View Full Version : jews refuse to put away cell phones, air tram kicks all 100 of them off flight

4th June 2013, 12:51 PM
and then they complain that they were targeted because they are jews.

http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2013/06/04/airline-kicks-100-jewish-students-off-plane-for-not-putting-away-phones/ (http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2013/06/04/airline-kicks-100-jewish-students-off-plane-for-not-putting-away-phones/)

NEW YORK (CBS Atlanta/AP) — A group of around 100 high school students traveling from New York to Atlanta were ejected from an AirTran flight after the pilot and crew lost patience with kids who wouldn’t sit down and put away their phones.

The incident happened at around 6 a.m. Monday at LaGuardia Airport and involved seniors from the Yeshiva of Flatbush, in Brooklyn.

AirTran is a subsidiary of Southwest Airlines. Southwest said in a statement that the crew and captain asked passengers several times to put their mobile devices away. When some didn’t comply, the whole group was ordered to disembark.

One of the chaperones kicked off the flight said the airline overreacted.

“It blew out of proportion. It was a mountain out of a molehill,” teacher Marian Wielgus told CNN (http://atlanta.cbslocal.com/2013/), adding that the flight attendants were “nasty.” Eight chaperones were also removed from the flight.
Student Jonathan Zehavi believes they were targeted because they are Jewish.

“They treated us like we were terrorists; I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m not someone to make these kinds of statements,” Zehavi told CNN. “I think if it was a group of non-religious kids, the air stewardess wouldn’t have dared to kick them off.”
School Executive Director Seth Linfield says administrators are still looking into the situation, but that “preliminarily, it does not appear that the action taken by the flight crew was justified.”

4th June 2013, 01:03 PM
Good they wont be flying over my head.

4th June 2013, 01:20 PM
Here's to hoping that their next trip to israhell is one way..

4th June 2013, 02:17 PM
but, but , they are the chosen ones.....................

They treated us like we were terrorists; ;D

4th June 2013, 02:31 PM
I guess now we know which airline mossad will use in their next false flag!

4th June 2013, 02:48 PM
but, but , they are the chosen ones.....................

They treated us like we were terrorists; ;D

100 whining Jewish kids, raised to think they are Chosen-ites - that rules about Gentiles & Cell-phones don't apply to them - weaned on a diet of fake persecution & Holohoax education since birth.

that is enough to TERRORIZE the civilians.

4th June 2013, 02:50 PM
I'd make them "take the train" next time.

4th June 2013, 02:52 PM
I'd make them "take the train" next time.


4th June 2013, 02:54 PM
I'd make them "take the train" next time.

Eh, give'em some camels and tell them to pray for manna from heaven if they're that damn special :)

4th June 2013, 02:56 PM
Eh, give'em some camels and tell them to pray for manna from heaven if they're that damn special :)

or fly them to Tallahassee & make them walk to Atlanta.

4th June 2013, 03:15 PM
Fuckin oven dodgers.

4th June 2013, 03:36 PM
didnt they walk for 40 years thru a desert ,

now they cant sit down and put away their phones so they can fly.........

they have come a long way........................

4th June 2013, 03:38 PM
Typical Jewish behavior.

4th June 2013, 03:44 PM
Did you guys noticed that nothing was said about the pilot or crew call HLS or security or FBI or police?....they are lucky because I would have called the army to take them out.


4th June 2013, 05:46 PM
“They treated us like we were terrorists; I’ve never seen anything like it. I’m not someone to make these kinds of statements,” Zehavi told CNN. “I think if it was a group of non-religious kids, the air stewardess wouldn’t have dared to kick them off.”

School Executive Director Seth Linfield says administrators are still looking into the situation, but that “preliminarily, it does not appear that the action taken by the flight crew was justified.”

(only gentiles are terrorists, not jews) <----book note

4th June 2013, 05:46 PM
They should have taken up to 30,000 ft., then kicked them off the plane............

4th June 2013, 06:13 PM
The were Americans and spoke English.....sooooo, how did anyone knew that they were Jew?.....next time something happens to me I am going to say that it did happen becasuse I am a Cuban, hummmmmmm better now, I'll be killed for sure.


mick silver
4th June 2013, 08:21 PM
fuck people next time you want your way just tell them your a fucking jew . one way to get what you want huh

4th June 2013, 08:37 PM
Mick? I did that on a plane trip, at the gate I requested cosha food, I don't know what the hell it was but at least it did look better than what the guy sitting next to me got.


5th June 2013, 03:11 PM
didnt they walk for 40 years thru a desert ,

now they cant sit down and put away their phones so they can fly.........

they have come a long way........................
Well if you look at a map, you can see that the distance between Egypt and Palestine isn't that great. So most of the journey which would have taken a normal decently organized group a couple of weeks, took them 40 years most likely because they spent 99.9% of the time arguing about stupid shit, raising pointless lawsuits against bedouins whom they thought discriminated them, when they told them the camel needs to drink water, and conjuring stories about dividing the Red Sea, God in burning bushes, and how prosecuted they had been in Egypt, after having stolen all of Egypts wealth, enough to melt a golden calf at least. It's a G-D miracle they managed to get to the "promised land" in ONLY 40 years!

5th June 2013, 08:42 PM
Well if you look at a map, you can see that the distance between Egypt and Palestine isn't that great. So most of the journey which would have taken a normal decently organized group a couple of weeks, took them 40 years most likely because they spent 99.9% of the time arguing about stupid shit, raising pointless lawsuits against bedouins whom they thought discriminated them, when they told them the camel needs to drink water, and conjuring stories about dividing the Red Sea, God in burning bushes, and how prosecuted they had been in Egypt, after having stolen all of Egypts wealth, enough to melt a golden calf at least. It's a G-D miracle they managed to get to the "promised land" in ONLY 40 years!

Yep sure makes a great story, but thats about it. Its a STORY, but interestingly one that has at its core some historical fact and archaeological pointers.

On their way from Egypt through Midian they conceivably picked up the god Yahweh, which was a local deity. The Egyptians made an inscription mentioning Shasu, who lived above Egypt and went by YHW. Their a lot of people who firmly believe the hapiru (hebrew, UGARIT texts) are descended/related to the hyksos who ruled egypt from the thirteenth to the seventeenth dynasty or about 250 years. It is this expulsion that exodus is in all probability talking about, though oddly mainstream scholars will not go near it with a twenty foot barge pole. There is this strictly enforced academic chasm between archaeological Bilical schlorship and egyptology, all genuine fields that overlap but it is taboo to mention them in the same sentence, make of that what you will :rolleyes:

It all fits pretty close time wise. Also some of the linguistic misunderstandings or misinterpretations if you will can be explained within the whole slave/ruler conundrum; the Israelites claimed to be slaves, but this is merely a mistranslation (deliberate perhaps) between these two words which are close in Egyptian.

So 40 years is the tale that gets told because there is a lot of morphing and assimilating taking place between the exodus and reaching the promised land. Which by all accounts was always inhabited by their western semitic cousins/ancestors anyways and the place were the Hyksos that ruled lower egypt would have originated, linguistically and archaeologically (from their dress and customs). If you belive the chosen ones tell tall tales then why not consider that their founding myths are some of the tallest, but there is a grain of truth within that is a giveaway about their culture.

What I would give to have Manethos' original texts, not the jew Josephus warped interpretations of them.