 06:13 PM
This will only get worse when California disarms the population with their draconian gun control laws.

General of Darkness
30th May 2013, 06:24 PM
REPOST and it was suggested that when there is a domestic violence call the police are obligated to check things out, I have no idea what the fuck that means.

HOWEVER, to play devils advocate what if the guy had a gun to the woman saying play along or die. Domestic violence is that gray area, I'm not condoning the actions of the kwaps, but I think the result of the other thread was that if they would have just gone outside, non of this would have escalated to where it went to in the video. Ultimately this is a he said, she said and who called the cops things, maybe they call the cops to do the video, I have no idea. BUT, it does shows how things can go from bad to worse quickly when dealing with these low IQ fucks.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
30th May 2013, 06:31 PM
Sorry for the repost I didn't find it in a search.

It's getting harder and harder to rationalize these pigs' behavior when they trample the very basic human rights of people over and over. It's not a grey area, if you have no warrant you do not enter a home. There was no evidence of a crime taking place. Just this week a guy saw flashlights in his driveway so he asked who it was and next thing you know some cop shot him six times in the chest. This shit is out of control and a boiling point is to be reached before long.

General of Darkness
30th May 2013, 06:44 PM
Sorry for the repost I didn't find it in a search.

It's getting harder and harder to rationalize these pigs' behavior when they trample the very basic human rights of people over and over. It's not a grey area, if you have no warrant you do not enter a home. There was no evidence of a crime taking place. Just this week a guy saw flashlights in his driveway so he asked, HAD A HANDGUN IN HIS HAND who it was and next thing you know some cop shot him six times in the chest. This shit is out of control and a boiling point is to be reached before long.

SRB you'll get no argument from me, in the part of what I quoted I added additional info and he was also MURDERED by a rookie cop. Most cops these days aren't taught the law and are actually selected by their ability to NOT THINK on their own and simply take the law in their own hands and don't give a fuck about the outcome because we're taxed to get murdered by idiots.

I.E. If I'm a cop and shoot you in the face for having a cellphone in your hand that I thought was a handgun and it goes to trial, you're dead so you have no voice, and 99% of the time it becomes a civil trial and then the cops have to pay, but it's not the cops that pay, but the taxpayers WHO didn't sign up for this shit to begin with. It's the most fucked up circle ever.

30th May 2013, 06:46 PM
The "freedom" that you have is the freedom that they allowed you to have, sounds familiar?, same rules as in prison.


30th May 2013, 06:54 PM
Leave California while you can. Do it ASAP.

General of Darkness
30th May 2013, 06:57 PM
Leave California while you can. Do it ASAP.

I fucking HATE that comment. And go where? My mother is too fucked up to take her to Croatia or any place else. Sorry for sounding like an asshole, but her getting sick has fucked up everything.

30th May 2013, 07:06 PM
I fucking HATE that comment. And go where? My mother is too fucked up to take her to Croatia or any place else. Sorry for sounding like an asshole, but her getting sick has fucked up everything.

Really sorry to hear about your Mom, GoD, and prayers sent.

I hate that comment too. I can't sail my boat to Idaho. I could to Oregon, but it's too dang cold. If I sail, I'm sailing south, that means leaving CA and the US, for Mexico, central America, the islands, who knows...

California is a beautiful state, we have the best beaches, best surfing, mountains, deserts, coastal redwoods, we could go on and on. What's happening is the power .gov goons want to destroy it.

30th May 2013, 07:27 PM
And go where?

When you can, (I know you have to take care of your mother) take a road trip to the American Redoubt region. It's just a road trip and sight seeing. Get to know the land and the people. Check out real estate. Check out Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. See what you like. I think The American Redoubt is the best option after all the research I've done over the years on the issue for us White people. To me this region is the last stand for Liberty and the White race. I like Idaho the most since it has the best land IMO for SHTF, and cheap living despite the higher taxes (which is the biggest downside to living here.) I went from being a lower class person to upper-middle class just by moving here and keeping the same level of income.

I saw Wyoming, and a lot of people on this forum live there, but the land itself is difficult to grow food in when you compare Idaho which is the complete opposite (some of the best farmland there is.) You don't have a lot of access to fresh foods like you do in Idaho (which is important to me, but may not be to you.) That's just my opinion. There's that Strategic Relocation thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?69822-Strategic-Relocation-Joel-Skousen) too, if you want any more information on any of these states.

30th May 2013, 07:35 PM
I fucking HATE that comment. And go where? My mother is too fucked up to take her to Croatia or any place else. Sorry for sounding like an asshole, but her getting sick has fucked up everything.

Everyone in Cal is breathing in 5 hot particles a day ,as compared to 10 in Tokyo, your mother may of got sick from this.

The radiation hitting from Japan isnt going to stop anytime soon.

30th May 2013, 07:40 PM
Everyone in Cal is breathing in 5 hot particles a day ,as compared to 10 in Tokyo, your mother may of got sick from this.

The radiation hitting from Japan isnt going to stop anytime soon.

That's happening all along the West Coast unfortunately, though the area I used to lived in near by the San Onofre nuclear plant was horrendous since that plant leaked so much they had to shut the damn thing down.

Using a HEPA air purifier can protect you from this, and allergens. Most of the radioactive particles will get stuck in the filters and you just dispose of them. Also use Reverse Osmosis (https://www.afwfilters.com/portable-ro-systems/mikro-alpha-4-stage-portable-reverse-osmosis-system-with-75-gpd-membrane-242.html) to deal with the fluoride and radiation in the water supplies too.

General of Darkness
30th May 2013, 08:01 PM
Fuck it, i'll shoot my way out. :)

30th May 2013, 09:15 PM
REPOST and it was suggested that when there is a domestic violence call the police are obligated to check things out, I have no idea what the fuck that means.

HOWEVER, to play devils advocate what if the guy had a gun to the woman saying play along or die. Domestic violence is that gray area, I'm not condoning the actions of the kwaps, but I think the result of the other thread was that if they would have just gone outside, non of this would have escalated to where it went to in the video. Ultimately this is a he said, she said and who called the cops things, maybe they call the cops to do the video, I have no idea. BUT, it does shows how things can go from bad to worse quickly when dealing with these low IQ fucks.

Remember the Cambridge black professor. He stepped outside, and they instantly arrested him. Once you step out of your house, you are in "public", and they have a lot more control.

31st May 2013, 07:05 AM
The "freedom" that you have is the freedom that they allowed you to have, sounds familiar?, same rules as in prison.


There is profound truth in that comment.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
31st May 2013, 07:46 AM
Remember the Cambridge black professor. He stepped outside, and they instantly arrested him. Once you step out of your house, you are in "public", and they have a lot more control.

Exactly why you aren't to engage with them at all unless they have a signed warrant. That maxim seems to be fading as now they just bust down your door like a modern day Gestapo. They feel emboldened by the militarization of their force and the cops that got into the job for reasons of justice have all retired early because they don't fit in the fraternity any longer and their replacements are being brought up by the most corrupt scum imaginable. It's criminals helping criminals, just like every other facet of society.

31st May 2013, 12:48 PM
sometimes in such a situation, the primary freedom we have is that of shedding stress & avoiding stressful people & situations.

the freedom of not letting it get to us (easier said than done), and of staying focussed on creative & good things (easier said than done).