View Full Version : How they rigged the WTC towers for demolition

9th June 2013, 11:12 PM


10th June 2013, 12:12 AM
I think the last segment, the interview sums it all up

10th June 2013, 12:27 AM
So much asbestos in those buildings ,it was going to cost a fortune too demolish eventually.

Hatha Sunahara
10th June 2013, 01:45 AM
I believe in Occam's Razor. The simplest solution is the most elegant solution. I doubt that a large number of conventional explosives were planted in those buildings. That would be too complicated and would increase chances for failure.

The simplest explanation to my mind would be a single appropriately sized thermonuclear bomb, say 150 kilotons, exploded below the buildings in bedrock at a depth that would allow the blast to be directed upwards through the center of each of the buildings. Such a blast would create a cavity below each building where the bedrock is vaporized, and the blast wave would travel up through the center of the building vaporizing and pulverizing the center and expanding outward at the top when it reached the limit of its height like a roman candle and then as the building tops fell into the pulverized plasma they pushed the blast wave outward from the top down. This would account for all the pulverized debris that covered the streets of lower manhattan, and the molten metal that stayed molten in the basement for months after the blast. One explosion for each building. The video suggested a 'small nuclear bomb' showing a picture of the Sedan Storax test from the early 1960s. There is an eerie similarity of the billowing tentacles of dust emanating from the explosions in both the Sedan Storax nuclear test and the two tall WTC towers. WTC 7 was not as tall as the two towers and likely was completely pulverized by the nuke at its base. What we saw falling was an entire building that was turned into powder instantaneously before it had a chance to fall.

I wasn't there, but I am sure that nuclear explosions leave a tell-tale smell--one that maybe no one who was there had ever smelled before. Underground nuclear explosions have completely different characters than atmospheric nuclear explosions. People in the area would not suspect a underground nuclear explosion because nobody had ever seen one nor could they imagine what such an explosion would be like.


10th June 2013, 02:11 AM
Personally I think it was nano thermite sprayed on the beams under the assumption it was fireproofing. Fireproofing generally contain aluminum oxide and iron oxide, just replace the aluminum oxide with pure aluminum, and some gypsum as binder, and then you just need to attach some detonator fuses to start the reaction. The workers thought they sprayed on firecoating, the Israel art students, attached the detonators...

10th June 2013, 05:24 AM
I always though the building was rigged with explosives through the elevator service hatches.
The building could have easily been rigged in one night.

General of Darkness
10th June 2013, 06:15 AM
So much asbestos in those buildings ,it was going to cost a fortune too demolish eventually.

I heard a number of 20 billion to remove the asbestos and the buildings were valued at 7 billion. But imagine the luck of Larry Silverstein. He purchased the lease for 54 million in June of 2001 and by September he made 7 billion in insurance. That's a return of 1,300%.

10th June 2013, 07:22 AM
Jewish Lightning for the 21st century...

Hatha Sunahara
10th June 2013, 08:37 AM
I heard a number of 20 billion to remove the asbestos and the buildings were valued at 7 billion. But imagine the luck of Larry Silverstein. He purchased the lease for 54 million in June of 2001 and by September he made 7 billion in insurance. That's a return of 1,300%.

Hahahah. A fire sale. There was a guy here in town who owned a local chain of grocery stores. I used to shop there. One night many years ago, the store that I shopped at burned to the ground. The owner collected the insurance money and rebuilt the store into a brand new one, which I didn't like as much as the old one. A year or two later another one of his stores across town burned to the ground, and he collected the insurance money on that and rebuilt it. Isn't insurance a fantastic thing? And 911--wasn't that a multi-purpose event? Like a fire sale and a false flag to start a war and a demolition test, and a media mind control event all in one? Probably a few other things too. Sorta like a swiss army knife.


10th June 2013, 09:29 AM
I heard a number of 20 billion to remove the asbestos and the buildings were valued at 7 billion. But imagine the luck of Larry Silverstein. He purchased the lease for 54 million in June of 2001 and by September he made 7 billion in insurance. That's a return of 1,300%.
Actually it is a return of 130 x the investment, so 13,000%. It becomes really interesting if you annualized the return, assuming it was 3 months the annual return would be...


...28 Billion 561 Million Percent!!!

Larry sure is a lucky Jew, the envy of his synagogue, making a killing in the market. Oy Vey!

10th June 2013, 12:48 PM
Yes his timing was impeccable...........:o