View Full Version : The debate on gold infiltrates the mainstream
10th June 2013, 02:22 AM
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2013-06-07 16:32. Section: Daily Dispatches
12:48p ET Friday, June 7, 2013
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Today's edition of the Australian Financial Review, published from Melbourne, carries a long commentary, headlined "The Great Gold Bullion Conspiracy," which acknowledges growing suspicion that the gold futures markets are being manipulated to suppress the gold price and support the U.S. dollar. While the AFR's commentary is locked behind a pay wall at the moment -- ( JEjvsJ)/the_great_gold_bullion_conspiracy_GEW554jW66ECeDnz JEjvsJ ( JEjvsJ)
-- thanks to an Australian friend we have a PDF copy of it --
-- and it is described in detail in commentary by Greg Canavan at the Australian edition of The Daily Reckoning, commentary headlined "The Debate on Gold Infiltrates the Mainstream" and posted in the clear here:
If gold market manipulation can elicit interest from a news organization as mainstream as the Australian Financial Review, getting into The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, the London Telegraph, Bloomberg News, Reuters, and the Associated Press might not take more than another few hundred years.
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
10th June 2013, 06:19 AM
I didn't click the links, but why is anyone still considering there's conspiracy, or growing suspicion the gold market is manipulated? There should be no doubt about manipulation and it should be called as so.
The markets are corrupt as well as the government. No doubt there.
It's common knowledge the stock market and interest rates have always been manipulated, as well as commodity prices.
The people behind gold manipulation have every incentive and the ability to do so...why would it even be in question. There is no debate!
10th June 2013, 07:04 AM
I didn't click the links, but why is anyone still considering there's conspiracy, or growing suspicion the gold market is manipulated? There should be no doubt about manipulation and it should be called as so.
The markets are corrupt as well as the government. No doubt there.
It's common knowledge the stock market and interest rates have always been manipulated, as well as commodity prices.
The people behind gold manipulation have every incentive and the ability to do so...why would it even be in question. There is no debate!
Yes, that gold price is manipulated down by TPTB is obvious, to me. Of course, I must be paranoid to have this opinion when some traders dump 400 tons of gold onto the market in about an hour during the thinnest trading hours during the early morning. After all, whomever dumped gold like this clearly wasn't interested in maximizing price and profit. Anyone with half a brain would advise against such a trade as it would guarantee a major price drop. And after the trade not a word from the FED, IMF, CFTC or anyone similar. I mean folks, 400 tons of gold dumped in minutes, 1/6 of total world production, and not a word about manipulation. If this were Apple stock or similar the circuit breakers would have triggered and someone would be getting frog-walked to the pen.
Here is the bottom line, take it or leave it:
1. The US government is a corrupt criminal syndicate that steals from you in a thousand different ways (inflation and taxation only two examples), spies on you, invades your privacy, restricts your freedom of movement and controls your life.
2. The government's power derives from the strength of the US dollar. The government can emit/spend unlimited dollars as long as the dollar is percieved as strong.
3. Gold is the anti-dollar and a rising gold price is a harbinger of dollar collapse. Ergo, to the government, gold is public enemy number one (silver is number two) and the gold price will be suppressed and controlled by all means necessary.
A complex corrupt system built on a foundation of lies, deception and manipulation will collapse unto itelf, eventually. But, it can take a long time to occur.
10th June 2013, 09:31 AM
Gold and silver are like water being held behind a dam of which the power to be control the power of the flow ...but ... one this days the dam will break because of the power behind it.
10th June 2013, 10:17 AM
Yes, that gold price is manipulated down by TPTB is obvious, to me. Of course, I must be paranoid to have this opinion when some traders dump 400 tons of gold onto the market in about an hour during the thinnest trading hours during the early morning. After all, whomever dumped gold like this clearly wasn't interested in maximizing price and profit. Anyone with half a brain would advise against such a trade as it would guarantee a major price drop. And after the trade not a word from the FED, IMF, CFTC or anyone similar. I mean folks, 400 tons of gold dumped in minutes, 1/6 of total world production, and not a word about manipulation. If this were Apple stock or similar the circuit breakers would have triggered and someone would be getting frog-walked to the pen.
Here is the bottom line, take it or leave it:
1. The US government is a corrupt criminal syndicate that steals from you in a thousand different ways (inflation and taxation only two examples), spies on you, invades your privacy, restricts your freedom of movement and controls your life.
2. The government's power derives from the strength of the US dollar. The government can emit/spend unlimited dollars as long as the dollar is percieved as strong.
3. Gold is the anti-dollar and a rising gold price is a harbinger of dollar collapse. Ergo, to the government, gold is public enemy number one (silver is number two) and the gold price will be suppressed and controlled by all means necessary.
A complex corrupt system built on a foundation of lies, deception and manipulation will collapse unto itelf, eventually. But, it can take a long time to occur.
Just watch, once the government has given all it's/our gold away, they're going to try and take ours by confiscation.
Fat chance of them getting it!
10th June 2013, 11:47 AM
if i had 400 tons of Gold for sale (30,000 ounces per ton ~ $45 Million per ton) ... $1.8 Billion worth ... of course, i would sell it AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. on April 12.
why do i need $1500 or $2000 an ounce, if i can get $1350 an ounce ? /sarc
10th June 2013, 01:32 PM
I didn't click the links, but why is anyone still considering there's conspiracy, or growing suspicion the gold market is manipulated? There should be no doubt about manipulation and it should be called as so.
The markets are corrupt as well as the government. No doubt there.
It's common knowledge the stock market and interest rates have always been manipulated, as well as commodity prices.
The people behind gold manipulation have every incentive and the ability to do so...why would it even be in question. There is no debate!
People here may understand it but going mainstream is another kettle of fish especially as it was explained in depth.
10th June 2013, 01:43 PM
People here may understand it but going mainstream is another kettle of fish especially as it was explained in depth.
So as to make corrupt manipulation an integral part of a "free & healthy market".
"Are you suggesting that the controllers not be given their "fair" take?"
"That's just ludicrous, we've been over this, they're deserved of their just deserts."
"Please pass the grey poop on"
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