View Full Version : New 5p and 10p coins release FOUR times more nickel on the skin

31st May 2013, 08:23 PM
New 5p and 10p coins release FOUR times more nickel on the skin than previously expected and could trigger eczema and allergies

New cost-cutting coating 'could cause cracked, sore hands and eczema'
Cases of nickel allergy have soared in recent years - it now affects one in 10
It was thought coins didn't release enough nickel to trigger allergy
But doctors say previous tests were flawed, exposing public to high levels

By Jenny Hope

PUBLISHED: 17:59 GMT, 31 May 2013 | UPDATED: 18:01 GMT, 31 May 2013




Your loose change may do more than burn a hole in your pocket.

There are claims it could also give you sore hands because of the nickel in the new 5p and 10p coins.

Doctors have issued an allergy warning over the coins introduced in January last year after tests revealed they release four times more nickel on to the skin than expected.

Handling them regularly could cause the hands to become cracked and sore and also trigger eczema, a study has shown.

Studies show nickel-plated steel coins pose an increased allergy and eczema risk - and handling them regularly could cause the hands to become cracked and sore


The authors say the problem is a ‘public health concern’ and Britons are ‘being unnecessarily exposed to high levels of nickel on the skin’.

The number of people with a nickel allergy has soared in recent years with around one in five women and one in ten in the general population affected.

The problem has become so great that Europe recently introduced strict new rules on how much nickel can be used in personal items worn next to the skin such as watch straps, earrings and necklaces.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/31/article-2334006-1A164A8D000005DC-562_306x423.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/31/article-2334006-1A164A88000005DC-833_306x423.jpg

Coins were excluded because it was thought they did not release enough nickel to trigger allergy.
But research shows that people with a nickel allergy who handle coins frequently could suffer a reaction because the friction leads to higher exposure than in laboratory conditions.

Researchers from the St John’s Institute of Dermatology at St Thomas’ Hospital, London, and the Karolinska Institute, Sweden say the risk will escalate dramatically as more nickel coins are phased in during the coming months.

The new coins have been banned by Swedish authorities because they ‘pose unacceptable risks to health’.

The Royal Mint introduced the new coins in January last year in a bid to save up to £10 million.
Previously the so-called ‘silver’ 5p and 10p coins were made from a metal known as cupronickel, an alloy made of more than 70 per cent copper and 25 per cent nickel.
The number of people with a nickle allergy has soared in recent years and now affects one in 10 of the general population

The number of people with a nickel allergy has soared in recent years and now affects one in 10 of the general population

But the new slightly thicker coins made from steel with a nickel coating are cheaper to make.

At the time of the switchover, doctors warned that a proper health assessment had not been carried out over the allergy risk for the general public and for those who handle coins regularly such as cashiers.

The Royal Mint responded by asking three laboratories to carry out an assessment using a standard EU test which measures the amount of nickel released if a coin is left submerged in artificial sweat.

They found no increase in nickel released from the new coins compared to the old.

But this approach is flawed, says a report in the medical journal Contact Dermatitis.
At the time of the switchover, doctors warned that a proper health assessment had not been carried out over the allergy risk for the general public and for those who handle coins regularly such as cashiers

Doctors had warned that a proper health assessment had not been carried for the general public and those who handle coins regularly - such as cashiers

When handling money, the nickel is usually released by the friction of picking it up and holding it.

They developed a new test which can measure nickel released from coins being handled.

The test on six volunteers who were nickel-sensitive found that after handling coins for an hour, they were exposed to four times more nickel than with the old coins.

The study concludes: ‘Our study clearly shows that the nickel-plated steel coins recently introduced in the United Kingdom pose an increased allergy and eczema risk to the general public and cashiers as compared with the cupro-nickel coins that are being replaced.

‘It is of utmost importance that consumers, general practitioners, dermatologists and industrial physicians understand that brief and repeated contact with coins and other items may cause significant nickel exposure and result in nickel allergy and dermatitis on the hands.’

Skin specialists claim there are potential health costs of the new coins from skin disease such as rashes from allergic contact dermatitis and hand dermatitis.

Other costs are to the NHS from treating affected people and taxpayers because some people with severe hand allergies might not be able to work.

A spokesman for Public Health England, which had previously endorsed the safety of the coins following the Royal Mint study said ‘This is an issue that we are aware of and have provided initial advice to The Royal Mint.

‘We will continue to review new evidence as it becomes available and assess any potential public health implications.’ The Royal Mint said the new study was based on only six volunteers while their own tests had been carried out according to official European standards.

A spokesman said ‘We fully respect the work undertaken and we would like to see if there is any merit in extending this study further.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2334006/New-5p-10p-coins-release-FOUR-times-nickel-skin-previously-expected-trigger-eczema-allergies.html#ixzz2UvnZAqHU
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